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Alain Giorgetti
Publications de Alain Giorgetti
2024 (1)
- article - New and improved bounds on the contextuality degree of multi-qubit configurations
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (Volume 34, Issue (4), 2024, Pages :322 -343)
Muller, Axel | Saniga, Metod | Giorgetti, Alain | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric
2023 (5)
- incollection - Pragmatic Isomorphism Proofs Between Coq Representations: Application to Lambda-Term Families
28th International Conference on Types for Proofs and Programs (TYPES 2022 (Editor : 906251f5-cd51-46c3-98a7-79cb0b561fbc-editor.pdf, Issue , Series LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, sep 2023, Pages 11 (19))
Dubois, Catherine | Magaud, Nicolas | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Calcul du degré de contextualité de diverses géométries finies quantiques
Quantum days at AMU (2023) / Marseille, France (2023)
Muller, Axel | Giorgetti, Alain | Saniga, Metod | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric - inproceedings - Disclosing Quantum Contextuality: A Geometric Approach to N-Qubit Configurations
10th Slovenian Conference on Graph Theory (SiCGT 2023) / Kranjska Gora, Slovenia (2023)
Muller, Axel | Saniga, Metod | Giorgetti, Alain | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric - inproceedings - Revealing contextuality of quantum configurations with a SAT solver
Journées du Groupement de Recherche « Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel » (GDR GPL 2023) / Rennes, France (2023)
Muller, Axel | Saniga, Metod | Giorgetti, Alain | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric - inproceedings - A Gentle Introduction to Verification of Parameterized Reactive Systems
25th International Symposium on Formal Methods (Formal Methods 2023) / Lübeck, Germany (Publisher : Springer, Volume 13962, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2023, Pages pages 34 - 50)
Féral, Nicolas | Giorgetti, Alain
2022 (6)
- inproceedings - Computer-assisted enumeration and classification of multi-qubit doilies
Journées Informatique Quantique (JIQ 2022) / Paris, France (2022)
Muller, Axel | Saniga, Metod | Giorgetti, Alain | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric - inproceedings - Computer-assisted enumeration of finite geometries related to quantum contextuality
1ère Journée Mathématiques Appliquées et Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur et du Numérique (MASPIN 2022) / Besançon, France (2022)
Giorgetti, Alain - article - Multi-qubit doilies: Enumeration for all ranks and classification for ranks four and five
Journal of Computational Science (Volume 64, oct 2022, Pages :101853 (18))
Muller, Axel | Saniga, Metod | Giorgetti, Alain | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric - inproceedings - Test aléatoire et énumératif pour OCaml et Why3
21ème Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL 2022) / Vannes, France (2022, Pages pages 4 - 7)
Giorgetti, Alain | Ricciardi, Jérome | Erard, Clotilde - article - Towards random and enumerative testing for OCaml and WhyML properties
Software Quality Journal (Volume 30, Issue (1), mar 2022, Pages :253 - 279)
Erard, Clotilde | Ricciardi, Jérome | Giorgetti, Alain - article - Contextuality degree of quadrics in multi-qubit symplectic polar spaces
Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical (Volume 55, 2022, Pages :475301 (20))
De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Saniga, Metod
2021 (5)
- article - Taxonomy of Polar Subspaces of Multi-Qubit Symplectic Polar Spaces of Small Rank
Mathematics (Volume 9, Issue (18), sep 2021, Pages :2272 (18))
Saniga, Metod | De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Automated detection of contextuality proofs with intermediate numbers of observables
18th International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2021) / Gdańsk, Poland (2021, Pages pages 3)
De Boutray, Henri | Holweck, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Masson, Pierre-Alain - proceedings - Actes des journées du GDR GPL 2021
/ Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (jun 2021)
Blay-Fornarino, Mireille | Dubois, Catherine | Giorgetti, Alain | Kosmatov, Nikolaï - inproceedings - Théories de permutations avec Why3
