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Vincent Giordano

Publications de Vincent Giordano

2024 (3)

  • inproceedings - Toward a sub-kelvin cryogenic Fabry-Perot silicon cavity
    / Kingscliff, Australia (2024, Pages pages 9)
    Barbarat, Joannes | Gillot, Jonathan | Millo, Jacques | Lacroute, Clément | Legero, Thomas | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Towards a sub-kelvin cryogenic Fabry-Perot silicon cavity
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 2889, Issue (-), oct 2024, Pages :012056 (10))
    Barbarat, Joannes | Gillot, Jonathan | Millo, Jacques | Lacroute, Clément | Legero, Thomas | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann
  • article - Origin of the Mode-Splitting in a Microwave Sapphire Whispering-Gallery Mode Resonator
    IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Volume ~, Issue (~), jan 2024, Pages :1 - 8)
    Giordano, Vincent | Margueron, Samuel

2023 (6)

  • article - Ultra-stable microwave cryogenic oscillator operated with a Gifford-McMahon cryocooler
    Cryogenics (Volume 135, oct 2023, Pages :103745 (9))
    Le Tetu, Guillaume | Fluhr, Christophe | Paris, Julien | Hostein, Richard | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Reliability and Reproducibility of the Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator Technology
    IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (Volume 72, jun 2023, Pages :1005408 (7))
    Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Le Tetu, Guillaume | Soumann, Valérie | Paris, Julien | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
  • inproceedings - A Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator with 10−16 mid-term ADEV
    2023 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Calosso, Claudio | Vernotte, François | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Technology Readiness of the Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator.
    2023 International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Paris, Julien | Le Tetu, Guillaume | Soumann, Valérie | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of a Sub-Kelvin Silicon Cavity
    2023 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages )
    Barbarat, Joannes | Gillot, Jonathan | Millo, Jacques | Lacroute, Clément | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann | Legero, Thomas
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - A cryogenic sapphire resonator oscillator with 10−16 mid-term fractional frequency stability
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 123, Issue (4), 2023, Pages :044107 (5))
    Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Calosso, Claudio | Vernotte, François | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent

2020 (3)

  • article - Absorbance and energy levels for a Fe3+ ion in α-Al2O3. Optical pumping applied to a 31 GHz Maser
    Current Applied Physics (Volume 20, Issue (12), sep 2020, Pages :1366 - 1372)
    Mrad, Mohamad | Tarhini, Ahmad | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Physics of the sapphire whispering-gallery-mode solid-state MASER oscillator
    European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJ AP) (Volume 91, Issue ( ), aug 2020, Pages :31001 (8))
    Mrad, Mohamad | Tarhini, Ahmad | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Magnetic sensitivity of the microwave sapphire oscillator
    Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 127, may 2020, Pages :184101 (9))
    Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît

2019 (4)

  • article - KLTS: A Rigorous Method to Compute the Confidence Intervals for the Three-Cornered Hat and for Groslambert Covariance
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 66, Issue (12), dec 2019, Pages :1942 - 1949)
    Lantz, Eric | Eligio Calosso, Claudio | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Vernotte, François
  • inproceedings - Digital Frequency-Stability Measurement of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators
    2019 Low-Level Radio Frequency Workshop (LLRF 2019) / Chicago, United States (Volume , Issue , 2019, Pages pages 233 (1))
    Rubiola, Enrico | Vernotte, François | Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Calosso, Claudio
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Two-Sample Covariance and Multichannel Tracking DDS for Measuring the Frequency Stability of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators
    2019 Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology (MSMM 2019) / Torino, Italy (Volume , Issue , 2019, Pages pages 49 - 50)
    Calosso, Claudio | Vernotte, François | Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Rubiola, Enrico
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Frequency Stability Measurement of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators with a Multichannel Tracking DDS and the Two-Sample Covariance
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 66, Issue (3), mar 2019, Pages :616 - 623)
    Calosso, Claudio | Vernotte, François | Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Rubiola, Enrico

2018 (2)

