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Optics presentation
Optics and photonics are at the heart of the OPTICS Department. These disciplines also include significant activities in microtechniques and nanosciences. In addition, the department also develops multidisciplinary projects in these domains with other FEMTO-ST departments.
Born of the remarkable historical evolution in nanometrology, near-field microscopy, integrated optics in lithium niobate, ultrafast optics, nonlinear optics and opto-electronic dynamics, along with quantum optics, the department’s current research areas are investigated by 3 different teams.
Research groups
The optics department includes about 80 staff members. Its research groups are as follows:
› Nano-Optics (NO): Design and realization of individual nano-antennas on optical fibers, dielectric or hybrid metallic metamaterials, active photonic crystals on lithium niobate, optical tweezers and ultra-sensitive electric and magnetic field nano-sensors. All these components exploit novel nano-optical properties based on plasmonics, Fano-type resonances, excitation of Symmetry-Protected Modes (SPM) and Bound states in the Continuum (BIC), Bloch Surface Waves (BSW), spin-orbit interaction and optical chirality and accompanied by advanced nano-technological processes for their fabrication.
› Non Linear Optics (ONL): New concepts in nonlinear and opto-acoustic photonics in optical fibers, in integrated photonic devices for frequency conversion, in nonlinear and quantum imaging.
› Optoelectronics, Photonics and Optical Telecommunications (OPTO): New concepts of complex systems based on non-linear optical and optoelectronic spatio-temporal dynamics, photonic artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing, quantum information and quantum engineering, control of laser-matter interaction processes, nonlinear processes and extreme waves in ultrafast photonics
› SMART-LIGHT Technology Platform (Training-Research-Innovation by Light). Its purpose is to provide research, higher education and technology transfer organizations with a pool of equipment, instrumentation and know-how in photonics, as well as Specific Electromagnetic Modeling
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