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Sylwester Bargiel
Publications de Sylwester Bargiel
2023 (3)
- article - Comparison of Anodic and Au-Au Thermocompression Si-Wafer Bonding Methods for High-Pressure Microcooling Devices
Micromachines (Volume 14, Issue (7), jul 2023, Pages :1297 (18))
Bargiel, Sylwester | Cogan, Julien | Queste, Samuel | Oliveri, Stefania | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Raschetti, Marina | Beurthey, Stephan | Perrin-Terrin, Mathieu - article - Reduction of helium permeation in microfabricated cells using aluminosilicate glass substrates and Al2O3 coatings
Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 133, jun 2023, Pages :214501 (7))
Carlé, Clément | Keshavarzi, Shervin | Mursa, Andrei | Karvinen, Petri | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Bargiel, Sylwester | Queste, Samuel | Vicarini, Rémy | Abbé, Philippe | Abdel Hafiz, Moustafa | Maurice, Vincent | Boudot, Rodolphe | Passilly, Nicolas - inproceedings - Mitigation of He permeation in microfabricated vapor cells with alumino-silicate glass and Al2O3 coatings
2023 International Frequency Control Symposium-European Frequency (IFCS-EFTF 2023) / Toyama, Japan (2023, Pages pages 2)
Carlé, Clément | Keshavarzi, Shervin | Mursa, Andrei | Karvinen, Petri | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Bargiel, Sylwester | Vicarini, Rémy | Abbé, Philippe | Abdel Hafiz, Moustafa | Maurice, Vincent | Boudot, Rodolphe | Passilly, Nicolas
2022 (2)
- article - Microfluidics Integration on GaAs acoustic biosensors with a 2 Leakage-Free PDMS and High Pressure based on Bonding 3 Technology
Micromachines (Volume 13, Issue (5), may 2022, Pages :16)
Hammami, Saber | Oseev, Aleksandr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Zeggari, Rabah | Elie-Caille, Céline | Leblois, Thérèse - article - High-fidelity glass micro-axicons fabricated by laser-assisted wet etching
Optics Express (Volume 30, Issue (3), jan 2022, Pages :3749-3759)
Skora, Jean-Loup | Gaiffe, Olivier | Bargiel, Sylwester | Cote, Jean-Marc | Tavernier, Laurent | De Labachelerie, Michel | Passilly, Nicolas
2021 (4)
- inproceedings - Micro-Optical Components Manufactured in Glass by Femtosecond Laser Irradiation Followed by Chemical Etching
2021 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2021) / Besançon, France (2021)
Skora, Jean-Loup | Gaiffe, Olivier | Bargiel, Sylwester | Tavernier, Laurent | De Labachelerie, Michel | Passilly, Nicolas - inproceedings - 3-D micro-assembly approach to fabrication of a scanning MOEMS-based endoscopic probe for Optical Coherence Tomography imaging
2021 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2021) / Besançon, France (2021)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Garcia Ramirez, Fernando Eleazar | Skora, Jean-Loup | Tanguy, Quentin | Gaiffe, Olivier | Lutz, Philippe | Cote, Jean-Marc | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Galenic Lab-on-a-Chip concept for lipid nanocapsules production
Nanoscale (Volume 13, Issue (27), jun 2021, Pages :11899 - 11912)
Rolley, Nicolas | Bonnin, Marie | Lefebvre, Guillaume | Verron, Sylvain | Bargiel, Sylwester | Robert, Laurent | Riou, Jérémie | Simonsson, Carl | Bizien, Thomas | Gimel, Jean-Christophe | Benoit, Jean-Pierre | Brotons, Guillaume | Calvignac, Brice - article - MEMS Scanning Mirrors for Optical Coherence Tomography
Photonics (Volume 8, Issue (6), jan 2021, Pages :8010006 (25))
Gorecki, Christophe | Bargiel, Sylwester
2020 (5)
- article - Phononic Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Micro-Cavities
Applied Sciences-Basel (Volume 10, Issue (19), sep 2020, Pages :6751 (9))
Wang, Tingting | Bargiel, Sylwester | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck | Wang, Yan-Feng | Wang, Yue - Sheng | Laude, Vincent - inproceedings - Design and Simulation of XZ MEMS Micropositioning with 3D-Complex Structure
2020 Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP 2020) / Lyon, France (2020, Pages pages 5)
Suthisomboon, Tachadol | Bargiel, Sylwester | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Eakkachai, Pengwang - inproceedings - Characterization of an integrated MOEMS scanning probe towards real-time Lissajous-based SS-OCT imaging for endoscopic applications
