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Pauline Butaud
Publications de Pauline Butaud
2024 (9)
- inproceedings - Fire the fibre up ! Let's untangle fibre's damping behaviour
14èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit (JJCAB 2024) / Saint-Ouen, France (2024)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Damping dynamics : unlocking the secrets of green composites
14èmes Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique vibrations et Bruit (JJCAB 2024) / Saint-Ouen, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
Shiferaw, Tsilat Abate | Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent - inproceedings - Characterisation of single fibre's mechanical behaviour under vibrational testing
Fibre Society (2024) / Mulhouse, France (2024, Pages pages 1)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Structural dynamics of individual plant fibres: a contribution to the understanding of damping properties of bio-based composites
Internoise (2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 6)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Exploring dynamic mechanical properties in fibre-reinforced composites using spatial mapping techniques
21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21 2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 7)
Pelisson, Fanny | Ugarak, Fehima | Butaud, Pauline | Mosset, Alexis | Laude, Vincent | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Multiscale modeling and experimental assessment of damping in unidirectional fiber reinforced composites
21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21 2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 7)
Shiferaw, Tsilat Abate | Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent - inproceedings - Enhancing the mechanical performance of locally sourced wood-based plywood through hybridization with natural fibre composites
21st European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21 2024) / Nantes, France (2024, Pages pages 6)
Prunier, Clément | Jeannin, Thomas | Rousseau, Jérôme | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent - article - Investigating the influence of fabrication parameters, flax-fibre reinforcement and ageing on interlaminar shear strength in thermoplastic-bonded wood veneers
Journal of Materials Science (Volume 59, jun 2024, Pages :10810 - 10832)
Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Gabrion, Xavier | Placet, Vincent - article - Enhancing the performance of soft actuators with magnetic patterns
Advanced Materials Technologies (Volume 9, Issue (), may 2024, Pages :2302142 (8))
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François | Chevallier, Gaël | Espanet, Christophe
2023 (5)
- inproceedings - Etude du vieillissement de contreplaqués collés par résines thermoplastiques et renforcés par fibres naturelles
12èmes Journées du GDR 3544 "Sciences du bois" (2023) / Limoges, France (2023, Pages pages 4)
Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Placet, Vincent - inproceedings - Weaving a green future untangling plant fibre damping behaviour
PUZZLE-X (2023) / Barcelone, Spain (2023, Pages pages 9)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Dynamical characterisation at fibre scale
European Summer School on Bio-based Composites (ESBCC 2023) / Tarbes, France (2023, Pages pages 1)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Damping properties of plant fibre composites
European Summer School on Bio-based Composites (ESBCC 2023) / Tarbes, France (2023, Pages pages 25)
Butaud, Pauline | Pelisson, Fanny | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan | Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Bourbon, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien - inproceedings - Identification des propriétés mécaniques dynamiques sur fibre unitaire
Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC 2023) / Besançon, France (2023, Pages pages 6)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
2022 (12)
- article - In situ damping identification of plant fiber composites using dynamic grid nanoindentation
Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing (Volume 163, dec 2022, Pages :107158 (8))
Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Caractérisations mécaniques dynamiques à l'échelle de la fibre
5ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Eco-composites et Composites Bio-sourcés (JJC ECOCOMP 2022) / Ile de Groix, France (2022, Pages pages 6)
Pelisson, Fanny | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - article - Magnetically induced friction damping based on magnetoactive elastomers - a proof of concept
Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 534, sep 2022, Pages :117000 (19))
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Teloli, Rafaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Savary, Maxime | Chevallier, Gaël - inproceedings - Détermination des paramètres de fabrication d’assemblage de substrats bois par adhésifs thermoplastiques renforcés par des fibres naturelles
25ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2022) / Nantes, France (2022, Pages pages 11)
Prunier, Clément | Rousseau, Jérôme | El Moussaid, Mehdi | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent - inproceedings - Viscoelastic properties of plant fibers - Dynamic analysis and nanoindentation tests
The Fiber Society (2022) / Leuven, Belgium (2022, Pages pages 1)
Placet, Vincent | Butaud, Pauline | Pelisson, Fanny | Liu, Taiqu | Gaillard, Yves | Bourbon, Gilles | Amiot, Fabien | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Contrôle structural par pilotage thermique
15ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures (CSMA 2022) / Presqu'île de Giens, France (2022, Pages pages 8)
Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Renault, David | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël - inproceedings - On the use of thermomechanical couplings for the design of adaptive structures
XVI SPIE Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2022) / Californie, United States (Volume 12043, 2022, Pages pages 1204302 (8))
Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël - inproceedings - Shape memory through contact : introduction of magnetofriction – shape memory polymers (MF-SMPs)
SPIE Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation (2022) / Orlando, United States (2022, Pages pages 8)
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Hirsinger, Laurent | Ouisse, Morvan - article - Development of a magneto-mechanical bench and experimental characterization of magneto-rheological elastomers
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (Volume 58, Issue (2), feb 2022, Pages :4600304 (4))
Savary, Maxime | Hermann, Svenja | Espanet, Christophe | Préault, Valentin | Chevallier, Gaël | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François - inproceedings - A new concept of vibration damper based on friction induced dissipation between magnetic materials
A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC-XL 2022) / Orlando, United States (2022, Pages pages 3)
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël - article - Good practices for designing and experimental testing of dynamically excited jointed structures : The Orion beam
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing (MSSP) (Volume 163, jan 2022, Pages :108172 (23))
Teloli, Rafaël | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Da Silva, Samuel - inproceedings - Composites architecturés pour l'amortissement
Colloque National MECAMAT (2022) / Aussois, France (2022, Pages pages 2)
Butaud, Pauline | Hermann, Svenja | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël
2021 (4)
- article - Damping behavior of plant fiber composites : A review
Composite Structures (Volume 275, nov 2021, Pages :114392 (14))
Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - article - Dataset of experimental measurements for the Orion beam structure
Data in Brief (Volume 39, nov 2021, Pages :107627 (9))
Teloli, Rafaël | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Da Silva, Samuel - inproceedings - Damping behavior of hemp and flax fibre reinforced greenpoxy composites
On line 5th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2021 2021) / Funchal, Portugal (2021, Pages pages 2)
Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Gaillard, Yves | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Influence of water aging on the damping properties of plant fiber composites
On line 3rd Flower Conference - Biobased Composites in Marine Environment (2021) / Lorient, France (2021, Pages pages 1)
Liu, Taiqu | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan
2020 (5)
- article - Towards a better understanding of the CMUTs potential for SHMapplications
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Volume 313, oct 2020, Pages :112212 (11))
Butaud, Pauline | Le Moal, Patrice | Bourbon, Gilles | Placet, Vincent | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Verdin, Benoît | Joseph, Eric - article - Magnetic and dynamic mechanical properties of a highly coercive MRE based on NdFeB particles and a stiff matrix
Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 29, Issue (10), oct 2020, Pages :105009 (11))
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe - article - In-core heat distribution control for adaptive damping and stiffness tuning of composite structures
Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 29, Issue (6), jun 2020, Pages :065002 (11))
Butaud, Pauline | Renault, David | Verdin, Benoît | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël - article - Learning the representation of raw acoustic emission signals by direct generative modeling and its use in chronology-based clusters identification
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (Volume 90, apr 2020, Pages :103478 (13))
Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Jeannin, Thomas | Sarasini, Fabrizio | Placet, Vincent | Godin, Nathalie | Tirillo, Jacopo | Gabrion, Xavier - inproceedings - Real-time tuning of stiffness and damping properties of laminate composites
3rd Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics (MEDYNA 2020) / Napoli, Italy (2020, Pages pages 97 - 100)
Ouisse, Morvan | Butaud, Pauline | Renault, David | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël
2019 (15)
- inproceedings - Caractérisation dynamique des fibres synthétiques et végétales
Manipulation et caractérisation pour les fibres synthétiques et végétales (GDR Robotique 2019) / Besançon, France (2019, Pages pages 18)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Bourbon, Gilles - inproceedings - Les polymères à mémoire de forme
5ème Ecole Ecole technologique du Réseaux Des Mécaniciens ( 2019) / Saint Jorioz, France (2019)
Butaud, Pauline - inproceedings - Dynamic properties of plant fiber reinforced composites based on experimental multiscale method
22nd International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS 2019) / Wuhan, China (2019, Pages pages 20)
Liu, Taiqu | Gabrion, Xavier | Jeannin, Thomas | Gaillard, Yves | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Clustering acoustic emission time-series using unsupervised-shapelets
12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM 2019) / Stanford, CA, United States (2019, Pages pages 9)
Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Jeannin, Thomas | Sarasini, Fabrizio - article - Damping control for improvement of acoustic black hole effect
