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Fabrice Richard

Publications de Fabrice Richard

2024 (1)

2022 (1)

  • article - Simultaneous extraction of the elastic-plastic properties of a thin film and its substrate from an identifiability-based design of depth-sensing nanoindentation testing
    Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (Volume 163, jun 2022, Pages :104860 (24))
    Fauvel, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Guillemet, Raphaël | Garabedian, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice

2021 (4)

  • inproceedings - On the interest of the Berkovich and conical tip shape to identify interac-tions between dislocations in nickel single crystals from the residual to-pography
    Indentation 2021 (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Bourceret, Alexandre | Lejeune, Arnaud | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Simultaneous identification of reliable elastoplastic properties of an alumina thin film and the yield stress of the silicon substrate from an identifiability-based design of experiments using P-h curves
    Indentation 2021 (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Fauvel, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Guillemet, Raphaël | Garabedian, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Simulation of the micro–Single Point Incremental forming process of very thin sheets
    On line 24th International Conference on Material Forming (ESAFORM 2021) / Liège, Belgium (2021, Pages pages 16)
    Thuillet, Stéphanie | Manach, Pierre-Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Identification of elastoplastic properties of coated nanostructured optical windows from Berkovich nanoindentation experiments using FEMU method
    Virtual Congress 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS (2021) / Paris, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Fauvel, Vincent | Gaillard, Yves | Guillemet, Raphaël | Garabedian, Patrick | Lehoucq, Gaëlle | Richard, Fabrice
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2020 (5)

2019 (7)

  • article - Relation between hardness of (Ti, Al)N based multilayered coatings and periods of their stacking
    Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings (Volume 27, nov 2019, Pages :79 - 83)
    Zaoui, Mehdi | Bourceret, Alexandre | Gaillard, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Identification de modèles de comportement pour le micro-formage de composants miniatures
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 9)
    Thuillet, Stéphanie | Manach, Pierre-Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien
  • inproceedings - Simulation par méthode asymptotique numérique de la nanoindentation conique dans le cas viscoélastique
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Lejeune, Arnaud | Gaillard, Yves | Potier-Ferry, Michel | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Conception d’expériences de nanoindentation basée sur l’identifiabilité pour l’extraction de propriétés viscoélastiques
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 12)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Amiot, Fabien | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Modélisation du lien entre la dureté et la période d’empilement dans un revêtement métal/céramique nano-architecturé en multicouche
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 16)
    Bourceret, Alexandre | Zaoui, Mehdi | Quilliot, Denis | Gaillard, Yves | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - New functionalities of Versions 3.1 and 3.2 of TFEL/MFront
    14ème Colloque Nationale en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2019) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2019, Pages pages 12)
    Helfer, Thomas | Fandeur, Olivier | Geoffroy, Dominique | Toulemonde, Charles | Hure, Jérémy | Dupuy, Laurent | Forré, Agathe | Deloison, Dominique | Péralès, Frédéric | Lejeune, Arnaud | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Gaillard, Yves | Almanstötter, Jürgen | Gangnant, Alexandre | Draup, Jefry | Kececioglu, Anthony | Garnier, Christophe | Garnier, Christophe | Roland, Jérôme
  • inproceedings - MANITOO : Solveur orienté objet d'équations non linéaires par méthode asymptotique numérique
    14ème Colloque Nationale en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2019) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2019, Pages pages 7)
    Lejeune, Arnaud | Béchet, Fabien | Boudaoud, Hakim | Gaillard, Yves | Mathieu, Norman | Richard, Fabrice | Sadoulet, Emeline | Ventura, Pascal | Potier-Ferry, Michel

2018 (6)

  • article - A viscoelastoplastic stiffening model for plant fibre unidirectional reinforced composite behaviour under monotonic and cyclic tensile loading
    Composites Science and Technology (Volume 167, oct 2018, Pages :396 - 403)
    Richard, Fabrice | Poilâne, Christophe | Yang, Haomiao | Gehring, Florian | Renner, Emile
  • inproceedings - Modélisation de l’indentation de revêtements multicouches Ti0,54Al0,46/Ti0,54Al0,46N
    6ème COLLOQUE INDENTATION (INDENTATION 2018) / Liège, Belgium (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Quilliot, Denis | Giljean, Sylvain | Gaillard, Yves | Pac, Marie-Josée | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Non-uniqueness of the viscoelastic properties determined by sharp nanoindentation. Case of polypropylene
    16th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 16) / Nantes, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Single crystal plasticity parameters identification from residual imprint topography after nano-indentation
    2018 PhotoMechanics (PM 2018) / Touluse, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Instrumented incremental sheet testing for material behavior extraction under very large strain : information richness of continuous force measurement
    Materials and Design (Volume 140, feb 2018, Pages :317 - 331)
    Hapsari, Gemala | Richard, Fabrice | Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Malecot, Pierrick | Thibaud, Sébastien
  • incollection - About Nonlinear Behavior of Unidirectional Plant Fibre Composite
    Advances in Natural Fibre Composites (Edition : Springer International, jan 2018, Pages 69 - 79)
    Poilâne, Christophe | Gehring, Florian | Yang, Haomiao | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex

