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Smart Specialisation Projects
During the 2007-2013 period, the FEMTO-ST institute benefited from european FEDER regional funding for around 20 projects for an overall amount of around € 5 million.
Over the period 2014-2020, several projects in which FEMTO-ST is a partner or coordinator are also the subject of FEDER funding and are briefly presented below:
Next Watch project
Duration : 2018 - 2022
Description :
The objective of this industrial research and collaborative experimental development project is the design, development and industrialization of a silicon-based disruptive technology for the motorization of quartz watches and clock hands connected watches. The aim is to create a new driving element on silicon in order to eliminate the kinematic chain of current stepper motors.This project is part of the "Microtechnologies and luxury markets such as watchmaking and jewellery" sector. On the scientific level, FEMTO-ST carries out the electromechanical modelling, design and development of manufacturing processes in clean rooms.
Project leader : SILMACH
Financing :
Programmed eligible amount: €8,584,521.39
Programmed ERDF amount: €5 362 783.71
Programmed FRI amount: €337,600.00
Contact:: Jean-Claude Jeannot
New Technological solutions to optimize the production of "drug cells"
Duration : 2017 - 2021
This large-scale regional project aims to optimize the production of innovative drugs and reduce their manufacturing costs to facilitate access to these new personalized treatments that offer an alternative or complement to current chemical treatments. Their marketing should thus make it possible to fight more effectively against public health problems such as cancer, inflammation or tissue repair.
Duration, amount and financing
The MiMédI collaborative project involving 9 regional partners (5 private companies, 3 academic partners and a transfer organisation) is part of the European Regional Intelligent Specialisation Programme (RIS3) and more specifically in the field of microsystems applied to the health sector. It will run for five years at a total cost of €15 million, 75% of which will be financed by the european FEDER funds and partly co-financed by the regional innovation fund.
Contact : Olivier Lehmann
Industrial partners
Academic partners
SMART INN project
Duration : 2015 – 2019
Description :
The need for passive components operating at frequencies covering the VHF (30 to 300 MHz) and UHF (300 MHz - 3 GHz) bands is part of the development of systems for professional and consumer mobile telecommunications as well as on-board sensor detection, high resolution (Radar applications). Given the state of the art, the dimensional specifications and constraints typically imposed for this type of application, only a passive component guided elastic waves allows to consider a viable solution.
In this context, industrial companies in Franche-Comté have pooled their skills and pooled their development tools to innovate in the field of acousto-electric radio frequency components, expand their commercial proposal and make their products grow in a coordinated manner. For these different objectives, they rely on the FEMTO-ST institute and the Cristal-Innov platform (Rhône-Alpes) and develop the long-term SMART-INN research project which is organized on well-defined actions through specific sub-projects.
The whole consortium has progressed on the field with the creation of new jobs in the local field , the development of new skills and new products. For the FEMTO-ST Institute, this project has led to innovative results especially with three thesis defenses : "Contribution to robust and reliable optimization Application to the design of radio-frequency elastic wave filters", François Schott, in December 2019. "Study for the improvement of the power handling of surface elastic wave filters at radio frequencies", Melvin Paquit, in May 2020. "Ferroelectric domain resonators on lithium niobate oblique slices for radio frequency filtering applications", Alexandre Matic, in November 2020.
The budget for the academic part is 540 680 € including 432 550 € for the FEDER funds.
Contact : Thomas BARON
3S MEMS Project
Duration : 2015- 2019
The project receives financial support from the European Union under the ERDF / ESF Operational Program Franche-Comté and Jura Massif 2014-2020 (specific objective 1.1).
This project aims at the emergence of a new MEMS silicon production line for innovative sensors.
The benefit of a global budget of around € 9 million and the four regional partners: SilMach (project coordinator), Percipio Robotics, Frec | n | sys and the "MIMENTO" technology center of the FEMTO-ST institute, via the University of Franche-Comté (SAIC).
The budget for FEMTO-ST is approximately € 4 million for an estimated aid of € 3.4 million. (75%), with a share of self-financing matching to the valuation of hours dedicated to the implementation of the project by the permanent staff (CNRS and UFC) of the plant.
