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Christophe Lang
Publications de Christophe Lang
2022 (3)
- inproceedings - Data Synchronization in Distributed Simulation of Multi-Agent Systems
20th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS 2022) / L'Aquila, Italy (2022)
Breugnot, Paul | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - Architecture SMA/RàPC enrichie d’outils d’aide à la décision pour prédire les risques en chirurgie
30ème Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2022) / Saint-Etienne, France (2022, Pages pages 142 - 143)
Perez, Bruno | Lang, Christophe | Henriet, Julien | Philippe, Laurent | Auber, Frédéric - article - Analysis of temporal consistency management protocols for resource-constrained multi-agent systems
Engineering and Applied Science Research (EASR) (Volume 49, Issue (1), 2022, Pages :65 - 72)
Limame, Mohamed | Henriet, Julien | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas
2021 (3)
- article - A Cluster-Based Approach to Predict Serious Adverse Events in Surgery
Expert Systems with Applications (Volume 184, dec 2021, Pages :115506 (14))
Perez, Bruno | Lang, Christophe | Henriet, Julien | Philippe, Laurent | Auber, Frédéric - inproceedings - A Synchronized and Dynamic Distributed Graph structure to allow the native distribution of Multi-Agent System simulations
29th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2021) / Valladolid, Spain (2021, Pages pages 54 - 61)
Breugnot, Paul | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent - article - Risk prediction in surgery using case-based reasoning and agent-based modelization
Computers in Biology and Medicine (Volume 128, jan 2021, Pages :104040 (11))
Perez, Bruno | Lang, Christophe | Henriet, Julien | Philippe, Laurent | Auber, Frédéric
2020 (1)
- inproceedings - Politiques de synchronisation dans les systèmes multi-agents distribués parallèles
28ème Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2020) / Angers, France (Issue 1853, Series JFSMA, 2020, Pages pages 10)
Rousset, Alban | Breugnot, Paul | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent
2019 (2)
- inproceedings - Synchronisation d’horloge dans un système multi-agents
APIA (Conférence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l'Intelligence Artificielle 2019) / Toulouse, France (2019, Pages pages 59 - 62)
Limame, Mohamed | Henriet, Julien | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas - inproceedings - Modèle multi-agents pour la prédiction des risques en chirurgie
27ème Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA 2019) / Toulouse, France (2019, Pages pages 156 - 165)
Perez, Bruno | Lang, Christophe | Henriet, Julien | Philippe, Laurent
2018 (2)
- article - Coupling agent-based with equation-based models to study spatially explicit megapopulation dynamics
Ecological Modelling (Volume 284, sep 2018, Pages :34 - 42)
Marilleau, Nicolas | Lang, Christophe | Giraudoux, Patrick - article - Nested graphs: A model to efficiently distribute multi‐agent systems on HPC clusters
Concurrency and Computation-Practice & Experience (Volume 30, Issue (7), apr 2018, Pages :e4407 (24))
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent | Bride, Hadrien
2017 (1)
- article - Rendre intelligible la conflictualité cybernétique
Défense (Volume 189, nov 2017, Pages :34 - 35)
Chatonnay, Pascal | Lang, Christophe
2016 (7)
- article - A survey on parallel and distributed multi-agent systems for high performance computing simulations
Computer Science Review (Volume 22, nov 2016, Pages :27 - 46)
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent - article - A self-adaptable distributed CBR version of the EquiVox system
Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications (Volume 28 , Issue (4), sep 2016, Pages :1650028 (16))
Henriet, Julien | Lang, Christophe | Muthada pottayya, Ronnie | Breschi Jimenez Ramirez, Karla - inproceedings - A Proposition of Data Organization and Exchanges to Collaborate in an Autonomous Agent Context
19th IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE 2016) / Paris, France (2016, Pages pages 561 - 568)
Lucien, Laurent | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Philippe, Laurent - article - Artificial Intelligence-Virtual Trainer: An educative system based on artificial intelligence and designed to produce varied and consistent training lessons
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology (Volume 231, Issue (2), jun 2016, Pages :110 - 124)
Henriet, Julien | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - Multiagent Hybrid Architecture for Collaborative Exchanges between Communicating Vehicles in an Urban Context
7th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2016) / Madrid, Spain (Publisher : Elsevier, Volume 83, 2016, Pages pages 695 - 699)
