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Maxime Zerbib
Publications de Maxime Zerbib
2025 (2)
- article - Soft elastomeric optical fibers for oxygen change measurements of blood and living tissues: a thermoplastic polyurethane assessment
Biomedical optics express (Volume 16, Issue (2), feb 2025, Pages :21)
llera, miguel | laux, edith | flahaut, frederic | jeandupeux, laure | seoane, esteban alvarez | Zerbib, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | potty, philippe - article - Ultranarrow-linewidth stimulated Brillouin scattering with fundamental acoustic waves
APL Photonics (Volume 10, Issue (1), jan 2025, Pages :14)
Xu, Wendao | Zerbib, Maxime | Iyer, Arjun | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Renninger , William H.
2024 (5)
- article - Stimulated Brillouin scattering in silica optical nanofibers
APL Photonics (Volume 9, oct 2024, Pages :8)
Zerbib, Maxime | Deroh, Moïse | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles - inproceedings - AMINCISSEMENT DE FIBRES OPTIQUES MULTIMODES
Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2024) / Rouen, France (2024)
Zerbib, Maxime | Fanjoux, Gil | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles - inproceedings - Tunable Brillouin-based Microwave Photonic Bandpass Filter with sub-MHz Bandwidth
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024) / Charlotte, United States (2024, Pages pages FTh1D.5 (2))
Xu, Wendao | Zerbib, Maxime | Iyer, Arjun | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Renninger , William H. - inproceedings - Brillouin gain enhancement in silica optical nanofibers
Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2024) / CAMPINAS, Brazil (Volume -, 2024, Pages pages 2)
Zerbib, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles - inproceedings - Brillouin backscattering in a high-index doped silica chip waveguide
Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2024) / CAMPINAS, Brazil (2024, Pages pages 2)
Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, Roberto | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut
2023 (9)
- article - Observation of Brillouin scattering in a high-index doped silica chip waveguide
Results in Physics (Volume 52, sep 2023, Pages :106830 (3))
Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, R. | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut - inproceedings - Spin-orbit interaction through Brillouin scattering in nanofibers
European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2023) / Dijon, France (Volume 287, 2023, Pages pages 06011)
Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien - article - Spin-orbit interaction in nanofiber-based Brillouin scattering
Optics Express (Volume 31, Issue (14), jul 2023, Pages :22284-22295)
Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien - inproceedings - Observation de la diffusion Brillouin dans un guide d'ondes intégré de silice dopée à haut indice
Journées Nationales de l’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2023) / LYON, France (2023, Pages pages 4)
Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, Roberto | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut - article - Towards single-photon Brillouin optical time domain reflectometry
Optics Express (Volume 31, Issue (13), jun 2023, Pages :21542-21552)
Romanet, Maxime | Giraldo Salazar, Luis Miguel | Zerbib, Maxime | Rochat, Etienne | Phan Huy, Kien | Beugnot, Jean-Charles - inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Spin-Orbit Interaction in a Silica Optical Nanofiber
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1)
Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Sylvestre, Thibaut | Wolff, Christian | Stiller, Birgit | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien - inproceedings - Observation of Brillouin Backscattering in a 50cm-Long High-Index Doped Silica Chip Waveguide
2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe and the European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023) / Munich, Germany (2023, Pages pages 1)
Zerbib, Maxime | Hoang, V.T. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Little, B. | Chu, S.T. | Moss, D.J. | Morandotti, R. | Wetzel, Benjamin | Sylvestre, Thibaut - inproceedings - Distributed Brillouin optical fiber temperature sensor for groundwater flow measurement
European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors (EWOFS 2023) / Mons, Belgium (Volume 12643, Issue 126431T , 2023, Pages pages 256-259)
Romanet, Maxime | Matic, Alexandre | Zerbib, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien | Labbe, Jordan | Celle, Hélène | Beugnot, Jean-Charles - inproceedings - Ultranarrow-Linewidth Stimulated Intermodal Forward Brillouin Scattering
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2023) / San Jose, United States (Issue paper FTh3B, 2023, Pages pages FTh3B.3 (2))
Xu, Wendao | Zerbib, Maxime | Iyer, Arjun | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Renninger , William H.
2022 (5)
- inproceedings - Gas-pressure tuning of wavelength of photon pair emitted by Four-Wave-Mixing in Nanofibers
European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2022) / Porto, Portugal (Volume 266, 2022, Pages pages 11003)
bonifacio, agathe | Lebrun, Sylvie | Zerbib, Maxime | Romanet, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Delaye, Philippe - inproceedings - Study of laser induced temperature variation in silica nanofibers
European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2022) / Porto, Portugal (2022, Pages pages 2)
Lebrun, Sylvie | YANIS, Abdebou | besbes, mondher | Delaye, Philippe | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Chretien, Jacques | Romanet, Maxime | Colombel, Simon | Salvi, Jérôme | Zerbib, Maxime | Phan Huy, Kien - inproceedings - Impact de la polarisation sur les modes acoustiques de surface générés par diffusion brillouin dans les nanofibres
Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2022) / Nice, France (2022)
Zerbib, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien - inproceedings - Polarization control of Brillouin scattering in silica nanofibers
4th Workshop on Optomechanics and Brillouin Scattering: Fundamentals, Applications and Technologies (WOMBAT 2022) / Erlanger, Germany (2022, Pages pages 1)
Zerbib, Maxime | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Stiller, Birgit | Phan Huy, Kien - inproceedings - Characterization of groundwater flow by fiber optic temperature measurement
Conférence Guided Optics & Sensor Systems (GO2S 2022) / Bordeaux, France (2022)
Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Phan Huy, Kien | Matic, Alexandre | Romanet, Maxime | Zerbib, Maxime | Labre, Jordan | Celle, Hélène