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Abdallah Makhoul
Publications de Abdallah Makhoul
2024 (6)
- inproceedings - A Performance Study of Cutting-Edge Technologies for Energy Consumption Prediction in Smart Buildings
20th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2024) / Paris, France (2024)
Al Achy, Jessica | Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - ASAPs: asynchronous hybrid self-reconfiguration algorithm for porous modular robotic structures
Autonomous Robots (Volume 48, aug 2024, Pages :16 (16))
Bassil, Jad | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - Introducing the Concept of a Hybrid Navigation System Adapted to Blind Users for Optimal Stress-free Indoor and Outdoor Mobility
20th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2024) / Ayia Napa, Cyprus (2024, Pages pages 1129 - 1134)
Keryakos, Youssef | Bou Issa, Youssef | Salomon, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Leveraging AI for Enhanced Semantic Interoperability in IoT: Insights from NER Models
20th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2024) / Ayia Napa, Cyprus (2024, Pages pages 7)
Nemer, Mohammad Ali | Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - article - Generative Adversarial Network Applications in Industry 4.0: A Review
International Journal of computer vision ( 2024)
Abou Akar, Chafic | Massih, Rachelle | Yaghi, Anthony | Kamradt, Marc | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - SORDI.ai: large-scale synthetic object recognition dataset generation for industries
Multimedia Tools and Applications ( 2024)
Abou Akar, Chafic | Tekli, Jimmy | Khalil, Joe | Yaghi, Anthony | Haddad, Youssef | Makhoul, Abdallah | Kamradt, Marc
2023 (11)
- inproceedings - A Review of Research on Industrial Time Series Classification for Machinery based on Deep Learning
4th IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2022) / Amman, Jordan (2023)
Nemer, Mohammad Ali | Azar, Joseph | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - Strategic Attacks on Recommender Systems: An Obfuscation Scenario
19th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2022) / Abu-Dhabi, Saudi Arabia (2023, Pages pages 1 - 8)
Al Jurdi, Wissam | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Distributed Shape Recognition Algorithm for Lattice-Based Modular Robots
IEEE International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS 2023) / Boston, United States (2023, Pages pages 85 - 91)
Bassil, Jad | Abs Yaacoub, Jean-Paul | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - Exploring the Power of Weak Ties on Serendipity in Recommender Systems
12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2023) / Menton, France (2023, Pages pages 205 - 216)
Al Jurdi, Wissam | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques | Bou Abdo, Jacques - inproceedings - Cross-layer Federated Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning for Lightweight IoT Intrusion Detection System
10th IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA 2023) / Thessaloniki, Greece (2023, Pages pages 10)
Hajj, Suzan | Azar, Joseph | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Ginhac, Dominique - article - Cross-Layer Federated Learning for Lightweight IoT Intrusion Detection Systems
Sensors (Volume 23, Issue (16), aug 2023, Pages :7038 (26))
Hajj, Suzan | Azar, Joseph | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Ginhac, Dominique - inproceedings - Leveraging Computer Vision Networks for Guitar Tablature Transcription
Computer Graphics International Conference (CGI 2023) / Shanghai, China (Publisher : Springer, Volume 14495, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2023, Pages pages 3 - 15)
El Achkar, Charbel | Couturier, Raphael | Makhoul, Abdallah | Atechian, Talar - inproceedings - Correlation between types of obstacles and stress level of blind people in outdoor navigation
19th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2023) / Marrakech, Morocco (2023, Pages pages 6)
Keryakos, Youssef | Bou Issa, Youssef | Salomon, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Fault Tolerance Technique Using Bidirectional Hetero-Associative Memory for Self-Reconfigurable Programmable Matter
19th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2023) / Marrakech, Morocco (2023, Pages pages 1619 - 1625)
Bassil, Jad | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Using data science to predict firemen interventions: a case study
The Journal of Supercomputing (Volume 79, Issue (7), may 2023, Pages :7160 - 7175)
Guyeux, Christophe | Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Makhoul, Abdallah | Chretien, Stéphane | Bourgeois, Julien | Bahi, Jacques - article - Distributed Size-constrained Clustering Algorithm for Modular Robot-based Programmable Matter
ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptative Systems (Volume 18, Issue (1), mar 2023, Pages :21)
Bassil, Jad | Makhoul, Abdallah | Piranda, Benoit | Bourgeois, Julien
2022 (23)
- inproceedings - K-mean Clustering: a case study in Yvelines, ˆIle-de-France
14th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN 2022) / Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia (2022)
Mallouhy, Roxane | Guyeux, Christophe | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - RePoSt: Distributed Self-Reconfiguration Algorithm for Modular Robots Based on Porous Structure
IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022) / Kyoto, Japan (2022, Pages pages 12651 - 12658)
Bassil, Jad | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - MAPFASTER: A Faster and Simpler Take on Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Selection
IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2022) / Kyoto, Japan (2022)
