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Pierre Saenger

Publications de Pierre Saenger

2023 (1)

  • inproceedings - Modélisation d’un système pile à combustible pour l’estimation de ses performances dans un contexte automobile
    5ème Symposium de Génie Electrique (SGE 2023) / Lille, France (2023, Pages pages 6)
    Plait, Antony | Saenger, Pierre | Bouquain, David
    pdf | bibtex

2018 (1)

  • inproceedings - Hardware-In-the-Loop simulation of a DC-machine with INTEL FPGA boards
    44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2018) / Washington D.C., United States (2018, Pages pages 2815 - 2820)
    Saenger, Pierre | Hilairet, Mickaël
    doi | bibtex

2017 (3)

  • inproceedings - Emulation of the operation of a lithium-ion batteries pack in healthy and faulty condition
    14th IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2017) / Belfort, France (2017, Pages pages 6)
    Saenger, Pierre | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Gustin, Frédéric | Couturier, Raphael | Deschinkel, Karine
    doi | bibtex
  • phdthesis - Optimization and energy management of an electric hybrid embedded system
    (nov 2017)
    Saenger, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Optimization of electrical energy storage system sizing for an accurate energy management in an aircraft
    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Volume 66, Issue (7), jul 2017, Pages :5572 - 5583)
    Saenger, Pierre | Devillers, Nathalie | Deschinkel, Karine | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Couturier, Raphael | Gustin, Frédéric

2015 (1)

  • inproceedings - An optimal sizing of electrical energy storage system for an accurate energy management in an aircraft
    IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2015) / Montréal, Canada (2015, Pages pages 6)
    Saenger, Pierre | Deschinkel, Karine | Devillers, Nathalie | Péra, Marie-Cécile
    doi | bibtex