2020 OSA Biophotonics Congress: Biomedical Optics (2020) / Online (Electronic Conference), Online (Electronic Conference) (2020, Pages pages OTu4E.5 (2))
Garcia Ramirez, Fernando Eleazar | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gaiffe, Olivier | Tanguy, Quentin | Struk, Przemyslaw | Cote, Jean-Marc | Passilly, Nicolas | Lutz, Philippe | Gorecki, Christophe | Xie, Huikai - article - Real-time Lissajous imaging with a low-voltage 2-axis MEMS scanner based on electrothermal actuation
Optics Express (Volume 28, Issue (6), mar 2020, Pages :8512 - 8527)
Tanguy, Quentin | Gaiffe, Olivier | Passilly, Nicolas | Cote, Jean-Marc | Cabodevila, Gonzalo | Bargiel, Sylwester | Lutz, Philippe | Xie, Huikai | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Collective Resonances of a Chain of Coupled Phononic Microresonators
Physical Review Applied (Volume 13, Issue (1), jan 2020, Pages :014022 (10))
Wang, Tingting | Bargiel, Sylwester | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck | Wang, Yan-Feng | Wang, Yue - Sheng | Laude, Vincent
2019 (4)
- article - Technological Platform for Vertical Multi-Wafer Integration of Microscanners and Micro-Optical Components
Micromachines (Volume 10, Issue (3), mar 2019, Pages :185 (22))
Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Wiemer, Maik | Fromel, Jörg | Wang, Wei - Shan | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Advanced microfabrication technologies for miniature caesium vapor cells for atomic clocks
2019 SPIE OPTO (SPIE OPTO 2019) / San Francisco, United States (Volume 10934, 2019, Pages pages 109342F)
Gorecki, Christophe | Maurice, Vincent | Boudot, Rodolphe | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Vicarini, Rémy | Galliou, Serge - article - Micromachined phase-shifted array-type Mirau interferometer for swept-source OCT imaging: design, microfabrication and experimental validation
Biomedical optics express (Volume 10, Issue (3), feb 2019, Pages :1111 - 1125)
Gorecki, Christophe | Lullin, Justine | Perrin, Stéphane | Bargiel, Sylwester | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Gaiffe, Olivier | Rutkowski, Jaroslaw | Cote, Jean-Marc | Krauter, Johann | Osten, Wolfgang | Wang, Wei - Shan | Wiemer, Maik | Froemel, Joerg - article - An Optical Diffuse Reflectance Model for the Characterization of a Si Wafer with an Evaporated SiO2 Layer
Sensors (Volume 19, Issue (4), feb 2019, Pages :6)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Andrieux, Aurore | Gorecki, Christophe | Zarzycki, Artur | Galeano Zea, July Andrea
2018 (4)
- article - Swept-source optical coherence tomography microsystem with an integrated Mirau interferometer and electrothermal micro-scanner
Optics Letters (Volume 43, Issue (19), oct 2018, Pages :4847-4850)
Struk, Przemyslaw Piotr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Tanguy, Quentin | Garcia Ramirez, Fernando Eleazar | Passilly, Nicolas | Lutz, Philippe | Gaiffe, Olivier | Xie, H. | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Design and microfabrication of a Microscale-Stirling Engine (M-SE) for low temperature heat recovery
8ème Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage d'Energie (JNRSE 2018) / Besançon, France (2018, Pages pages 39 - 40)
Diallo, Alpha Dassimou | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Barthes, Magali | Bégot, Sylvie | Bargiel, Sylwester | De Labachelerie, Michel | Lanzetta, François - inproceedings - Miniature Cs vapor cells and atomic clocks in FEMTO-ST
European Frequency and Time Forum (2018) / Turin, Italy (2018, Pages pages 1)
Vicarini, Rémy | Maurice, Vincent | Abdel Hafiz, Moustafa | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Bargiel, Sylwester | Galliou, Serge | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Boudot, Rodolphe - inproceedings - The SS-OCT endomicroscopy probe based on MOEMS Mirau micro-interferometer for early stomach cancer detection
SPIE Photonics Europe (2018) / Strasbourg, France (Volume 10678, Issue VII, 2018, Pages pages 5)
Struk, Przemyslaw Piotr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Tanguy, Quentin | Gorecki, Christophe
2017 (6)
- inproceedings - Miniature Cs vapor cells and atomic clocks in FEMTO-ST
