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Ahmed Hammad

Publications de Ahmed Hammad

2024 (5)

  • inproceedings - Integrating SysML and Timed Reo for Modeling Interactions in Cyber-Physical Systems Components
    19th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2024) / Dijon, France (Volume 1, 2024, Pages pages 477 - 484)
    Tannoury, Perla | Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Methodological Approach to Model and Validate CPS
    14th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024) / Dijon, France (Volume 1, 2024, Pages pages 281 - 288)
    Tannoury, Perla | Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - SysML Model-Driven Development for Digital Twins
    6th Conference on Computing Systems and Applications (CSA 2024) / Algiers, Algeria (Publisher : Springer, Volume 1145, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2024, Pages pages 328 - 339)
    Ouari, Kanza | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Enhancing Meditation Techniques and Insights Using Feature Analysis of Electroencephalography (EEG)
    Al-Mustansiriyah Journal of Science (Volume 35, Issue (1), mar 2024, Pages :66 - 77)
    Khadam, Zahraa Maki | Abdulhameed, Abbas Abdulazeez | Hammad, Ahmed
  • article - Construction of consistent SysML models applied to the CPS
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems ( 2024)
    Khelifati, Adel | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed

2023 (2)

  • inproceedings - Joint Use of SysML and Reo to Specify and Verify the Compatibility of CPS Components
    19th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2023) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (Publisher : Springer, Volume 14485, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2023, Pages pages 84 - 102)
    Tannoury, Perla | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - 11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021)
    SysML and Petri Nets Based Methodology for Analysis and Performance Evaluation in WSNs / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (Volume 601, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2023, Pages pages 106 - 117)
    Berrachedi, Amel | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed

2022 (1)

  • inproceedings - Model Driven Approach to Design an Automotive CPS with SysReo Language
    20th ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWAC 2022) / Montréal, Canada (2022, Pages pages 97 - 104)
    Tannoury, Perla | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed
    doi | bibtex

2021 (1)

  • inproceedings - Towards the Formal Modeling Methodology of WSN through the Transformation of SysML into DSPNs
    11th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (2021, Pages pages 83 - 91)
    Berrachedi, Amel | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2020 (1)

  • inproceedings - Hierarchical Colored Petri Nets for the Verification of SysML Designs- Activity-Based Slicing Approach
    4th Conference on Computing Systems and Applications (CSA 2020) / Algiers, Algeria (Volume 199, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2020, Pages pages 131 - 142)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | bibtex

2019 (1)

  • article - SysML Model-Driven Approach to Verify Blocks Compatibility
    International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology (IJCAET) (Volume 11, Issue (2), 2019, Pages :206 - 231)
    Bouaziz, Hamida | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan

2018 (1)

  • phdthesis - Contributions to the modeling and validation of complex systems
    (sep 2018)
    Hammad, Ahmed
    pdf | bibtex

2017 (3)

  • inproceedings - Slicing Based Verification Approach for the Validation of SysML Activity Diagrams
    11th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2017) / Nice, France (2017, Pages pages 6)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed
  • inproceedings - Validation of a SysML based design for wireless sensor networks
    14th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2016) / Rhodes, Greece (Volume 1863, Issue 1, 2017, Pages pages 330002 (2))
    Berrachedi, Amel | Rahim, Messaoud | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed
    doi | bibtex
  • article - A Methodology for Verifying SysML Requirements using Activity Diagrams
    Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (Volume 13, Issue (1), jun 2017, Pages :19 - 33)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Hammad, Ahmed | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika

2016 (2)

  • inproceedings - A Model-Driven Approach to Adapt SysML Blocks
    22nd International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (ICIST 2016) / Druskininkai, Lithuania (Publisher : Springer, Volume 639, Series Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 2016, Pages pages 255 - 268)
    Bouaziz, Hamida | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Exploitation de la Hiérarchie pour la Véification de la Compatibilité des Blocs SysML
    Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (Volume RNTI-L, Issue (8), 2016, Pages :99 - 118)
    Bouaziz, Hamida | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan

2015 (8)