Alkazzi, Jean-Marc | Rizk, Anthony | Salomon, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - How to build an optimal and operational knowledge base to predict firefighters' interventions
Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys 2022) / Amsterdam, Netherlands (Publisher : Springer, Volume 542, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2022, Pages pages 558 - 572)
Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques - article - Privacy-Preserving Prediction of Victim's Mortality and Their Need for Transportation to Health Facilities
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume 18, Issue (30), aug 2022, Pages :5592 - 5599)
Hwang Arcolezi, Héber | Cerna Nahuis, Selene Leya | Couchot, Jean-François | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Cluster-based Sampling Algorithm for Lightweight IoT Intrusion Detection System
World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, & Applied Computing (CSCE 2022) / Las Vegas, United States (2022)
Hajj, Suzan | El Sibai, Rayane | Barada, Adam | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Ginhac, Dominique - inproceedings - An Epidemiological Approach for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Monitoring
IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications (IARIA Congress 2022) / Nice, France (2022)
Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques - article - Efficient Lossy Compression for IoT Using SZ and Reconstruction with 1D U-Net
Mobile Networks and Applications (Volume 27, Issue (3), jun 2022, Pages :984 - 996)
Azar, Joseph | Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - In-network data processing approach for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
18th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022) / Dubrovnik, Croatia (2022)
Atoui, Ibrahim | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Laiymani, David - inproceedings - A New Porous Structure for Modular Robots
21st ACM International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2022) / Auckland, New Zealand (2022)
Bassil, Jad | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - Fault-Tolerance Mechanism for Self-Reconfiguration of Modular Robots
18th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022) / Dubrovnik, Croatia (2022)
Bassil, Jad | Tannoury, Perla | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - Predicting fire brigades’ operations based on their type of interventions
18th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022) / Dubrovnik, Croatia (2022)
Elias Mallouhy, Roxane | Guyeux, Christophe | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - On the performance of data-driven approaches for energy efficiency on WiFi and LoRa-based sensors: an experimental study
18th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2022) / Dubrovnik, Croatia (2022)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Machine Learning for predicting firefighters’ interventions per type of mission
8th IFAC/IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT 2022) / Istanbul, Turkey (2022)
Mallouhy, Roxane | Guyeux, Christophe | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - incollection - 5G Impact on Biomedical Engineering - Wireless Technologies Applications
Management of Collaborative BSN in Smart Environments (Chapter 2, may 2022, Pages 18)
Challita, Khalil | Boudargham, Nadine | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe - proceedings - 5G Impact on Biomedical Engineering - Wireless Technologies Applications
(may 2022)
Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - A Dynamic ID Assignment Approach for Modular Robots
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2022) / Sydney, Australia (Volume 449, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2022, Pages pages 91 - 104)
Assaker, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien | Piranda, Benoit | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Detector: Hierarchical Distributed Fault Detection Algorithm for Lattice Based Modular Robots
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2022) / Sydney, Australia (Volume 450, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2022, Pages pages 118 - 129)
Hourany, Edy | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien | Achi, Bachir - inproceedings - Forecasting the number of firemen interventions using Exponential Smoothing methods: a case study
36th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2022) / Sydney, Australia (2022)
Elias Mallouhy, Roxane | Guyeux, Christophe | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Anomalies and breakpoint detection for a dataset of firefighters' operations during the COVID-19 period in France
10th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCist 2022) / Budva, Montenegro (Volume 468, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2022, Pages pages 3 - 12)
Elias Mallouhy, Roxane | Guyeux, Christophe | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - A deep learning based system for writer identification in handwritten Arabic historical manuscripts
Multimedia Tools and Applications (mar 2022)
Chammas, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques | Dannaoui, Elie - inproceedings - Real-Time Approach for Decision Making in IoT-Based Applications
11th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2022) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (2022)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Nader, Diana Abi | Sabeh, Kassem | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - A Multi-Tier Data Prediction Mechanism for the Internet of Things Networks
Wireless Personal Communications ( 2022)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Laiymani, David | Makhoul, Abdallah | Zaki, Chamseddine