  • inproceedings - Direct stability measurement of cryogenic sapphire oscillators with tracking DDS and two-sample covariance
    International Frequency Control Symposium (2018) / Olympic Valley, CA, United States (2018, Pages pages 4)
    Calosso, Claudio | Vernotte, François | Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Rubiola, Enrico
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Direct measurement of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators with tracking DDSs and 2-sample covariance
    European Frequency and Time Forum (2018) / Turin, Italy (2018, Pages pages 41 - 44)
    Calosso, Claudio | Vernotte, François | Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Rubiola, Enrico
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2017 (3)

  • inproceedings - A Low Power Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator with better than 10-15 short term frequency stability
    European Frequency and Time Forum joint with International Frequency Control Symposium / Orlando, United States (2017, Pages pages 0)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Soumann, Valérie | Le Tetu, Guillaume | Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Paris, Julien
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Characterization of the phase-noise induced by an optical frequency doubler
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (2017, Pages pages 419 - 420)
    Delehaye, Marion | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Millo, Jacques | Groult, Lucas | Bakir, Ahmed | Boudot, Rodolphe | Rubiola, Enrico | Bigler, Emmanuel | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann | Lacroute, Clément
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Cross-Spectrum PM Noise Measurement, Thermal Energy, and Metamaterial Filters
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 64, Issue (3), mar 2017, Pages :634 - 641)
    Gruson, Yannick | Giordano, Vincent | Rohde, Ulrich L. | Poddar, Ajay K. | Rubiola, Enrico

2016 (10)

  • article - A Low Power Cryocooled Autonomous Ultra-Stable Oscillator
    Cryogenics (Volume 80, Issue (1), dec 2016, Pages :164 - 173)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Grop, Serge | Paris, Julien | Le Tetu, Guillaume | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Characterization of Zero-Bias Microwave Diode Power Detectors at Cryogenic Temperature
    Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 87, Issue (8), aug 2016, Pages : 084702 (1-6))
    Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Rubiola, Enrico
  • article - High Stability Comparison of Atomic Fountains using two Different Cryogenic Oscillators
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 63, Issue (8), aug 2016, Pages :1198 - 1203)
    Abgrall, Michel | Guéna, Jocelyne | Lours, Michel | Santarelli, Giorgio | Tobar, Mike | Bize, Sébastien | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Fluhr, Christophe | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Characterization of the individual frequency stability of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators at the 1e-16 level
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 63, Issue (6), jun 2016, Pages :915 - 921)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
  • inproceedings - The impact of thermal energy on cross spectrum PM noise measurements
    IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2016) / New Orleans, United States (Publisher : IEEE, 2016, Pages pages 382 - 386)
    Gruson, Yannick | Giordano, Vincent | Rohde, Ulrich L. | Rubiola, Enrico
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Frequency synthesis from cryogenic sapphire oscillator
    30th European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF 2016) / York, United Kingdom (2016, Pages pages 4)
    Vaillant, Etienne | Sthal, Fabrice | Imbaud, Joël | Fluhr, Christophe | Grop, Serge | Giordano, Vincent | Rubiola, Enrico | Esnault, François Xavier | Cibiel, Gilles
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Compact Yb+ optical atomic clock project: design principle and current status
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 723, mar 2016, Pages :012025 (1))
    Lacroute, Clément | Souidi, Maël | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Millo, Jacques | Saleh, Khaldoun | Bigler, Emmanuel | Boudot, Rodolphe | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann
  • article - Design of an ultra-compact reference ULE cavity
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 723, mar 2016, Pages :7 p)
    Didier, Alexandre | Millo, Jacques | Lacroute, Clément | Ouisse, Morvan | Delporte, Jérome | Giordano, Vincent | Rubiola, Enrico | Kersalé, Yann
  • article - The autonomous cryocooled sapphire oscillator: A reference for frequency stability ans phase noise measurements
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 723, mar 2016, Pages :012030 (8))
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico
  • article - Tests of Sapphire Crystals Manufactured with Different Growth Processes for Ultra-stable Microwave Oscillators
    IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (Volume 64, Issue (1), jan 2016, Pages :78 - 85)
    Giordano, Vincent | Fluhr, Christophe | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît

2015 (4)