  • inproceedings - SysML Blocks Adaptation
    17th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2015) / Paris, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9407, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 417 - 433)
    Bouaziz, Hamida | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A SysML Formal Framework to Combine Discrete and Continuous Simulation for Testing
    17th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2015 ) / Paris, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9407, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 134 - 152)
    Gauthier, Jean-Marie | Bouquet, Fabrice | Hammad, Ahmed | Peureux, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Recursive ECATNets-Based Approach for Formally Verifying SysML Activity Diagrams
    IET Software (Volume 9, Issue (5), oct 2015, Pages :119 - 128)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Kheldoun, Ahmed | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Hammad, Ahmed
  • inproceedings - Towards the Formal Verification of SysML Specifications: Translation of Activity Diagrams into Modular Petri Nets
    2nd IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Intelligence (CSI 2015) / Okayama, Japan (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 509 - 516)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Hammad, Ahmed | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Exploitation de la Hiérarchie pour la Vérification de la Compatibilité entre les Blocs SysML
    9ème Conférence francophone sur les Architectures Logicielles (CAL 2015) / Hammamet, Tunisia (2015, Pages pages 99 - 118)
    Bouaziz, Hamida | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Tooled Process for Early Validation of SysML Models using Modelica Simulation
    6th IPM International Conference on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2015) / Teheran, Iran, Islamic Republic Of (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9392, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 230 - 237)
    Gauthier, Jean-Marie | Bouquet, Fabrice | Hammad, Ahmed | Peureux, Fabien
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An Approach to Verify SysML Functional Requirements Using Promela/Spin
    12th International Symposium onProgramming and Systems (ISPS) / Alger, Algeria (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 323 - 331)
    Abdulhameed, Abbas Abdulazeez | Hammad, Ahmed | Tatibouet, Bruno | Mountassir, Hassan
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Compatibility Verification of SysML Blocks Using Hierarchical Interface Automata
    12th International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS) / Alger, Algeria (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 313 - 322)
    Bouaziz, Hamida | Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2014 (4)

  • inproceedings - Modeling and Simulation of Modular Complex System: Application to Air-jet Conveyor
    13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2014) / Besançon, France (2014, Pages pages 1194 - 1199)
    Gauthier, Jean-Marie | Gendreau, Dominique | Hammad, Ahmed | Bouquet, Fabrice
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An Approach Combining Simulation and Verification for SysML using SystemC and Uppaal
    CAL 2014, 8ème conférence francophone sur les architectures logicielles / Paris, France (2014, Pages pages 9 pages)
    Abdulhameed, Abbas Abdulazeez | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Tatibouet, Bruno
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Parallel Object-Based Load Balancing Strategy for Distributed State Space Construction: Application on Petri nets
    International Conference on Advanced Networking Distributed Systems and Applications (INDS 2014) / Bejaia, Algeria (2014, Pages pages 41 - 46)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika | Boukala, Mohamed Cherif | Hammad, Ahmed
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An Approach based on SysML and SystemC to Simulate Complex Systems
    MODELSWARD 2014, 2nd Int. Conf. on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development / Lisbon, Portugal (2014, Pages pages 555--560)
    Abdulhameed, Abbas Abdulazeez | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Tatibouet, Bruno

2013 (6)

  • inproceedings - An approach combining SysML and modelica for modelling and validate wireless sensor networks
    SESoS'13, 1st Int. Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems / Montpellier, France (Publisher : Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2013, Pages pages 5--12)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Chouali, Samir
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Assembling Components using SysML with Non-Functional Requirements
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 295, may 2013, Pages :31 - 47)
    Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
  • inproceedings - Mapping SysML to modelica to validate wireless sensor networks non-functional requirements
    ISPS'13, 11th Int. Symposium on Programming and Systems / Algiers, Algeria (2013, Pages pages 177--186)
    Berrani, S. | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Combining SysML and Modelica to Verify the Wireless Sensor Networks Energy Consumption
    MODELSWARD 2013, 1st Int. Conf. on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development / Barcelona, Spain (2013, Pages pages 198--201)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Chouali, Samir
  • inproceedings - Modular and Distributed Verification of SysML Activity Diagrams
    MODELSWARD 2013, 1st Int. Conf. on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development / Barcelona, Spain (2013, Pages pages 202 - 205)
    Rahim, Messaoud | Hammad, Ahmed | Boukala-Ioualalen, Malika
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Verification and Validation of Meta-Model Based Transformation from SysML to VHDL-AMS
    MODELSWARD 2013, 1st Int. Conf. on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development / Barcelona, Spain (2013, Pages pages 123 - 128)
    Gauthier, Jean-Marie | Bouquet, Fabrice | Hammad, Ahmed | Peureux, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex

2012 (2)

  • inproceedings - Vers un modèle de traçabilité à l'aide des observateurs pour une Application Collaborative
    SysCO 2012, 1ère conférence francophone sur les Systèmes Collaboratifs / Sousse, Tunisia (2012, Pages pages ***--***)
    Edaoudi, Rajaa | Erradi, Mohammed | Ouzzif, Mohammed | Hammad, Ahmed
  • inproceedings - Transformation of SysML structure diagrams to VHDL-AMS
    dMEMS 2012, Workshop on design, control and software implementation for distributed MEMS / Besançon, France (2012, Pages pages 74--81)
    Gauthier, Jean-Marie | Bouquet, Fabrice | Hammad, Ahmed | Peureux, Fabien
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2011 (3)