2021 (14)
- inproceedings - Combining Reduction and Dense Blocks for Music Genre Classification
28th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP 2021) / Bali, Indonesia (Volume 1517, 2021, Pages pages 752 - 760)
El Achkar, Charbel | Couturier, Raphael | Atechian, Talar | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - A Multivariate Data Reduction Approach for Wireless Sensor Networks
3rd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2021) / Agadir, Morocco (2021)
Atoui, Ibrahim | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Enhanced Precision Time Synchronization for Modular Robots
20th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (2021)
Bassil, Jad | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - article - A critical review on the implementation of static data sampling techniques to detect network attacks
IEEE Access (Volume 9, oct 2021, Pages :138903 - 138938)
Hajj, Suzan | El Sibai, Rayane | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Ginhac, Dominique - inproceedings - Self-Reconfiguration of Modular Robots Using Virtual Forces
IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2021) / Prague, Czech Republic (2021, Pages pages 6948 - 6953)
Hourany, Edy | Stephan, Christian | Makhoul, Abdallah | Piranda, Benoit | Habib, Bachir | Bourgeois, Julien - article - Deep recurrent neural network-based autoencoder for photoplethysmogram artifacts filtering
Computers & Electrical Engineering (Volume 92, jun 2021, Pages :107065 (10))
Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - A Personal LPWAN Remote Monitoring System
17th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2021) / Harbin, China (2021, Pages pages 80 - 85)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques | Freidig, Sébastien - inproceedings - Continuous energy-efficient monitoring model for mobile ad hoc networks
17th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2021) / Harbin, China (2021)
Battat, Nadia | Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David | Kheddouci, Hamamache - article - Critique on Natural Noise in Recommender Systems
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) (Volume 15, Issue (5), may 2021, Pages :75 (30))
Al Jurdi, Wissam | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Time Series Forecasting for the Number of Firefighters Interventions
35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2021) / Toronto, Canada (Volume 225, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2021, Pages pages 39 - 50)
Elias Mallouhy, Roxane | Guyeux, Christophe | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Cluster-Based Distributed Self-Reconfiguration Algorithm for Modular Robots
35th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2021) / Toronto, Canada (Volume 225, Series Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems (LNNS), 2021, Pages pages 332 - 344)
Moussa, Mohamad | Piranda, Benoit | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien - article - An optimal cluster‐based routing algorithm for UCBSNs
Internet Technology Letters (Volume 4, Issue (2), mar 2021, Pages :e215 (6))
Boudargham, Nadine | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - PROLISEAN: A New Security Protocol for Programmable Matter
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (Volume 21, Issue (1), jan 2021, Pages :22 (29))
Hourany, Edy | Habib, Bachir | Fountaine, Camille | Makhoul, Abdallah | Piranda, Benoit | Bourgeois, Julien - article - Anomaly‐based intrusion detection systems: The requirements, methods, measurements, and datasets
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies (Volume 32, Issue (4), 2021, Pages :e4240 (40))
Hajj, Suzan | El Sibai, Rayane | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe
2020 (15)
- inproceedings - Writer identification for historical handwritten documents using a single feature extraction method
19th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2020) / Miami, United States (2020, Pages pages 6)
Chammas, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Linear Distributed Clustering Algorithm for Modular Robots Based Programmable Matter
IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020) / Las Vegas, United States (2020, Pages pages 3320 - 3325)
Bassil, Jad | Moussa, Mohamad | Makhoul, Abdallah | Piranda, Benoit | Bourgeois, Julien - inproceedings - A unique identifier assignment method for distibuted modular robots
IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020) / Las Vegas, United States (2020, Pages pages 3304 - 3311)
Assaker, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bourgeois, Julien | Demerjian, Jacques - misc - Winners of the ICFHR 2020 Competition on Image Retrieval for Historical Handwritten Fragments Task 1 - Writer Retrieval
(sep 2020)
Chammas, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques - article - Robust IoT time series classification with data compression and deep learning
Neurocomputing / EEG Neurocomputing (Volume 398, jul 2020, Pages :222 - 234)
Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Using DenseNet for IoT multivariate time series classification
25th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2020) / Rennes, France (2020, Pages pages 6)
Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - A Wearable LoRa-Based Emergency System for Remote Safety Monitoring
16th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2020) / Limassol, Cyprus (2020, Pages pages 120 - 125)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe | Demerjian, Jacques - article - An energy-efficient data prediction and processing approach for the internet of things and sensing based applications
