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Christophe Varnier

Publications de Christophe Varnier

2024 (2)

  • article - Unlocking maintenance insights in industrial text through semantic search
    Computers in industry (Volume 157-158, Issue (104083), mar 2024, Pages :1 - 17)
    Naqvi, Syed Meesam Raza | Ghufran, Mohammad | Varnier, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Javed, Kamran | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • inproceedings - Approche optimale du calcul des clés de répartition dans une opération d’autoconsommation collective
    25ème Congrès annuel de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2024) / Amiens, France (2024, Pages pages 1 - 2)
    Blagui, Fatma | Haddad, Marwa | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex

2023 (2)

  • inproceedings - Data Management Framework for Risk Estimate of Electronic Boards in Drilling and Measurement Tools
    2023 International federation of automatic control (2023) / Yokohama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 1 - 7)
    Kang, Jinlong | Al Masry, Zeina | Varnier, Christophe | Mosallam, Ahmed | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Integrating Fleet Compatibility and Environmental Risk in Downhole Tool Investment Planning
    2023 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM 2023) / Paris, France (2023, Pages pages 112- 116)
    Kang, Jinlong | Shen, Nannan | Fares, Ben Youssef | Mosallam, Ahmed | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2022 (4)

  • inproceedings - Generating Semantic Matches Between Maintenance Work Orders for Diagnostic Decision Support
    2022 Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society (PHM Conference 2022) / Nashville, United States (Volume 14, Issue 1, 2022, Pages pages 1 - 10)
    Naqvi, Syed Meesam Raza | Ghufran, Mohammad | Meraghni, Safa | Varnier, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Human knowledge centered maintenance decision support in digital twin environment
    Journal of manufacturing systems (Volume 65, oct 2022, Pages :528 - 537)
    Naqvi, Syed Meesam Raza | Ghufran, Mohammad | Meraghni, Safa | Varnier, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • inproceedings - CBR-Based Decision Support System for Maintenance Text Using NLP for an Aviation Case Study
    2022 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM 2022) / Londres, United Kingdom (2022, Pages pages 344 - 349)
    Naqvi, Syed Meesam Raza | Ghufran, Mohammad | Meraghni, Safa | Varnier, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Risk Level Estimation for Electronics Boards in Drilling and Measurement Tools Based on the Hidden Markov Model
    2022 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM 2022) / Londres, United Kingdom (2022, Pages pages 495 - 500)
    Kang, Jinlong | Varnier, Christophe | Mosallam, Ahmed | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Fares, Ben Youssef | Shen, Nannan
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2021 (5)

  • inproceedings - Leveraging Free-form Text in Maintenance Logs Through BERT Transfer Learning
    3rd International conference on deep Learning, Artificial intelligence and robotics (ICDLAIR 2021) / Fisciano, Italy (2021, Pages pages 1 - 11)
    Naqvi, Syed Meesam Raza | Varnier, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Ghufran, Mohammad
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Optimal Standalone Data Center Renewable Power Supply Using an Offline Optimization Approach
    Sustainable Computing - Informatics and Systems (Volume 34, nov 2021, Pages :100627 - 100634)
    Landré, Damien | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
  • article - Stand-alone renewable power system scheduling for a green data center using integer linear programming
    Journal of Scheduling (Volume 24, Issue (5), sep 2021, Pages :523 - 541)
    Haddad, Marwa | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Varnier, Christophe
  • article - Impact of decision horizon on post-prognostics maintenance and missions scheduling: a railways case study
    International Journal of Rail Transportation (Volume 1, jun 2021, Pages :1 - 31)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • article - Combined IT and Power Supply Infrastructure Sizing for Standalone Green Data Centers
    Sustainable Computing - Informatics and Systems (Volume 30, feb 2021, Pages :100505)
    Haddad, Marwa | Da Costa, Georges | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Pierson, Jean-Marc | Sonigo, Veronika | Stolf, Patricia | Varnier, Christophe

2020 (5)

  • article - A Review of Post-Prognostics Decision-Making in Prognostics and Health Management
    International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (Volume 11, Issue (15), dec 2020, Pages :31)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • inproceedings - Impact of the Decision Horizon on Railway Systems Maintenance and Service Scheduling
    30th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2019 2020) / Venises, Italy (2020, Pages pages 8)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Dersin, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Enhancing Decisions in Prognostics and Health Management Framework
    International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (Volume 11, Issue (7), aug 2020, Pages :19)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • inproceedings - Health Monitoring Approach of Bearing : Application of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) for RUL-Estimation and Autogram Analysis for Fault-Localization
    IEEE Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM 2020) / Besançon, France (2020, Pages pages 200 - 206)
    Gougam, Fawzi | Rahmoune, Chemseddine | Benazzouz, Djamel | Varnier, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - On the Use of Prognostics and Health Management to Jointly Schedule Production and Maintenance on a Single Multi-purpose Machine
    IEEE Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM 2020) / Besançon, France (2020, Pages pages 142 - 147)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2019 (8)