Lucien, Laurent | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - Using Nested Graphs to Distribute Parallel and Distributed Multi-Agent Systems
24th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2016) / Heraklion, Crete, Greece (2016, Pages pages 710 - 717)
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent | Bride, Hadrien - techreport - A Survey on Parallel and Distributed Multi-Agent Systems for High Performance Computing
FEMTO-ST (feb 2016)
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent
2015 (8)
- inproceedings - A Communication Schema for Parallel and Distributed Multi-Agent Systems Based on MPI
Parallel Processing Workshops ( 2015) / Vienna, Austria (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9523, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 442 - 453)
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent - article - MCMAS: A toolkit for developing agent-based simulations on many-core architectures
Multiagent and Grid Systems (Volume 11, Issue (1), apr 2015, Pages :15 - 31)
Laville, Guillaume | Lang, Christophe | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Philippe, Laurent | Mazouzi, Kamel | Marilleau, Nicolas - article - Three Thresholds for the Efficiency in Energy Management in WSN
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks (JACN) (Volume 3, Issue (1), mar 2015, Pages :18 - 23)
Ouattara, Yacouba | Lang, Christophe | Elgaber, Adel - incollection - Simulation spatiale à base d'agents avec NetLogo, partie 1
Introduction à l'approche agent (Publisher : ISTE, The International Society for Technology in Education, Edition : 1st, Series Systèmes d'information, web et informatique ubiquitaire, Chapter 1, feb 2015, Pages 15 - 36)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Chipeaux, Sébastien | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Taillandier, Patrick - incollection - Formalismes de description des modèles agent
Simulation spatiale à base d'agents avec NetLogo 1 (Publisher : ISTE, The International Society for Technology in Education, Editor : Arnaud Banos, Christophe Lang, Nicolas Marilleau, Edition : 1sft, Series Systèmes d'information, web et informatique ubiquitaire, feb 2015, Pages 37 - 72)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Sheeren, David | Becu, Nicolas | Gaudou, Benoit | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Monteil, Claude - incollection - Introduction à NetLogo
Simulation spatiale à base d'agents avec NetLogo, partie 1 (Publisher : ISTE, The International Society for Technology in Education, Editor : Arnaud Banos, Christophe Lang, Nicolas Marilleau, Edition : 1st, Series Systèmes d'information, web et informatique ubiquitaire, Chapter 3, feb 2015, Pages 73 - 112)
Amblard, Frédéric | Daudé, Éric | Gaudou, Benoit | Grignard, Arnaud | Hutzler, Guillaume | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Sheeren, David | Taillandier, Patrick - incollection - Agent-based Spatial Simulation with Netlogo
Introduction to the Agent Approach (Publisher : Elsevier, Editor : Banos, Arnaud and Lang, Christophe and Marilleau, Nicolas, Volume Volume 1: Introduction and Bases, Chapter 1, jan 2015, Pages 1 - 28)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Chipeaux, Sébastien | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Taillandier, Patrick - incollection - Agent-based Spatial Simulation with Netlogo
Description Formalisms in Agent Models (Editor : Banos, Arnaud and Lang, Christophe and Marilleau, Nicolas, Volume Volume 1: Introduction and Bases, Chapter 2, jan 2015, Pages 29 - 73)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Sheeren, David | Becu, Nicolas | Gaudou, Benoit | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Monteil, Claude
2014 (2)
- inproceedings - A survey on parallel and distributed Multi-Agent Systems
Padabs 2014, 2nd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations, in conjunction with Euro-Par 2014 / Porto, Portugal (Publisher : Springer, Volume 8805, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2014, Pages pages 371--382)
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - Étude comparative des plateformes parallèles pour systèmes multi-agents
ComPAS 2014, conférence en parallélisme, architecture et systèmes / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2014)
Rousset, Alban | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Lang, Christophe
2013 (3)
- inproceedings - MCMAS: a toolkit to benefit from many-core architecture in agent-based simulation
PADAPS 2013, 1st Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Agent-Based Simulations, in conjunction with EuroPar 2013 / Aachen, Germany (Publisher : Springer, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2013, Pages pages 544--554)
Laville, Guillaume | Mazouzi, Kamel | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - Using GPU for Multi-agent Soil Simulation
