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Gérard Michel
Publications de Gérard Michel
2024 (1)
- inproceedings - Le couplage des technologies de numérisation et d'impression 3D peut-il être envisagé comme une alternative intéressante à la prise d'empreinte au silicone, afin de créer un moule souple et restituer fidèlement une surface ?
Les Journées du Consortium 3D pour les Humanités Numériques (2024) / Nancy, France (2024)
Laroche, Simon | Bernard, Chloé | Michel, Gérard
2018 (2)
- article - Evaluation of models for tube material characterization with the tube bulging test in an industrial setting
International Journal of Material Forming (Volume 11, Issue (5), sep 2018, Pages :671 - 686)
Vitu, Ludovic | Boudeau, Nathalie | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard | Butéri, Aurélien - inproceedings - How to post-process experimental results from the flange bulging test ? Application to the characterization of a Zinc alloy
International Deep-Drawing Research Group 2018 (IDDRG 2018) / Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (Volume 418, Issue 1, 2018, Pages pages 9)
Boudeau, Nathalie | Vitu, Ludovic | Laforge, Nicolas | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard | Milesi, Marc | Manov, Stephan
2015 (6)
- inproceedings - Comparaison de trois modèles pour le post-traitement de mesures issues du test de gonflement libre de tubes
22ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2015) / Lyon, France (2015, Pages pages 11 p)
Vitu, Ludovic | Boudeau, Nathalie | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard | Butéri, Aurélien - article - Study of localized thinning of copper tube hydroforming in square section die : effect of friction conditions
Key Engineering Materials (Volume 651 - 653, jul 2015, Pages :65 - 70)
Abdelkefi, Abir | Guermazi, Noamen | Malecot, Pierrick | Boudeau, Nathalie | Michel, Gérard - inproceedings - Post-processing of experimental results from tube bulging test to obtain hardening curve
23ème Séminaire Franco-Polonais de Mécanique / Besançon, France (2015, Pages pages 1 p)
Vitu, Ludovic | Boudeau, Nathalie | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard | Butéri, Aurélien - inproceedings - Post-processiing the tube bulging test : comparison of three analytical models
19th ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming / Nantes, France (2015)
Vitu, Ludovic | Boudeau, Nathalie | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard - article - On the friction effect on the characteristics of hydroformed tube in a square section die : analytical, numerical and experimental approaches
Key Engineering Materials (Volume 639, mar 2015, Pages :83 - 90)
Abdelkefi, Abir | Boudeau, Nathalie | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard | Guermazi, Noamen - incollection - Numerical study of localized necking in the strain path of copper hydroformed tube : effect of friction
Design and Modeling of Mechanical Systems - II (Editor : Springer, Volume 789, mar 2015, Pages 275 - 284)
Abdelkefi, Abir | Guermazi, Noamen | Boudeau, Nathalie | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard
2014 (2)
- inproceedings - Compréhension des phénomènes de coupe et des effets d'échelle en fraisage par la mesure d'efforts en cours d'usinage
11ème Conférence sur l'Enseignement des Technologies et des Sciences de l'Information et des Systèmes (CETSIS 2014) / Besançon, France (2014)
Fontaine, Michaël | Maurel-Pantel, A. | Gilbin, Alexandre | Piquard, Romain | Escolle, Bérenger | Michel, Gérard - inproceedings - Mechanical characterization of stainless steel tubes thanks to a tube bulging test - Validation of analytical models
ESTAD 2014 (2014, Pages pages 2 p)
Butéri, Aurélien | Boudeau, Nathalie | Kress, Jérémy | Malecot, Pierrick | Michel, Gérard
2013 (3)
- article - Experimental investigations from conventional to high speed milling on a 304-L stainless steel
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Volume 69, Issue (9-12), jul 2013, Pages :2191 - 2213)
Maurel-Pantel, A. | Fontaine, Michaël | Michel, Gérard | Thibaud, Sébastien | Gelin, Jean-Claude - inproceedings - Influence of feed rate in micro-milling studied from experiments and micro-cutting laws identification
8th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM 2013) / Victoria, Canada (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Gilbin, Alexandre | Fontaine, Michaël | Thibaud, Sébastien | Michel, Gérard | Picart, Philippe - article - Capability of tungstencarbide micro-mills to machine hardenedtoolsteel
