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OPTICS : "Nonlinear photonic components integrated on LiNbO3 thin films"
MN2S :"Development and characterisation of chemical micro-sensors gas sensors for integration into smart textiles.
MINAMAS Team from MN2S Department offer a PhD is part of the European project UPWEARS (HORIZON-CL4-2023-RESILIENCE-01-32), which involves collaboration among 15 European and international
partners. The project is centered on the development of sustainable and innovative textiles using plant-based fibers for the sports textile industry. Its main objective is to integrate chemical micro-sensors into these textiles to enable continuous monitoring of air pollutant exposure.
The doctoral research will be conducted within the Micro Nano Sciences and Systems Dpt (MN2S) at the FEMTO-ST Institute located in Besançon. This institute is renowned for its cutting-edge technologies, advanced equipment, and specialized platforms, notably including the micro and nanotechnology facility known as MIMENTO. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct experiments at Scion in New Zealand. Scion is New Zealand Forest Research Institute with
expertise in biomaterials and sustainable electronics.
Profile : Master’s degree in materials, chemistry, engineering sciences. Ability to define and conduct experiments.
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD candidate to work in an international environment, interacting with international partners in Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Belgium, UK, New Zealand.
The candidate will have acquired skills in literature review, written and oral communication in English. An experience in computer programming and signal processing would be a bonus.
Applicants are invited to submit their application to the PhD supervisors.
Application must contain the following documents:
• CV
• Cover letter
• At least 1 reference letter
• Master’s results (M1, M2)
Application deadline : May 15th 2024
MN2S : Effect of environment gaseous contamination on dry lubrication – In space applications
Partners: The PhD thesis is a collaboration between the French Space Agency (CNES,, ADR Alcen (, and Institut FEMTO-ST (, under CNES PhD program.
Location: FEMTO-ST Institute, Besançon, France, in the Micro-Nano Sciences and Systems Department (MN2S). The MINAMAS (Micro-Nano Materials and Surfaces) team specializes in the physical, and tribological study of thin films, nanomaterials and solid/gas interaction. It has developed strong expertise in multi-environment lubrication, and nanomechanical characterization of tribological materials, particularly for space mechanisms.
Starting date: October 2024
Application: online on from February 1st to March 15th, 2024, subject REF : 24-129