PDP 2013, 21st Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Computing / Belfast, Ireland (Publisher : IEEE, 2013, Pages pages 392--399)
Laville, Guillaume | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Mazouzi, Kamel | Philippe, Laurent - incollection - Implementing Multi-Agent Systems on GPU
Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs (Publisher : Chapman & Hall, CRC Press, Editor : Couturier, Raphaël, Chapter 18, 2013, Pages 413--439)
Laville, Guillaume | Lang, Christophe | Herrmann, Bénédicte | Philippe, Laurent | Mazouzi, Kamel | Marilleau, Nicolas
2012 (3)
- inproceedings - Toward a spatially-centered approach to integrate heterogeneous and multi-scales urban component models
PAAMS 2012, 10th Int. Conf. on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems / Salamanca, Spain (Volume 155, Series AISC, 2012, Pages pages 81 - 86)
Hassoumi, I. | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Temani, M. | Ghedira, K. | Zucker, Jean-Daniel - inproceedings - Using GPU for Multi-agent Multi-scale Simulations
DCAI'12, 9-th Int. Conf. on Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing / Salamanca, Spain (Volume 151, Series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 2012, Pages pages 197--204)
Laville, Guillaume | Mazouzi, Kamel | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Philippe, Laurent - article - RAFALE-SP: a methodology to design and simulate geographical mobility
Studia Informatica Universalis (Volume 10, Issue (1), 2012, Pages :38 - 76)
Marilleau, Nicolas | Lang, Christophe | Chatonnay, Pascal | Philippe, Laurent
2011 (4)
- inproceedings - Modelling of complex systems with AML as realized in MIRO project
LAFLang 2011, workshop of the Int. Conf. WI/IAT (Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology) / Lyon, France (2011, Pages pages 159--162)
Chipeaux, Sébastien | Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas - inproceedings - A component based system for S-maintenance
INDIN'11, Conference on Industrial Informatics / Lisbon, Portugal (2011, Pages pages 519-526)
Karray, Hedi | Morello, Brigitte | Lang, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine - inproceedings - EPIS: a grid platform to ease and optimize multi-agent simulators running
PAAMS 2011, 9th Int. Conf. on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems / Salamanca, Spain (2011, Pages pages 129--134)
Blanchart, E. | Cambier, C. | Canape, C. | Gaudou, Benoit | Ho, T.-N. | Ho, T.-V. | Lang, Christophe | Michel, F. | Marilleau, Nicolas | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - A component based system for S-maintenance.
Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN'11. / Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal (Volume 1, 2011, Pages pages 1-8)
Karray, Hedi | Morello, Brigitte | Lang, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
2010 (4)
- incollection - MIRO, des trajectoires individuelles à la ville en mouvement
Modéliser la ville : formes urbaines et politiques de transport (Publisher : Trans Flash, Bulletin d'information des déplacements urbains départementaux et r\e'gionaux, nov 2010, Pages 216-245)
Banos, Arnaud | Boffet-Mas, Annabelle | Chardonnel, Sonia | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Thévenin, Thomas - inproceedings - Mise en place et évaluation d'un algorithme de répartition de charge pour les plateformes de simulations distribuées basées sur les SMA
Systèmes Multi-agents : Défis Sociétaux / Mahdia, Tunisia (2010, Pages pages 85--94)
Hassoumi, I. | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas - misc - Critères génériques de comparaison de méthodes de modélisation de systèmes complexes pour la génération de simulations multi-agents
CoMMISCo'10, 1ère Conférence Modélisation Mathématique et Informatique des Systèmes Complexes, IRD Bondy, France (oct 2010)
Chipeaux, Sébastien | Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas - incollection - Simuler la mobilité urbaine quotidienne : le projet MIRO
Mobilités urbaines et risques des transports - approches géographiques (Editor : Banos, Arnaud and Thévenin, Thomas, Chapter 2, 2010, Pages 51--86)
Banos, Arnaud | Boffet-Mas, Annabelle | Chardonnel, Sonia | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Thévenin, Thomas
2009 (3)
- inproceedings - Collaborative platform for skin cancer screening and associated optical fibered probe for diagnosis
Sin'Fran09, Singaporean-French IPAL Symposium (2009, Pages pages 44--55)
Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Lang, Christophe | Humbert, P. | Wacogne, Bruno | Bonnans, V. | Pazart, Lionel | Marzani, Franck | Pieralli, Christian - article - Automated UML models merging for web services testing
International Journal of Web and Grid Services (IJWGS) (Volume 5, Issue (2), 2009, Pages :107 - 129)