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Volume 13, Issue (3), may 2020, Pages :780 - 795)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Performance of low level protocols in high traffic wireless body sensor networks
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Volume 13, Issue (3), may 2020, Pages :850 - 871)
Boudargham, Nadine | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Mobility Aware and Traffic Adaptive Hybrid MAC Protocol for Collaborative Body Sensor Networks
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSN) (Volume 32, Issue (3), mar 2020, Pages :182 - 196)
Boudargham, Nadine | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe - article - Fault tolerant data transmission reduction method for wireless sensor networks
World Wide Web Internet and Web Information Systems (Volume 23, Issue (2), mar 2020, Pages :1197 - 1216)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Bahi, Jacques - article - Energy-efficient secured data reduction technique using image difference function in wireless video sensor networks
Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 79, Issue (3-4), jan 2020, Pages :1801 - 1819)
Salim, Christian | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael - article - Toward fast and accurate emergency cases detection in BSNs
IET Wireless Sensor Systems (Volume 10, Issue (1), jan 2020, Pages :47 - 60)
Boudargham, Nadine | El Sibai, Rayane | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Towards an Efficient Monitoring in Multi-hop Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (Volume 48, Issue (1-2), 2020, Pages :93 - 120)
Battat, Nadia | Makhoul, Abdallah | Kheddouci, Hamamache - article - Efficient anomaly detection on sampled data streams with contaminated phase I data
Internet Technology Letters (Volume 3, Issue (5), 2020, Pages :e205 (6))
El Sibai, Rayane | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Demerjian, Jacques | Assaker, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah
2019 (15)
- inproceedings - Major earthquake event prediction using various machine learning algorithms
6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 7)
Mallouhy, Roxane | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Analyzing stress situations for blind people
15th International Conference on Signal image technology & internet based systems (SITIS 2019) / Sorrento, Italy (2019, Pages pages 454 - 461)
Keryakos, Youssef | Bou Issa, Youssef | Makhoul, Abdallah | Salomon, Michel - article - An energy efficient IoT data compression approach for edge machine learning
Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of eScience (Volume 96, jul 2019, Pages :168 - 175)
Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Barhamgi, Mahmoud | Couturier, Raphael - article - Impacts of wireless sensor networks strategies and topologies on prognostics and health management
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Volume 30, Issue (5), jun 2019, Pages :2129 - 2155)
Farhat, Ahmad | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Jaber, Ali | Tawil, Rami | Hijazi, Abbas - inproceedings - A Distributed Processing Technique for Sensor Data Applied to Underwater Sensor Networks
15th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2019) / Tangier, Morocco (2019, Pages pages 8)
Mortada, Mohamad | Makhoul, Abdallah | Abou Jaoude, Chady | Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Laiymani, David - inproceedings - Similarity detection for smart and transparent long-range IoT relaying
24th Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2019) / Barcelona, Spain (2019, Pages pages 7)
Pham, Congduc | Makhoul, Abdallah | Diop, Mamour - article - Energy-efficient scheduling strategies for minimizing big data collection in cluster-based sensor networks
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (Volume 12, Issue (3), may 2019, Pages :620 - 634)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Health Risk Assessment and Decision-Making for Patient Monitoring and Decision-support using Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Information Fusion (Volume 47, may 2019, Pages :10 - 22)
Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - article - A Spatial-Temporal Correlation Approach for Data Reduction in Cluster-Based Sensor Networks
IEEE Access (Volume 7, apr 2019, Pages :50669 - 50680)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Makhoul, Abdallah | Perera, Charith | Demerjian, Jacques - article - An efficient data model for energy prediction using wireless sensors
Computers & Electrical Engineering (Volume 76, apr 2019, Pages :249 - 257)
Chammas, Michel | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques - article - Similarity based image selection with frame rate adaptation and local event detection in wireless video sensor networks
Multimedia Tools and Applications (Volume 78, Issue (5), mar 2019, Pages :5941 - 5967)
Salim, Christian | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - article - EK-means: a New Clustering Approach for Datasets Classification in Sensor Networks
Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 84, mar 2019, Pages :158 - 159)
Rida, Mohamad | Makhoul, Abdallah | Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Laiymani, David | Barhamgi, Mahmoud - inproceedings - Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Collaborative Body Sensor Networks
8th International Conference on Sensor Networks (2019) / Prague, Czech Republic (Volume 1, 2019, Pages pages 94 - 101)
Boudargham, Nadine | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Geolocalization in Smart Environment
8th International Conference on Sensor Networks (2019) / Prague, Czech Republic (Issue 1, 2019, Pages pages 108 -115)