Workshop Miniature Atomic Clocks ( 2017) / Strathclyde, United Kingdom (2017, Pages pages 1)
Boudot, Rodolphe | Passilly, Nicolas | Maurice, Vincent | Vicarini, Rémy | Rutkowski, Jaroslaw | Abdel Hafiz, Moustafa | Bargiel, Sylwester | Galliou, Serge | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Endomicroscope for Gastrointestinal Cancer Detection: Concept and Preliminary Results
Surgetica (2017) / Strasbourg, France (2017, Pages pages 1 - 3)
Chikhaoui, Mohamed Taha | Ourak, Mouloud | Tanguy, Quentin | Struk, Przemyslaw Piotr | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Bargiel, Sylwester | Tamadazte, Brahim | Passilly, Nicolas | Gaiffe, Olivier | Froehly, Luc | Gorecki, Christophe | Lutz, Philippe | Andreff, Nicolas - inproceedings - Microfabricated vapor cells for miniature atomic clocks based on post-sealing activated cesium dispenser
European Frequency and Time Forum joint with International Frequency Control Symposium (2017) / Orlando, United States (2017, Pages pages 636 - 637)
Maurice, Vincent | Rutkowski, Jaroslaw | Kroemer, Eric | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Boudot, Rodolphe | Chutani, Ravinder Kumar | Galliou, Serge | Gorecki, Christophe | Mauri, Luca | Moraja, Marco - inproceedings - Ramsey-CPT spectroscopy in buffer-gas filled Cs vapor micro-fabricated cells
2017 International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2017) / Besançon, France (2017, Pages pages 2)
Boudot, Rodolphe | Maurice, Vincent | Kroemer, Eric | Rutkowski, Jaroslaw | Abdel Hafiz, Moustafa | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Design and Fabrication of a 2-Axis Electrothermal MEMS Micro-Scanner for Optical Coherence Tomography
Micromachines (Volume 8, Issue (5), may 2017, Pages :146 (11))
Tanguy, Quentin | Bargiel, Sylwester | Xie, Huikai | Passilly, Nicolas | Barthes, Magali | Gaiffe, Olivier | Rutkowski, Jaroslaw | Lutz, Philippe | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Microfabricated vapor cells filled with a cesium dispensing paste for miniature atomic clocks
Applied Physics Letters (Volume 110, Issue (16), apr 2017, Pages :164103 (5))
Maurice, Vincent | Rutkowski, Jaroslaw | Kroemer, Eric | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Boudot, Rodolphe | Gorecki, Christophe | Mauri, Luca | Moraja, Marco
2016 (7)
- inproceedings - Matrice d'interféromètres de Mirau micro-fabriqués comme composant d'un dispositif OCT plein-champ multicanaux
36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (Volume P165, 2016, Pages pages 405 - 406)
Passilly, Nicolas | Perrin, Stéphane | Froehly, Luc | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gaiffe, Olivier | Lullin, Justine | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Wafer-level fabrication of arrays of glass lens doublets
SPIE Micro-Optics (2016) / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9888, 2016, Pages pages 98880T (8))
Passilly, Nicolas | Perrin, Stéphane | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Krauter, Johann | Gaiffe, Olivier | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Froehly, Luc | Lullin, Justine | Bargiel, Sylwester | Osten, Wolfgang | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Vertical integration of array-type miniature interferometers at wafer level by using multi-stack anodic bonding
VI SPIE Optical Micro- and Nanometrology (2016) / Brussels, Belgium (2016)
Wang, Wei - Shan | Wiemer, Maik | Froemel, Joerg | Enderlein, Tom | Gessner, Thomas | Lullin, Justine | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Vertical comb-drive microscanner with 4x4 array of reference micromirrors for phase-shifting Mirau microinterferometry
VI SPIE Optical Micro- and Nanometrology ( 2016) / Brussels, Belgium (2016)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Lullin, Justine | Le Moal, Patrice | Perrin, Stéphane | Passilly, Nicolas | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Froehly, Luc | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Array-type miniature interferometer as the core optical microsystem of an Optical Coherence Tomography device for tissue inspection
VI SPIE Optical Micro- and Nanometrology (2016) / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9890, 2016, Pages pages 98900C-6)
