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Frédéric Dubas
Publications de Frédéric Dubas
2024 (9)
- inproceedings - Diagnostic de Systèmes Hydrogènes via la Magnéto-tomographie
4ème Réunion Plénières de la Fédération Hydrogène (FRH2) du CNRS (2024) / La Grande Motte, France (2024)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Bouquain, David | Hissel, Daniel - article - Diagnostic and Performance Analysis of a Water Electrolyzer by Magnetic Field Measurements
Energies (Volume 17, Issue (16), aug 2024, Pages :4135 (12))
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Bouquain, David | Hissel, Daniel - inproceedings - Evaluation of different models dedicated to fuel cell diagnosis through magneto-tomography method
10ème Conférence Européenne sur les Méthodes Numériques en Electromagnétisme (NUMELEC 2024) / Toulouse, France (2024)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - article - On-load magnetic field calculation for linear permanent-magnet actuators using hybrid 2-D finite-element method and Maxwell–Fourier analysis
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 43, Issue (5), jun 2024, Pages :1080 - 1097)
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Implémentation de résistances de contact en 2-D dans un circuit équivalent. Thermique d’une encoche statorique d’un moteur électrique
32ème Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT 2024) / Strasbourg, France (2024, Pages pages 8)
Nguyen, Philippe | Baucour, Philippe | Dubas, Frédéric | Désévaux, Philippe | Corneloup, Christophe | Falcand, Rémi - article - Experimental validation of a purely analytical model dedicated to fuel cell diagnosis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (Volume 67, may 2024, Pages :888 - 897)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Nonlinear Analytical Solution in Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Machines using Scalar Potential
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 71, Issue (4), apr 2024, Pages :3383 - 3393)
Guo, Baocheng | Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Development and Validation of a 3-D Analytical Fluidic Model in Cartesian Coordinates for a Magnetic Refrigeration Application
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 2701, 2024, Pages :012123 (12))
Eustache, Julien | Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Glises, Raynal - article - Semianalytical modeling of squirrel-cage induction machines with consideration of iron permeability and eddy-currents using elementary subdomain technique
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 43, Issue (1), 2024, Pages :149 - 166)
Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Ibtiouen, Rachid
2023 (8)
- inproceedings - Electromagnetic Analysis of Squirrel-Cage Induction Machine Considering Finite Iron Permeability
6th International Conference on ELectrotechnics (ICEL 2023) / Oran, Algeria (2023, Pages pages 5)
Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - Hybrid modeling for permanent-magnet electrical machines using Maxwell-Fourier and finite-element method
Electrical Engineering (Volume 105, Issue (4), aug 2023, Pages :2229 - 2240)
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Development and Validation of a 3-D Analytical Fluidic Model in Cartesian Coordinates for a Magnetic Refrigeration Application
12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences (IC-MSQUARE 2023) / Belgrade, Serbia (2023)
Eustache, Julien | Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Glises, Raynal - inproceedings - Modèle quasi 3-D pour le diagnostic de pile à combustible par magnéto-tomographie avec validations expérimentales
5ème Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2023) / Lille, France (2023, Pages pages 6)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Influence of the Magnetic Field Application on the Performance of Water Electrolysis for the Hydrogen Production
International Summer School Hydrogen Nancy (2023) / Nancy, France (2023)
Lahlou Nabil, Kaoutar | Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Sdanghi, Giuseppe - inproceedings - Improvement Of Fuel Cell Diagnosis By Magneto-Tomography With Magnetic Field Concentration
11th International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics (CEM 2023) / Cannes, France (2023, Pages pages 2)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Equivalent Transformation Between Axial- and Radial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Machines
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (Volume 9, Issue (2), 2023, Pages :3085 - 3094)
Guo, Baocheng | Peng, Fei | Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Dubas, Frédéric | Huang, Yunkai - article - 2-D Eddy-Current Losses Model and Experimental Validation through Thermal Measurements
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (Volume 72, 2023, Pages :6003607 (7))
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric
2022 (7)
- article - Nonlinear Semi-Analytical Model for Axial Flux Permanent-Magnet Machine
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 69, Issue (10), oct 2022, Pages :9804 - 9816)
Guo, Baocheng | Du, Yunlu | Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Peng, Fei | Dong, Jianning | Huang, Yunkai | Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel - article - A 2D Multi-Layer Model to Study the External Magnetic Field Generated by a Polymer Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
Mathematics (Volume 10, Issue (20), oct 2022, Pages :3883 (15))
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Développement d’un outil autonome pour le calcul des pertes par courants de Foucault avec des validations expérimentales
Conférence des Jeunes Chercheurs en Génie Électrique (JCGE 2022) / Le Croisic, France (2022, Pages pages 6)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Experimental Validation of a 2-D Multi-Layer Model for Fuel Cell Diagnosis Using Magneto-Tomography
