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Olga Kouchnarenko
Publications de Olga Kouchnarenko
2024 (2)
- inproceedings - Composing Run-time Variability Models
22nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2024) / Aveiro, Portugal (Publisher : Springer, Volume 15280, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2024, Pages pages 234 - 252)
Farhat, Salman | Bliudze, Simon | Duchien, Laurence | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Building a First Prototype of a Multi-scale Modular Distributed Display
17th IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things (iThings 2024) / Copenhagen, Denmark (2024)
Lassabe, Frédéric | Dhoutaut, Dominique | Piranda, Benoit | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Bourgeois, Julien
2023 (2)
- inproceedings - Toward Run-time Coordination of Reconfiguration Requests in Cloud Computing Systems
18th International Conference on Distributed Computed Techniques (IFIP-DisCoTec 2023) / Lisbon, Portugal (Publisher : Springer, Volume 13908, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2023, Pages pages 271 - 291)
Farhat, Salman | Bliudze, Simon | Duchien, Laurence | Kouchnarenko, Olga - techreport - Run-time Coordination of Reconfiguration Requests in Cloud Computing Systems
(apr 2023)
Farhat, Salman | Bliudze, Simon | Duchien, Laurence | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2022 (1)
- article - Online Testing of Dynamic Reconfigurations w.r.t. Adaptation Policies
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (Volume 56, Issue (7), dec 2022, Pages :606 - 622)
Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2021 (2)
- inproceedings - Automated Generation of Initial Configurations for Testing Component Systems
17th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2021) / Grenoble (Online), France (Volume 13077, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2021, Pages pages 134 -152)
Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga - article - Online Testing of Dynamic Reconfigurations w.r.t. Adaptation Policies
Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems (Volume 28, Issue (1), 2021, Pages :52 -73)
Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2020 (1)
- article - Testing adaptation policies for software components
Software Quality Journal (Volume 28, Issue (3), sep 2020, Pages :1347 - 1378)
Dadeau, Frédéric | Gros, Jean Philippe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2019 (1)
- proceedings - Science of Computer Programming, Special Issue on Formal Aspects of Component Software
/ Besançon, France (Volume 178, Issue 1, oct 2019)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Madelaine, Eric
2018 (5)
- article - Assessing SMT and CLP approaches for workflow nets verification
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT) (Volume 20, Issue (1), aug 2018, Pages :467 - 491)
Bride, Hadrien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Peureux, Fabien - inproceedings - An Approximation-based Approach for the Random Exploration of Large Models
12th International Conference on Tests & Proofs (TAP 2018) / Toulouse, France (Volume 10889, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2018, Pages pages 27 - 43)
Bernard, Julien | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Under-Approximation Generation Driven by Relevance Predicates and Variants
12th International Conference on Tests & Proofs (TAP 2018) / Toulouse, France (Volume 10889, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2018, Pages pages 63 - 82)
Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Voiron, Guillaume - article - Test Generation from Event System Abstractions to Cover Their States and Transitions
Programming and Computer Software (Volume 44, Issue (1), mar 2018, Pages :1 - 14)
Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Voiron, Guillaume - article - Opacity for linear constraint Markov chains
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems-Theory and applications (Volume 28, Issue (1), mar 2018, Pages :83 - 108)
Bérard, Béatrice | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Mullins, John | Sassolas, Mathieu
2017 (8)
- proceedings - Formal Aspects of Component Software
/ Besançon, France (Volume 10231, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), oct 2017)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Khosravi, Ramtin - inproceedings - Two Under-Approximation Techniques for 3-Modal Abstraction Coverage of Event Systems: Joint Effort?
11th IEEE International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering (TASE 2017) / Nice, France (2017, Pages pages 8)
Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Voiron, Guillaume - inproceedings - Approximer des abstractions de systèmes d'événements en couvrant leurs états et leurs transitions
16ème Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL 2017) / Montpellier, France (2017, Pages pages 93 - 94)
Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Voiron, Guillaume - inproceedings - Approximating Event System Abstractions by Covering their States and Transitions
11th International Andrei Ershov Informatics Conference, Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI 2017) / Moscou, Russian Federation (Volume 10742, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2017, Pages pages 211 - 226)
Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Voiron, Guillaume - article - The emptiness problem for tree automata with at least one global disequality constraint is NP-hard
Information Processing Letters (Volume 118, feb 2017, Pages :6 - 9)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - techreport - Approximating Event System Abstractions by Covering their States and Transitions
(feb 2017, Research Report)
Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Pierre-Alain | Voiron, Guillaume - inproceedings - Reduction of Workflow Nets for Generalised Soundness Verification
18th International Conference on Verification, Model-Checking, and Abstract Interpretation (VMCAI 2017) / Paris, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 10145, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2017, Pages pages 91 - 111)
Bride, Hadrien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Peureux, Fabien - article - Component-Based Systems Reconfigurations Using Graph Transformations with GROOVE
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (Volume 51, Issue (7), 2017, Pages :463 - 478)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Weber, Jean-François
2016 (4)
- inproceedings - Workflow Nets Verification: SMT or CLP?
