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Djafar Chabane
Publications de Djafar Chabane
2024 (3)
- inproceedings - A 3D Multiphysics Study of Different Channel Designs Of PEM Electrolyzer
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2024) / Washington DC, United States (2024, Pages pages 6)
Louli, Rafika | Chabane, Djafar | Giurgea, Stefan | Salhi, Issam | Djerdir, Abdesslem - article - Stochastic optimisation-based methods for the identification of the physical parameters of a metal hydride tank
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 50, jan 2024, Pages :178-189)
Suarez, Santiago | Chabane, Djafar | N'diaye, Abdoul | Ait Amirat, Youcef | Djerdir, Abdesslem - article - Optimization of LaNi5 hydrogen storage properties by the combination of mechanical alloying and element substitution
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 53, jan 2024, Pages :394 - 402)
Liu, Yuchen | Chabane, Djafar | El Kedim, Omar
2023 (3)
- article - Experimental characterization of a novel configuration of thermoelectric refrigerator with integrated finned heat pipesCaractérisation expérimentale d’une nouvelle configuration de réfrigérateur thermoélectrique avec des caloducs à ailettes intégrés
International Journal of Refrigeration (Volume 131, nov 2023, Pages :157 - 167)
Abderezzak, Bilal | Kumar Dreepaul, Raj | Busawon, Krishna | Chabane, Djafar - article - First principles investigation of the substitutional doping of rare-earth elements and Co in La4MgNi19 phase
Journal of Energy Storage (Volume 67, sep 2023, Pages :107638 (6))
Liu, Yuchen | Chabane, Djafar | El Kedim, Omar - article - Real-time implementation of improved power frequency approach based energy management of fuel cell electric vehicle considering storage limitations
Energy (Volume 249, 2023, Pages :123743 (17))
Badji, Abderrezak | Ould Abdeslam, Djaffar | Chabane, Djafar | Benamrouche, Nacereddine
2022 (4)
- inproceedings - Experimental characterisation of the heat behaviour of a PEMFC in order to monitor its degradation
10th IEEE International Conference on Systems and Control (ICSC 2022) / Marseille, France (2022, Pages pages 360 - 365)
Suarez, Santiago | Chabane, Djafar | N'diaye, Abdoul | Ait Amirat, Youcef | Djerdir, Abdesslem - inproceedings - Feasibility of efficiency improvement in a fuel cell system powered by a metal hydride tank
48th IEEE Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2022) / Brussels, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 6)
Suarez, Santiago | Chabane, Djafar | N'diaye, Abdoul | Ait Amirat, Youcef | Djerdir, Abdesslem - article - Static and dynamic characterization of metal hydride tanks for energy management applications
Renewable Energy (Volume 191, may 2022, Pages :59 - 70)
Suarez, Santiago | Chabane, Djafar | N'diaye, Abdoul | Ait Amirat, Youcef | Djerdir, Abdesslem - article - Evaluation of the Performance Degradation of a Metal Hydride Tank in a Real Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
Energies (Volume 15, Issue (10), may 2022, Pages :3484 (14))
Suarez, Santiago | Chabane, Djafar | N'diaye, Abdoul | Ait Amirat, Youcef | El Kedim, Omar | Djerdir, Abdesslem
2021 (4)
- inproceedings - Dynamic and Static characterization of the absorption process in metal hydride tanks for Mobile Applications
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2021) / Gijon, Spain (2021, Pages pages 6)
Suarez, Santiago | Chabane, Djafar | N'diaye, Abdoul | Ait Amirat, Youcef | Djerdir, Abdesslem - article - Intermetallic Compounds Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying for Solid-State Hydrogen Storage: A Review
Energies (Volume 14, Issue (18), sep 2021, Pages :5758 (21))
Liu, Yuchen | Chabane, Djafar | El Kedim, Omar - article - Coupling a metal hydride tank with a PEMFC for vehicular applications: A simulations framework
International Journal of Energy Research (Volume 45, Issue (11), may 2021, Pages :16511 - 16523)
Chabane, Djafar | Iqbal, Mehroze | Harel, Fabien | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Candusso, Denis | El Kedim, Omar | Fenineche, Noureddine - article - Innovative method to estimate state of charge of the hydride hydrogen tank: application of fuel cell electric vehicles
International Journal of Modelling and Simulation (Volume 2021, feb 2021, Pages :1891495 (14))
Chabane, Djafar | Serairi, Linda | Iqbal, Mehroze | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Fenineche, Noureddine | El Kedim, Omar
2019 (2)
- article - Energetic modeling, simulation and experimental of hydrogen desorption in a hydride tank
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 44, Issue (2), jan 2019, Pages :12)
Chabane, Djafar | Harel, Fabien | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Candusso, Denis | El Kedim, Omar | Fenineche, Noureddine - article - Energy management of a thermally coupled fuel cell system and metal hydride tank
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 44, Issue (50), 2019, Pages :27553 - 27563)
Chabane, Djafar | Ibrahim, Mona | Harel, Fabien | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Candusso, Denis | El Kedim, Omar
2018 (1)
- inproceedings - Effect of the Temperature Distribution on the Performance of PEMFC Stacks for Fault Diagnosis
21st International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2018) / Jeju, Korea, Republic Of (2018, Pages pages 1019 - 1023)
Mohammadi, Ali | Chabane, Djafar | Cirrincione, Giansalvo | Cirrincione, Maurizio | Djerdir, Abdesslem
2017 (2)
- inproceedings - Estimation of the state of charge of a hydride hydrogen tank for vehicle applications
14th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017) / Belfort, France (2017, Pages pages 6)
Zhu, Dan | Chabane, Djafar | Ait Amirat, Youcef | N'diaye, Abdoul | Djerdir, Abdesslem - article - Influence of the key parameters on the dynamic behavior of the hydrogen absorption by LaNi5
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 42, Issue (2), jan 2017, Pages :1412 - 1419)
Chabane, Djafar | Harel, Fabien | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Ibrahim, Mona | El Kedim, Omar | Fenineche, Noureddine
2016 (1)
- article - A new method for the characterization of hydrides hydrogen tanks dedicated to automotive applications
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 41, Issue (27), jul 2016, Pages :11682 – 11691)
Chabane, Djafar | Harel, Fabien | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Candusso, Denis | El Kedim, Omar | Fenineche, Noureddine
2014 (1)
- inproceedings - Couplage thermique entre pile à combustible et réservoir à hydrogène basse pression
Chabane, Djafar | Harel, Fabien | Djerdir, Abdesslem | Candusso, Denis | El Kedim, Omar | Fenineche, Noureddine