  • article - Formal verification of components assembly based on SysML and interface automata
    Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (Volume 7, Issue (4), dec 2011, Pages :265 - 274)
    Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed
  • misc - Formal verification of components assembly based on SysML and interface automata
    Presented at UML&FM 2011, the 4-th IEEE Int. Workshop on UML and Formal Methods, Limerick, Ireland. Available after revision and extension as an ISSE journal version (jun 2011)
    Chouali, Samir | Hammad, Ahmed
  • inproceedings - Design and Verification of a Self-organisation Algorithm for Sensor Networks
    ICIEIS 2011, Int. Conf. on Informatics Engineering and Information Science / Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Volume 253, Series Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS), 2011, Pages pages 530--543)
    Benaouda, Nacéra | Guyennet, Hervé | Hammad, Ahmed | Lehsaini, Mohamed
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2010 (6)

  • article - Assemblage des composants digne de confiance : de l'ingénierie des besoins aux spécifications formelles
    Génie Logiciel (Volume 95, dec 2010, Pages :13--18)
    Chouali, Samir | Dormoy, Julien | Hammad, Ahmed | Hufflen, Jean-Michel | Mouelhi, Sebti | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Mountassir, Hassan | Tatibouet, Bruno
  • inproceedings - Efficient model checking with UML and specification patterns
    ICWIT'10, the 3rd Int. Conf. on Web and Information Technologies / Marrakech, Morocco (2010, Pages pages 55--67)
    Abdelkader, Bouamari | Mostefai, Mohammed | Mountassir, Hassan | Hammad, Ahmed
  • inproceedings - Using SysML for Smart Surface Modeling
    1st IEEE Workshop on Design, Control and Software Implementation for Distributed MEMS (dMEMS 2010) / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 100 - 107)
    Giorgetti, Alain | Hammad, Ahmed | Tatibouet, Bruno
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - A first attempt to combine SysML requirements diagrams and B
    Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (Volume 6, Issue (1), mar 2010, Pages :47 - 54)
    Laleau, Régine | Semmak, Farida | Matoussi, Abderrahman | Petit, Dorian | Hammad, Ahmed | Tatibouet, Bruno
  • inproceedings - A New Two Level Hierarchy Structuring for node Partitionning in Ad Hoc Networks
    SAC'10, 25th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing / Zurich, Switzerland (2010, Pages pages 719 - 726)
    Benaouda, Nacéra | Guyennet, Hervé | Hammad, Ahmed | Mostefai, Mohammed
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • incollection - Modèles UML de E-PRAGMA et intégration des bases de données de l'Observatoire Education et Territoires
    L'enseignement scolaire en milieu rural et montagnard - Tome 5, Après le Collège (Series Groupe d'intérêt scientifique 36, 2010, Pages 41--56)
    Hammad, Ahmed

2009 (2)

  • inproceedings - A first attempt to combine SysML requirements diagrams and B
    UML&FM'09, 2nd IEEE International workshop UML and Formal Methods (joint to ICFEM'09) / Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2009)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Laleau, Régine | Semmak, Farida | Matoussi, Abderrahman | Petit, Dorian | Tatibouet, Bruno
  • inproceedings - Verification of real time systems: application to the transportation domain
    SCLP'09, 2nd Int. Workshop on Service computing, Context-aware, Location-aware and Positioning techniques, joint to NTMS'09 / Cairo, Egypt (2009, Pages pages 719--727)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2008 (3)

  • inproceedings - Using the profile UML4SoC for modeling a smart surface
    ICEEDT'08, 2nd int. conf. on Electrical Engineering Design and Technology / Hammamet, Tunisia (2008)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Tatibouet, Bruno
  • inproceedings - Integration of the E&T database in the E-pragma system
    Besançon 2008, Int. Conf. of Territorial Intelligence / Besançon, France (2008)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Caille-Cattin, Catherine | Poirey, Jean-Louis | Thomas, Rémi
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Heuristics to verify LTL properties of hierarchical systems
    VECoS'2008, 2nd Int. Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems / Leeds, United Kingdom (Publisher : JIAS, Journal of Information Assurance and Security, Series eWiC - electronic Workshops in Computing, 2008, Pages pages ***--***)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan

2007 (1)

  • inproceedings - Spécification et Validation d'un Contrôleur de Performances Sportives
    E-Medisys 07, int. conf. on E-Medical Systems / Fez, Morocco (2007, Pages pages 173--178)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Al'Achhab, Mohammed
    pdf | bibtex

2006 (2)

  • inproceedings - Verifying LTL Properties on Hierarchical Systems: Application to Aircraft Autopilot
    2nd International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (IsoLA 2006) / Paphos, Cyprus (2006, Pages pages 28 - 35)
    Al'Achhab, Mohammed | Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Spécifications hiérarchiques et vérification des propriétés sous hypothèses d'équité
    6ème Conf. Francophone de Modélisation et Simulation, MOSIM'06 / Rabat, Morocco (2006)
    Hammad, Ahmed | Mountassir, Hassan | Al'Achhab, Mohammed