Merhej, Joseph | Demerjian, Jacques | Fares, Karla | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Energy Efficient Data Collection in Periodic Sensor Networks Using Spatio-Temporal Node Correlation
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSN) (Volume 29, Issue (1), jan 2019, Pages :1 - 15)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Jaber, Ali | Tawbi, Samar
2018 (16)
- phdthesis - Energy Efficient Data Collection and Processing for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks
(nov 2018)
Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Using Adaptive Sampling and DWT Lifting Scheme for Efficient Data Reduction in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2018) / Limassol, Cyprus (2018, Pages pages 8)
Azar, Joseph | Habib, Carol | Darazi, Rony | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Kinematics Based Approach for Data Reduction in Wireless Video Sensor Networks
14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (2018) / Limassol, Cyprus (2018, Pages pages 8)
Salim, Christian | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - article - A distributed real-time data prediction and adaptive sensing approach for wireless sensor networks
Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Volume 49, sep 2018, Pages :62 - 75)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - En-Route Data Filtering Technique for Maximizing Wireless Sensor Network Lifetime
14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2018) / Limassol, Cyprus (2018, Pages pages A venir)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Abou Jaoude, Chady - inproceedings - Using DWT Lifting Scheme for Lossless Data Compression in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
14th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2018) / Limassol, Cyprus (2018, Pages pages 1465 - 1470)
Azar, Joseph | Darazi, Rony | Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques - inproceedings - Enhanced S-MAC Protocol for Early Reaction and Detection in Wireless Video Sensor Networks
17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (2018) / Geneva, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages 33 - 37)
Salim, Christian | Srour, Amani | Darazi, Rony | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - Real-time Stress Evaluation using Wireless Body Sensor Networks
10th IEEE Wireless Days Conference / Dubai, United Arab Emirates (2018, Pages pages 37 - 39)
Koussaifi, Maroun | Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Collaborative body sensor networks: Taxonomy and open challenges
Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (2018) / Jounieh, Lebanon (2018, Pages pages 6)
Boudargham, Nadine | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Wireless multimedia sensor network deployment for disparity map calculation
IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2018) / Jounieh, Lebanon (2018, Pages pages 6)
Tannoury, Anthony | Darazi, Rony | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe - inproceedings - On the Performance of Resource-aware Compression Techniques for Vital Signs Data in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2018) / Jounieh, Lebanon (2018, Pages pages 6)
Azar, Joseph | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Demerjian, Jacques | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - A new autonomous data transmission reduction method for wireless sensors networks
IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM 2018) / Jounieh, Lebanon (2018, Pages pages 6)
Bou Tayeh, Gaby | Makhoul, Abdallah | Demerjian, Jacques | Laiymani, David - article - Energy Efficient Sensor Data Collection Approach for Industrial Process Monitoring
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume 14, Issue (2), feb 2018, Pages :661 - 672)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - On the coverage effects in wireless sensor networks based prognostic and health management
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSN) (Volume 28, Issue (2), 2018, Pages :125 - 138)
Farhat, Ahmad | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Jaber, Ali | Tawil, Rami - article - A Real-Time Massive Data Processing Technique for Densely Distributed Sensor Networks
IEEE Access (Volume 6, 2018, Pages :56551 - 56561)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Abou Jaoude, Chady - article - Efficient Hybrid Emergency Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Body Sensor Networks
Sensors (Volume 18, Issue (10), 2018, Pages :3572 (18))
Boudargham, Nadine | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe
2017 (9)
- article - Data Reduction in Sensor Networks: Performance Evaluation in a Real Environment
IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (Volume 9, Issue (4), dec 2017, Pages :101 -104)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Moustafa Harb, Hassan - inproceedings - Real-time Sampling Rate Adaptation based on Continuous Risk Level Evaluation in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
13th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob 2017) / Rome, Italy (2017, Pages pages 8)
Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - article - A Distance-based Data Aggregation Technique for Periodic Sensor Networks
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (Volume 13, Issue (4), sep 2017, Pages :32 (40))
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David | Jaber, Ali - inproceedings - Efficient and accurate monitoring of the depth information in a Wireless Multimedia Sensor Network based surveillance
1st Sensors Networks Smart and Emerging Technologies (2017) / Beirut, Lebanon (2017, Pages pages 4)
Tannoury, Anthony | Darazi, Rony | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - On The Problem of Energy Efficient Mechanisms Based on Data Reduction in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2017) / Rome, Italy (2017, Pages pages 94 - 98)
Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Darazi, Rony - inproceedings - Sensor-based Applications and Services in Digital Society
11th International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (SENSORCOMM 2017) / Rome, Italy (2017)
Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Trust Based Monitoring Approach for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
16th International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless (ADHOC-NOW 2017) / Messina, Italy (Publisher : Springer, Volume 10517, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2017, Pages pages 55-62)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Kheddouci, Hamamache | Aitouazzoug, Nadia | Medjahed, Sabrina - inproceedings - Energy efficient filtering techniques for data aggregation in sensor networks
13th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2017) / Valencia, Spain (2017, Pages pages 693 - 698)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Tawbi, Samar | Zahwe, Oussama - article - Comparison of Different Data Aggregation Techniques in Distributed Sensor Networks
IEEE Access (Volume 5, mar 2017, Pages :4250 - 4263)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Tawbi, Samar
2016 (11)
- inproceedings - Investigating Low Level Protocols for Wireless Body Sensor Networks
9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2011) / Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt (2016, Pages pages 6)
Boudargham, Nadine | Bou Abdo, Jacques | Demerjian, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - article - Self-Adaptive Data Collection and Fusion for Health Monitoring Based on Body Sensor Networks
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Volume 12, Issue (6), dec 2016, Pages :2342 - 2352)
Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Salim, Christian - inproceedings - Multisensor Data Fusion for Patient Risk Level Determination and Decision-support in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM 2016) / Malta, Malta (2016, Pages pages 221 - 224)
Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - article - Adaptive Data Collection Approach based on Sets Similarity Function for Saving Energy in Periodic Sensor Networks
International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM) (Volume 15, Issue (4), oct 2016, Pages :346 - 363)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Jaber, Ali | Tawil, Rami | Bazzi, Oussama - inproceedings - Combining Frame Rate Adaptation and Similarity Detection for Video Sensor Nodes in Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks
12th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2016) / Paphos, Cyprus (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 327 - 332)
Salim, Christian | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - On the topology effects in wireless sensor networks based prognostics and health management
19th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2016) / Paris, France (2016, Pages pages 335 - 342)
Farhat, Ahmad | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe | Tawil, Rami | Jaber, Ali | Hijazi, Abbas - inproceedings - Tree-based data aggregation approach in periodic sensor networks using correlation matrix and polynomial regression
19th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2016) / Paris, France (2016, Pages pages 716 - 723)
Atoui, Ibrahim | Makhoul, Abdallah | Tawbi, Samar | Couturier, Raphael | Hijazi, Abbas - inproceedings - Multisensor Data Fusion and Decision Support in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2016) / Istanbul, Turkey (2016, Pages pages 708 - 712)
Habib, Carol | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - Adaptive Sampling Algorithms with Local Emergency Detection for Energy Saving in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2016) / Istanbul, Turkey (2016, Pages pages 745 - 749)
Salim, Christian | Makhoul, Abdallah | Darazi, Rony | Couturier, Raphael - inproceedings - Tree-based data aggregation approach in wireless sensor network using fitting functions
6th International Conference on Digital Information Processing and Communications (ICDIPC 2016) / Beirut, Lebanon (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 146 - 150)
Atoui, Ibrahim | Ahmad, Ali | Medlej, Maguy | Makhoul, Abdallah | Tawbi, Samar | Hijazi, Abbas - article - Using an Epidemiological Approach to Maximize Data Survival in the Internet of Things
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (Volume 16, Issue (1), feb 2016, Pages :5 (15))
Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe | Hakem, Mourad | Bahi, Jacques
2015 (6)
- article - Residual Energy-based Adaptive Data Collection Approach for Periodic Sensor Networks
Ad Hoc Networks (Volume 35, Issue (*), dec 2015, Pages :149 - 160)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Laiymani, David - article - An Enhanced K-means and ANOVA-based Clustering Approach for Similarity Aggregation in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
IEEE Sensors Journal (Volume 15, Issue (10), oct 2015, Pages :5483 - 5493)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael - incollection - An Analysis of Variance-based Methods for Data Aggregation in Periodic Sensor Networks
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXII (Publisher : Springer, Editor : Hameurlain, Abdelkader and Roland Wagner , Josef Küng, Volume 9430, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), jul 2015, Pages 165 - 183)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David | Jaber, Ali | Bazzi, Oussama - article - An Adaptive Scheme for Data Collection and Aggregation in Periodic Sensor Networks
