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Optoelectronics, Photonics and Optical Telecommunications team
The OPTO team is involved in both fundamental and applied research for the development and study of new photonics technologies and their applications. It investigates new concepts of complex or agile system.
The two pillars of the team’s research strategy are:
- fundamental research of new physical phenomena in order to leverage the obtained insight for achieving proficiency in experimenting with them
- development of cutting edge applications enabled by our deep understanding of the involved systems.
The team's activities have a strong multidisciplinary nature, involving aspects of photonics, optoelectronics, mathematics, quantum optics, nonlinear dynamics, ultrafast optics, and fundamental aspects of light-matter interaction.
Goals and Research Areas
Current research is being developed in three main focus areas:
Ultrafast photonics
- Nonlinear processes in optical fibers and lasers, multidimensional nonlinear dynamics, extreme events, real-time pulse characterization techniques;
- Ultrafast laser/plasma interactions, spatial beam shaping and optical design
- Applications to ultrafast laser material processing.
Nonlinear, complex systems and artificial intelligence
- Fundamental aspects of novel neuromorphic computing hardware; 3D integrated photonic circuits
- Analysis and control of ultrafast pulse propagation via machine learning
- Nonlinear dynamical systems and mathematical methods;
- Explicit methods in arithmetic and applications
- Whispering gallery mode resonators; frequency combs
- Computer vision via digital holography & machine learning
Quantum technology in Photonics
- Quantum optics in the spectral domain, entanglement of large-scale quantum states, quantum random walks; boson sampling and dense coding, quantum resonators
- Industrial applications to photon counting, twin-photon sources, and high bit rate quantum Communications
- Quantum reservoir computing
Implementing our work
The team's activities have important, fundamental underpinnings, with a significant risk factor, but their evolution is nevertheless guided by orientations with clear objectives for application, sometimes through close interaction with industrial partners.