  • inproceedings - The autonomous Cryocooled Sapphire Oscillator: A Reference for Frequency Stability and Phase Noise Measurements
    8th Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology (FSM 2015) / Postdam, Germany (2015)
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Fluhr, Christophe | Dubois, Benoît | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico
  • inproceedings - Characterization of a set of Cryocooled Sapphire Oscillators at the 10^−16 level with the three-cornered hat method
    International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 347 - 350)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Grop, Serge | Accadia, Timothée | Bakir, Ahmed | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Characterization of a set of Cryocooled Sapphire Oscillators at the 10−16 level with the three-cornered hat method
    International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 347 - 350)
    Fluhr, Christophe | Grop, Serge | Accadia, Timothée | Bakir, Ahmed | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent | Dubois, Benoît
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Measurement of Buffer Gas Collisional Clock Frequency Shift in Cs Vapor Cells in Presence of He and Xe
    International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2015) / Denver, United States (2015, Pages pages 1)
    Kroemer, Eric | Giordano, Vincent | Abdel Hafiz, Moustafa | Maurice, Vincent | Boudot, Rodolphe
    pdf | bibtex

2014 (6)

  • article - Ultra-stable microwave generation witha diode-pumped solid-state laser in the 1.5µm range
    Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics (Volume 116, Issue (3), sep 2014, Pages :593-601)
    Dolgovskiy, Vladimir | Schilt, Stéphane | Bucalovic, Nikola | Di Domenico, Gianni | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Giordano, Vincent | Südmeyer, Thomas
  • unpublished - Présentation des recherches en Temps Fréquence à l'Institut Femto-ST (sep 2014)
    Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Influence of the electron spin resonance saturation on the power sensitivity of cryogenic sapphire resonators
    Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 116, Issue (5), aug 2014, Pages :054901)
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico
  • article - Ultralow-Phase-Noise Oscillators Based on BAW Resonators
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 61, Issue (6), jun 2014, Pages :903 - 912)
    Li, Ming Dong | Seok, Seonho | Rolland, Nathalie | Rolland, Paul-Alain | El Aabbaoui, Hassan | De Foucauld, Emeric | Vincent, Pierre | Giordano, Vincent
  • inproceedings - Latest improvements in the performances of a Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator
    European Frequency and Time Forum (2014)
    Grop, Serge | Fluhr, Christophe | Masson, Jean-Louis | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent | Dubois, Benoît | Haye, Grégory
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of a compact Fabry-Perot ULE cavity
    Proc. of the 2014 European Frequency and Time Forum (2014, Pages pages 514 - 517)
    Didier, Alexandre | Millo, Jacques | Lacroute, Clément | Giordano, Vincent | Rubiola, Enrico | Kersalé, Yann | Ouisse, Morvan | Delporte, Jérome
    pdf | bibtex

2013 (7)

  • inproceedings - ULISS project: 2013 progress report
    European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 2013 Joint / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 442 - 444)
    Giordano, Vincent | Masson, Jean-Louis | Cabodevila, Gonzalo | Rubiola, Enrico | Kersalé, Yann | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Haye, Grégory | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design of the frequency and timing subsystem for ESA's Deep Space Antenna 3
    European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 2013 Joint / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 636 - 640)
    Solana, Ainhoa | Schafer, Wolfgang | Schwall, Theo | Froidevaux, Sylvère | Ramos, Maria Antonia | De Vicente, Javier | Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Measurements of optical frequency shift in sealed Cs vapor cells filled with He, Xe buffer gases
    Proceedings of the European Frequency and Time Forum & International Frequency Control Symposium (EFTF/IFC), 2013 / Prague, Czech Rep. (2013)
    Kroemer, Eric | Giordano, Vincent | Boudot, Rodolphe
  • inproceedings - Signal à 9.192 GHz faible bruit de phase porté optiquement à 895 nm par modulation électro - optique pour horloge atomique CPT
    Journées Nationales des Microondes (JNM) / Paris, France. (2013)
    Liu, Xiaochi | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Giordano, Vincent | Boudot, Rodolphe
  • inproceedings - Premier prototype européen d'une horloge atomique MEMS
    / Paris, France (2013)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Passilly, Nicolas | Hasegawa, Madoka | Galliou, Serge | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Near-infrared diode- pumped solid -state frequency comb for ultra-stable microwave generation
    / Davos, Switzerland (2013)
    Bucalovic, Nikola | Dolgovskiy, Vladimir | Schilt, Stéphane | Di Domenico, Gianni | Stumpf, M.C. | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Giordano, Vincent | Keller, U.
  • unpublished - Le temps de l'ingénieur : comment et pourquoi mesurons nous le temps (feb 2013)
    Giordano, Vincent

