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Alaa Ali
PhD student
Département AS2M
équipe ROBIMSS
équipe ROBIMSS
Département MN2S
équipe Phononique & Microscopies
équipe Phononique & Microscopies
- Courriel :
- alaa.ali [at] femto-st.fr
- Adresse :
15B avenue des Montboucons
25030 BESANCON cedex
03 63 08 24 47
Alaa received her Bachelor in Nanosciences with a minor in Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics Engineering in 2018, then she recieved her master in Nanosciences in 2021 from Zewail City of Science and Technology, Egypt. She is now a PhD student in "SPIM - Sciences Physiques pour l'Ingénieur et Microtechniques" doctoral school at the university of Bourgogne Franche-Comté with specialization in "Microtechnologies". She is working on a project entitled "Numerical Optimization of Electromagnetic Meta Surfaces for Opto-Mechanical Actuation of Microrobots" this project is held as a cooperation between AS2M and MN2S departments in Femto-st institute.