2017 (5)

  • inproceedings - Non-unicité des propriétés viscoélastiques déterminées par nanoindentation conique. Cas du polypropylène
    23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
    Barick, Mohamed Cheikh | Gaillard, Yves | Lejeune, Arnaud | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Non linear behavior of flax/epoxy unidirectional composite
    3rd International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF) / Braga, Portugal (2017)
    Yang, Haomiao | Richard, Fabrice | Gehring, Florian | Poilâne, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Aspect inélastique des composites lin/époxy
    20ème Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2017) / Champs-sur-Marne, France (2017)
    Gehring, Florian | Yang, Haomiao | Richard, Fabrice | Poilâne, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Numerical prediction of the forming limit diagrams for characterizing the thin sheet formability
    17th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SHEMET 2017) / Palermo, Italy (2017)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Hapsari, Gemala | Malecot, Pierrick
  • inproceedings - A procedure for ductile damage parameters identification by micro incremental sheet forming
    17th International Conference on Sheet Metal (SHEMET 2017) / Palermo, Italy (2017)
    Hapsari, Gemala | Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien | Malecot, Pierrick

2016 (5)

  • inproceedings - Sur la caractérisation des interactions entre dislocations dans un cristal CFC de Nickel par analyse de la topographie des empreintes Berkovich
    Colloque indentation (INDENTATION 2016) / Lille, France (2016, Pages pages 2 p)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Non linear behavior of flax/epoxy unidirectional composite
    International Workshop on Dynamic behaviour of green composites (2016) / Poitiers, France (2016)
    Yang, Haomiao | Richard, Fabrice | Gehring, Florian | Poilâne, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Numerical determination of the forming limit diagram for thin sheet metal foil from a ductile damage model identified via Micro-Single Point Incremental Forming tests
    12th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM) / Troyes, France (2016, Pages pages 3 p)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Hapsari, Gemala | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien | Malecot, Pierrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Hardening law identification by micro incremental sheet forming : a sensitivity study
    12th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM) / Troyes, France (2016)
    Hapsari, Gemala | Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien | Malecot, Pierrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Sensitivity of the residual topography to single crystal plasticity parameters in Berkovich nanoindentation on FCC nickel
    International Journal of Plasticity (Volume 77, feb 2016, Pages :118 - 140)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick

2015 (4)

  • inproceedings - MIC2M, un logiciel d’analyse inverse pour l’identification des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux
    Séminaire Informatique Scientifique (2015)
    Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - On the identifiability of the slip system interaction matrix from residual topography left by nanoindentation in Nickel
    General Meeting on the Mechanics of Nano Objects GDRi CNRS MECANO (2015)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - On the identifiability of the slip system interaction matrix from residual topography left by nanoindentation in Nickel
    9th European Solid Mechanics Conference (ESMC 2015) / Madrid, Spain (2015)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick | Amiot, Fabien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Elastic-plastic damage behavior identification in micro scale length from instrumented micro-single point incremental forming
    9th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2015) / Milano, Italy (2015, Pages pages 230 - 233)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien | Malecot, Pierrick
    doi | bibtex

2014 (6)

  • inproceedings - Identifiabilité des paramètres d'une loi élastoplastique endommageable d'une tôle mince : indentation versus formage incrémental
    Identation 2014 (2014)
    Richard, Fabrice | Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Analyse expérimentale et numérique de l'anisotropie et de la plasticité cristalline d'un polycristal de Ni par nano-indentation
    Indentation 2014 (2014)
    Renner, Emile | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Microstructural and elasto-plastic material parameters identification by inverse finite elements method of Ti(1-x) AlxN (0 < x < 1 sputtered thin films from Berkovich nano-indentation experiments
    Thin Solid Films (Volume 569, oct 2014, Pages :81 - 92)
    Pac, Marie-Josée | Giljean, Sylvain | Rousselot, Christophe | Richard, Fabrice | Delobelle, Patrick
  • inproceedings - 3D finite element simulation study of micro single point incremental forming
    International Conference on COmputational methods in Manufacturing Processes (ICOMP'14) (2014)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Malecot, Pierrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Anisotropy and crystal plasticity analysis of a FCC nickel polycrystal by nanoindentation and numerical modeling
    14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC 14) / Gothenburg, Sweden (2014)
    Renner, Emile | Delobelle, Patrick | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - Polymer reinforced by flax fibres as a viscoelastoplastic material
    Composite Structures (Volume 112, feb 2014, Pages :100 - 112)
    Poilâne, Christophe | Cherif, Z.E. | Richard, Fabrice | Vivet, A. | Ben Doudou, B. | Chen, Jian