2012 (12)

  • article - A High-Performance Frequency Stability Compact CPT Clock Based on a Cs-Ne Microcell
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 59, Issue (11), nov 2012, Pages :2584 - 2587)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Liu, Xiaochi | Abbé, Philippe | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Passilly, Nicolas | Galliou, Serge | Gorecki, Christophe | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - New Generation of Cryogenic Sapphire Microwave Oscillator for Space, Metrology and Scientific Applications.
    Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 83, Issue (8), aug 2012, Pages :085113)
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Haye, Grégory | Dolgovskiy, Vladimir | Bucalovic, Nikola | Di Domenico, Gianni | Schilt, Stéphane | Chauvin, Jacques | Valat, David | Rubiola, Enrico
  • inproceedings - ULISS project: First comparison of cryocooled sapphire oscillators at the 10-15 level
    Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 2012 IEEE International (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 638 - 642)
    Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Masson, Jérémy | Haye, Grégory | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Characterization of compact CPT Clocks based on a Cs-Ne microcell
    Prcoceedings of the European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 2012 / Gothenburg, Suède (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 79--82)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Liu, Xiaochi | Kraemer, E. | Abbé, Philippe | Passilly, Nicolas | Galliou, Serge | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe | Al-Samaneh, Ahmed | Wahl, D. | Michalzik, Rainer
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Properties of Sapphire Crystals Elaborated with Different Grow Technics for Microwave Ultra-stable Oscillator Applications
    European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 2012 / Gothenburg, SWEDEN (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 62--65)
    Giordano, Vincent | Mrad, Mohamad | Masson, Jean-Louis | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Recent Progress on Cryogenic MASER Oscillator
    European Frequency And Time Forum (EFTF 2012) (2012, Pages pages 83 - 86)
    Mrad, Mohamad | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Benmessaî, Karim
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Direct comparison of two Cryocooled Sapphire Oscillators presenting relative frequency instability at 10(-15)
    European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 2012 (Publisher : IEEE, 2012, Pages pages 267 - 270)
    Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Masson, Jean-Louis | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Haye, Grégory | Giordano, Vincent
    doi | bibtex
  • misc - Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillator Training
    (apr 2012)
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge
  • article - Controlling the frequency-temperature sensitivity of a cryogenic sapphire maser frequency standard by manipulating Fe3+ spins in the sapphire lattice
    Physical Review B (Volume 85, feb 2012, Pages :075122)
    Benmessaî, Karim | Creedon, Daniel | Le Floch, Jean-Michel | Tobar, Mike | Mrad, Mohamad | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Analysis of the whispering gallery mode sapphire Fe3+ maser under magnetic field
    European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJ AP) (Volume 57, Issue (2), feb 2012, Pages :21005 (7))
    Mrad, Mohamad | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Tobar, Mike | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Microcellules à Vapeur de Césium pour la Première Micro-Horloge Atomique Européenne : Technologie et Caractérisation Métrologique
    Annales françaises des microtechniques et de chronométrie (Volume 80 - 81, Issue (59), 2012, Pages :83 - 103)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Liu, Xiaochi | Passilly, Nicolas | Abbé, Philippe | Galliou, Serge | Gorecki, Christophe | Giordano, Vincent
  • inproceedings - The Fe3+:Sapphire Whispering Gallery Modes Maser Oscillator
    The 20th Australian Institute of Physics Congress / Sydney, Australie (2012)
    Benmessaî, Karim | Creedon, Daniel | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Tobar, Mike
    pdf | bibtex

2011 (19)