23rd World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC 2022) / Istanbul, Turkey (2022, Pages pages 3)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Two-dimensional steady-state thermal analytical model of permanent-magnet synchronous machines operating in generator mode
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 41, Issue (1), jan 2022, Pages :125 - 154)
Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Guo, Baocheng | Ailam, El Hadj - article - Semi-Analytical Magnetic Field Calculation for Dual-Rotor Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines by using Hybrid Model
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 58, Issue (1), jan 2022, Pages :8100210 (10))
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Roubache, Lazhar | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - Volumic Eddy-Current Losses in Conductive Massive Parts with Experimental Validations
Energies (Volume 15, Issue (24), 2022, Pages :9413 (21))
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric
2021 (16)
- inproceedings - Electrical Conductivity Influence on Eddy-Current Losses: Analytical study and experimental Validation
IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2021) / Gyeongju, Korea, Republic Of (2021, Pages pages 554 - 557)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Analysis on the topology and control of Power Electronics Converters for Wind Energy Conversion Systems
International Journal of Research and Review (Volume 8, Issue (8), aug 2021, Pages :127 - 137)
Agbokpanzo, Richard Gilles | Aguemon, Dourodjayé Pierre | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Elementary Subdomain Technique in Switched Reluctance Machines with the Local Saturation Effect
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2021) / Nantes, France (2021, Pages pages 6)
Ben Yahia, Mohammed | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Roubache, Lazhar | Ibtiouen, Rachid - misc - Session spéciale n°04 Modélisations (Semi-)Analytiques de Dispositifs Électromagnétiques
(jul 2021)
Dubas, Frédéric | Chillet, Christian - article - The Effect of Magnet Width and Iron Core Relative Permeability on Iron Pole Radii Ratio in Spoke-Type Permanent-Magnet Machine: An Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Study
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEEE) (Volume 17, Issue (2), jun 2021, Pages :1802 (12))
Jabbari, Ali | Dubas, Frédéric - article - 2-D Semi-analytical Magnetic Field Calculation for Flat Permanent-Magnet Linear Machines Using Exact Subdomain Technique
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 57, Issue (6), jun 2021, Pages :8106211 (11))
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Étude Bibliographique des Dispositifs Expérimentaux pour la Réfrigération Magnétique
29ème Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT 2021) / Belfort, France (2021, Pages pages 5 - 12)
Eustache, Julien | Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Glises, Raynal - inproceedings - La réfrigération magnétocalorique au défi du ré-chauffement climatique
29ème Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT 2021) / Belfort, France (2021, Pages pages 225 - 232)
De Larochelambert, Thierry | Plait, Antony | Giurgea, Stefan | Bailly, Yannick | Roy, Jean-Claude | Ramel, David | Girardot, Laurent | Glises, Raynal | Barrière, Thierry | Hirsinger, Laurent | Perrin, Mickaël | Ismail, Ali | Meunier, Alexandre | Li, Tianjiao | Dubas, Frédéric | Eustache, Julien - inproceedings - Estimation des pertes par courants de Foucault dans des parties massives conductrices à partir de mesures thermiques
29ème Congrès Français de Thermique (SFT 2021) / Belfort, France (2021, Pages pages 13 - 20)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Systemic design of electrical machines for magnetocaloric refrigeration
Séminaire interne FEMTO (2021) / Online (Electronic Conference), France (2021)
Eustache, Julien | Glises, Raynal | Dubas, Frédéric | Plait, Antony - incollection - Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines
(Editor : b2775a5c-6aef-4ff8-8768-36f2aaf4d5ab-editor.pdf, mar 2021, Pages 252)
Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel - article - Two-dimensional hybrid model for magnetic field calculation in electrical machines: exact subdomain technique and magnetic equivalent circuit
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 40, Issue (3), 2021, Pages :535-560)
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - Review of Multi-Physics Modeling on the Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigeration
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 26, Issue (2), 2021, Pages :47 (37))
Eustache, Julien | Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric | Glises, Raynal - article - Analytical magnetic field calculation for flat permanent-magnet linear machines with dual-rotor by using improved two-dimensional hybrid analytical method
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 40, Issue (3), 2021, Pages :602-623)
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - 2-D Steady-State Heat Transfer Prediction in Rotating Electrical Machines Taking into account Materials Anisotropy: Thermal Resistances Network, Exact Analytical and Hybrid Methods
ENP Engineering Science Journal (Volume 1, Issue (1), 2021, Pages :21 - 37)
Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Magnetic Field Calculation for Flat Permanent-Magnet Linear Machines Using a Hybrid Analytical Model
ENP Engineering Science Journal (Volume 1, Issue (2), 2021, Pages :1 - 8)
Ladghem-Chikouche, Brahim | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Roubache, Lazhar | Ibtiouen, Rachid
2020 (13)
- inbook - Electrimacs 2019
Pages 287 - 302 (Volume volume 697 of series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), dec 2020)
Benmessaoud, Youcef | Belguerras, Walid | Dubas, Frédéric | Hilairet, Mickaël - inproceedings - Multi-Physical Model for Sizing Optimization of Electrical Machines
19th IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC 2020) / Pisa, Italy (2020, Pages pages 4 p.)