  • inproceedings - Mixed Integer Linear Programming Approach to Optimize the Hybrid Renewable Energy System Management for supplying a Stand-Alone Data Center
    2019 Tenth International Green and Sustainable Computing Conference (IGSC 2019) / Alexandria, United States (2019, Pages pages 14p)
    Haddad, Marwa | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Péra, Marie-Cécile
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - A survey of breast cancer screening techniques: thermography and electrical impedance tomography
    Journal of medical engineering & technology (Volume 43, Issue (5), sep 2019, Pages :305 - 322)
    Zuluaga-Gomeza, J. | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Al Masry, Zeina | Monnin-Devalland, C. | Varnier, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Firemen prediction by using neural networks: a real case study
    Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys 2019) / London, United Kingdom (Volume 1037, Series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), 2019, Pages pages 541 - 552)
    Guyeux, Christophe | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Al Masry, Zeina | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Omri, Nabil | Royer, Guillaume
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - DATAZERO: DATAcenter with Zero Emission and RObust management using renewable energy
    IEEE Access (Volume 7, jul 2019, Pages :103209 - 103230)
    Pierson, Jean-Marc | Baudic, Gwilherm | Caux, Stéphane | Celik, Berk | Da Costa, Georges | Grange, Léo | Haddad, Marwa | Lecuivre, Jérôme | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Philippe, Laurent | Sonigo, Veronika | Roche, Robin | Rostirolla, Gustavo | Sayah, Amal | Stolf, Patricia | Minh-Thuyen, Thi | Varnier, Christophe
  • inproceedings - A Predictive Decision Approach for Firefighters Using Variable Selection Technique
    IEEE Prognostics and System Health Management Conference (PHM 2019) / Paris, France (2019, Pages pages 258 - 263)
    Hadad, Dani | Al Masry, Zeina | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Post-Prognostics Decision Making in Distributed MEMS-Based Systems
    Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Volume 30, Issue (3), mar 2019, Pages :1125 - 1136)
    Skima, Haithem | Varnier, Christophe | Dedu, Eugen | Medjaher, Kamal | Bourgeois, Julien
  • inproceedings - Integrated Production and Predictive Maintenance Planning based on Prognostic Information
    2019 International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (ASET 2019) / Hammameth, Tunisia (Issue 104, 2019, Pages pages 6)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Hajri-Gabouj, Sonia
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • techreport - Stand-Alone Renewable Power System Scheduling for a Green Data-Center using Integer Linear Programming
    (mar 2019)
    Haddad, Marwa | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Péra, Marie-Cécile | Varnier, Christophe

2018 (7)

  • inproceedings - A post-prognostic decision approach for production and maintenance planning
    48th Conference on computers & industrial Engineering ( 2018) / Auckland, New Zealand (2018, Pages pages 1832 - 1846)
    Bougacha, Omar | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Hajri-Gabouj, Sonia
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Remaining useful life prediction for ball bearings based on health indicators
    5th International Francophone Congress of Advanced Mechanics ( 2018) / Beirut, Lebanon (2018)
    Al Masry, Zeina | Schaible, Patrick | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Tailored Genetic Algorithm for Scheduling Jobs and Predictive Maintenance in a Permutation Flowshop
    23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2018) / Turin, Italy (2018, Pages pages 524 - 531)
    Ladj, Asma | Benbouzid-Sitayeb, Fatima | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Optimisation de l’engagement des sources pour un Data Center approvisionné en énergie renouvelable
    Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système (COMPASS 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 8)
    Haddad, Marwa | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Péra, Marie-Cécile
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Operating approach for fleet of systems subjected to predictive maintenance
    Euro-Mediterranean Conference on Mathematical Reliability / Djerba, Tunisia (2018, Pages pages 1 - 8)
    Al Masry, Zeina | Omri, Nabil | Varnier, Christophe | Morello, Brigitte | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | bibtex
  • proceedings - Predictive maintenance optimization approaches of a fleet of complex transport systems
    Euro mini-conférence on logistics Analytics (jun 2018)
    Al Masry, Zeina | Omri, Nabil | Varnier, Christophe | Morello, Brigitte | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • inproceedings - Post-prognostics decision in Cyber-Physical Systems
    International Conference on Advanced Systems and Electric Technologies (ASET 2018) / Hammamet, Tunisia (2018, Pages pages 201 - 205)
    Meraghni, Safa | Terrissa, Labib | Ayad, Soheyb | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2017 (8)