International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems and Automated Verification of Critical Systems (FMICS-AVoCS 2016) / Pisa, Italy (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9933, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2016, Pages pages 39 - 55)
Bride, Hadrien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Peureux, Fabien | Voiron, Guillaume - inproceedings - Comparing CLP(FD) and SMT Approaches Applied to Workflow Nets Verification
15èmes Journées Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels (AFADL 2016) / Besançon, France (Publisher : FEMTO-ST, 2016, Pages pages 11 - 12)
Bride, Hadrien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Peureux, Fabien | Voiron, Guillaume - inproceedings - Preserving Opacity on Interval Markov Chains under Simulation
13th IEEE International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES 2016) / Xi'an, China (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 319 - 324)
Bérard, Béatrice | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Mullins, John | Sassolas, Mathieu - article - Component-based systems reconfigurations using graph grammars
Modeling and Analysis of Information Systems (Volume 23, Issue (6), 2016, Pages :804 - 825)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Weber, Jean-François
2015 (4)
- inproceedings - Practical Analysis Framework for Component Systems with Dynamic Reconfigurations
17th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2015) / Paris, France (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9407, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 287 - 303)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Weber, Jean-François - inproceedings - Decentralised Evaluation of Temporal Patterns over Component-Based Systems at Runtime
12th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2015) / Niterói, Brazil (Publisher : Springer, Volume 8997, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 108 - 126)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Weber, Jean-François - inproceedings - Constraint Solving for Verifying Modal Specifications of Workflow Nets with Data
10th International Andrei Ershov Informatics Conference, Perspectives of System Informatics (PSI 2015) / Kazan and Innopolis, Russian Federation (Publisher : Springer, Volume 9609, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2015, Pages pages 75 - 90)
Bride, Hadrien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Peureux, Fabien - article - A rule-based system for automatic decidability and combinability
Science of Computer Programming (Volume 99, Issue (C), mar 2015, Pages :3 - 23)
Tushkanova, Elena | Giorgetti, Alain | Ringeissen, Christophe | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2014 (4)
- inproceedings - Verifying Modal Workflow Specifications using Constraint Solving
IFM'14, 11-th Int. Conf. on Integrated Formal Methods / Bertinoro, Italy (Publisher : Springer, Volume 8739, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2014, Pages pages 171--186)
Bride, Hadrien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Peureux, Fabien - article - A random testing approach using pushdown automata
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (Volume 24, Issue (8), jun 2014, Pages :656 - 683)
Dreyfus, Aloïs | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Masson, Catherine - inproceedings - Component Substitution through Dynamic Reconfigurations
FESCA 2014, 11th Int. Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures / Grenoble, France (Volume 147, Series Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), 2014, Pages pages 32--46)
Lanoix, Arnaud | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Adapting Component-Based Systems at Runtime via Policies with Temporal Patterns
FACS 2013, 10th Int. Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software, Revised Selected Papers / Nanchang, China (Publisher : Springer, Volume 8348, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2014, Pages pages 234 - 253)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Weber, Jean-François
2013 (5)
- misc - A Random Testing using Pushdown Automata
LINA, UMR CNRS 6241 Nantes 09-12 Dec 2013 (dec 2013)
Kouchnarenko, Olga - misc - A Random Testing Using Pushdown Automata
Communication au LINA, UMR CNRS 6241, 9-12-2013, Nantes, France (dec 2013)
Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Enhancing Approximations for Regular Reachability Analysis
CIAA 2013, 18-th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Halifax, NS, Canada (Publisher : Springer, Volume 7982, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2013, Pages pages 331--339)
Dreyfus, Aloïs | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Random Grammar-Based Testing for Covering All Non-terminals
CSTVA 2013, 5-th Int. Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing Verification and Analysis. Held in conjunction with ICST 2013 / Luxemburg, Luxemburg (Publisher : IEEE, 2013, Pages pages 210 - 215)
Dreyfus, Aloïs | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Automatic Decidability: A Schematic Calculus for Theories with Counting Operators
RTA 2013, 24th Int. Conf. on Rewriting Techniques and Applications / Dagstuhl, Germany (Publisher : Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, Volume 21, Series LIPIcs - Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 2013, Pages pages 303--318)
Tushkanova, Elena | Ringeissen, Christophe | Giorgetti, Alain | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2012 (6)
- article - Loops and Overloops for Tree-Walking Automata
Theoretical Computer Science (Volume 450, sep 2012, Pages :43 - 53)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - When Structural Refinement of Components Keeps Temporal Properties over Reconfigurations