Bekir, Wissem | Messal, Oualid | Lambourg, Louis | Dubas, Frédéric | Harmand, Souad | Kedous-Lebouc, Afef | Gillon, Frédéric - misc - Innovative micro-structure MAGnetocaloric COMPOsites for sustainable and eco-friendly refrigeration machines and heat pumps
(oct 2020)
Barrière, Thierry | Bailly, Yannick | De Larochelambert, Thierry | Hirsinger, Laurent | Dubas, Frédéric | Giurgea, Stefan | Glises, Raynal | Bourgault, Daniel | Roy, Jean-Claude | Ramel, David | El Kedim, Omar | Ismail, Ali | Li, Tianjiao | N Dri, Kouassi Dakmak | Perrin, Mickaël | Rabhi, Faleh - inproceedings - Loss Model Impact on Multi-Physical Coupling Designed for Sizing Optimization of Electrical Machines
15th IEEE International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER 2020) / Monte-Carlo, Monaco (2020, Pages pages 7 p.)
Bekir, Wissem | Messal, Oualid | Lambourg, Louis | Dubas, Frédéric | Harmand, Souad | Kedous-Lebouc, Afef | Gillon, Frédéric - inbook - Electrimacs 2019
Pages 155 - 164 (Editor : 3e2b3190-95d8-4a4e-a618-9f356a3b55a2-editor.pdf, Volume volume 604 of series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), Series Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE), apr 2020)
Belguerras, Walid | Benmessaoud, Youcef | Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel | Hilairet, Mickaël - article - Investigation of Volumic Permanent-Magnet Eddy-Current Losses in Multi-Phase Synchronous Machines from Hybrid Multi-Layer Model
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 25, Issue (1), mar 2020, Pages :14 (18))
Benmessaoud, Youcef | Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Hilairet, Mickaël - article - A Comprehensive Analysis and Review on Electrical Machines in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Advanced Engineering Forum (Volume 35, feb 2020, Pages :77 - 93)
Aguemon, Dourodjayé Pierre | Agbokpanzo, Richard Gilles | Dubas, Frédéric | Vianou, Antoine | Chamagne, Didier | Espanet, Christophe - article - A New Subdomain Method for Performances Computation in Interior Permanent-Magnet (IPM) Machines
Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEEE) (Volume 16, Issue (1), 2020, Pages :26 - 38)
Jabbari, Ali | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Analytical Modelling of Magnetic Field Distribution in Spoke Type Permanent Magnet Machines
Journal of Iranian Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Volume 17, Issue (3), 2020, Pages :141 - 151)
Jabbari, Ali | Dubas, Frédéric - article - An improved model for performances calculation in spoke-type permanent-magnet machines considering magnetization orientation and finite soft-magnetic material permeability
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 39, Issue (6), 2020, Pages :1299 - 1314)
Jabbari, Ali | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 25, Issue (4), 2020, Pages :77 (4))
Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel - misc - Guest Editors for Special Issue "Mathematical Models for the Design of Electrical Machines"
( 2020)
Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel - misc - Guest editors for Special Issue "Characterization of Magnetocaloric Devices and Materials through Mathematical Models"
( 2020)
Plait, Antony | Dubas, Frédéric
2019 (14)
- inproceedings - Multi-Objective Optimization of Run-of-River Small Hydro-PV Hybrid Power Systems
AFRICON ( 2019) / Accra, Ghana (2019, Pages pages 7)
Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Dubas, Frédéric | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Aza-Gnandji, Maurel Richy | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine - article - Investigation on offshore wind energy potential in Benin Republic
Wind Engineering (Volume 45, sep 2019, Pages :89-98)
Aza-Gnandji, Maurel Richy | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Dubas, Frédéric | Nounangnonhou, Télesphore C | Espanet, Christophe | Vianou, Antoine - inproceedings - 3-D Generic Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Taking Into Account Skin Effect: Magnetic Field and Eddy-Current Losses
13th IEEE International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ElectrIMACS 2019) / Salerno, Italy (2019, Pages pages 6)
Benmessaoud, Youcef | Belguerras, Walid | Dubas, Frédéric | Hilairet, Mickaël - inproceedings - 2-D Analytical Model of Conventional Switched Reluctance Machines
13th IEEE International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ElectrIMACS 2019) / Salerno, Italy (2019, Pages pages 5)
Belguerras, Walid | Benmessaoud, Youcef | Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel | Hilairet, Mickaël - article - Analytical Prediction of Iron-Core Losses in Flux-Modulated Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 55, Issue (1), jan 2019, Pages :6333112 (12))
Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Kechroud, Abdelhamid | Tikellaline, Abdelouahab - article - Multi-Objective Optimization of Run-of-River Small- Hydropower Plants Considering Both Investment Cost and Annual Energy Generation
International Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (Volume 13, Issue (1), jan 2019, Pages :17 - 21)
Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Dubas, Frédéric | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine - article - Dimensionnement technico-économique de conduite forcée pour microcentrale hydroélectrique en utilisant les algorithmes génétiques
Journal de la Recherche Scientifique de l'Université de Lomé (Volume 21, Issue (1), jan 2019, Pages :113 - 122)
Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine - inproceedings - Multi-Objective Optimization of Run-of-River Small- Hydropower Plants Considering Both Investment Cost and Annual Energy Generation
International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development (ICEESD 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 1434 - 1438)
Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Dubas, Frédéric | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine - article - General calculation of winding factor for multi-phase/-layer electrical machines irrespective of poles number