32ème Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (2021, Pages pages 8)
Giorgetti, Alain - article - Mermin polynomials for non-locality and entanglement detection in Grover’s algorithm and Quantum Fourier Transform
Quantum Information Processing (Volume 20, Issue (3), mar 2021, Pages :91 (29))
De Boutray, Henri | Jaffali, Hamza | Holweck, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Masson, Pierre-Alain
2020 (2)
- inproceedings - Non-locality and Entanglement Detection with Mermin polynomials for Grover’s algorithm and Quantum Fourier Transform
11th Colloquium of the CNRS GDR № 3322 on Quantum Engineering, Foundations & Applications Ingénierie Quantique, des aspects Fondamentaux aux Applications (GDR IQFA 2020) / Online (Electronic Conference), France (2020, Pages pages 27 - 27)
De Boutray, Henri | Jaffali, Hamza | Holweck, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Masson, Pierre-Alain - misc - Formalisation et vérification de théories de permutations - Version 1
(nov 2020)
Giorgetti, Alain
2019 (2)
- inproceedings - Bounded Exhaustive Testing with Certified and Optimized Data Enumeration Programs
31 International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (IFIP-ICTSS 2019) / Paris, France (Volume 11812, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2019, Pages pages 159 - 175)
Erard, Clotilde | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Combinatoire Formelle avec Why3 et Coq
30ème Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2019) / Les Rousses, France (2019, Pages pages 139 - 152)
Giorgetti, Alain | Dubois, Catherine | Lazarini, Rémi
2018 (5)
- article - How testing helps to diagnose proof failures
Formal Aspects of Computing (Volume 30, Issue (6), nov 2018, Pages :629 - 657)
Petiot, Guillaume | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Botella, Bernard | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - article - Tests and proofs for custom data generators
Formal Aspects of Computing (Volume 30, Issue (6), nov 2018, Pages :659 - 684)
Dubois, Catherine | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Preuve de programmes d’énumération avec Why3
17èmes Journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (2018) / Grenoble, France (2018, Pages pages 14 - 19)
Giorgetti, Alain | Lazarini, Rémi - article - Contract-based testing for PHP with Praspel
Journal of Systems and Software (Volume 136, feb 2018, Pages :209 - 222)
Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Bouquet, Fabrice | Enderlin, Ivan - article - Enumeration of hypermaps of a given genus
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (Volume 15, Issue (1), jan 2018, Pages :225 - 266)
Giorgetti, Alain | Walsh, Timothy R.S.
2017 (1)
- phdthesis - Specification and verification of parameterized systems
(dec 2017)
Giorgetti, Alain
2016 (5)
- inproceedings - Your Proof Fails? Testing Helps to Find the Reason
10th International Conference on Tests and Proofs, Held as Part of STAF 2016 (TAP 2016) / Vienna, Austria (Volume 9762, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016, Pages pages 130 - 150)
Petiot, Guillaume | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Botella, Bernard | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - inproceedings - Tests and Proofs for Enumerative Combinatorics
10th International Conference on Tests and Proofs, Held as Part of STAF 2016 (TAP 2016) / Vienna, Austria (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9762, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016, Pages pages 57 - 75)
Dubois, Catherine | Giorgetti, Alain | Genestier, Richard - inproceedings - Spécification et vérification formelle d’opérations sur les permutations
15èmes Journées sur les Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL 2016) / Besançon, France (2016, Pages pages 72 - 78)
Genestier, Richard | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Test et preuve pour des structures combinatoires : Coq et Prolog
Actes des Huitièmes journées nationales du Groupement De Recherche CNRS du Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel / Besançon, France (2016, Pages pages 21 - 22)
Dubois, Catherine | Giorgetti, Alain | Genestier, Richard - article - Rooted planar maps modulo some patterns
