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Intelligent MICROtechniques
The MICRO (Intelligent Microtechniques) team aims to develop scientific and technological research activities around the theme of microtechniques. It integrates skills and activities around the interweaving of microfabrication technologies (MEMS technologies and micromechanics).
The objectives of this theme are to propose approaches allowing the hybridization of these technologies by using approaches linking modeling, simulation and experimentation. This leads to the design, simulation and realization of microsystems coupling different technologies at different scales (close to the micrometer).
Goals and Research Areas
The skills of the MICRO team members are :
- Design and dimensioning of MEMS microsystems (sensors, actuators) and/or micromechanical systems;
- Realization of MEMS microsystems (clean room);
- Design and dimensioning of micromechanical systems (miniaturized flexible systems, monolithic systems, ...) ;
- Coupling of microfabrication technologies;
- Development of mechanical microfabrication processes (micromachining, µEDM, microforming, 3D printing and microfabrication processes);
- Numerical simulations of micromechanisms (non-linear: contacts, large displacements, large deformations, large rotations);
- High resolution metrology (nano-micro X-ray tomography, optical metrology);
- Development of instrumentation technologies (acoustic emission, accelerometry, force measurements) and ad hoc signal processing ;
- Use of Artificial Intelligence techniques for signal processing and the development of methods for monitoring the behavior of structures or processes (Industry 4.0)
This team, with its strong and complementary skills in microtechnology, responds to the current expectations of miniaturization for the integration of a maximum of functions in a minimum of space by using the advantages of different technologies. The MICRO team has the main means to meet the expectations of Industry 4.0 for the integration of miniaturized systems with advanced data and signal processing techniques (intelligent systems).
The MICRO team relies on the equipment of the MIMENTO (clean room) and MIFHySTO (Microfabrication for the mIniaturization, Functionalization and Hybridization of Microtechnical Systems and Tooling) technology platforms.
The MICRO team initiates today scientific activities on the coupling of microfabrication technologies such as MEMS and micromechanics. It relies on the equipment of the MIMENTO (clean room) and MIFHySTO (Microfabrication for the mIniaturization, Functionalization and Hybridization of Microtechnical Systems and Tooling) technology platforms. The complementarity of these facilities makes them a unique added value at the national level. The scientific obstacles to be overcome are linked to the ability to link two technologies whose scales are complementary around the micrometer (power transmission between MEMS and micromechanisms, packaging). The necessary numerical methods are currently being developed.
The development of sensors and their efficient integration in their environment of use is currently a major source of activities. The MICRO team, based on the historical competences of its members, aims at the development of sensors based on MEMS technologies (CMUT, ...) and their realization. Their integration in the considered environment is then the source of the generation of multiple information (signals) with a volume that can be important (massive data) and with short response times (up to a few µs). The skills in signal processing make the MICRO team a complete player that can respond from the design of the sensor to its integration and control of its operation. This is an emerging element in the Industry 4.0 concept.
Mechanical microfabrication processes are also part of the strong competences of the MICRO team. These processes come from a miniaturization of a conventional process (milling, electro-erosion, microforming) or specific to the considered field (screw-cutting, µEDM). The MICRO team has acquired a strong expertise on these processes but also on their hybridization, in particular on the manufacturing of highly miniaturized components (geometries of a few 10 µm) and in very hard materials (carbides, ceramics), with difficult machinability (tungsten, refractories, REACH materials) or emerging materials (hybridization of additive metal manufacturing / micromachining). Instrumentation by acoustic emission or characteristic measurements (forces, current, voltage, accelerometry) have led the MICRO team to acquire strong skills in the control and piloting of processes by signal processing (process monitoring, feedback).
The realization of microsystems implies to have metrology techniques (dimensional, characterization) specific to this type of components. The MICRO team has state-of-the-art techniques for the characterization of microsystems (Gilles ...) both on the surface (optical metrology) and in volume (nano-micro X-ray tomography).
- Industrial : SilMach, Safran, Thalès, Tag Heuer, Axon Cable, Péquignet, Groupe Richemont, Audemars-Piguet, Decathlon, ...
- Academic: IntraFEMTO, AgroSup Dijon, University of Bretagne-Sud, University of Cluj-Napoca, ...