Acta Polytechnica (Volume 59, Issue (2), 2019, Pages :153 - 161)
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Benallal, Nadjib | Espanet, Christophe - article - Combining the Magnetic Equivalent Circuit and Maxwell–Fourier Method for Eddy-Current Loss Calculation
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 24, Issue (2), 2019, Pages :60 (23))
Benmessaoud, Youcef | Dubas, Frédéric | Hilairet, Mickaël - article - Estimation of Electromechanical Equipment Cost for Hydropower Plants Taking into Account of Continental Factors
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa (Volume 44, 2019, Pages :182 - 199)
Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Dubas, Frédéric | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Bloch, Christelle | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine - article - Permanent-Magnet Eddy-Current Losses: A Global Revision of Calculation and Analysis
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 24, Issue (3), 2019, Pages :67 (18))
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Wind Energy Potential Assessment and Wind Turbine Performance Investigation in the Cotonou Coast (Benin Republic)
International Journal of Engineering Research in Africa (Volume 45, 2019, Pages :89 - 98)
Aza-Gnandji, Maurel Richy | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Vianou, Antoine - misc - Projet COCTEL
( 2019)
Dubas, Frédéric | Plait, Antony
2018 (16)
- article - Two-Dimensional Exact Subdomain Technique of Switched Reluctance Machines with Sinusoidal Current Excitation
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 23, Issue (4), dec 2018, Pages :59(21))
Ben Yahia, Mohammed | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Roubache, Lazhar | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Analytical Modeling of Electromagnetic Noise in Spoke-Type Permanent-Magnet Machines
3rd International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (2018) / Alger, Algeria (2018, Pages pages pp. 574-578)
Roubache, Lazhar | Ben Yahia, Mohammed | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - A 2-D Exact Subdomain Technique in Switched Reluctance Machines Taking Into Account of Finite Soft-Magnetic Material Permeability
3rd International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (2018) / Alger, Algeria (2018, Pages pages pp. 557-562)
Ben Yahia, Mohammed | Roubache, Lazhar | Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Dimensionnement Technico-Économique de Conduite Forcée pour Microcentrale Hydroélectrique en utilisant les Algorithmes Génétiques
18ème Journées Scientifiques Internationales de Lomé (2018) / Lomé, Togo (2018)
Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Vianou, Antoine - article - 2-D Exact Analytical Method for Steady-State Heat Transfer Prediction in Rotating Electrical Machines
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 54, Issue (9), sep 2018, Pages :8104519 (19))
Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - Semi-Analytical Magnetic Field Predicting in Many Structures of Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines Considering the Iron Permeability
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 54, Issue (7), jul 2018, Pages :8103921 (21))
Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Kechroud, Abdelhamid | Souleyman, Benkraouda - inproceedings - Circuit équivalent magnétique générique tridimensionnel pour systèmes électromagnétiques
3ème Symposium de Génie Electrique / Nancy, France (2018, Pages pages 01-08)
Benmessaoud, Youcef | Dubas, Frédéric | Benlamine, Raouf | Hilairet, Mickaël - inproceedings - Technique en Sous-Domaines Élémentaires dans les Machines Asynchrones à Cage d'Écureuil : Saturation Magnétique Locale & Courants de Foucault dans les Barres
3ème Symposium de Génie Electrique / Nancy, France (2018, Pages pages 7)
Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - Complementarity between Solar and Wind Energy Potentials in Benin Republic
Advanced Engineering Forum (Volume 1, jun 2018, Pages :128 - 138)
Aza-Gnandji, Maurel Richy | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Hounnou, Amèdédjihundé | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Espanet, Christophe | Vianou, Antoine - article - Elementary Subdomain Technique for Magnetic Field Calculation in Rotating Electrical Machines with Local Saturation Effect
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering (Volume 28, Issue (1), jun 2018, Pages :24 - 25)
Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - article - An Investigation into the Coupling of Magnetic and Thermal Analysis for Wound-Rotor Synchronous Machine
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Volume 65, Issue (4), apr 2018, Pages :3406 - 3416)
Utegenova, Shinara | Dubas, Frédéric | Jamot, Michel | Glises, Raynal | Truffart, Bertrand | Mariotto, Damien | Lagonotte, Patrick | Désévaux, Philippe - article - New Subdomain technique for Electromagnetic Performances Calculation in Radial-Flux Electrical Machines Considering Finite Soft-Magnetic Material Permeability
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 54, Issue (4), apr 2018, Pages :8103315 (15))
Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Etude du Potentiel Energétique Eolien Offshore du Bénin
Colloque International Francophone portant sur l'Energétique et la Mécanique (CIFEM 2018) / Cotonou, Benin (2018, Pages pages 206 - 211)
Aza-Gnandji, Maurel Richy | Fifatin, François-Xavier | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Vianou, Antoine - article - Coupled Circuit and Magnetic Fast Model for High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Drive Design
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (Volume 8, Issue (1), feb 2018, Pages :27 - 34)
Gerber, Mathieu | Gilson, Adrien | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe - article - Automatic winding generation using matrix representation-anfractus tool 1.0