Discrete Mathematics (Volume 339, Issue (4), apr 2016, Pages :1199 - 1205)
Baril, Jean-Luc | Genestier, Richard | Giorgetti, Alain | Petrossian, Armen
2015 (6)
- article - Quantum contextual finite geometries from dessins d'enfants
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (Volume 12, Issue (7), aug 2015, Pages :1550067 (18))
Planat, Michel | Giorgetti, Alain | Holweck, Frédéric | Saniga, Metod - article - A correspondence between rooted planar maps and normal planar lambda terms
Logical Methods in Computer Science (Volume 11, Issue (3), aug 2015, Pages :22 (39))
Zeilberger, Noam | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Sequential generation of structured arrays and its deductive verification
9th International Conference on Tests & Proofs (TAP 2015) / L'Aquila, Italy (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9154, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 109 - 128)
Genestier, Richard | Giorgetti, Alain | Petiot, Guillaume - article - A rule-based system for automatic decidability and combinability
Science of Computer Programming (Volume 99, Issue (C), mar 2015, Pages :3 - 23)
Tushkanova, Elena | Giorgetti, Alain | Ringeissen, Christophe | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Lambda terms and maps, formally
8th Workshop on Computational Logic and Applications (CLA 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
Giorgetti, Alain | Dubois, Catherine | Zeilberger, Noam - inproceedings - Gagnez sur tous les tableaux
26ème Journées Francophones des Langages Applicatifs (JFLA 2015) / Val d'Ajol, France (2015, Pages pages 14)
Genestier, Richard | Giorgetti, Alain | Petiot, Guillaume
2014 (6)
- article - A Symbolic Transformation Language and its Application to a Multiscale Method
Journal of Symbolic Computation (Volume 65, nov 2014, Pages :49 - 78)
Belkhir, Walid | Giorgetti, Alain | Lenczner, Michel - inproceedings - How Test Generation Helps Software Specification and Deductive Verification in Frama-C
TAP 2014, 8th Int. Conf. of Tests and Proofs / York, UK (Publisher : Springer, Volume 8570, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2014, Pages pages 204--211)
Petiot, Guillaume | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - inproceedings - Comment la génération de tests facilite la spécification et la vérification déductive des programmes dans Frama-C
AFADL'14, 13èmes journées Francophones sur les Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance Au Développement de Logiciels / Paris, France (2014, Pages pages 133--133)
Petiot, Guillaume | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - inproceedings - Hypermaps, groups and connected permutations
Giorgetti, Alain - misc - Software Engineering and Enumerative Combinatorics
(may 2014)
Giorgetti, Alain | Genestier, Richard | Senni, Valerio - article - Efficient enumeration of rooted maps of a given orientable genus by number of faces and vertices
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (Volume 7, Issue (2), 2014, Pages :263 - 280)
Walsh, Timothy R.S. | Giorgetti, Alain
2013 (5)
- techreport - A Symbolic Transformation Language and its Application to a Multiscale Method
INRIA (dec 2013, Research Report)
Belkhir, Walid | Giorgetti, Alain | Lenczner, Michel - misc - Formally Proved Generators of Combinatorial Structures
Séminaire commun des équipes Toccata et Fortesse du LRI (CNRS, University of Paris-Sud), Orsay (sep 2013)
Giorgetti, Alain | Genestier, Richard - misc - Combining Tests and Proofs to Check Combinatorial Generation Algorithms
Séminaire invité dans l'équipe CPR du laboratoire CEDRIC du CNAM, Paris (may 2013)
Giorgetti, Alain | Senni, Valerio - inproceedings - A Constraint Solver for PHP Arrays
ICST Workshops / Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2013, Pages pages 218 - 223)
Enderlin, Ivan | Giorgetti, Alain | Bouquet, Fabrice - inproceedings - Automatic Decidability: A Schematic Calculus for Theories with Counting Operators
RTA 2013, 24th Int. Conf. on Rewriting Techniques and Applications / Dagstuhl, Germany (Publisher : Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Volume 21, Series LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 2013, Pages pages 303--318)
Tushkanova, Elena | Ringeissen, Christophe | Giorgetti, Alain | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2012 (6)
