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Gaël Chevallier

Publications de Gaël Chevallier

2024 (6)

2023 (1)

2022 (13)

  • article - Clustering acoustic emission data streams with sequentially appearing clusters using mixture models
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 181, dec 2022, Pages :109504 (23))
    Ramasso, Emmanuel | Denoeux, Thierry | Chevallier, Gaël
  • article - Magnetically induced friction damping based on magnetoactive elastomers - a proof of concept
    Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 534, sep 2022, Pages :117000 (19))
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Teloli, Rafaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Savary, Maxime | Chevallier, Gaël
  • article - Probabilistic machine learning for detection of tightening torque in bolted joints
    Structural Health Monitoring (Volume 21, Issue (5), sep 2022, Pages :2136 - 2151)
    Miguel, Luccas Pereira | Teloli, Rafaël | Da Silva, Samuel | Chevallier, Gaël
  • article - Leveraging physical intelligence for the self‑design of high performance engineering structures
    Scientific Reports (Volume 12, jul 2022, Pages :11640 (13))
    Dos Santos Paixão, Jessé Augusto | Sadoulet, Emeline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël | Cogan, Scott
  • article - Investigations on the performance and the robustness of a metabsorber designed for structural vibration mitigation
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 170, may 2022, Pages :108830 (17))
    Bachy, Emmanuel | Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric
  • inproceedings - Contrôle structural par pilotage thermique
    15ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2022) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2022, Pages pages 8)
    Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Renault, David | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - On the use of thermomechanical couplings for the design of adaptive structures
    XVI SPIE Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2022) / Californie, United States (Volume 12043, 2022, Pages pages 1204302 (8))
    Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Monitoring a bolted vibrating structure using multiple acoustic emission sensors : A benchmark
    Data (Volume 7, Issue (3), mar 2022, Pages :14)
    Ramasso, Emmanuel | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Shape memory through contact : introduction of magnetofriction – shape memory polymers (MF-SMPs)
    SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation (2022) / Orlando, United States (2022, Pages pages 8)
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Hirsinger, Laurent | Ouisse, Morvan
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Development of a magneto-mechanical bench and experimental characterization of magneto-rheological elastomers
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 58, Issue (2), feb 2022, Pages :4600304 (4))
    Savary, Maxime | Hermann, Svenja | Espanet, Christophe | Préault, Valentin | Chevallier, Gaël | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François
  • inproceedings - A new concept of vibration damper based on friction induced dissipation between magnetic materials
    A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC-XL 2022) / Orlando, United States (2022, Pages pages 3)
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Good practices for designing and experimental testing of dynamically excited jointed structures : The Orion beam
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 163, jan 2022, Pages :108172 (23))
    Teloli, Rafaël | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Da Silva, Samuel
  • inproceedings - Composites architecturés pour l'amortissement
    Colloque National MECAMAT (2022) / Aussois, France (2022, Pages pages 2)
    Butaud, Pauline | Hermann, Svenja | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël

2021 (3)

2020 (8)

  • article - Magnetic and dynamic mechanical properties of a highly coercive MRE based on NdFeB particles and a stiff matrix
    Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 29, Issue (10), oct 2020, Pages :105009 (11))
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Field measurement to understand the physics of vibroimpact for damping application
    29th International Conference on Noise and Vibration engineering (ISMA 2020) / Leuven, Belgium (2020, Pages pages 10)
    Chabrier, Robin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Chevallier, Gaël | Foltête, Emmanuel | Jeannin, Thomas
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - In-core heat distribution control for adaptive damping and stiffness tuning of composite structures
    Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 29, Issue (6), jun 2020, Pages :065002 (11))
    Butaud, Pauline | Renault, David | Verdin, Benoît | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - A framework for the design of rotating Multiple Tuned Mass Damper
    38th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2020) / Houston, United States (2020, Pages pages 5)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Sauvage, Olivier | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Model reduction of electric rotors subjected to PWM excitation for structural dynamics design
    38th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2020) / Houston, United States (2020, Pages pages 6)
    Topenot, Margaux | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Vaillant, Damien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Real-time tuning of stiffness and damping properties of laminate composites
    3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2020) / Napoli, Italy (2020, Pages pages 97 - 100)
    Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Renault, David | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Integrated topology and shape optimization in structural design of a multiple tuned mass dampers
    38th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2020) / Houston, United States (2020, Pages pages 4)
    Bachy, Emmanuel | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Programmable metamaterials with digital synthetic impedance circuits for vibration control
    Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 29, Issue (3), jan 2020, Pages :035005 (12))
    Yi, Kaijun | Matten, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Chevallier, Gaël

2019 (20)