Acta Polytechnica (Volume 58, Issue (1), 2018, Pages :37 - 46)
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Benallal, Nadjib | Randi, Sid-Ali | Espanet, Christophe - article - Optimal Design of Multi-phases Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines Using Genetic Algorithms
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation (MJMS) (Volume 10, Issue (1), 2018, Pages :029 - 044)
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Benallal, Nadjib | Espanet, Christophe
2017 (10)
- article - New Scientific Contribution on the 2-D Subdomain Technique in Polar Coordinates: Taking into Account of Iron Parts
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 22, Issue (4), dec 2017, Pages :42 (30))
Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel - inproceedings - Nonlinear Adaptive Magnetic Equivalent Circuit of a Radial-Flux Interior Permanent-Magnet Machine using Air-gap Sliding-Line Technic
14th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017) / Belfort, France (2017, Pages pages 6)
Benlamine, Raouf | Benmessaoud, Youcef | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Three-Dimensional Automatic Generation Magnetic Equivalent Circuit Using Mesh-Based Formulation
20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS) / Sydney, Australia (2017, Pages pages 6)
Benmessaoud, Youcef | Dubas, Frédéric | Benlamine, Raouf | Hilairet, Mickaël - article - Nonlinear Analytical Prediction of Magnetic Field and Electromagnetic Performances in Switched Reluctance Machines
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 53, Issue (7), jul 2017, Pages :8107311 (11))
Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Multi-Physic Analysis of Electrical Machines: Hybrid Electro-Magneto-Aero-Thermal Modeling
WASET International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2017) / San Fransico, United States (Volume 19, Issue 6, 2017, Pages pages 544)
Messal, Oualid | Lambourg, Louis | Dubas, Frédéric | Harmand, Souad | Kedous-Lebouc, Afef | Chillet, Christian - inproceedings - Design of a High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Machine for Electrically-Assisted Turbocharger Applications with Reduced Noise Emissions
IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC 2017) / Miami, FL, United States (2017, Pages pages 6)
Gilson, Adrien | Verez, Guillaume | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Espanet, Christophe - article - Couplage magnéto-mécanique pour le dimensionnement de machines électriques
3EI : Enseigner l'Electrotechnique et l'Electronique Industrielle (Volume 88, apr 2017, Pages :17 - 21)
Dahia, Abla | Dubas, Frédéric | Belhadi, M’Hamed | Krebs, Guillaume | Daniel, Laurent | Marchand, Claude - article - New Scientific Contribution on the 2-D Subdomain Technique in Cartesian Coordinates: Taking into Account of Iron Parts
Mathematical and Computational Applications (Volume 22, Issue (1), feb 2017, Pages :17 (39))
Dubas, Frédéric | Boughrara, Kamel - article - Analytical Calculations of Electromagnetic Quantities for Slotted Brushless Machines with Surface-Inset Magnets
Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) B (Volume 72, 2017, Pages :49 - 65)
Rahideh, Akbar | Moayed-Jahromi, Hossein | Mardaneh, Mohamed | Dubas, Frédéric | Korakianitis, Theodosios - article - Semi-Analytical Modeling of Spoke-Type Permanent-Magnet Machines Considering the Iron Core Relative Permeability: Subdomain Technique and Taylor Polynomial
Progress In Electromagnetics Research (PIER) B (Volume 77, 2017, Pages :85 -101)
Roubache, Lazhar | Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid
2016 (11)
- inproceedings - Comparison of High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Machine Topologies For Electrically AssistedTurbocharger Applications
19th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2016) / Chiba, Japan (2016, Pages pages DS1G-4-9 (5))
Gilson, Adrien | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - NonLinear Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Field and Torque of Switched Reluctance Machines
16ème International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM 2016) / Marrakech, Morocco (2016, Pages pages 158 (8))
Djelloul-Khedda, Zakarya | Boughrara, Kamel | Ibtiouen, Rachid | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Coupled Electronic and Magnetic Fast Simulation for High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Drive Design
13th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2016) / Hangzhou, China (2016, Pages pages 6)
Gerber, Mathieu | Gilson, Adrien | Depernet, Daniel | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Andrieux, Gaël - inproceedings - Analytical Prediction of Electromagnetic Performances and Unbalanced Magnetic Forces in Fractional-Slot Spoke-Type Permanent-Magnet Machines
XXIIrd International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM'2016) / Lauzanne, Switzerland (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages LF-003948)
Boughrara, Kamel | Ibtiouen, Rachid | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Comparison of 3D Thermal Equivalent Circuit Architectures of Asynchronous Machines
XXIIrd International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2016) / Lauzanne, Switzerland (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 1405 - 1410)
Utegenova, Shinara | Glises, Raynal | Désévaux, Philippe | Dubas, Frédéric | Mariotto, Damien | Truffart, Bertrand - inproceedings - Modeling of a Coaxial Magnetic Gear Equipped with Surface Mounted PMs Using Nonlinear Adaptive Magnetic Equivalent Circuits
XXIIrd International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2016) / Lauzanne, Switzerland (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 7)
Benlamine, Raouf | Hamiti, Tahar | Vangraefschèpe, Franck | Dubas, Frédéric | Lhotellier, Dominique - inproceedings - Comparaison Électromagnétique de deux Machines Polyphasées à Aimants : Application à la chaîne de traction de type Mild Hybrid