- article - Enumeration of unrooted orientable maps of arbitrary genus by number of edges and vertices
Discrete Mathematics (Volume 312, Issue (17), sep 2012, Pages :2660 - 2671)
Walsh, Timothy R.S. | Giorgetti, Alain | Mednykh, Alexander - inproceedings - A Rule-Based Framework for Building Superposition-Based Decision Procedures
WRLA'12, 9th Int. Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications, joint to the ETAPS 2012 Int. Conf. / Tallinn, Estonia (Volume 7571, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 221--239)
Tushkanova, Elena | Giorgetti, Alain | Ringeissen, Christophe | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Specification and Validation of Algorithms Generating Planar Lehman Words
GASCom'12, 8-th Int. Conf. on random generation of combinatorial structures / Bordeaux, France (2012, Pages pages ***--***)
Giorgetti, Alain | Senni, Valerio - inproceedings - Grammar-Based Testing using Realistic Domains in PHP
A-MOST 2012, 8th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing, joint to the ICST'12 IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Verification and Validation / Los Alamitos, CA, United States (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 509--518)
Enderlin, Ivan | Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Bouquet, Fabrice - inproceedings - Program Slicing Enhances a Verification Technique Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis
SAC 2012, 27-th ACM Symposium On Applied Computing / Trento, Italy (2012, Pages pages 1284--1291)
Chebaro, Omar | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - inproceedings - Rewriting Strategies for a Two-Scale Method: Application to Combined Thin and Periodic Structures
dMEMS'12, 2nd Workshop on Design, Control and Software Implementation for Distributed MEMS / Besançon, France (2012, Pages pages 82--89)
Belkhir, Walid | Giorgetti, Alain | Lenczner, Michel | Dhara, Raj Narayan | Yang, Bin
2011 (8)
- inproceedings - Praspel: A Specification Language for Contract-Based Testing in PHP
ICTSS'11, 23-th IFIP Int. Conf. on Testing Software and Systems / Paris, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 7019, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 64--79)
Enderlin, Ivan | Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain | Ben Othman, Abdallah - inproceedings - Formal Methods for Multiscale Models Derivation
CFM 2011, 20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique / Besançon, France (2011, Pages pages 4092--4097)
Dhara, Raj Narayan | Yang, Bin | Belkhir, Walid | Lenczner, Michel | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Simulations over Two-Dimensional On-Line Tessellation Automata
DLT 2011, Developments in Language Theory / Milan, Italy (Volume 6795, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 141--152)
Cece, Gérard | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - The SANTE Tool: Value Analysis, Program Slicing and Test Generation for C Program Debugging
TAP'11, 5-th Int. Conf. of Tests and Proofs / Zurich, Switzerland (Volume 6706, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 78--83)
Chebaro, Omar | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - inproceedings - Lazy Rewriting Modulo Associativity and Commutativity
WRS 2011, 10-th Int. workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming / Novi Sad, Serbia (2011, Pages pages 17--21)
Belkhir, Walid | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Lazy {AC-Pattern} Matching for Rewriting
WRS'11, 10th int. Workshop on Reduction Strategies in Rewriting and Programming / Novi Sad, Serbia (2011, Pages pages 37--51)
Belkhir, Walid | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Computer-Aided Multiscale Model Derivation for MEMS Arrays
EuroSimE 2011, 13-th Int. Conf. on Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems / Linz, Austria (2011)
Yang, Bin | Belkhir, Walid | Dhara, Raj Narayan | Lenczner, Michel | Giorgetti, Alain - article - Enumeration of genus four maps by number of edges
Ars Mathematica Contemporanea (Volume 4, 2011, Pages :351--361)
Mednykh, Alexander | Giorgetti, Alain
2010 (6)
- techreport - Realistic Domains for Unit Tests Generation
(sep 2010, Research Report)