FM 2012, 18th Int. Symposium on Formal Methods / Paris, France (Volume 7436, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 171--186)
Dormoy, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud - inproceedings - A Rule-Based Framework for Building Superposition-Based Decision Procedures
WRLA'12, 9th Int. Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications, joint to the ETAPS 2012 Int. Conf. / Tallinn, Estonia (Volume 7571, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 221--239)
Tushkanova, Elena | Giorgetti, Alain | Ringeissen, Christophe | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - On Positive TAGED with a Bounded Number of Constraints
CIAA 2012, 17th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Porto, Portugal (Volume 7381, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 329--336)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - From Linear Temporal Logic Properties to Rewrite Propositions
IJCAR 2012, 6th Int. Joint Conf. on Automated Reasoning / Manchester, UK (Volume 7364, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 316-331)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Relaxing B Sharing Restrictions within CSP||B
SC 2012, 11th Int. Conf. on Software Composition / Prague, Czech Republic (Volume 7306, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2012, Pages pages 35--50)
Lanoix, Arnaud | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Colin, Samuel | Poirriez, Vincent
2011 (3)
- inproceedings - Runtime Verification of Temporal Patterns for Dynamic Reconfigurations of Components
FACS 2011, 8th Int. Symposium on Formal Aspects of Component Software / Oslo, Norway (Volume 7253, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 115--132)
Dormoy, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud - inproceedings - Loops and overloops for tree walking automata
CIAA'11, 6-th Int. Conf. on Implementation and Application of Automata / Blois, France (Volume 6807, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2011, Pages pages 166--177)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Combining Proof and Model-checking to Validate Reconfigurable Architectures
FESCA 2011, 8th Int. Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures, Satellite event of ETAPS / Saarbrücken, Germany (Volume 279, Issue 2, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2011, Pages pages 43--57)
Lanoix, Arnaud | Dormoy, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga
2010 (11)
- article - Assemblage des composants digne de confiance : de l'ingénierie des besoins aux spécifications formelles
Génie Logiciel (Volume 95, dec 2010, Pages :13--18)
Chouali, Samir | Dormoy, Julien | Hammad, Ahmed | Hufflen, Jean-Michel | Mouelhi, Sebti | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Mountassir, Hassan | Tatibouet, Bruno - techreport - Random Generation of Positive TAGEDs wrt. the Emptiness Problem
(nov 2010, Research Report)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Using Temporal Logic for Dynamic Reconfigurations of Components
7th International Conference on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS 2010) / Guimarães, Portugal (Volume 6921, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2010, Pages pages 200 - 217)
Dormoy, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud - article - Composition of Services with Constraints
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 263, jun 2010, Pages :31 - 46)
Balbiani, Philippe | Cheikh, Fahima | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Approximations par réécriture pour deux problèmes indécidables
AFADL'10, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Poitiers, France (2010, Pages pages 7--10)
Courbis, Roméo | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Jourdan, Pierre | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - EVA4Fractal: adaptation de composants Fractal basée sur des événements
AFADL'10, Congrès Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au Développement de Logiciels / Poitiers, France (2010, Pages pages 245--278)
Dormoy, Julien | Dreyfus, Aloïs | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Event-based Adaptation Policies for Fractal Components
AICCSA 2010, ACS/IEEE Int. Conf. on Computer Systems and Applications / Hammamet, Tunisia (2010, Pages pages 1--8)
Dormoy, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - SAT Solvers for Queries over Tree Automata with Constraints
CSTVA'10, 2nd Int. Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing Verification and Analysis - co-located with ICST'2010 / Paris, France (2010, Pages pages 343--348)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Hugot, Vincent | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Specifying Generic Java Programs: two case studies
LDTA 2010, 10th Workshop on Language Descriptions, Tools, and Applications / Paphos, Cyprus (2010, Pages pages 8:1--8:8)
Giorgetti, Alain | Marché, Claude | Tushkanova, Elena | Kouchnarenko, Olga - article - Component Simulation-based Substitutivity Managing QoS and Composition Issues
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 260, jan 2010, Pages :109 - 123)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme - article - Component simulation-based substitutivity managing QoS and composition issues
Science of Computer Programming (Volume 75, Issue (10), 2010, Pages :898--917)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme
2009 (8)
- article - Politiques d'adaptation pour la reconfiguration du composant de localisation
Journal européen des systèmes automatisés (JESA) (Volume 43, Issue (7-8-9), nov 2009, Pages :773 - 789)
Dormoy, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Mountassir, Hassan - article - Handling Non Left-Linear Rules When Completing Tree Automata
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS) (Volume 20, Issue (5), oct 2009, Pages :837 - 849)
