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MN2S Presentation
The MN2S Department conducts multidisciplinary research in the fields of microsystems, nanosciences and nanotechnologies.It gathers more thant 100 members, including about 50 permanent positions. It hosts about 25 graduate students and is organized in 5 research teams.
The engineering of components and devices at the microscopic scale enables the control of the distribution of matter in the perspective of relating structure and functions. Physicists, physico-chemists, and biochemists forming the department share this approach. The study of interactions and mutiphysics couplings is thus at the heart of our research. The research teams also aim at developing strategies for the integration of components inside microsystems (MEMS, MOEMS, sensors, bio-devices).
Instrumentation platforms
The MN2S department maintains an original and high-tech instrumentation park. It is home to the SURFACE platform specialized in the elaboration and characterization of thin films and surfaces, as well as the CLIPP-UBFC platform in the fields of bio-analysis and in-vitro diagnosis.
The 5 mn2s research teams
The objective of the BIND team is to develop micro-devices for applications in the fields of health, the environment and agri-food. These developments are accompanied by a very strong component in engineering sciences and bio-engineering, both for their design and for their manufacture and characterisation
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› MINAMAS (MIcro-NAno-MAterials and Surfaces) :
The MINAMAS team elaborates thin films and nanomaterials, for micro-nano-systems and for production or transduction of energy.
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› MOSAIC (Micro-Nanotechnologies for physical sciences)
The MOSAIC team is developing micro- and nano-systems for the experimental demonstration of fundamental phenomena in diverse areas of physical sciences, as well as for the development of micro- and nano-devices with advanced functionality. The group cultivates a cross-disciplinary expertise in the fields of nanosciences, phononics, tribology and optics, supplemented by an extensive expertise of microfabrication processes. For further information, click here.
› Nano2BIO :
The Nano2BIO team contributes to the multimodal qualification of biological objects of interest (metrology, morphology, interaction and affinity kinetic constants, molecular spectral signatures, etc.), from the molecule to the cell, by proposing micro/nanostructured substrates and discriminating and resolving analytical approaches, in complex media, for diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
For further information, click here
› Phononics and Microscopy :
The Phononics and Microscopy team studies the propagation of acoustic waves, thermal transport, and multiphysics couplings inside structured materials and metamaterials, from macroscopic down to microscopic dimensions.
For further information, click here.
mn2s organization chart
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