  • inproceedings - New-generation of cryogenic sapphire microwave oscillators for space, metrology, and scientific applications
    Proceeding of the 3rd International Collquium. Scientific and Fundamental Aspects of the Galileo Programme / Copenhagen, Denmark (2011)
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Cabodevila, Gonzalo | Rubiola, Enrico | Haye, Grégory
  • inproceedings - Physic of the cryogenic whispering gallery mode maser
    / Copenhagen, Denmark (2011)
    Mrad, Mohamad | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Unprecedented Long-Term Frequency Stability With a Microwave Resonator Oscillator
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 58, Issue (8), aug 2011, Pages :1694--1697)
    Grop, Serge | Schafer, Wolfgang | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Oxborrow, M. | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
  • unpublished - Le projet ULISS : une horloge fait le tour d'Europe (jun 2011)
    Giordano, Vincent | Haye, Grégory
  • article - Microfabrication of cesium vapor cells with buffer gas for MEMS atomic clocks
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Volume 167, Issue (2), jun 2011, Pages :594 - 601)
    Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Gorecki, Christophe | Boudot, Rodolphe | Dziuban, Piotr | Giordano, Vincent | Clatot, Stanislas | Mauri, Luca
  • inproceedings - A 4.596 GHz frequency synthesis based on a solid-mounted resonator
    5th Joint Conference of the 65th IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium/25th European Frequency and Time Forum / San Francisco, United States (2011, Pages pages 516 - 518)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Giordano, Vincent | Li, Ming Dong | Rolland, Nathalie | Rolland, Paul-Alain | Vincent, P.
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Study of Fe3+- Sapphire maser above 4K
    IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum 2011 / San Francisco, United States (2011)
    Benmessaî, Karim | Mrad, Mohamad | Creedon, Daniel | Le Floch, Jean-Michel | Tobar, Mike | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Cs collisional frequency shift measurements in microcells filled with a Ne-Ar buffer gas mixture
    IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium / San Francisco, CA (2011, Pages pages 230 - 232)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Dziuban, Piotr | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe | Miletic, Danijela | Affolderbach, Chistoph | Mileti, Gaetano | Knapkiewicz, Pawel | Dziuban, Jan Andrzej
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design and performance of the RF Syntesiser for the ELISA cryocooled Sapphire oscillator
    Schäffer, W. | Hejc, G | Grop, Serge | Rubiola, Enrico | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Giordano, Vincent | Kersalé, Yann | De Vicente, Javier
  • inproceedings - Dark line resonances in Cs-Ne vapor microcells for chip scale atomic clocks
    Proc. of the 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS/EFTF) / San Francisco, United States (2011, Pages pages 794 - 798)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Dziuban, Piotr | Liu, Xiaochi | Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Galliou, Serge | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - ULISS: AMobile cryogenic ultra-stable oscillator
    Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International (2011, Pages pages 525 - 528)
    Grop, Serge | Dubois, Benoît | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Haye, Grégory | Giordano, Vincent
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • misc - The Uliss project : development of an ultra high stability and mobile cryogenic sapphire oscillator
    (apr 2011)
    Giordano, Vincent
  • misc - Besançon et les recherches en Temps Fréquence
    (apr 2011)
    Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Frequency synthesis chain for ESA deep space network
    Electronics Letters (Volume 47, Issue (6), mar 2011, Pages :386 - 387)
    Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Rubiola, Enrico | Schafer, Wolfgang | De Vicente, Javier | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - A solid-mounted resonator-oscillator-based 4.596 GHz frequency synthesis
    Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 82, mar 2011, Pages :034706 (?))
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Li, Ming Dong | Giordano, Vincent | Rolland, Nathalie | Rolland, Paul-Alain | Vincent, P.
  • article - First-order cancellation of the Cs clock frequency temperature-dependence in Ne-Ar buffer gas mixture
    Optics Express (Volume 19, Issue (4), feb 2011, Pages :3106 - 3114)
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Miletic, Danijela | Dziuban, Piotr | Affolderbach, Chistoph | Knapkiewicz, Pawel | Dziuban, Jan Andrzej | Mileti, Gaetano | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Microfabrication And Thermal Behavior Of Miniature Cesium-Vapor Cells For Atomic Clock Operations
    24th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) - IEEE / Cancun, Mexico (Publisher : IEEE, 2011, Pages pages 712 - 715)
    Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Gorecki, Christophe | Boudot, Rodolphe | Dziuban, Piotr | Galliou, Serge | Passilly, Nicolas | Giordano, Vincent | Jornod, A.
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Coherent population trapping resonances in Cs–Ne vapor microcells for miniature clocks applications
    Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 109, Issue (1), jan 2011, Pages :014912 )
    Boudot, Rodolphe | Dziuban, Piotr | Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Galliou, Serge | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Cryogenic sapphire microwave oscillators for space, metrology and scientific applications
    Proc. of the 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium. / Istambul, Turquie (2011, Pages pages 1-4)
    Giordano, Vincent | Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Mrad, Mohamad | Langham, C. | Oxborrow, M. | Schafer, Wolfgang
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2010 (10)