Enderlin, Ivan | Ben Othman, Abdallah | Dadeau, Frédéric | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Combining Static Analysis and Test Generation for C Program Debugging
TAP'10, 4th Int. Conf. on Tests and Proofs / Malaga, Spain (Volume 6143, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2010, Pages pages 94--100)
Chebaro, Omar | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques - inproceedings - Guessing a Conjecture in Enumerative Combinatorics and Proving It with a Computer Algebra System
SCSS 2010, 3-rd Int.Workshop on Symbolic Computation in Software Science / Hagenberg, Austria (2010, Pages pages 5--18)
Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Using SysML for Smart Surface Modeling
1st IEEE Workshop on Design, Control and Software Implementation for Distributed MEMS (dMEMS 2010) / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 100 - 107)
Giorgetti, Alain | Hammad, Ahmed | Tatibouet, Bruno - inproceedings - Specifying Generic Java Programs: two case studies
LDTA 2010, 10th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications / Paphos, Cyprus (2010, Pages pages 8:1--8:8)
Giorgetti, Alain | Marché, Claude | Tushkanova, Elena | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Combining Frama-C and PathCrawler for C Program Debugging
GDR GPL 2010, 2èmes journées nationales du Groupement de recherche CNRS du Génie de la programmation et du logiciel / Pau, France (2010, Pages pages 217--218)
Chebaro, Omar | Kosmatov, Nikolaï | Giorgetti, Alain | Julliand, Jacques
2009 (3)
- techreport - Specifying and Proving a Sorting Algorithm
(oct 2009, Research Report)
Giorgetti, Alain | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Tushkanova, Elena - inproceedings - Graph Based Reduction of Program Verification Conditions
AFM'09, Automated Formal Methods (colocated with CAV'09) / Grenoble, France (2009, Pages pages 40--47)
Couchot, Jean-François | Giorgetti, Alain | Stouls, Nicolas - techreport - Modular Specification of Java Programs
( 2009, Research Report)
Giorgetti, Alain | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Tushkanova, Elena | Marché, Claude
2008 (2)
- article - Verification of class liveness properties with Java modeling language
IET Software (Volume 2, Issue (6), dec 2008, Pages :500 - 514)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien | Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Agent based modelling of complex systems with AML and the situation calculus
ABS2, Int. workshop on Agent Based Spatial Simulation / Paris, France (2008)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Giorgetti, Alain | Brocard, Thibaud
2007 (2)
- inproceedings - Instantiation of Parameterized Data Structures for Model-Based Testing
B'2007, the 7th Int. B Conference / Besancon, France (Volume 4355, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2007, Pages pages 96--110)
Couchot, Jean-François | Dadeau, Frédéric | Bouquet, Fabrice | Giorgetti, Alain - inproceedings - Un programme annoté en vaut deux
JFLA'07, Journées francophones des langages applicatifs / Aix-les-Bains, France (2007, Pages pages 87--101)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien
2006 (4)
- techreport - JAG : Génération d'annotations JML pour vérifier des propriétés temporelles
(sep 2006, Technical Report)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien - inproceedings - JAG: JML Annotation Generation for Verifying Temporal Properties
FASE'2006, Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering / Vienna, Austria (Volume 3922, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2006, Pages pages 373--376)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien - inproceedings - JAG : Génération d'annotations JML pour vérifier des propriétés temporelles
AFADL'06, Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Paris, France (2006)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien - misc - JAG - JML Annotation Generator
( 2006)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien
2003 (1)
- inproceedings - Proving and Debugging Set-Based Specifications
Brazilian Workshop on Formal Methods (WMF 2003) / Campina Grande, Brazil (Volume 95, 2003, Pages pages 189 - 208)
Couchot, Jean-François | Dadeau, Frédéric | Déharbe, D. | Giorgetti, Alain | Ranise, S.