The institute
FEMTO-ST Institute
A world-class research laboratory

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The FEMTO-ST Institute is located in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, near Switzerland.

FEMTO-ST is more precisely based  in three differents towns : Besançon (3 sites), Belfort (2 sites) and Montbéliard (2 sites).


Besançon can be accessed :

By train

The Paris-Besançon TGV leads to the Viotte Station or the Franche-Comté TGV station.
The TGL coming from Lyon or Strasbourg leads to the Viotte station.
To get more information refer to the SNCF and bus network Ginko sites.

By plane

the airports closest to Besançon are:

1- Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport, then take the train to Paris Gare de Lyon, then the high speed train (TGV) to Besancon (1h40)
2- Euroairport Basel-Mulhouse : by car to Besançon (2h), to Belfort (45 min), to Montbéliard (55 min)
3- Geneva airport : by car to Besançon (2h30), to Montbéliard (3h), to Belfort (3h10)
4- Lyon Saint Exupery airport : by car to Besançon (2h30),  to Montbéliard (3h), to Belfort (3h10)

Access Besançon sites


The FEMTO-ST headquarters, the Optics Department and the main site of the MN2S department are located 15B avenue des Montboucons - 25030 Besançon
The Applied Mechanics, AS2M and Time & Frequency departments are located at the ENSMM-UFC site in Besançon.
The  DISC department is located on the University campus in Besançon.



Direction Administrative FEMTO-ST / Départements MN2S & Optique
15B, Avenue des Montboucons
25000 Besançon


Département AS2M
24, rue Alain Savary
25000 Besançon
Département Mécanique Appliquée
24, rue de l' Epitaphe
25000 Besançon
Département Temps-Fréquence
26, rue de l'Epitaphe
25000 Besançon


Site Campus de la Bouloie

Département DISC
UFR Sciences & Techniques
Route de Gray
25000 Besançon


Access Belfort sites



Département Energie
2, avenue Jean Moulin, Rue des entrepreneurs
90000 Belfort


Département énergie
Techn'Hom, 13 rue Mieg
90000 Belfort


Access the Montbéliard sites

Site Pôle Universitaire - Portes du Jura
Département MN2S
4 place Tharradin, BP 71427
25211 Montbéliard cedex
Département DISC
1, cours Leprince-Ringuet - Numerica
25200 Montbéliard
Access plan


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