Technology Centre
MIicrofabrication for MEchanics, Nanosciences, Thermics and Optics

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MIMENTO Presentation

MIMENTO (MIcrofabrication for MEcanics, Nanosciences, Thermal and Optics)technology center is identified as a reference centre for Micro-nano-optics, Micro-nano-acoustics, Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) and Micro-Robotics in the context of the "RENATECH" network (French national network for large facilities involved in technological research in the field of micro and nanotechnology).

This network is a partnership between 5 technology centers, LTM (Grenoble), C2N (Orsay / Marcoussis), IEMN (Lille), LAAS (Toulouse), FEMTO-ST (Besançon)) and also CEA – LETI (Grenoble). The purpose of RENATECH is to support French research by providing access to fabrication facilities and technology experts for interested research teams.

Located on the TEMIS Technopole in Besançon, it has a total space of around 1300 m², of which 865 m² are ISO 5 to 7 classrooms.

It is managed by a technical team of fifteen engineers and technicians whose role is to support research projects in the central (internal or external projects). It has a high-tech equipment park open to both academic and industrial partners in research collaborations. This technology centre has received different european (FEDER), national fundings (Ministère, ANR, CNRS) and regional financing (DRIRE, Region, Conseil Général, CAGB).




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