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Daniel Soto Forero
Publications de Daniel Soto Forero
2024 (4)
- article - Stochastic agent-based models optimization applied to the problem of rebalancing bike-share systems
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) (Volume 14, Issue (5), oct 2024, Pages :5641 - 5651)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Ceballos, Yony - inproceedings - Ensemble Stacking Case-Based Reasoning for Regression
32nd International conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2024) / Mérida, Mexico (2024, Pages pages 159 - 174)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Henriet, Julien - inproceedings - The Intelligent Tutoring System AI-VT with Case-Based Reasoning and Real Time Recommender Models
32nd International conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2024) / Mérida, Mexico (2024, Pages pages 191 - 205)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Ackermann, Simha | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Henriet, Julien - article - Automatic Real-Time Adaptation of Training Session Difficulty Using Rules and Reinforcement Learning in the AI-VT ITS
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) (Volume 16, Issue (3), jun 2024, Pages :56 - 71)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Ackermann, Simha | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Henriet, Julien
2023 (1)
- inproceedings - A Multi-Agent Based Algorithm for Quadratic Assignment Problem
9th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI 2024) / Recife-Pe, Brazil (2023, Pages pages 6)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Soto, Wilson