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Damien Paire
Publications de Damien Paire
2024 (1)
- article - Electrical resilience assessment of a building operating at low voltage
Energy and Buildings (Volume 313, 2024, Pages :114217 (12))
Rodriguez Velasquez, Rusber Octavio | Osma-Pinto, German | Bouquain, David | Ordoñez, Gabriel | Paire, Damien | Solano-Martinez, Javier | Roche, Robin | Hissel, Daniel
2023 (1)
- inproceedings - Sizing of an Integrated Power Supply System with an Electrolyzer and a Hydrogen-Fueled Gas Turbine
15th IEEE PowerTech (2023) / Belgrade, Serbia (2023, Pages pages 6)
Wade, Fatimatou | Chailan, Alexandre | Roche, Robin | Bertrand, Vincent | Paire, Damien
2022 (2)
- article - Sizing of a fuel cell–battery backup system for a university building based on the probability of the power outages length
Energy Reports (Volume 8, Issue (9), nov 2022, Pages :708 - 722)
Rodriguez Velasquez, Rusber Octavio | Osma-Pinto, German | Bouquain, David | Solano-Martinez, Javier | Ordoñez, Gabriel | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Hissel, Daniel - inproceedings - Sizing of a fuel cell-battery backup system for a university building based on the probability of the power outages length
International Conference on Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability (TMREES 2022) / Metz, France (2022, Pages pages 6)
Rodriguez Velasquez, Rusber Octavio | Osma-Pinto, German | Bouquain, David | Solano-Martinez, Javier | Ordoñez, Gabriel | Paire, Damien | Hissel, Daniel
2021 (2)
- article - Robust Adaptive Control of Interleaved Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Application
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (Volume 57, Issue (6), nov 2021, Pages :6603 - 6610)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Xu, Liangcai | Huangfu, Yigeng | Gaillard, Arnaud | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - Hydrogen consumption minimization with optimal power allocation of multi-stack fuel cell system using particle swarm optimization
10th IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2021) / Chicago (Il), United States (2021, Pages pages 154 - 160)
Bouisalmane, Noureddine | Wang, Tianhong | Breaz, Elena Virginia | Doubabi, Said | Paire, Damien | Oubraham, Jorn | Levy, Mickaël | Gao, Fei
2020 (5)
- article - Extended State Observer-Based Control of DC-DC Converters for Fuel Cell Application
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume 35, Issue (9), sep 2020, Pages :9923-9932)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Xu, Liangcai | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - Current Ripple Optimization of Four-Phase Floating Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter under Switch Fault
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (Volume 56, Issue (4), jul 2020, Pages :4214-4224)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Li, Qian | Ma, Rui | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - An Observer-Based Switch Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis of DC–DC Converter for Fuel Cell Application
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (Volume 56, Issue (3), may 2020, Pages :3159 - 3167)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Xu, Liangcai | Liu, Chen | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - Enhanced Robust Control of a DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Application Based on High-Order Extended State Observer
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (Volume 6, Issue (1), mar 2020, Pages :278 - 287)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Xu, Liangcai | Bai, Hao | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - A Device-Level Transient Modeling Approach for the FPGA-based Real-Time Simulation of Power Converters
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume 35, Issue (2), 2020, Pages :1282-1292)
Bai, Hao | Luo, Huan | Liu, Chen | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei
2019 (11)
- article - Robust Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis of Multi-Phase Floating Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter Based on Sliding Mode Observer
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (Volume 5, Issue (3), sep 2019, Pages :638 - 349)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Xu, Liangcai | Gaillard, Arnaud | Huangfu, Yigeng | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - FPGA-Based Device-Level Electro-Thermal Modeling of Floating Interleaved Boost Converter for Fuel Cell Hardware-in-the-Loop Applications
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (Volume 55, Issue (5), sep 2019, Pages :5300 - 5310)
Bai, Hao | Liu, Chen | Zhuo, Shengrong | Ma, Rui | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - Observer-Based Robust Switch Open-Circuit Fault Diagnosis of DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Application
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS Annual Meeting 2019) / Baltimore, United States (2019, Pages pages 6)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Xu, Liangcai | Liu, Chen | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - An FPGA-Based IGBT Behavioral Model With High Transient Resolution for Real-Time Simulation of Power Electronic Circuits
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 66, Issue (8), aug 2019, Pages :6581 - 6591)
Bai, Hao | Liu, Chen | Kumar Rathore, Akshay | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - Implementation of an FPGA-based Real-Time Emulator for the Rapid Validation of Power Electronics System in Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
8th IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2019) / Detroit, MI, United States (2019, Pages pages 5)
Bai, Hao | Liu, Chen | Ma, Rui | Paire, Damien | Breaz, Elena Virginia | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - High-Order ESO-Based Voltage Control for High-Gain DC-DC Floating Interleaved Boost Converter with Time-Varying Disturbance
8th IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2019) / Detroit, MI, United States (2019, Pages pages 6)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - Real-Time Modeling and Simulation of Electric Vehicle Battery Charger on FPGA
International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2019) / Vancouver, Canada (2019, Pages pages 1536 - 1541)
Bai, Hao | Luo, Huan | Liu, Chen | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - Control of interleaved DC-DC boost converter based on extended state observer for fuel cell application
20th International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2019) / Melbourne, Australia (2019, Pages pages 1689 - 1694)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Xu, Liangcai | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - A price decision approach for multiple multi-energy-supply microgrids considering demand response