  • inproceedings - Utilisation d’un jumeau numérique pour l’extraction de données expérimentales
    9ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2019) / Besançon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Bachy, Emmanuel | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Prise en compte des défauts de forme des bagues dans les modèles prédictifs du comportement des roulements à billes
    9ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2019) / Besançon, France (2019)
    Jeannot, Camille | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline | Dufrenoy, Stéphane | Lebreton, Cyrille
  • inproceedings - Méthodologie pour la conception robuste des Multiples Tuned Mass Damper
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 8)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Prise en compte des défauts de forme de bagues de roulements à billes intégrés dans des systèmes de positionnement
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 8)
    Jeannot, Camille | Chevallier, Gaël | Dufrenoy, Stéphane | Sadoulet, Emeline | Lebreton, Cyrille
  • inproceedings - Élaboration et caractérisation expérimentale du comportement mécanique d’un élastomère magnétorhéologique
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 7)
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Amortissement par vibroimpacts dans une structure composite sandwich
    24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019)
    Sadoulet, Emeline | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Programmable band-gaps in periodic structures
    SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Matten, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël | Collet, Manuel | Yi, Kaijun
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Fixed point Algorithm resolution and model reduction for jointed structures dynamic simulation
    SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Meurdefroid, Anthony | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Methodology for the robust design of a network of dynamic vibration absorbers
    SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Temperature control of a composite core for adaptive stiffness and damping
    SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël | Joseph, Eric
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Robust design of damping devices constitued of viscoelastic materials
    SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Structural dynamics of electric machines subjected to PWM excitations
    SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 6)
    Topenot, Margaux | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël | Vaillant, Damien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Detection and analysis of nonlinear dissipation in lap joints using acoustic emission
    9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2019, Pages pages 1)
    Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Michon, Guilhem
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Modelization of the coupled behavior of a magnetically hard magnetorheological elastomer
    11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019) / Nantes, France (2019, Pages pages 6)
    Hermann, Svenja | Espanet, Christophe | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Hirsinger, Laurent
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Black hole damping control with a thermally-driven shape memory polymer
    inter.noise 2019 ( 2019) / Madrid, Spain (2019)
    Sadoulet, Emeline | Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan
  • article - Design and experimental validation of a temperature-driven adaptive phononic crystal slab
    Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 28, Issue (3), mar 2019, Pages :035007 (16))
    Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - Adaptive damping and stiffness control of composite structures: an experimental illustration
    Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2019) (Proceedings of the SPIE 2019) / Denver, United States (Volume 10967, 2019, Pages pages 8)
    Verdin, Benoît | Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Joseph, Eric | Jeannin, Thomas | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline
    doi | bibtex
  • article - On the compromise between performance and robustness for viscoelastic damped structures
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 119, mar 2019, Pages :65 - 80)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Vibroimpact unduced damping in an architected sandwich composite
    37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 4)
    Sadoulet, Emeline | Chevallier, Gaël | Cornuault, Pierre-Henri | Citerne, Théo | Michon, Guilhem
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Detection and analysis of loosening in jointed structures using acoustic emission sensors and smart bolts
    37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 3)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (7)

  • inproceedings - Élastomères magnétorhéologiques : rhéologie et fonctionnalisation des structures
    8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018)
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Dimensionnement et tenue dynamique de pièces de rotors électriques dans un contexte de méconnaissances sous excitations Modulation de Largeur d'Impulsion (MLI)
    8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018)
    Topenot, Margaux | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Vaillant, Damien
  • inproceedings - Inverse characterization method of viscoelastic materials using dispersion analysis
    28th International Conference on Noise and Vibration engineering (ISMA 2018 2018) / Leuven, Belgium (2018, Pages pages 4563 - 4577)
    Bourgana, Taoufik | Boukadia, Régis Fabien | Jonckheere, Stijn | Claeys, Claus | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Deckers, Elke
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement mécanique des élastomères magnétorhéologiques
    28ème Colloque National "DÉformation des POlymères Solides" (2018) / LA BRESSE, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
    Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Identification of the viscoelastic properties of the tBA/PEGDMA polymer from multi-loading modes conducted over a wide frequency–temperature scale range
    Polymer Testing (Volume 69, aug 2018, Pages :250 - 258)
    Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Renaud, Franck | Travaillot, Thomas | Maynadier, Anne | Chevallier, Gaël | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick | Foltête, Emmanuel | Berriet, Cécile
  • inproceedings - Identification of nonlinear viscoelastic parameter based on an enhanced Oberst beam method
    36th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (2018) / Orlando, United States (2018, Pages pages 4)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Performances of an architected composite plate with nonlinear stick-slip interactions for vibration reduction
    36th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2018) / Orlando, United States (2018, Pages pages 3)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline
    pdf | bibtex