Pretre, Vincent | De Kermadec, Adrien | Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Dadeau, Frédéric - inproceedings - Modelling dynamic demand responsive transport using an agent based spatial representation
ECCS'09, European Conference on Complex Systems / University of Warwick, United Kingdom (2009)
Lang, Christophe | Josselin, D. | Marilleau, Nicolas
2008 (3)
- techreport - Automating UML models merging: application of the method
(dec 2008, Research Report)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Pretre, Vincent - inproceedings - Agent based modelling of complex systems with AML and the situation calculus
ABS2, Int. workshop on Agent Based Spatial Simulation / Paris, France (2008)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Giorgetti, Alain | Brocard, Thibaud - inproceedings - Automating UML Models Merge for Web Services Testing
iiWAS'08, 10th int. Conf. on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services / Linz, Austria (2008, Pages pages 55--62)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Pretre, Vincent
2007 (8)
- techreport - Transports Flexibles dans la Société de l'Information. Le concept du Modulobus
Action Concertée Incitative num. 9130 (dec 2007, Rapport de fin de recherches)
Canalda, Philippe | Chatonnay, Pascal | Lang, Christophe | Josselin, D. | Houzet, S. | Marilleau, Nicolas | Chevrier, R. | Castex, E. | Genre-Grandpierre, Christophe | Bolot, J. | Garaix, T. | Madignier, A.C. | Folin, B. - inproceedings - A Model-Based Validation Framework for Web Services
STV07, Procs of the 5th workshop on Systems Testing and Validation / Paris, France (2007, Pages pages 63--76)
Bouquet, Fabrice | Lang, Christophe | Pretre, Vincent - article - Scoop Methodology: Modeling, Simulation And Analysis For Cooperative Systems
Journal of Software (JSW) (Volume 2, Issue (4), oct 2007, Pages :32 - 42)
Saint-Voirin, David | Lang, Christophe | Guyennet, Hervé | Zerhouni, Noureddine - misc - Le transport à la demande TADOU dans le Pays du Doubs Central : cap sur l'innovation
(apr 2007)
Réseau TADvance | Josselin, D. | Canalda, Philippe | Chatonnay, Pascal | Chevrier, R. | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas - inproceedings - Scoop: a complete methodology for cooperative systems modeling and analysis
ICCGI'07, 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Computing in the Global Information Technology Challanges for the Next Generation of IT and C / Guadeloupe, France (2007, Pages pages 47--54)
Guyennet, Hervé | Lang, Christophe | Saint-Voirin, David | Zerhouni, Noureddine - techreport - Transports Innovants. Rapport d'expérimentation du Modulobus-noël
Projet Transports Innovants, Convention I038 (mar 2007, Rapport intermédiaire fin de phase 2/3)
Canalda, Philippe | Chatonnay, Pascal | Lang, Christophe | Josselin, D. | Marilleau, Nicolas | Folin, B. | Guillas, A. - misc - Modéliser et simuler la mobilité spatiale et les systèmes de transport : nouveaux enjeux, nouvelles approches. Introduction au dossier
( 2007)
Lang, Christophe | Banos, Arnaud - misc - Mod'2006: Système et méthodologie de gestion (réservation et optimisation multi-contrainte et multi-objectifs) d'un transport à la demande en rabattement temps-réel-doux
( 2007)
Canalda, Philippe | Chatonnay, Pascal | Lang, Christophe | Josselin, D. | Marilleau, Nicolas | Chevrier, R. | Folin, B.
2006 (5)
- inproceedings - Modélisation du déplacement dans la méthode RAFALE-SP
JFSMA'06, Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents / Annecy, France (2006, Pages pages 45--48)
Chatonnay, Pascal | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Philippe, Laurent - inproceedings - Concevoir des agents pour simuler les dynamiques urbaines : de l'enquête ménage à la génération de programmes d'activités
SAGEO'06, Colloque International de Géomatique et d'Analyse Spatiale / Strasbourg, France (2006)
Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Mas-Boffet, A. | Banos, Arnaud | Chardonnel, Sonia | Thévenin, Thomas - inproceedings - A Video Transmission Framework Using Components and Multi-Agent Systems
DFMA'06, 2nd IEEE Int. Conf. on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia Applications / Penang, Malaysia (2006, Pages pages 99--105)
Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Pretre, Vincent - inproceedings - An Agent-Based Framework for Urban Mobility Simulation
Procs of the 14th IEEE Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network based Processing (PDP 2006) / Montbéliard, France (2006, Pages pages 355--361)
Chatonnay, Pascal | Lang, Christophe | Marilleau, Nicolas | Philippe, Laurent - techreport - Définition d'un système de transport innovant pour la CAPM : fonctionnement et gestion
Projet Véhicules du Futur ( 2006, Rapport intermédiaire)
Canalda, Philippe | Lang, Christophe | Josselin, D. | Houzet, S. | Marilleau, Nicolas | Chevrier, R.