  • article - Exact and heuristic algorithms for post prognostic decision in a single multifunctional machine
    International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management (Volume 8, Issue (2), dec 2017, Pages :1 - 15)
    Ladj, Asma | Varnier, Christophe | Benbouzid-Sitayeb, Fatima | Zerhouni, Noureddine
  • book - Du concept de PHM à la maintenance prédictive - Tome 2 - Connaissance, traçabilité et décision
    (oct 2017, Pages 146)
    Morello, Brigitte | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Optimization of renewable energy sources for a datacenter using energy storage
    European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics Conférence (2017) / Terra Murata, Italy (2017)
    Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • book - From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance - tome 2 - Knowledge, Traceability and Decision
    (Volume volume 7, jul 2017, Pages 170)
    Morello, Brigitte | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Predictive maintenance of moving systems
    2017 International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM 2017) / Harbin, China (2017, Pages pages 20 - 25)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Dersin, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Decision process to manage useful life of multi-stacks fuel cell systems under service constraint
    Renewable Energy (Volume 105, may 2017, Pages :590 - 600)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Jardin, Louise | Sorrentino, Antonella | Hissel, Daniel | Péra, Marie-Cécile
  • inproceedings - Joint optimization of train assignment and predictive maintenance scheduling
    7th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis (RailLille 2017) / Lille, France (2017, Pages pages 699 - 708)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Cherif, Malek | Fnaiech, Farhat
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Experimental Monitoring Data for Prognostics and Health Management of MEMS
    4th IEEE International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT 2017) / Barcelona, Spain (2017, Pages pages 55 - 60)
    Skima, Haithem | Medjaher, Kamal | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | bibtex

2016 (10)

  • inproceedings - Scheduling independent parallel machines with convex programming
    Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and Operations Research (PGMODAYS 2016) / Saclay, France (2016, Pages pages 1 - 5)
    Chrétien, Stéphane | Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - A Hybrid Prognostics Approach for MEMS: from Real Measurements to Remaining Useful Life Estimation
    Microelectronics Reliability (Volume 65, oct 2016, Pages :79 - 88)
    Skima, Haithem | Medjaher, Kamal | Varnier, Christophe | Dedu, Eugen | Bourgeois, Julien
  • article - Post-Prognostics Decision for Optimizing the Commitment of Fuel Cell Systems
    IFAC-PapersOnLine (Volume 49, Issue (28), oct 2016, Pages :168 - 173)
    Chrétien, Stéphane | Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Fault Prognostics of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems Using Particle Filtering
    3rd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology (AMEST 2016) / Biarritz, France (Publisher : IFAC, Volume 49, Issue 28, 2016, Pages pages 226 - 231)
    Skima, Haithem | Medjaher, Kamal | Varnier, Christophe | Dedu, Eugen | Bourgeois, Julien | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Skeleton of a Generic Approach for the generation of Health Indicators of Physical Systems
    5 th 5th IEEE International colloquium on information science and Technology (CIST 2016) / Marrakech, Morocco (2016, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Sekkal, Mohammed | Berrached, N. | Medjaher, Kamal | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - An IoT-based solution for Post-Prognostics Decision in Cloud computing environment
    11ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation (MOSIM 2016) / Montréal, Canada (2016, Pages pages 1 - 7)
    Terrissa, Labib | MERAGHNI, Safa | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Varnier, Christophe | Ayad, Soheyb
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Optimal Path Evolution in a Dynamic Distributed MEMS-based Conveyor
    11th International Conference on Dependability and Complex Systems (DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2016) / Brunów, Poland (Publisher : Springer, Volume 470, Series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC), 2016, Pages pages 395 - 408)
    Skima, Haithem | Dedu, Eugen | Bourgeois, Julien | Varnier, Christophe | Medjaher, Kamal
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - IPro-GA: an integrated prognostic based GA for scheduling jobs and predictive maintenance in a single multifunctional machine
    8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control (MIM 2016) / Troyes, France (Volume 49, Issue 12, 2016, Pages pages 1821 - 1826)
    Ladj, Asma | Varnier, Christophe | Benbouzid-Sitayeb, Fatima
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A Decison-Making Approach for Job Shop Scheduling with Job Depending Degradation and PredictiveMaintenance
    8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control (MIM 2016) / Troyes, France (Volume 49, Issue 12, 2016, Pages pages 1490 - 1495)
    Fitouri, Cyrine | Fnaiech, Nader | Varnier, Christophe | Fnaiech, Farhat | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A Post-Prognostics Decision framework for cell site maintenance using Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
    2nd International conference on cloud computing technologies and applications (cloudtech 2016) / Marrakesh, Morocco (2016, Pages pages 1 - 7)
    MERAGHNI, Safa | Terrissa, Labib | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Varnier, Christophe | Ayad, Soheyb
    pdf | bibtex

