Applied Mechanics department
Applied Mechanics Department
Materials, surfaces, processes & structures

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Research Teams

Since January 1, 2021 the Department of Applied Mechanics (DMA) has been reorganized into 6 research teams:

  • BIOMECAT: The "Soft Tissue Biomechanics" team (BIOMECAT). By understanding, analyzing and quantifying the mechanisms involved in the occurrence of pathologies, it contributes to improving therapeutic approaches and proposing new ones in order to meet the challenge of improving human health through personalized medicine.
  • D.SMART: The "Dynamics of SMaRt Structures" team (D.SMART) works on the functionalization and architecture of mechanical systems using intelligent and robust solutions for vibro-acoustic applications that meet environmental and industrial challenges. Its activities aim at developing methodologies based on experimentation, simulation, correlation and data-based models.
  • ECTO : The team " mEcano-Chemistry and TribOlogy " (ECTO) develops an engineering of mechano-chemical or tribo-chemical couplings of surface to answer the societal challenges concerning in particular the decarbonized hydrogen, the decarbonization of mobilities, the biosourced products, the green tribology and the reduction of the energy consumptions.
  • MAT'ECO: The "Materials for Ecological Transition" (MAT'ECO) contributes to the development of (i) new generations of sustainable high-performance composite materials (ii) solutions, materials and systems for hydrogen storage in order to meet the challenge of environmental protection and energy transition in the industrial and transport sectors.
  • MICRO: The "Intelligent Microtechnologies" team (MICRO). Its vocation is to respond to the problem of miniaturization and integration of microtechnical products by developing micro and nano mechanical systems from White Room/Grey Room processes.
  • PRISM: The team "Manufacturing Processes and Surfaces and Materials Interactions" (PRISM) focus its research activities on two very complementary manufacturing processes: 3D printing and precision machining.
    • For 3D printing, the aim is to master the entire process by combining experimentation with digital simulations in order to explore new innovative materials.
    • In precision machining, the aim is to understand the difference in thermomechanical phenomena of chip formation during the macro/micro scale change, to study the tool/material interfaces, with the aim of controlling the life of the tools, the quality and integrity of the surfaces produced and the economic and ecological impact, particularly for sequences of additive/subtractive processes and/or for micro-machining operations.
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