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Marie-Laure Betbeder
Publications de Marie-Laure Betbeder
2024 (3)
- inproceedings - The Intelligent Tutoring System AI-VT with Case-Based Reasoning and Real Time Recommender Models
32nd International conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2024) / Mérida, Mexico (2024, Pages pages 191 - 205)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Ackermann, Simha | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Henriet, Julien - inproceedings - Ensemble Stacking Case-Based Reasoning for Regression
32nd International conference on Case-based reasoning (ICCBR 2024) / Mérida, Mexico (2024, Pages pages 159 - 174)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Henriet, Julien - article - Automatic Real-Time Adaptation of Training Session Difficulty Using Rules and Reinforcement Learning in the AI-VT ITS
International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science (IJMECS) (Volume 16, Issue (3), jun 2024, Pages :56 - 71)
Soto Forero, Daniel | Ackermann, Simha | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Henriet, Julien
2023 (1)
- article - Deep learning for the detection of acquired and non-acquired skills in students’ algorithmic assessments
Journal of Education and E-Learning Research (Volume 10, Issue (2), feb 2023, Pages :111 - 118)
Carvalho, Floran | Henriet, Julien | Greffier, Françoise | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Léon-Henri, Dana Di Pardo
2017 (3)
- article - New Techniques in Thai-English Transliterated Words Searching, Applied to Our New Webservices Platform for Tourism (WICHAI)
Journal of Computers (JCP) (Volume 12, Issue (5), sep 2017, Pages :408 - 415)
Chochiang, Kitsiri | Hanna, Fouad | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe - inproceedings - Pour une gestion des données de recherche en environnement : l'ontologie méta-observatoire
1er Atelier Valorisation des Données de la Recherche (VADOR 2017) / Toulouse, France (2017, Pages pages 26 - 40)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Damy, Sylvie | Herrmann, Bénédicte - article - OntoQuer: A Tool for Building SPARQL Query Automatically Applying with Our Ontologies
Journal of Software (JSW) (Volume 12, Issue (2), feb 2017, Pages :145 - 152)
Chochiang, Kitsiri | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe
2016 (1)
- inproceedings - A New Web-services Based Platform For Semantic Transliterated Words Searching to Facilitate Tourists Trips in Thailand
20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) - IEEE / Nanchang, China (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 310 - 315)
Chochiang, Kitsiri | Hanna, Fouad | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe
2015 (1)
- inproceedings - Computerization of a "controlled language" to write medical standard operating procedures (SOPs)
International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies (HCist 2015) / Vilamoura, Portugal (Publisher : Elsevier, Volume 64, 2015, Pages pages 95 - 102)
Thomas, Izabella | Laroche, Lucie | Plaisantin-Alecu, Blandine | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Seillès, Estelle | Renahy, Julie | Blagosklonov, Oleg | Vuitton, Dominique Angèle
2014 (3)
- inproceedings - Station Sensunique: une plateforme Web modulaire, collaborative et évolutive d'acquisition assistée de ressources terminologiques et non terminologiques (orientée Langues Contrôlées)
XVI European Association for lexicography International Congress (EURALEX 2014) / Bolzano, Italy (Publisher : EURAC research, 2014, Pages pages 727 - 736)
Thomas, Izabella | Plaisantin-Alecu, Blandine | Germain, Bérenger | Betbeder, Marie-Laure - inproceedings - Station Sensunique: Architecture générale d'une plateforme web paramétrable, modulaire et évolutive d'acquisition assistée de ressources
XVI European Association for lexicography International Congress (EURALEX 2014) / Bolzano, Italy (Publisher : EURAC research, 2014, Pages pages 707 - 726)
Thomas, Izabella | Plaisantin-Alecu, Blandine | Germain, Bérenger | Betbeder, Marie-Laure - inproceedings - COOVADIS : A New Framework for Collaborative Diagnosis Approach of the Vascular System
18th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2014) / Hsinchu, Taiwan, Province Of China (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 627 - 632)
Sanchez Santana, Maria Aydee | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Carranza Madrigal, Jaime
2013 (2)
- misc - Station Sensunique
(dec 2013)
Thomas, Izabella | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Alecu, Blandine | Laroche, Lucie | Renahy, Julie | Lazar, Robin | Germain, Bérenger | Hall, Jean-Roch | Giroud, Alexandre - article - A Tool for Telediagnosis of Cardiovascular Diseases in a Collaborative and Adaptive Approach
Journal of Universal Computer Science, (J.USC) (Volume 19, Issue (9), 2013, Pages :1275 - 1294)
Sanchez Santana, Maria Aydee | Aupet, Jean-Baptiste | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Camarena, Antonio
2012 (4)
- inproceedings - Adaptive Collaborative Environment for Vascular Problems Telediagnosis
4th International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2012) / Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain (Publisher : Springer, Volume 7657, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 1 - 8)