2017 (14)

  • article - Estimation and correction of the modal damping error involving linear and nonlinear localized dissipation
    European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids (Volume 66, nov 2017, Pages :296 - 308)
    Krifa, Mohamed | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Chevallier, Gaël | Cogan, Scott | Kacem, Najib
  • article - A mindlin derived dahl friction model
    Mechanism and Machine Theory (Volume 117, nov 2017, Pages :48 - 55)
    Peyret, Nicolas | Rosatello, Marco | Chevallier, Gaël | Dion, Jean-Luc
  • inproceedings - Analyse expérimentale et numérique du comportement non linéaire d’un dispositif d’amortissement avec éléments viscoélastiques et butées
    Journées du GDR DYNOLIN (2017)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Conception robuste de dispositifs d’amortissement intégrant des matériaux viscoélastiques
    23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Analyse multi-échelle expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’une liaison
    23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
    Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline
  • inproceedings - Analyse de champs par vibrométrie laser sur un assemblage boulonné
    Journée Mesure de champs en dynamique de structures (2017) / Besançon, France (2017)
    Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Active washer for smart mechanical linkage
    8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART 2017) / Madrid, Spain (2017)
    Belly, Christian | Guignabert, Adrien | Riquer, Aurélien | Chevallier, Gaël | Butaud, Pauline | Matten, Gaël | Peyret, Nicolas
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A fixed point algorithm and model reduction in jointed structures simulation
    2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2017) / Sevilla, Spain (2017)
    Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Meurdefroid, Anthony
  • inproceedings - Design and experimental validation of a hierarchical auxetic rectangular perforated metamaterial
    2nd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2017) / Sevilla, Spain (2017)
    Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Scarpa, Fabrizio | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Design and experimental validation of an adaptive phononic crystal using highly dissipative polymeric material interface
    Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems ( 2017) / Portland, United States (Volume Proc. SPIE 10164, 2017, Pages pages 101640O (9))
    Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Chevallier, Gaël | Khelif, Abdelkrim
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design of thermally adaptive composite structures for damping and stiffness control
    SPIE Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites (2017) / Portland, United States (Volume 10165, 2017, Pages pages 101650T (8))
    Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël | Foltête, Emmanuel
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Investigation of the limits of the modal damping assumption for structures with nonlinear localized dampers
    XVII International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics (DINAME 2017) / São Sebastião, Brazil (2017, Pages pages 8)
    Krifa, Mohamed | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Chevallier, Gaël | Cogan, Scott | Kacem, Najib
  • inproceedings - A complete framework for the design of the viscoelastic insulators
    35th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC 2017) / Los Angeles, CA, United States (2017)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Arnould, Charles | Collard, Eric
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design of an assembly for nonlinear vibration reduction
    35th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC) / Garden Grove, CA, United States (2017, Pages pages 0-1)
    Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex

2016 (11)

  • article - Dynamic damping in joints : multiscale model taking into account defects in a nominally plane surface
    International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Volume 8, Issue (8), dec 2016, Pages :1650097)
    Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Dion, Jean-Luc
  • inproceedings - Conception et validation expérimentale d’un métamatériau avec interface polymère hautement dissipative
    6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016)
    Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Chevallier, Gaël | Khelif, Abdelkrim
  • inproceedings - Proposition d’un cadre pour la conception d’amortisseurs viscoélastiques
    6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas
  • inproceedings - Etude expérimentale du comportement dynamique non-linéaire d’un assemblage
    6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016)
    Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Méthodologie de conception d’amortisseurs viscoélastiques
    Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016, Pages pages 1)
    Jaboviste, Kévin | Sadoulet, Emeline | Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - A framework for backbone experimental tracking : piezoelectric actuators, stop-sine signal and kalman filtering
    Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 78, oct 2016, Pages :28 - 42)
    Peyret, Nicolas | Dion, Jean-Luc | Chevallier, Gaël
  • article - Vibration reduction of an assembly by control of the tightening load
    International Journal of Applied Mechanics (Volume 8, Issue (6), sep 2016, Pages :26 p)
    Bouaziz, Hamza | Peyret, Nicolas | Abbes, Mohamed Slim | Chevallier, Gaël | Haddar, Mohamed
  • inproceedings - A framework for the simulation of built up structures
    International Conference on Noise and Vibration engineering (ISMA 2016) / Leuven, Belgium (2016)
    Meurdefroid, Anthony | Krifa, Mohamed | Peyret, Nicolas | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Cogan, Scott | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - A new concept of active vibration controller through a friction interface driven by piezos
    International Conference on Noise and Vibration engineering (ISMA 2016) / Leuven, Belgium (2016, Pages pages )
    Bouaziz, Hamza | Peyret, Nicolas | Abbes, Mohamed Slim | Chevallier, Gaël | Haddar, Mohamed
  • inproceedings - Structure thermiquement adaptative pour un compromis rigidité/amortissement
    13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2016) / Le Mans, France (2016)
    Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
  • inproceedings - Analyse et modélisation vibratoire d'un outil de presse à découper
    13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2016) / Le Mans, France (2016)
    Jeannin, Thomas | Monteil, Guy | Carpentier, Luc | Chevallier, Gaël | Chambert, Jérôme
    pdf | bibtex

