Applied Mechanics department
PRocédés de fabrication et Interactions Surfaces et Matières

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Manufacturing Processes and Surfaces and Materials Interactions


The principal focus areas of our 2PC/ PRISM team are the development of: a) microcomponents by injection, compression and embossing, b) of polymers and polymeric metallic or ceramic micro- and nanoparticles, or c) of carbon nanotubes.

Goals and Research Areas

Our 2PC/ PRISM team’s goals are the development of microcomponents with specific functional properties, combining polymers and micro-/nanopowders, particles or nanotubes, in order to produce functional components and microsystems, using technologies and methodologies from a combination of micromechanics (moulding, injection, compression, micromachining) and microelectronics (lithography).


The members of our 2PC/ PRISM team possess very specific skills, having mastered the instruments of microfabrication processes and the development of new functional materials—metallic or ceramic—to be used in micromechanics, clock and watch making, in biomedical products, in photovoltaic cells, or destined to encapsulate nuclear materials.

In addition, members of the 2PC/PRISM team are proficient in the technologies associated with the production of tools or skills such as high-speed micromachining or microforming through incremental processes. They also possess a proven knowledge of physics modeling and digital simulations in microfabrication processes.

Implementing our work

The team’s specialized skills are widely recognized both nationally and internationally, which has brought the institute many valuable collaborative projects with companies and resulted in a good level of participation in national and European networks and projects.

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