Sanchez Santana, Maria Aydee | Aupet, Jean-Baptiste | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Camarena, Antonio - inproceedings - Environnement Collaboratif d'Adaptation pour le Télédiagnostic des Problèmes Vasculaires
Ubimob 2012, 8èmes journées francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité / Biarritz, France (2012, Pages pages 311 -- 321)
Sanchez Santana, Maria Aydee | Aupet, Jean-Baptiste | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Lapayre, Jean-Christophe | Camarena, Antonio - incollection - Data sharing in CSCR: towards in-depth long term collaboration
Collaborative and Distributed E-Research: Innovations in Technologies, Strategies and Applications (Publisher : Génie Logiciel, Editor : Juan, A. and Daradoumis, T. and Roca, M. and Grasman, S. and Faulin, J., Chapter 6, feb 2012, Pages 111 - 134)
Reffay, Christophe | Dyke, Gregory | Betbeder, Marie-Laure - article - Multimodal learning and teaching corpora exchange: lessons learned in five years by the Mulce project
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning (Volume 4, Issue (1/2), 2012, Pages :11 - 30)
Reffay, Christophe | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Chanier, Thierry
2010 (1)
- misc - Virtual learning community and dynamics of groups in the test of brakes
(may 2010)
Gentil, Christophe | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Béziat, Jacques | Bruillard, Eric
2009 (4)
- inproceedings - Sharing corpora and tools to improve interaction analysis
EC-TEL 2009, 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning / Nice, France (Volume 5794, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2009, Pages pages 196--210)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe - inproceedings - Improving CSCL indicators by sharing multimodal teaching and learning Corpora
CSCL 2009, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning / Rhodos, Greece (2009)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe - misc - Extending validation of tools and analyses in CSCL situations: How to collaborate on interaction analysis?
(jun 2009)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe - misc - Sharing Corpora, Analysis and Tools for CSCL Interaction Analysis
(jun 2009)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe
2008 (2)
- article - Contribution à la structuration de corpus d'apprentissage pour un meilleur partage en recherche
Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Ãducation et la Formation (Volume 15, 2008, Pages :185 - 219)
Reffay, Christophe | Chanier, Thierry | Noras, Muriel | Betbeder, Marie-Laure - article - Interactions multimodales synchrones issues de formations en ligne : problématiques, méthodologie et analyses
Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Ãducation et la Formation (Volume 15, 2008, Pages :221 - 251)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Ciekanski, Maud | Greffier, Françoise | Reffay, Christophe | Chanier, Thierry
2007 (4)
- inproceedings - Recherche de patterns dans un corpus d'actions multimodales
EIAH 2007 / Lausanne, Switzerland (2007, Pages pages 533--544)
Tissot, Régis | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe - inproceedings - Structuration de corpus de formation en ligne en vue de leur échange
EIAH 2007 / Lausanne, Switzerland (2007, Pages pages 59--64)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe | Noras, Muriel - inproceedings - Comment spécifier, codifier et représenter les interactions multimodales synchrones issues de formations en ligne : problématiques, méthodologie et analyses
EPAL 2007, Echanger pour Apprendre en Ligne / Grenoble, France (2007)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe | Greffier, Françoise | Ciekanski, Maud | Chanier, Thierry - inproceedings - Contribution à la structuration de corpus d'apprentissage pour un meilleur partage en recherche
EPAL 2007, Echanger pour Apprendre en Ligne / Grenoble, France (2007)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe | Chanier, Thierry | Noras, Muriel
2006 (5)
- article - Spécificités des plates-formes audio-synchrones pour un dispositif de formation
Le Français Dans Le Monde (jul 2006, Pages pp 124 - 127)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe - article - Retrouver le chemin de la parole en environnement audio-graphique synchrone
Le Français Dans Le Monde (jul 2006, Pages pp 139 - 150)
Chanier, Thierry | Vetter, A. | Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe - inproceedings - Environnement audiographique synchrone : recueil et transcription pour l'analyse des interactions multimodales
JOCAIR 2006, Premières journées Communication et Apprentissage instrumentés en réseau / Amiens, France (2006, Pages pages 406--420)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Reffay, Christophe | Chanier, Thierry - article - Dialogue in context, towards a referential approach in collective learning
AI & Society (Volume 20, Issue (3), jun 2006, Pages :314 - 330)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure | Cottier, Philippe | Schmidt, Colin | Tchounikine, Pierre - misc - Un environnement malléable support d'activités collectives / Recueil et transcription d'actions multimodales
(jun 2006)
Betbeder, Marie-Laure