AS2M department
Automatic Control
Robotics, mechatronics, automation and artificial intelligence

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AS2M Presentation


The research conducted within the AS2M department is based on a multidisciplinary foundation combining micro robotics, mechatronics, automation and data science. The department, which comprises about 80 people, has acquired a recognized international reputation and experience in :

The design, optimization and control of micro and nano positioning, measurement, assembly systems, and innovative robotic structures for small scale exploration. These systems have been successfully applied in many fields such as microsurgery, cell sorting, assembly at micro and nano robotic scales.
Modeling and control of complex multiphysical systems. The approach developed in the department is the Hamiltonian port approach and its extensions to irreversible thermodynamic systems for which the thermal domain plays a predominant role. It has led to many notable results in the analysis and control of nonlinear and distributed parameter systems.
Systems Health, Data Science and Prognostic and Health Management (PHM). The department develops the different axes of PHM ... with a recent focus on statistics and data analysis.

The scientific activity of the department is marked by the will to address several scientific issues in the fields of micro and nano robotics, modeling and control of complex systems, data science and health of systems, and this in total synergy with the strategy of the unit. It aims to address issues related to biomedical, industry of the future.

The experimental anchorage of the department is largely supported by the Micro Nano Robotics Center - CMNR (ex µROBOTEX). The Micro Nano Robotics Center is an extension of the PIA Robotex and brings together all of our equipment for small-scale robotics for the engineering sciences and biomedical. It provides the means to characterize micro- and nanoscopic objects, to build micro-machines, to develop cell therapy and to develop tools for intervention in the human body. The department also relies on the MIMENTO technology center, which has over 850 m2 of clean room space.


The AS2M department is composed of 3 research teams:

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