2015 (17)

  • inproceedings - Optimisation de formes paramétriques basée sur la sensibilité d’une physique par rapport à des paramètres CAO
    Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2015) (2015)
    Leblond, Timothée | Chevallier, Gaël | Froment, Pierre | De Nazelle, Paul | Serré, Philippe | Sellakh, Reda
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Quantification of error estimation of modal damping by a perturbation method
    Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2015) (2015)
    Krifa, Mohamed | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Chevallier, Gaël | Cogan, Scott
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Vibration couplings in assembly dynamics
    4th Workshop on jointed Structures / Darlington, United Kingdom (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - A new experimental benchmark for jointed structures
    4th Workshop on jointed Structures / Darlington, United Kingdom (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Modélisation des couplages vibratoires induits par les liaisons dans les structures assemblées
    Workshop Amortissement virtuel / Lyon, France (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Krifa, Mohamed | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Cogan, Scott | Peyret, Nicolas | Dion, Jean-Luc | Festjens, Hugo
  • inproceedings - Simulation vibratoire des structures assemblées sous excitation harmonique
    22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Meurdefroid, Anthony | Peyret, Nicolas | Dion, Jean-Luc
  • inproceedings - Hierarchy of the surface defects in jointed structures dynamics
    International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Technical (ASME/IDETC 2015) / Boston, United States (2015)
    Peyret, Nicolas | Chevallier, Gaël | Dion, Jean-Luc
  • inproceedings - Apprentissage par projet et pédagogie par l’exemple en dimensionnement des mécanismes
    22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Peyret, Nicolas | Courtois, Sylvain | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Quantification a posteriori de l'erreur d'estimation de l'amortissement modal par la méthode des perturbations
    22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Krifa, Mohamed | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Cogan, Scott | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Gradient-based optimization of parameterized CAD geometries
    International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Technical (ASME/IDETC 2015) / Boston, United States (2015)
    Leblond, Timothée | Froment, Pierre | De Nazelle, Paul | Sellakh, Reda | Serré, Philippe | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Benchmarks for numerical and experimental studies of built-up structures vibrations
    International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Technical (ASME/IDETC 2015) / Boston, United States (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Peyret, Nicolas | Dion, Jean-Luc
  • inproceedings - Benchmarking of computational methods for jointed structures under harmonic load
    International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Technical (ASME/IDETC 2015) / Boston, United States (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Meurdefroid, Anthony | Peyret, Nicolas | Dion, Jean-Luc
  • inproceedings - High frequency dynamic mechanical analysis on shape memory polymers
    International conference on Dynamics of Composites (DYNCOMP 2015) / Arles, France (2015, Pages pages 9 p)
    Butaud, Pauline | Renaud, Franck | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
  • inproceedings - Gradient-based optimization of parametrized CAD geometries
    11th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO) / Sydney, Australia (2015)
    Leblond, Timothée | Froment, Pierre | De Nazelle, Paul | Sellakh, Reda | Serré, Philippe | Chevallier, Gaël
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  • inproceedings - Optimisation de forme par gradients sur les paramètres CAO
    12ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA) / Presqu'ile de Giens, France (2015)
    Leblond, Timothée | Froment, Pierre | De Nazelle, Paul | Sellakh, Reda | Serré, Philippe | Chevallier, Gaël
  • inproceedings - Validity domain of an energetic method for the estimation of modal damping in the case of non linear localized dissipation
    5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2015) / Crete Island, Greece (2015, Pages pages 9)
    Krifa, Mohamed | Bouhaddi, Noureddine | Chevallier, Gaël | Cogan, Scott
  • inproceedings - Retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation de l'apprentissage par problèmes pour mieux connecter les enseignements théoriques et technologiques
    14ème Colloque National, Produits, Procédés, Systèmes Intelligents et Durables (AIP Primeca) / La Plagne, France (2015)
    Chevallier, Gaël | Peyret, Nicolas