Energy (Volume 167, jan 2019, Pages :117 - 135)
Li, Bei | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - article - Active Disturbance Rejection Voltage Control of Floating Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter with Switch Fault Consideration
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (Volume 34, Issue (12), 2019, Pages :12396-12406)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Guo, Liang | Xu, Liangcai | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - Device-level modelling and FPGA-based real-time simulation of the power electronic system in fuel cell electric vehicle
IET Power Electronics (Volume 12, Issue (13), 2019, Pages :3479-3487)
Bai, Hao | Liu, Chen | Ma, Rui | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei
2018 (7)
- inproceedings - Evaluation and Optimization of a Floating Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converter under Switch Fault for Fuel Cell Applications
International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles and International Transportation Electrification Conference (ESARS & ITEC 2018) / Nottingham, United Kingdom (2018, Pages pages 6)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Ma, Rui | Gaillard, Arnaud | Paire, Damien | Huangfu, Yigeng | Gao, Fei - article - Coordinated scheduling of a gas/electricity/heat supply network considering temporal-spatial electric vehicle demands
Electric Power Systems Research (Volume 163, Issue (part A), oct 2018, Pages :382 - 395)
Li, Bei | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - Design and Control of a Floating Interleaved Boost DC-DC Converter for Fuel Cell Applications
44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2018) / Washington D.C., United States (2018, Pages pages 2026 - 2031)
Zhuo, Shengrong | Gaillard, Arnaud | Paire, Damien | Breaz, Elena Virginia | Gao, Fei - inproceedings - Robust BLDC Motor Design Optimization Including Raw Material Cost Variations
23rd International Conference on Electrical Machines (2018) / Alexandroupoli, Greece (2018, Pages pages 961 - 967)
Pichot, Renaud | Schmerber, Louis | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - A price decision approach for multiple multi-energy-supply microgrids considering demand response
5th IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON 2018) / Limassol, Cyprus (2018, Pages pages 6)
Li, Bei | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - FPGA-based Real-Time Simulation of Floating Interleaved Boost Converter for FCEV Powertrain
7th IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2018) / Long Beach, CA, United States (2018, Pages pages 90 - 95)
Bai, Hao | Luo, Huan | Liu, Chen | Ma, Rui | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei - article - Optimal sizing of distributed generation in gas/electricity/heat supply networks
Energy (Volume 151, may 2018, Pages :675 - 688)
Li, Bei | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif
2017 (5)
- article - Sizing of a stand-alone microgrid considering electric power, cooling/heating, hydrogen loads and hydrogen storage degradation
Applied Energy (Volume 205, nov 2017, Pages :1244 - 1259)
Li, Bei | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - Stand-alone microgrid sizing considering electric/heating/cooling and hydrogen demands
National Scientific Workshop on Smart and Micro Grids (2017) / Champs-sur-Marne, France (2017, Pages pages 28 - 28)
Li, Bei | Roche, Robin | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - inproceedings - Design optimization method of BLDC motors within an industrial context
IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC 2017) / Miami, FL, United States (2017, Pages pages 7)
Pichot, Renaud | Schmerber, Louis | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - article - Autonomy and User Experience Enhancement Control of an Electrically Assisted Bicycle with Dual-wheel Drive
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (Volume 53, Issue (2), mar 2017, Pages :1476 - 1484)
Guarisco, Michael | Gao, Fei | Paire, Damien - article - Distributed control of multi-time scale DC microgrid based on ADRC
IET Power Electronics (Volume 10, Issue (3), 2017, Pages :329 - 337)
Yang, Nanfang | Gao, Fei | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif | Liu, Weiguo
2016 (4)
- article - Nonlinear Performance Degradation Prediction of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Using Relevance Vector Machine
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion (Volume 31, Issue (4), dec 2016, Pages :1570 - 1582)
Wu, Yiming | Breaz, Elena Virginia | Gao, Fei | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif - article - Modeling and stability analysis of multi-time scale DC microgrid
Electric Power Systems Research (Volume 140, nov 2016, Pages :906 - 916)
Yang, Nanfang | Nahid-Mobarakeh, Babak | Gao, Fei | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif | Liu, Weiguo - inproceedings - FPGA based real-time simulation of high frequency soft-switching circuit using time-domain analysis
42nd IEEE Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2016) / Firenze (Florence), Italy (2016, Pages pages 5832 - 5837)
Liu, Chen | Guo, Xizheng | Gao, Fei | Breaz, Elena Virginia | Paire, Damien | Geth, Franck - incollection - Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Constructs in Electric Power Engineering
Compensation of droop control in DC microgrid with multiple distributed generators (Publisher : Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Editor : Siddharth Suryanarayanan & Robin Roche & Timothy M. Hansen , Volume 1, Chapter 10, jan 2016, Pages 253 - 290)
Yang, Nanfang | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei | Miraoui, Abdellatif
2015 (3)
- inproceedings - Decoupled load sharing of multiple distributed generators in DC microgrids
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS Annual Meeting 2015) / Addison, TX, United States (2015, Pages pages 8)
Yang, Nanfang | Paire, Damien | Gao, Fei | Miraoui, Abdellatif | Liu, Weiguo - inproceedings - Autonomy and user experience enhancement control of an electrically assisted bicycle with dual-wheel drive
Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS Annual Meeting 2015) / Addison, TX, United States (2015, Pages pages 8)
Guarisco, Michael | Gao, Fei | Paire, Damien - inproceedings - Online estimation of state of charge of Li-ion battery using an iterated extended Kalman particle filter
4th IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2015) / Dearborn, MI, United States (2015, Pages pages 5)
Zhou, Daming | Ravey, Alexandre | Gao, Fei | Paire, Damien | Miraoui, Abdellatif | Zhang, Ke