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2016) / Grenoble, France (2016, Pages pages 5)
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Benallal, Nadjib | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Pertes magnétiques des systèmes électromagnétiques : Circuit Magnétique Équivalent & Modèle LS
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2016) / Grenoble, France (2016, Pages pages 8)
Messal, Oualid | Dubas, Frédéric | Kedous-Lebouc, Afef | Chillet, Christian | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Couplage magnéto-mécanique pour le dimensionnement de machines électriques
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2016) / Grenoble, France (2016, Pages pages 86868 (4))
Dahia, Abla | Dubas, Frédéric | Belhadi, M’Hamed | Krebs, Guillaume | Daniel, Laurent | Marchand, Claude - article - Electromagnetic Comparison of 3-, 5- and 7-phases Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines : Mild Hybrid Traction Application
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation (MJMS) (Volume 06, 2016, Pages :012 - 022)
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Benallal, Nadjib | Espanet, Christophe - article - Electromagnetic Comparison of 3-, 5- and 7-phases Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines : Mild Hybrid Traction Application
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation (MJMS) (Volume 6, 2016, Pages :012 - 022)
Ouamara, Daoud | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Benallal, Nadjib | Espanet, Christophe
2015 (8)
- inproceedings - Modeling of an Axial-Flux Interior PMs Machine for an Automotive Application Using Magnetic Equivalent Circuit
18th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2015) / Pattaya, Thailand (2015, Pages pages 1266 - 1271)
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - 2-D Analytical Subdomain Model for High-Speed Permanent-Magnet Machines
18th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2015) / Pattaya, Thailand (2015, Pages pages 1508 - 1514)
Gilson, Adrien | Tavernier, Stéphane | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Design of a cost-efficient high-speed high-efficiency PM machine for compressor applications
7th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2015) / Montréal, Canada (2015, Pages pages 3852 - 3856)
Gilson, Adrien | Tavernier, Stéphane | Gerber, Mathieu | Espanet, Christophe | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel - inproceedings - A simple analytical approach to model saturation in surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous motors
7th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2015) / Montréal, Canada (2015, Pages pages 4397 - 4404)
Berkani, Mohamed Saïd | Sough, Mohamed Laid | Giurgea, Stefan | Dubas, Frédéric | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - article - 3-D Numerical Hybrid Method for PM Eddy-Current Losses Calculation: Application to Axial-Flux PMSMs
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 51, Issue (7), jul 2015, Pages :8106110 (10))
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique | Espanet, Christophe - article - Analytical Analysis of Cage Rotor Induction Motors in Healthy, Defective and Broken Bars Conditions
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 52, Issue (2), feb 2015, Pages :8200317 (17))
Boughrara, Kamel | Takorabet, Nourredine | Ibtiouen, Rachid | Touhami, Omar | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Études théorique et expérimentale des pertes par courants de Foucault dans les aimants permanents à partir d’un dispositif de type électroaimant
3EI : Enseigner l'Electrotechnique et l'Electronique Industrielle (Volume 79, jan 2015, Pages :61 - 67)
Chetangny, Patrice Koffi | Dubas, Frédéric | Houndedako, Vincent Soussou | Vianou, Antoine | Espanet, Christophe - article - Calcul des pertes par courants de Foucault dans les APs en utilisant les éléments/différences finis 3D : Application aux machines synchrones à flux-axial
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation (MJMS) (Volume 3, Issue (1), 2015, Pages :025 - 034 )
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique | Espanet, Christophe
2014 (10)
- article - 2-D Analytical Prediction of Eddy Currents, Circuit Model Parameters, and Steady-State Performances in Solid Rotor Induction Motors
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 50, Issue (12), dec 2014, Pages :7028214 (14))
Boughrara, Kamel | Dubas, Frédéric | Ibtiouen, Rachid - inproceedings - Design of an Axial-Flux Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor for Automotive Application: Performance Comparison with Electric Motors used in EVs and HEVs
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2014) / Coimbra, Portugal (2014, Pages pages 6)
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique - inproceedings - Calcul des Pertes par Courants de Foucault dans les APs en utilisant les Eléments/Différences Finis 3D : Application aux Machines Synchrones à Flux-Axial
International Conference of Modeling and Simulation (ICMS 2014) / Khemis Miliana, Algeria (2014, Pages pages 10)
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Modélisation magnétique de moteurs à aimants permanents à flux radial et flux axial de puissance inférieure à 15kW pour la traction automobile urbaine et extra‐urbaine. Spécifications et comparatifs
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2014) / Cachan, France (2014, Pages pages 8)
Mignot, Romain-Bernard | Espanet, Christophe | Chamagne, Didier | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Méthode de Calcul Rapide des Pertes par Courants de Foucault dans les Aimants Permanents
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2014) / Cachan, France (2014, Pages pages 5)
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Études théorique et expérimentale des pertes par courants de Foucault dans les aimants permanents à partir d'un dispositif de type électroaimant
Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2014) / Cachan, France (2014, Pages pages 7)