  • article - Quadratic dependence on temperature of Cs 0-0 hyperfine resonance frequency in single Ne buffer gas microfabricated vapour cell
    Electronics Letters (Volume 46, Issue (15), jul 2010, Pages :1069 - 1070)
    Miletic, Danijela | Dziuban, Piotr | Boudot, Rodolphe | Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Mileti, Gaetano | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe
  • inproceedings - High stability Cryocooled 10 GHz oscillator for the European Space Agency
    Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 2010 IEEE International (2010, Pages pages 665 - 669 )
    Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Bazin, Nicolas | Rubiola, Enrico | Langham, C. | Oxborrow, M. | Schafer, Wolfgang | De Vicente, Javier | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Gyrotropic paramagnetic properties of Fe3+ ions in a high-Q Whispering gallery mode sapphire resonator
    International Frequency Control Symposium - IEEE (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages 677 - 683 )
    Benmessaî, Karim | Tobar, Mike | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Bazin, Nicolas | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Fabrication and spectroscopy of Cs vapor cells with buffer gas for miniature atomic clock
    EFTF-2010 24th European Frequency and Time Forum / Noordwijk (Publisher : IEEE, 2010, Pages pages P1.13 (6))
    Miletic, Danijela | Affolderbach, Chistoph | Breschi, E | Schori, C. | Mileti, Gaetano | Hasegawa, Madoka | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Dziuban, Piotr | Boudot, Rodolphe | Giordano, Vincent | Gorecki, Christophe
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Demonstration of a cryocooled 10 GHz oscillator with 10−15 frequency stability
    EFTF-2010 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (2010)
    Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Bazin, Nicolas | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Langham, C. | Oxborrow, M. | Clapton, D. | Walker, J. | Devicente, J. | Giordano, Vincent
    doi | bibtex
  • article - High-power solid-state sapphire whispering gallery mode maser
    IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 57, Issue (3), mar 2010, Pages :641 - 646 )
    Creedon, Daniel | Benmessaî, Karim | Tobar, Mike | Hartnett, J.G. | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Le Floch, Jean-Michel | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - 10 GHz cryocooled sapphire oscillator with extremely low phase noise
    Electronics Letters (Volume 46, Issue (6), mar 2010, Pages :420 - 422)
    Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Boudot, Rodolphe | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - Amplification process in a high-Q cryogenic whispering gallery mode sapphire Fe3 + maser
    Measurement Science and Technology (Volume 21, Issue (2), feb 2010, Pages :025902)
    Benmessaî, Karim | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Tobar, Mike | Bazin, Nicolas | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
  • article - ELISA: a cryocooled 10 GHz oscillator with 10(-15) frequency stability.
    Review of Scientific Instruments (Volume 81, Issue (12), feb 2010, Pages :025102)
    Grop, Serge | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Bazin, Nicolas | Kersalé, Yann | Rubiola, Enrico | Langham, C. | Oxborrow, M. | Clapton, D. | Walker, S. | De Vicente, Javier | Giordano, Vincent
  • inproceedings - DC-powered Fe3+ : sapphire Maser and its Sensitivity to Ultraviolet Light
    EFTF-2010 24th European Frequency and Time Forum (2010)
    Oxborrow, M. | Bourgeois, Pierre-Yves | Kersalé, Yann | Giordano, Vincent
    pdf | bibtex