Dernières publications
- Reinforcement learning-based maintenance scheduling for a stochastic deteriorating fuel cell considering stack-to-stack heterogeneity
Reliability Engineering & System Safety (Volume 256, apr 2025, Pages :110700 (16))
Zuo, Jian | Yousfi Steiner, Nadia | Li, Zhongliang | Cadet, Catherine | Bérenguer, Christophe | Hissel, Daniel - Reliability of Firefighter Prediction Models Across Time and Peaks
39th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2025) / Barcelona, Spain (2025)
Sirri, Naoufal | Guyeux, Christophe - Analysis of the potential of hemp fibres for load bearing composite reinforcement using classical field management techniques and carded route
Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 190, mar 2025, Pages :108658 (11))
Grégoire, Marie | Bar, Mahadev | Gabrion, Xavier | Koolen, Gilles | Musio, Salvatore | Botturi, Debora | Rondi, Georgio | Amaducci, Stefano | De Luycker, Emmanuel | Van Vuure, Aart | Placet, Vincent | Ouagne, Pierre