The 3S MEMS project works according to a "fabless" model. Thus, the 3 industrial partners, adapted production tools, will subcontract the manufacture of the chips themselves to the MIMENTO power plant which will play the role of "foundry" microsystem.
Future prospects, training actions for students and young researchers to work in this field and stay in the region, thus helping to develop and anchor this future axis of specialization on our territory.
The 54-month project began on 1 June 2015 and will end on 30 November 2019. It requires the involvement of all current clean room staff and the recruitment of project-specific engineers. . It allows the acquisition of new state-of-the-art equipment adapted to this new sector, thus contributing to the improvement of the clean room infrastructure.
Additional training actions for staff are also planned.
At the end of the first phase of the project (duration 18 months) which ended in January 2017, the modernization of the clean room MIMENTO was completed thanks to the installation of the new equipment envisaged in the project (DRIE silicon etching machine 6 inches, SRD 6 and 4 inch rinsing system, 6 inch CD-SEM microscope, mask and wafer cleaner, 6 inch aligner, alignment control system) but also thanks to the revaluation of existing equipment (coating track 6-inch automatic, Trikon 6-inch sprayer, purchase of spare parts for the implementation of preventive maintenance), the strengthening of dedicated human resources (recruitment of two research engineers and an engineer assistant for maintenance) and improvement of clean room infrastructure (fluid networks, infrastructure work to install new equipment).
In December 2016 a SPTS-RAPIER etching equipment, dedicated to silicon plasma etching was received. It allows the realization of microsystems on silicon substrate or SOI (Silicon On Insulator) of 6 inches.
For the MIMEMTO plant, this engraver brings extended capacities in terms of research and development and allows to perpetuate the cleanroom infrastructures through the implementation of a real industrial platform, conducive to the support of innovative SMEs.
For SilMach, this engraver offers the opportunity to realize prototypes and series of parts using the know-how "process" developed by this company. This equipment thus enables it to establish the deployment of the ChronoMEMS technology by modern and reliable manufacturing means.
During phase 2 of the project (24 months), new industrial manufacturing processes based on the equipment acquired during the project were developed, in particular for the manufacture of ChronoMEMS sensors.
Phase 3 of the project, which ended on November 30, 2019, concretized the implementation of this new micro-manufacturing process of silicon MEMS components on 6-inch wafer for the design of innovative sensors. It thus opens up new prospects for the project partners and for the MIMENTO technology centre within the framework of academic and industrial collaboration.
For more information on Europe's involvement in the region, please activate the link
S3-4AlpClusters project
A Project of Smart Specialisation in the Alpine Space
The S3-4AlpClusters is supported by the European Union through the Interreg V B Alpine Space program.
Duration : 2016-2019
Objective :
The objective of this project is to enhance the framework conditions for innovation in the Alpine Space clusters. To achieve this goal, the fourteen partners worked to initiate exchanges of information and knowledge between policy makers in the different regions of the Alpine Space, including business, academia and civil society, and to facilitate technology-oriented cooperation between clusters in involving all the related partners
Résults :
This project has made it possible, among other things, to:
- The creation of a base of evidence concerning the region's capabilities, in particular to highlight the skills of companies, the region's historical knowledge and development opportunities.
- The identification of transformative activities with high potential for development and innovation by transforming existing industries and identifying the skills to be developed to carry out these activities. The latter must have a competitive advantage on a global scale, based on local skills or in collaboration with neighbouring regions, if local skills are not sufficient to implement them.
- The definition of a strategy for the development of transformative activities that defines the actions needed to implement these activities (such as the creation of a consortium, the launch of a research project, fundraising, etc.) and that involves all regional actors.
- The implementation of the actions in the region, and possibly in neighboring regions, supported by a list of good practices for clusters. These actions must make it possible to reach a critical mass for the realization of transformative activities.
Budget :
The project will last 30 months, from 11/01/2016 to 04/30/2019, with a global budget of €2.521.964, including 1.929.500 from the ERDF program.
For more information, please visit the project website