2015 (7)

  • inproceedings - Accelerated lifetime tests and failure analysis of an electro-thermally actuated MEMS valve
    27th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM) / Casablanca, Morocco (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 75 - 78)
    Skima, Haithem | Medjaher, Kamal | Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Dedu, Eugen | Bourgeois, Julien
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Prognostics of Health Status of Multi-component Systems With Degradation Interactions.
    6th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM 2015) / Seville, Spain (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 870-875)
    Hafsa, Wael | Morello, Brigitte | Varnier, Christophe | Medjaher, Kamal | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A Post-Prognostics Decision Approach to Optimize the Commitment of Fuel Cell Systems in Stationary Applications.
    IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (PHM 2015) / Austin, TX, United States (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 1-7)
    Chrétien, Stéphane | Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A New Heuristic Method for Solving Joint Job Shop Scheduling of Production and Maintenance.
    15th Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2015) - IFAC/IEEE/IFIP/IFORS / Ottawa, Canada (Publisher : International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 2015, Pages pages 1847-1853)
    Fnaiech, Nader | Fitouri, Cyrine | Varnier, Christophe | Fnaiech, Farhat | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Hybrid prognostic approach for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
    IEEE Aerospace Conference (2015) / Big Sky, MT, United States (Publisher : IEEE, 2015, Pages pages 8)
    Skima, Haithem | Medjaher, Kamal | Varnier, Christophe | Dedu, Eugen | Bourgeois, Julien
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • techreport - Scheduling independent parallel machines with convex programming. Version 1
    FEMTO-ST (mar 2015, RR-FEMTO-ST)
    Chrétien, Stéphane | Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
  • inproceedings - Decision process to manage useful life of multi-stacks fuel cell systems under service constraint.
    6th International Conference Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2015) / Toulouse, France (2015, Pages pages 1 - 8)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe | Jardin, Louise | Sorrentino, Antonella | Gouriveau, Rafael | Hissel, Daniel | Péra, Marie-Cécile
    pdf | bibtex

2014 (4)

  • inproceedings - Scheduling independent parallel machines with convex programming
    Proceedings of Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization and Operations Research (PGMO) / Paris, France (2014)
    Chrétien, Stéphane | Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Prognostics-based Scheduling in a Distributed Platform: Model, Complexity and Resolution
    IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2014) / Taïpei, Taiwan, Province Of China (2014, Pages pages 1054 - 1059)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Prognostic Decision Making to Extend a Platform Useful Life under Service Constraint.
    IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management / Cheney WA, United States (2014, Pages pages 11)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • techreport - Prognostics-based Scheduling to Extend a Distributed Platform Production Horizon under Service Constraint: Model, Complexity and Resolution.
    FEMTO-ST (jun 2014)
    Herr, Nathalie | Nicod, Jean-Marc | Varnier, Christophe

2013 (1)

  • inproceedings - Task scheduling to extend platform useful life using prognostics.
    International IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM'2013) (2013, Pages pages 134 - 139)
    Nicod, Jean-Marc | Obrecht, Léo | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex

2012 (4)

  • inproceedings - 3-DOF potential air flow manipulation by inverse modeling control.
    Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. / Séoul, Corée, République De (Volume sur CD ROM, 2012, Pages pages 926-931)
    Delettre, Anne | Laurent, Guillaume | Piat, Nadine | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - New Hopfield Neural Network for joint Job Shop Scheduling of production and maintenance.
    IECON 2012. / Montreal, QC, Canada (Volume 1, 2012, Pages pages 5535-5541)
    Fnaiech, Nader | Hammami, Hayfa | Yahyaoui, Amel | Varnier, Christophe | Fnaiech, Farhat | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - PRONOSTIA : An experimental platform for bearings accelerated degradation tests
    Conference on Prognostics and Health Management. / Denver, Colorado, États-Unis (Publisher : IEEE, Volume sur CD ROM, 2012, Pages pages 1-8)
    Nectoux, Patrick | Gouriveau, Rafael | Medjaher, Kamal | Ramasso, Emmanuel | Morello, Brigitte | Zerhouni, Noureddine | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Scheduling predictive maintenance in flow-shop.
    Prognostics and System Health Management. / Beijing, Chine (Volume sur cl{\'e} USB, 2012, Pages pages 1-6)
    Varnier, Christophe | Zerhouni, Noureddine
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2008 (1)

  • incollection - Hoist Scheduling Problem
    Production Scheduling (Publisher : John Wiley and Sons, Editor : Pierre Lopez and François Roubellat, Series CAM - Control Systems, Robotics and Manufacturing Series, Chapter 8, 2008, Pages 193--231)
    Bloch, Christelle | Manier, Marie-Ange | Baptiste, Pierre | Varnier, Christophe
    pdf | bibtex