Chetangny, Patrice Koffi | Dubas, Frédéric | Houndedako, Vincent Soussou | Vianou, Antoine | Espanet, Christophe - misc - Rotor de machine électrique à flux axial
(jul 2014)
Decaux, Stéphane | Randi, Sid-Ali | Benlamine, Raouf | Espanet, Christophe | Dubas, Frédéric - article - Two-Dimensional Analytical Permanent-Magnet Eddy-Current Loss Calculations in Slotless PMSM Equipped With Surface-Inset Magnets
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 50, Issue (3), mar 2014, Pages :6300320)
Dubas, Frédéric | Rahideh, Akbar - article - Semi-Analytical method based on magnetic equivalent circuit for synchronous permanant-magnet machines in EV and HEV applications
Mediterranean Journal of Modeling and Simulation (MJMS) (Volume 01, Issue (01), mar 2014, Pages :001 - 012)
Randi, Sid-Ali | Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe - article - Magnetic modeling of radial-flux and axial-flux permanent-magnet motors for direct drive automotive : Specifications and comparison
European Journal of Electrical Engineering (EJEE) (Volume 17, Issue (5-6), 2014, Pages :475 - 494)
Mignot, Romain-Bernard | Chamagne, Didier | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe
2013 (7)
- article - Semi-Analytical Method Based on Magnetic Equivalent Circuit for Synchronous Permanent-Magnet Machines in EV and HEV Applications
Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (Volume 827, dec 2013, Pages :41 - 46)
Randi, Sid-Ali | Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Design by Optimization of an Axial-Flux Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Genetic Algorithms
16th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2013) / Busan, Korea, Republic Of (2013, Pages pages 13 - 17)
Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Randi, Sid-Ali | Lhotellier, Dominique | Espanet, Christophe - article - Design of an axial flux PM motor using magnetic and thermal equivalent network
European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJ AP) (Volume 63, Issue (3), sep 2013, Pages :30901 (14))
Mignot, Romain-Bernard | Glises, Raynal | Espanet, Christophe | Saint Ellier, Emeline | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier - inproceedings - Analytical Modeling of Balanced and Unbalanced Short-Circuits of SMPM Motors – Analyses of Currents, Torque and PM Eddy-Current Losses
15th IEEE Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE-ECCE Europe 2013) / Lille, France (2013, Pages pages 8)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Depernet, Daniel | Dubas, Frédéric | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - article - Inductances Estimation in the d-q Axis for an Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines with Distributed Windings
Journal of Energy and Power Engineering (Volume 7, jun 2013, Pages :1178 - 1185)
Soualmi, Abdessamed | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Randria, Andry | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Semi-Analytical Method Based on Magnetic Equivalent Circuit for Synchronous Permanent-Magnet Machines in EV and HEV Applications
ICE Powertrain Electrification and Energy Recovery (2013) / Rueil-Malmaison, France (2013, Pages pages 7)
Randi, Sid-Ali | Benlamine, Raouf | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Regenerative braking in a small low cost plug-in hybrid electric vehicle for urban use
8th IEEE International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER 2013) / Monte Carlo, Monaco (2013, Pages pages 5)
Loukakou Bounzeki Mbemba, Destiny | Chetangny, Patrice Koffi | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Houndedako, Vincent Soussou
2012 (10)
- inproceedings - Original design of Axial Flux PM Motor and modeling of the magnetic leakage using a magnetic equivalent circuit
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2012) / Seoul, Korea, Republic Of (2012, Pages pages 138 - 141 )
Mignot, Romain-Bernard | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Cuchet, Cécile | Chamagne, Didier - inproceedings - PHEBUS Vehicle: a small urban PHEV
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2012) / Seoul, Korea, Republic Of (2012, Pages pages 486 - 490 )
Andagnotto, Christian | Bernard, Robert | Bigot, Pascal | Colançon, Cédric | Cothenet, Xavier | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Ferrer, Didier | Mathae, Jean-Christophe | Loukakou Bounzeki Mbemba, Destiny | Muller, Laurent | Quesada, Fabien - inproceedings - Study of Copper Losses in the Stator Windings and PM Eddy-Current Losses for PM Synchronous Machines Taking Into Account Influence of PWM Harmonics
15th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2012) / Sapporo, Japan (2012, Pages pages 5)
Soualmi, Abdessamed | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Randria, Andry | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Performances characteristics of interior permanent-magnet synchronous machines with distributed windings: Railway application
20th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2012) / Marseille, France (2012, Pages pages 430 - 434 )
Soualmi, Abdessamed | Dubas, Frédéric | Randria, Andry | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Inductances Estimation in the d-q Axis for an Interior Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines (IPMSM) with Distributed Windings
20th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2012) / Marseille, France (2012, Pages pages 308 - 314)
Soualmi, Abdessamed | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Randria, Andry | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - In-Wheel Motor for a Small Hybrid Electric Vehicle: Design, Realization and Experimental Characterization
4th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2012) / Raleigh, NC, United States (2012, Pages pages 892 - 898)
Espanet, Christophe | Dubas, Frédéric | Mai, Hoang Cong Minh | Chamagne, Didier | Bernard, Robert | Bigot, Pascal - inproceedings - PM Synchronous Motors for Automotive applications: Virtual Prototype and Experimental Testing