International Journal of Sensor Networks (IJSN) (Volume 18, Issue (1/2), jun 2015, Pages :62 - 74)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David | Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Bahi, Jacques - inproceedings - An Aggregation and Transmission Protocol for Conserving Energy in Periodic Sensor Networks
24th International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE) - IEEE / Larnaca, Cyprus (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 134 - 139)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Couturier, Raphael | Medlej, Maguy - article - A Complete Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE) (Volume 10, Issue (1), 2015, Pages :47 - 74)
Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Atoui, Ibrahim | Tawbi, Samar | Bahi, Jacques
2014 (9)
- article - Energy-Efficient Data Aggregation and Transfer in Periodic Sensor Networks
IET Wireless Sensor Systems (Volume 4, Issue (4), dec 2014, Pages :149 - 158)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Tawil, Rami | Jaber, Ali - article - Epidemiological Approach for Data Survivability in Unattended Wireless Sensor Networks
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Volume 46, nov 2014, Pages :374 - 383)
Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Hakem, Mourad | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Local Emergency Detection Approach for Saving Energy in Wireless Body Sensor Networks
WIMOB 2014, 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications / Larnaca, Cyprus (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 585-591)
Elghers, Sabrina | Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David - inproceedings - K-Means Based Clustering Approach for Data Aggregation in Periodic Sensor Networks
WIMOB 2014, 10th IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications / Larnaca, Cyprus (2014, Pages pages 434--441)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Laiymani, David | Jaber, Ali | Tawil, Rami - inproceedings - On the usefulness of information hiding techniques for wireless sensor networks security
ADHOCNETS 14, 6th Int. Conf. on Ad Hoc Networks / Rhodes, Greece (Publisher : Springer, Volume 140, 2014, Pages pages 51-62)
Al-Sharif, Rola | Guyeux, Christophe | Fadil, Yousra Ahmed | Makhoul, Abdallah | Jaber, Ali - inproceedings - A Suffix-Based Enhanced Technique for Data Aggregation in Periodic Sensor Networks
IWCMC 2014, 10th IEEE Int. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference / Nicosia, Cyprus (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 494--499)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Tawil, Rami | Jaber, Ali - inproceedings - A Security Framework for Wireless Sensor Networks: Theory and Practice
WETICE 2014, 23rd IEEE WETICE Conference, 4th Track on Cyber Physical Society with SOA, BPM and Sensor Networks / Parma, Italy (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 269-274)
Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques - article - A Two Tiers Data Aggregation Scheme for Periodic Sensor Networks
Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks (Volume 21, Issue (1-2), 2014, Pages :77-100)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Medlej, Maguy - article - Two Security Layers for Hierarchical Data Aggregation in Sensor Networks
International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS) (Volume 7, Issue (3), 2014, Pages :239 - 270)
Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah
2013 (2)
- inproceedings - Optimized Algorithm for Periodic Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks
OCOSS 2013, Ocean & Coastal Observation: Sensors and observing systems, numerical models & information Systems / Nice, France (2013, Pages pages 28--31)
Moustafa Harb, Hassan | Makhoul, Abdallah | Jaber, Ali | Tawbi, Samar | Tawil, Rami - inproceedings - Adaptive data collection approach for periodic sensor networks
IWCMC 2013, 9th IEEE Int. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference / Belgrade, Serbia (Publisher : IEEE, 2013, Pages pages 1448--1453)
Laiymani, David | Makhoul, Abdallah
2012 (5)
- article - Low Cost Monitoring and Intruders Detection using Wireless Video Sensor Networks
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (Volume 2012, nov 2012, Pages :ID 929542 (11))
Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Pham, Congduc - inproceedings - An Optimized In-Network Aggregation Scheme for Data Collection in Periodic Sensor Networks
ADHOC-NOW 2012, 11-th Int. Conf. on Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless / Belgrade, Serbia (Volume 7363, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 153--166)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Medlej, Maguy - inproceedings - Frequency Filtering Approach for Data Aggregation in Periodic Sensor Networks
NOMS 2012, 13-th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium / Hawaii, United States (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 570 - 573)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Medlej, Maguy - article - Energy Efficient in-Sensor Data Cleaning for Mining Frequent Itemsets
Sensors and Transducers (Volume 14, Issue (2), mar 2012, Pages :64--78)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Medlej, Maguy - inproceedings - Data management in sensor networks: Algorithms and protocols
Makhoul, Abdallah
2011 (5)
- inproceedings - Reliable Distributed Data Fusion Scheme in Unsafe Sensor Networks
9th IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA 2011) / Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 46 - 53)
Bahi, Jacques | Hakem, Mourad | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Secure scheduling of wireless video sensor nodes for surveillance applications