Boichut, Yohan | Courbis, Roméo | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - techreport - Specifying and Proving a Sorting Algorithm
(oct 2009, Research Report)
Giorgetti, Alain | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Tushkanova, Elena - inproceedings - How to Tackle Integer Weighted Automata Positivity
RP'09, 3rd Int. Workshop on Reachability Problems / Paris, France (Volume 5797, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2009, Pages pages 79--92)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - article - Tree Automata for Detecting Attacks on Protocols with Algebraic Cryptographic Primitives
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS) (Volume 239, jul 2009, Pages :57 - 72)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - TAGED Approximations for Temporal Properties Model-Checking
CIAA'09, 14th Int. Conf. and Application of Automata / Sydney, Australia (Volume 5642, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2009, Pages pages 135--144)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Courbis, Roméo - inproceedings - Petri Nets with May/Must Semantics
CS&P 2009, Concurrency, Specification, and Programming / Kraków-Przegorzaly, Poland (Volume 1, 2009, Pages pages 291--302)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Sidorova, Natalia | Trcka, Nikola - techreport - Modular Specification of Java Programs
( 2009, Research Report)
Giorgetti, Alain | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Tushkanova, Elena | Marché, Claude
2008 (6)
- article - Verification of class liveness properties with Java modeling language
IET Software (Volume 2, Issue (6), dec 2008, Pages :500 - 514)
Giorgetti, Alain | Groslambert, Julien | Julliand, Jacques | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Using CSP||B Components: Application to a Platoon of Vehicles
FMICS'08, 13th workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems / L'Aquila, Italy (Volume 5596, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2008, Pages pages 103--118)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud | Souquières, Jeanine | Colin, Samuel - inproceedings - Finer is better: Abstraction Refinement for Rewriting Approximations
RTA'08, 19th int. conf. on Rewriting Techniques and Applications / Hagenberg, Austria (Volume 5117, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2008, Pages pages 48--62)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Courbis, Roméo - inproceedings - Towards Validating a Platoon of Cristal Vehicles Using CSP||B
AMAST'08, 12th Int. Conf. on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology / Urbana, IL, United States (Volume 5140, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2008, Pages pages 139--144)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud | Souquières, Jeanine | Colin, Samuel - article - Approximation-based Tree Regular Model-Checking
Nordic Journal of Computing (Volume 14, Issue (3), 2008, Pages :216 - 241)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Handling Left-Quadratic Rules When Completing Tree Automata
RP'08 proceedings, Workshop on Reachability Problems in Computational Models / Liverpool, United Kingdom (Publisher : Journal of Supercomputing, Volume 223, Series Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 2008, Pages pages 61--70)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Courbis, Roméo
2007 (4)
- article - Vérifier automatiquement les protocoles de sécurité
Techniques de l'ingénieur (oct 2007, Pages pp 1 - 8)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - Tree Automata for Detecting Attacks on Protocols with Algebraic Cryptographic Primitives
INFINITY'07, Int. Ws. on Verification of Infinite-State Systems, joint to CONCUR'07 / Lisboa, Portugal (2007, Pages pages 44--53)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - How to Handle QoS Aspects in Web Services Substitutivity Verification
WETICE'07, 16th IEEE Int. Workshop on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises / Paris, France (2007, Pages pages 333--338)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme - techreport - Towards Formalizing QoS of Web Services with Weighted Automata
(jun 2007, Research Report)
Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga | Voinot, Jérôme
2006 (6)
- inproceedings - Handling Algebraic Properties in Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols
ICTAC 2006, Int. Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing / Tunis, Tunisia (Volume 4281, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2006, Pages pages 153--167)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - JML-based Verification of Liveness Properties on a Class
SAVCBS'06, Specification and Verification of Component-Based Systems / Portland, Oregon, United States (2006, Pages pages 41--48)
Julliand, Jacques | Groslambert, Julien | Kouchnarenko, Olga - techreport - Automatic Abstraction Generation: How to Make an Expert Verification Technique for Security Protocols available to Non-expert Users
(nov 2006, Research Report)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga - inproceedings - How to Refine and to Exploit a Refinement of Component-based Systems
PSI 2006, Pesrpectives of System Informatics, 6th Int. Andrei Ershov Memorial Conf. / Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russian Federation (Volume 4378, Series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2006, Pages pages 297--309)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud - techreport - How to Refine and to Exploit a Refinement of Component-based Systems
(apr 2006, Research report)
Kouchnarenko, Olga | Lanoix, Arnaud - techreport - Handling Algebraic Properties in Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols
(mar 2006, Research report)
Boichut, Yohan | Heam, Pierre-Cyrille | Kouchnarenko, Olga