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DISC Presentation
DISC (department of computer science and complex systems) is FEMTO-ST’s computer science department. Its principal activity is to model, simulate, develop and validate complex systems.
Research focus areas
With its varied skills and strategic areas of research in computer science, as identified by the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and INRIA (Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique), and also reflected in the Horizon 2020 programs, the DISC Department is focused on:
› New programming skills whose goal is to master the constantly growing complexity of software, so as to ensure greater reliability and to guarantee safety in their implementation;
› New methods of modeling, simulating, optimizing and solving large-scale problems.
Research teams
With its 100 members, the department includes 4 research teams:
› The AND team (Algorithmique Numérique Distribuée)
- Artificial intelligence and deep neural networks
- Image processing on specific architectures
- Security and cryptography
- Distributed algorithms for the IoT
› The DEODIS team (Design anf Evaluation Of DIstributed Systems)
- Wireless sensor networks and limited resource systems
- Algorithms for distributed collaboration and scheduling
› The OMNI team (Optimization, Mobility, NetworkIng)
- Multiscale mobile networks
› The VESONTIO team (Vérification et validation de logiciels et de systèmes embarqués)
- Model-based tests; applications for safety and embedded systems
- Algorithmics for finite models; applications for verification
Four domains of application thus emerge:
› Reliability, security and safety in complex systems
› Smart distributed micro- and nanosystems
› Artificial Intelligence and distributed computing
› E-Health and biocomputing (Biom’@x)
Contact and location
DISC Department personnel are located at 3 different sites, in Besançon, Belfort and Montbéliard.
Download DISC organization chart