Adria Grabulosa is rewarded for his work on 3D printed circuits using an original two-photon optical additive manufacturing technique.

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Elsevier article award at BFAS 2024

Artificial intelligence applied to the electroerosion machining process : Loïc Guiziou1, Emmanuel Ramasso1, Sébastien Thibaud1 et Sébastien Denneulin2 won second prize for best paper at the 8th International Conference on Be

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Does the i-motif structure of DNA exist in the cell?

As part of an interdisciplinary project involving FEMTO-ST, a new scientific study is reopening the debate on the very existence of these structures in DNA and their potential therapeutic interest in cell biology for the treatment of certain cancers.

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7 scientific departments

Latest publications

  • Developing a Tuberculosis Q&A Database Using Q&A-ET: Question and Answer Evaluator Toolkit
    5th IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2025) / Byblos, Lebanon (2025)
    Al Akl, Jihad | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Chami, Zahi | Guyeux, Christophe | Laiymani, David | Sola, Christophe
  • Attenuation of Lamb waves in coupled-resonator viscoelastic waveguide
    International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (Volume 285, jan 2025, Pages :109790 (7))
    Ma, Yu-Ke | Wei, Guo | Cui, Yi-Ming | Wang, Yan-Feng | Laude, Vincent | Wang, Yue - Sheng
  • Moisture effects on the transverse compressive behaviour of single flax fibres
    Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 188, jan 2025, Pages :108509 (5))
    Chevallier, Anouk | Akleh, Wajih | Govilas, Jason | Boutenel, Florian | Guicheret, Violaine | Beaugrand, Johnny | Clevy, Cédric | Placet, Vincent
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