2013 (6)

  • article - Viscoelastic modeling and quantitative experimental characterization of normal and osteoarthritic human articular cartilage using indentation
    Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials (Volume 24, aug 2013, Pages :41 - 52)
    Richard, Fabrice | Villars, Mylène | Thibaud, Sébastien
  • inproceedings - Influence de la taille de grain initiale sur le procédé de formage incrémental des tôles en faibles épaisseurs
    21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2013) / Bordeaux, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Malecot, Pierrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Modélisation numérique de l'endommagement en formage incrémental des tôles en faibles épaisseurs : procédures d'identification et validation
    21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2013) / Bordeaux, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Malecot, Pierrick
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Anisotropy and crystal plasticity study of fcc polycrystalline Ni by nanoindentation
    21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2013) / Bordeaux, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Renner, Emile | Delobelle, Patrick | Gaillard, Yves | Richard, Fabrice
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Influence of the initial grain size in single point incremental forming process for thin sheets metal and microparts: Experimental investigations
    Materials and Design (Volume 45, mar 2013, Pages :155 - 165)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien | Gilbin, Alexandre | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Simulation et validation expérimentale de procédé de formage incrémental mono-point des tôles en faibles épaisseurs
    International Congress Design and Modelling of Mechanical Systems (CMSM 2013) (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Thibaud, Sébastien | Richard, Fabrice | Malecot, Pierrick

2012 (1)

  • article - A fully parametric toolbox for the simulation of single point incremental sheet forming process: Numerical feasibility and experimental validation
    Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (Volume 29, dec 2012, Pages :32 – 43)
    Thibaud, Sébastien | Ben Hmida, Ramzi | Richard, Fabrice | Malecot, Pierrick

2011 (6)

  • article - Identification of material parameters of cartilage for hip joint mechanical model
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (Volume 14, Issue (S1), aug 2011, Pages :249 - 251)
    Villars, Mylène | Fournier, E. | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - Identification of geometrical parameters of femoral heads for hip joint mechanical model
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (Volume 14, Issue (S1), aug 2011, Pages :247 - 248)
    Villars, Mylène | Fournier, E. | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien
  • inproceedings - Identification of material parameters of cartilage for hip joint mechanical model
    36ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique (SB 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Villars, Mylène | Fournier, E. | Richard, Fabrice
  • inproceedings - Identification of geometrical parameters of femoral heads for hip joint mechanical model
    36ème Congrès de la Société de Biomécanique (SB 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
    Villars, Mylène | Fournier, E. | Richard, Fabrice | Thibaud, Sébastien
  • article - Interprétation du module d’indentation dans le cas des matériaux anisotropes et/ou actifs
    Matériaux & Techniques (Volume 99, Issue (2), jul 2011, Pages :185 - 196)
    Delobelle, Patrick | Dali, Samir | Richard, Fabrice
  • article - Micro-indentation et couplage essais-calculs pour l’identification par méthode inverse du comportement mécanique non linéaire du cartilage fémoral humain
    Matériaux & Techniques (Volume 99, Issue (2), jul 2011, Pages :253 - 259)
    Villars, Mylène | Clement, Philippe | Mith, Setha | Carpentier, Luc | Garbuio, P. | Richard, Fabrice

2010 (4)

  • inproceedings - Interprétation du module d'indentation dans le cas des matériaux anisotropes et/ou actifs
    Matériaux 2010 (2010)
    Delobelle, Patrick | Richard, Fabrice | Rousselot, Christophe | Dali, Samir
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Micro-indentation and coupling test-calculations for identification by inverse method of non linear mechanical behaviour of human femoral head cartilage
    Human Biomechanics (2010)
    Clement, Philippe | Villars, Mylène | Mith, Setha | Carpentier, Luc | Garbuio, P. | Richard, Fabrice
  • incollection - Analyse et identification du comportement mécanique du cartilage coxo-fémoral humain à l'aide d'essais d'indentation couplés à une méthode numérique inverse
    Bio reconstruction de l'os à la peau (Editor : Sauramps Medical, Volume Tome 2, 2010)
    Clement, Philippe | Villars, Mylène | Smith, S. | Carpentier, Luc | Garbuio, P. | Richard, Fabrice
  • unpublished - Analyse inverse d'essais mécaniques ( 2010)
    Richard, Fabrice

2009 (1)

  • inproceedings - Numerical identification of initial stress within in vivo human skin
    / Besançon, France (2009)
    Chihaoui, Aymen | Chambert, Jérôme | Capek, Lukas | Richard, Fabrice | Dzan, L. | Jacquet, Emmanuelle
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