International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (Volume 14, Issue (1), jan 2013, Pages :23 - 28)
Gilbin, Alexandre | Fontaine, Michaël | Michel, Gérard | Thibaud, Sébastien | Picart, Philippe
2012 (1)
- inproceedings - Capability of tungsten carbide micro-mills to machine hardened tool steels
7th International Conference on MicroManufacturing (ICOMM) / Evanston, IL, United States (2012)
Gilbin, Alexandre | Fontaine, Michaël | Michel, Gérard | Thibaud, Sébastien | Picart, Philippe
2011 (7)
- article - Error evaluation on experimental stress-strain curve obtained from tube bulging test
Thin-Walled Structures (Volume 49, Issue (10), oct 2011, Pages :1217 - 1224)
Ben Ouirane, Abdel Hakim | Boudeau, Nathalie | Velasco, Raphaël | Michel, Gérard - article - High resolution thermoplastic rapid manufacturing using injection moulding with SU-8 based silicon tools
CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology (Volume 4, Issue (4), oct 2011, Pages :382 - 390)
Khan Malek, Chantal | Robert, Laurent | Michel, Gérard | Singh, Akanksha | Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Gauthier-Manuel, Bernard - article - Injection Moulding Using an Exchangeable Si Mould Insert
Micro and Nanosystems (Volume 3, Issue (3), aug 2011, Pages :230 - 235)
Singh, Akanksha | Metwally, Khaled Hussein | Michel, Gérard | Queste, Samuel | Robert, Laurent | Khan Malek, Chantal - inproceedings - Capabilité des micro-fraises en carbure de tungstène à usiner un acier à moule d’injection plastique
20ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
Gilbin, Alexandre | Fontaine, Michaël | Michel, Gérard | Picart, Philippe | Thibaud, Sébastien - inproceedings - Moulage par injection avec un moule en silicium à haute résolution
20ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011, Pages pages 3263 - 3268)
Metwally, Khaled Hussein | Salut, Roland | Michel, Gérard | Gauthier-Manuel, Bernard | Barrière, Thierry | Khan Malek, Chantal - inproceedings - High resolution injection molding using silicon mould
20ème Congrès Francais de Mécanique (CFM 2011) / Besançon, France (2011)
Metwally, Khaled Hussein | Salut, Roland | Michel, Gérard | Gauthier-Manuel, Bernard | Barrière, Thierry | Khan Malek, Chantal - article - Microfluidic biochip injection moulded using a patterned SU-8/Si mould insert
Journal of Polymer Engineering (Volume 31, Issue (2-3), jul 2011, Pages :293 - 298)
Singh, Akanksha | Robert, Laurent | Michel, Gérard | Khan Malek, Chantal
2010 (6)
- article - Experimental and numerical analysis on the sintering behaviours of injection moulded components in 316L stainless steel powder
Powder Metallurgy (Volume 53, Issue (4), dec 2010, Pages :295 - 304)
Song, Jiu Peng | Barrière, Thierry | Liu, Bing | Gelin, Jean-Claude | Michel, Gérard - inproceedings - Micro-injection Moulding using an Exchangeable Microstructured Si Mould Insert
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multi-Material Micro Manufacture (4M 2010) / Bourg en Bresse and Oyonnax, France (2010, Pages pages doi:10.3850/978-981-08-6555-9_171)
Singh, Akanksha | Michel, Gérard | Queste, Samuel | Robert, Laurent | Gauthier-Manuel, Bernard | Khan Malek, Chantal - article - Analysis and characterisation for 316L stainless metal microstructure replication of micro components produced by micro powder injection moulding
Steel Research International (Volume 81, Issue (9), sep 2010, Pages :1292 - 1295)
Sahli, Mohamed Lakdhar | Larsen, Guillaume | Barrière, Thierry | Michel, Gérard | Gelin, Jean-Claude - article - Error evaluation on experimental stress-strain curve obtained from tube bulging test
International Journal of Material Forming (Volume 3, Issue (S1), jun 2010, Pages :195 - 198)
Ben Ouirane, Abdel Hakim | Velasco, Raphaël | Michel, Gérard | Boudeau, Nathalie - inproceedings - Tube bulging test : evaluation of errors on material characterization
IDDRG 2010 (2010)
Boudeau, Nathalie | Ben Ouirane, Abdel Hakim | Michel, Gérard - article - Experimental investigations and numerical analysis for improving knowledge of incremental sheet forming process for sheet metal parts
Journal of Materials Processing Technology (Volume 210, Issue (2), jan 2010, Pages :363 - 369)
Dejardin, Steeve | Thibaud, Sébastien | Gelin, Jean-Claude | Michel, Gérard