ADHOCNETS 11, 3rd Int. ICST Conference on Ad Hoc Networks / Paris, France (Volume 89, Series LNICST, 2011, Pages pages 1--15)
Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah | Pham, Congduc - inproceedings - Energy Efficient 2-Tiers Weighted in-Sensor Data Cleaning
SENSORCOMM'11, 5-th Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications / Nice, France (2011, Pages pages 197--202)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Medlej, Maguy - inproceedings - Data Aggregation for Periodic Sensor Networks Using Sets Similarity Functions
IWCMC 2011, 7th IEEE Int. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference / Istanbul, Turkey (2011, Pages pages 559--564)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Medlej, Maguy - article - Risk-based Adaptive Scheduling in Randomly Deployed Video Sensor Networks for Critical Surveillance Applications
Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Volume 34, Issue (2), mar 2011, Pages :783 - 795)
Pham, Congduc | Makhoul, Abdallah | Saadi, Rachid
2010 (6)
- inproceedings - Performance study of multiple cover-set strategies for mission-critical video surveillance with wireless video sensors
WIMOB 2010, 6th IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, / Niagara Falls, Canada (2010, Pages pages 208--216)
Pham, Congduc | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Homomorphism versus Watermarking Approach
2nd International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks (ADHOCNETS 2010) / Victoria, Canada (Volume 49, Series Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST), 2010, Pages pages 344 - 358)
Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Efficient and Robust Secure Aggregation of Encrypted Data in Sensor Networks
SENSORCOMM'10, 4-th Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications / Venice-Mestre, Italy (2010, Pages pages 472--477)
Bahi, Jacques | Guyeux, Christophe | Makhoul, Abdallah - inproceedings - Efficient and Robust Secure Aggregation of Encrypted Data in Sensor Networks for critical applications
RESSACS, Journée thématique PHC/ResCom sur RESeaux de capteurS et Applications Critiques de Surveillance / Bayonne, France (2010)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Guyeux, Christophe - inproceedings - Risk Management in Intrusion Detection Applications with Wireless Video Sensor Networks
IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2010) / Sydney, Australia (2010, Pages pages ***--***)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Saadi, Rachid | Pham, Congduc - incollection - An adaptation framework for Web Multimedia Presentations
Emergent Web Intelligence: avanced information retrieval ( 2010, Pages 321--340)
Benbernou, Salima | Makhoul, Abdallah | Mostefaoui, Ahmed
2009 (4)
- inproceedings - Dynamic Scheduling of Cover-Sets in Randomly Deployed Wireless Video Sensor Networks for Surveillance Applications
WD'09, 2nd IFIP Wireless Days Conference / Paris, France (2009)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Pham, Congduc - inproceedings - Coverage and Adaptive Scheduling algorithms for Criticality Management on Video Wireless Sensor Networks
ICUMT'09 (2009, Pages pages 335--341)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Saadi, Rachid | Pham, Congduc - inproceedings - Adaptive Scheduling of Wireless Video Sensor Nodes for Surveillance Applications
PM2HW2N'09, Procs of the 4th ACM Workshop on Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks, in conjunction with 12th ACM MSWIM 2009 / Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain (2009, Pages pages 54--60)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Saadi, Rachid | Pham, Congduc - inproceedings - Surveillance vidéo sur réseaux de capteurs sans-fils : ordonnancement adaptatif avec prise en compte de la criticité
CFIP'09, Colloque francophone sur l'ingénierie des protocoles / Strasbourg, France (2009)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Saadi, Rachid | Pham, Congduc
2008 (4)
- article - Hilbert mobile beacon for localization and coverage in sensor networks
International Journal of Systems Science (Volume 39, Issue (11), nov 2008, Pages :1081 - 1094)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Mostefaoui, Ahmed - inproceedings - A Scalable Fault Tolerant Diffusion Scheme for Data Fusion in Sensor Networks
Infoscale 2008, 3rd International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems / Vico Equense, Italy (Publisher : Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2008, Pages pages 10--15)
Giersch, Arnaud | Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques - article - Localization and Coverage for High Density Sensor Networks.
Computer Communications (Volume 31, Issue (4), mar 2008, Pages :770 - 781)
Bahi, Jacques | Makhoul, Abdallah | Mostefaoui, Ahmed - inproceedings - Improving Lifetime and Coverage Through a Mobile Beacon for High Density Sensor Networks
SENSORCOMM'08, 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Sensor Technologies and Applications / Cap Esterel, France (2008, Pages pages 335--341)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques | Mostefaoui, Ahmed
2007 (2)
- inproceedings - A Mobile Beacon Based Approach for Sensor Network Localization
WiMob'07, 3rd IEEE Int. Conf. on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications / New York, United States (2007, Pages pages 44)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques | Mostefaoui, Ahmed - inproceedings - Localization and Coverage for High Density Sensor Networks
PerComW'07, 5th IEEE Int. Conf. on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops / New York, United States (2007, Pages pages 295--300)
Makhoul, Abdallah | Bahi, Jacques | Mostefaoui, Ahmed