Journal of Sound and Vibration (Volume 454, aug 2019, Pages :63 - 72)
Ouisse, Morvan | Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Sadoulet, Emeline - inproceedings - Élaboration et caractérisation expérimentale du comportement mécanique d’un élastomère magnétorhéologique
24ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2019) / Brest, France (2019, Pages pages 7)
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe - incollection - Shape Memory Polymers, Blends and Composites
Dynamical Mechanical Thermal Analysis of Shape-Memory Polymers (Editor : Springer Nature, Volume 115, jul 2019, Pages 129 - 151)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Jaboviste, Kévin | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - Detection and analysis of nonlinear dissipation in lap joints using acoustic emission
9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2019, Pages pages 1)
Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Michon, Guilhem - inproceedings - Temperature control of a composite core for adaptive stiffness and damping
SURveillance VIbrations SHocks NOise (SURVISHNO 2019) / Lyon, France (2019, Pages pages 1)
Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Verdin, Benoît | Chevallier, Gaël | Joseph, Eric - inproceedings - Black hole damping control with a thermally-driven shape memory polymer
inter.noise 2019 ( 2019) / Madrid, Spain (2019)
Sadoulet, Emeline | Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Modelization of the coupled behavior of a magnetically hard magnetorheological elastomer
11th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber (ECCMR 2019) / Nantes, France (2019, Pages pages 6)
Hermann, Svenja | Espanet, Christophe | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Manceau, Jean-François | Hirsinger, Laurent - article - Design and experimental validation of a temperature-driven adaptive phononic crystal slab
Smart Materials and Structures (Volume 28, Issue (3), mar 2019, Pages :035007 (16))
Billon, Kévin | Ouisse, Morvan | Sadoulet, Emeline | Collet, Manuel | Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Khelif, Abdelkrim - inproceedings - Adaptive damping and stiffness control of composite structures: an experimental illustration
Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems (2019) (Proceedings of the SPIE 2019) / Denver, United States (Volume 10967, 2019, Pages pages 8)
Verdin, Benoît | Renault, David | Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Joseph, Eric | Jeannin, Thomas | Foltête, Emmanuel | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline - inproceedings - CMUT sensors based on circular membranes array for SHM applications
Smart Structures + Nondestructive Evaluation (SPIE 2019) / Denver, United States (2019, Pages pages 8)
Butaud, Pauline | Bourbon, Gilles | Le Moal, Patrice | Joseph, Eric | Verdin, Benoît | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent - inproceedings - Detection and analysis of loosening in jointed structures using acoustic emission sensors and smart bolts
37th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC 2019) / Orlando, United States (2019, Pages pages 3)
Chevallier, Gaël | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline
2018 (6)
- inproceedings - Élastomères magnétorhéologiques : rhéologie et fonctionnalisation des structures
8èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2018) / Le Mans, France (2018)
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe | Chevallier, Gaël - inproceedings - Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement mécanique des élastomères magnétorhéologiques
28ème Colloque National "DÉformation des POlymères Solides" (2018) / LA BRESSE, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
Hermann, Svenja | Butaud, Pauline | Manceau, Jean-François | Espanet, Christophe | Chevallier, Gaël - article - Identification of the viscoelastic properties of the tBA/PEGDMA polymer from multi-loading modes conducted over a wide frequency–temperature scale range
Polymer Testing (Volume 69, aug 2018, Pages :250 - 258)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Renaud, Franck | Travaillot, Thomas | Maynadier, Anne | Chevallier, Gaël | Amiot, Fabien | Delobelle, Patrick | Foltête, Emmanuel | Berriet, Cécile - inproceedings - Signal-level clustering of acoustic emission streaming
9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2018, Pages pages 6)
Butaud, Pauline | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Ahayan, Hanaa | Jeannin, Thomas | Godin, Nathalie | Placet, Vincent - inproceedings - Bordering the footprint of AE sensor using a bank of sharply-defined frequency domain capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers
9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring Series (2018) / Manchester, United Kingdom (2018, Pages pages 7)
Butaud, Pauline | Bourbon, Gilles | Le Moal, Patrice | Joseph, Eric | Verdin, Benoît | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Boubakar, Lamine Mohamed - inproceedings - In situ measurements of interfacial contact pressure during impact hammer tests
36th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (2018) / Orlando, United States (2018, Pages pages 1 - 11)
Seeger, Benjamin | Butaud, Pauline | Baloglu, Volkan | Du, Fei | Brake, Matthew | Schwingshakl, Christoph
2017 (6)
- inproceedings - Analyse multi-échelle expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’une liaison
23ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2017) / Lille, France (2017)
Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Sadoulet, Emeline - inproceedings - Analyse de champs par vibrométrie laser sur un assemblage boulonné
Journée Mesure de champs en dynamique de structures (2017) / Besançon, France (2017)
Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël - inproceedings - Active washer for smart mechanical linkage
8th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials (SMART 2017) / Madrid, Spain (2017)
Belly, Christian | Guignabert, Adrien | Riquer, Aurélien | Chevallier, Gaël | Butaud, Pauline | Matten, Gaël | Peyret, Nicolas - incollection - A review of shape memory polymers thermomechanical modelling : analysis in the frequency domain
Advances in Shape Memory Materials (Publisher : Springer, Volume 73, Series Advanced Structured Materials, mar 2017, Pages 58 - 81)
Lexcellent, Christian | Butaud, Pauline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Design of thermally adaptive composite structures for damping and stiffness control
SPIE Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites (2017) / Portland, United States (Volume 10165, 2017, Pages pages 101650T (8))
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Chevallier, Gaël | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - Design of an assembly for nonlinear vibration reduction
35th Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics (IMAC) / Garden Grove, CA, United States (2017, Pages pages 0-1)
Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël
2016 (3)
- inproceedings - Etude expérimentale du comportement dynamique non-linéaire d’un assemblage
6ème Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibration, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2016) / Marseille, France (2016)
Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël - article - Sandwich structures with tunable damping properties: on the use of shape memory polymer as viscoelastic core
Composite Structures (Volume 153, oct 2016, Pages :401 - 408)
Butaud, Pauline | Foltête, Emmanuel | Ouisse, Morvan - inproceedings - Structure thermiquement adaptative pour un compromis rigidité/amortissement
13ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (CFA 2016) / Le Mans, France (2016)
Butaud, Pauline | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel
2015 (6)
- inproceedings - Adaptative damping structure based on Shape Memory Polymer
Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2015) (2015)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - Damping control in a sandwich structure with SMP core
Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive structures and intelligent systems (SMASIS 2015) / Colorado Springs, United States (2015)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - A SMP core sandwich composite with tunable damping properties
22nd International Congress of Sound and Vibration (ICSV) / Florence, Italy (2015, Pages pages 7 p)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - High frequency dynamic mechanical analysis on shape memory polymers
International conference on Dynamics of Composites (DYNCOMP 2015) / Arles, France (2015, Pages pages 9 p)
Butaud, Pauline | Renaud, Franck | Chevallier, Gaël | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel - article - Investigations on the frequency and temperature effects on mechanical properties of a shape memory polymer (Veriflex)
Mechanics of Materials (Volume 87, apr 2015, Pages :50-60)
Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Klesa, Jan | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Gabrion, Xavier - inproceedings - SMP-based solution for structural damping
Noise and Vibration - Emerging Technologies (NOVEM 2015) / Dubrovnik, Croatia (2015, Pages pages 8 p)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Berriet, Cécile
2014 (5)
- inproceedings - Adaptive Damping Structure based on Shape Memory Polymer
Journées des Jeunes Chercheurs en vibrations, Acoustique et Bruit (JJCAB 2014) (2014)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - Experimental investigations on viscoelastic properties of a shape memory polymer
Proceedings of the ASME 2014 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2014-7686) (2014, Pages pages 1 - 8)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Placet, Vincent | Foltête, Emmanuel - inproceedings - Shape memory properties of the CHS-E520 and CHSE531 epoxy resins with the hardener P11
31th Danubia-Adria Symposium / Kempten, Germany (2014)
Klesa, Jan | Placet, Vincent | Krystek, Jan | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline - inproceedings - Static and dynamic thermo mechanical characterization of a biocompatible Shape Memory Polymer
DEPOS25 (2014)
Butaud, Pauline | Maynadier, Anne | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Berriet, Cécile - inproceedings - Vibroacoustic control using polymer-based architectured materials
Polymer-Based Architectured Materials (2014)
Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Butaud, Pauline | Placet, Vincent | Collet, Manuel
2013 (3)
- inproceedings - Static and Dynamic Thermo Mechanical Characterization of a Bio-Compatible Shape Memory Polymer
ICAST 2013, The 24th International Conference on Adaptive Structures Technologies (2013, Pages pages 1 - 10)
Butaud, Pauline | Maynadier, Anne | Brault, Nicolas | Placet, Vincent | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Berriet, Cécile - inproceedings - Etude aérodynamique instationnaire d'un rotor éolien de Savonius : mise en évidence de l'influence de la portance
21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique (CFM 2013) / Bordeaux, France (2013, Pages pages 1 - 6)
Butaud, Pauline | Besnard, Aurélien | Marcel, Thibaud | Maya, Michel - inproceedings - Wideband frequency characterization of a shape memory polymer
MEDYNA 2013: 1st Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Structural Dynamics and Vibroacoustics / Marrakech, Morocco (2013, Pages pages 1 - 4)
Butaud, Pauline | Ouisse, Morvan | Foltête, Emmanuel | Placet, Vincent | Klesa, Jan | Gabrion, Xavier