International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2012) / Sorrento, Italy (2012, Pages pages 384 - 388 )
Mignot, Romain-Bernard | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Charih, Fouad | Chamagne, Didier - inproceedings - Performances comparison of permanent-magnet machines with different rotor topologies and similar slot and pole numbers
International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM 2012) / Sorrento, Italy (2012, Pages pages 56 - 59)
Charih, Fouad | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Chamagne, Didier - unpublished - Permanent Magnet Motor Modeling For Railway Application (jun 2012)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Espanet, Christophe | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Boualem, Benali - inproceedings - Design of Axial Flux PM Motor for Electric Vehicle via a Magnetic Equivalent Circuit via a magnetic equivalent circuit
1st IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energies and Vehicular Technology (REVET 2012) / Hammamet, Tunisia (2012, Pages pages 212 - 217 )
Mignot, Romain-Bernard | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Chamagne, Didier
2011 (11)
- inproceedings - Modélisation Analytique des Courants de Court-circuit et calcul de Pertes dans les Aimants Permanents en régimes déséquilibrés
UFC Electrotechnique du Futur (EF 2011) / Belfort, France (2011, Pages pages 7)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Étude de la réduction des pertes électromagnétiques d’un MSAP à fort couple et encoches ouvertes
Electrotechnique du Futur (EF 2011) / Belfort, France (2011, Pages pages 9)
Charih, Fouad | Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe | Bernard, Robert - inproceedings - Calcul Rapide des Pertes Fer Supplémentaires Dans Les Moteurs Asynchrones (MAS) en Alimentation par MLI
Electrotechnique du Futur (EF 2011) / Belfort, France (2011, Pages pages 8)
Gaultier, Grégory | Dubas, Frédéric | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - article - Optimal Design of a Surface Mounted Permanent-Magnet BLDC Motor for Spacecraft Applications
International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) (Volume 6, Issue (5), oct 2011, Pages :2318 - 2328)
Praveen, R.P. | Ravichandran, M.H. | Sadasivan Achari, V.T. | Jagathy Raj, V.P. | Madhu, G. | Bindu, G.R. | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - High Frequency PMSM and Inverter Losses Analysis-Application to Flywheel System on Real Cycle operation
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2011) / Chicago, United States (2011, Pages pages 5)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Depernet, Daniel | Dubas, Frédéric | Gaultier, Grégory | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Analytical Model of PMSM Designed for High-Frequency Operation Machine and Inverter sizing compromise
3th IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2011) / Phoenix, Arizona, United States (2011, Pages pages 1436 - 1440)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Depernet, Daniel | Dubas, Frédéric | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Comparative study of permanent-magnet synchronous machines with concentrated windings for railway application
14th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2011) / Beijing, China (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 5)
Soualmi, Abdessamed | Dubas, Frédéric | Randria, Andry | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Analytical Modeling of 2-D Permanent-Magnet Losses Harmonic Equivalent Resistance of PM
14th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2011) / Beijing, China (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 4)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Dubas, Frédéric | Depernet, Daniel | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Slotting Effect in Permanent-Magnet Motors via a 2-D Exact Sub-Domain Model
10th IEEE International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ElectrIMACS 2011) / Cergy-Pontoise, France (2011, Pages pages 9)
Dubas, Frédéric | Espanet, Christophe - article - Comparaison de deux bobinages pour la propulsion d’un véhicule hybride urbain
European Journal of Electrical Engineering (EJEE) (Volume 14, Issue (2-3), mar 2011, Pages :255 - 285)
Mai, Hoang Cong Minh | Charih, Fouad | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Optimal design of a surface mounted permanent-magnet BLDC motor for spacecraft applications
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology (ICETECT 2011) / Nagercoil, India (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 413 - 419)
Praveen, R.P. | Ravichandran, M.H. | Sadasivan Achari, V.T. | Jagathy Raj, V.P. | Madhu, G. | Bindu, G.R. | Dubas, Frédéric
2010 (4)
- inproceedings - Consideration of radial magnetic forces in brushless DC motors
13th IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2010) / Incheon, Korea, Republic Of (2010, Pages pages 6)
Mai, Hoang Cong Minh | Bernard, Robert | Bigot, Pascal | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - PMSM and Inverter Sizing Compromise Applied to Flywheel for Railway Application
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2010) / Lille, France (2010, Pages pages 5)
Sough, Mohamed Laid | Depernet, Daniel | Dubas, Frédéric | Boualem, Benali | Espanet, Christophe - inproceedings - Sizing and experimental characterization of ultracapacitors for small urban hybrid electric vehicle
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2010) / Lille, France (2010, Pages pages RT-2-3-2 (7))
Loukakou Bounzeki Mbemba, Destiny | Gualous, Hamid | Cheng, Yuan | Espanet, Christophe | Dubas, Frédéric - inproceedings - Optimal Design of a PMSM Using Concentrated Winding for Application Urban Hybrid Vehicle
IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2010) / Lille, France (2010, Pages pages 6)
Mai, Hoang Cong Minh | Bernard, Robert | Bigot, Pascal | Dubas, Frédéric | Chamagne, Didier | Espanet, Christophe