Passilly, Nicolas | Perrin, Stéphane | Lullin, Justine | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Froehly, Luc | Gorecki, Christophe | Krauter, Johann | Osten, Wolfgang | Wang, Wei - Shan | Wiemer, Maik - article - Miniature Schwarzschild objective as a micro-optical component free of main aberrations: Concept, design and first realization with silicon-glass micro-machining
Applied Optics (Volume 55, Issue (10), mar 2016, Pages :2771 - 2779)
Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Bargiel, Sylwester | Froehly, Luc | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Wafer-level fabrication of multi-element glass lenses: lens doublet with improved optical performances
Optics Letters (Volume 41, Issue (1), jan 2016, Pages :96-99)
Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Perrin, Stéphane | Passilly, Nicolas | Krauter, Johann | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Froehly, Luc | Lullin, Justine | Bargiel, Sylwester | Osten, Wolfgang | Gorecki, Christophe
2015 (10)
- article - Swept source optical coherence tomography endomicroscope based on vertically integrated Mirau micro interferometer: concept and technology
IEEE Sensors Journal (Volume 15, Issue (12), dec 2015, Pages :7061 - 7070 )
Struk, Przemyslaw Piotr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Froehly, Luc | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Gorecki, Christophe - article - An electrostatic vertical microscanner for phase modulating array-type Mirau microinterferometry
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Volume 25, Issue (11), oct 2015, Pages :115013)
Lullin, Justine | Bargiel, Sylwester | Le Moal, Patrice | Perrin, Stéphane | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Passilly, Nicolas | Froehly, Luc | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Micro-optical design of a three-dimensional microlens scanner for vertically integrated micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems
Applied Optics (Volume 54, Issue (22), aug 2015, Pages :6924 - 6934)
Baranski, Maciej | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Chenping, Jia | Fromel, Jörg | Wiemer, Maik - inproceedings - Mirau micro-interferometer for swept-source optical coherence tomography endomicroscopy
IEEE International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2015) / Jerusalem, Israel (2015)
Struk, Przemyslaw Piotr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe - proceedings - Mirau micro-interferometer for swept-source optical coherence tomography endomicroscopy
International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN 2015), IEEE / Jerusalem, Israel (Editor : d93ce048-2a0f-4351-b685-e1927ef610e2-editor.pdf, aug 2015)
Struk, Przemyslaw Piotr | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Microsystème OCT plein-champ multi-canaux à base de composants MOEMS intégrés verticalement
35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015, Pages pages 128-129)
Passilly, Nicolas | Lullin, Justine | Perrin, Stéphane | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Froehly, Luc | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Dense arrays of millimeter-sized glass lenses fabricated at wafer-level
Optics Express (Volume 23, Issue (9), may 2015, Pages :11702 - 11712)
Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Perrin, Stéphane | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Baranski, Maciej | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Bernard, Florent | Froehly, Luc | Krauter, Johann | Osten, Wolfgang | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Impact of mirror spider legs on imaging quality in Mirau micro-interferometry
Optics Letters (Volume 40, Issue (10), may 2015, Pages :2209 - 2212)
Lullin, Justine | Perrin, Stéphane | Baranski, Maciej | Bargiel, Sylwester | Froehly, Luc | Passilly, Nicolas | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Multi-wafer bonding technology for the integration of a micromachined Mirau interferometer
XIV SPIE MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems / San Fransico, CA, United States (Volume 9375, 2015, Pages pages 93750P (7))
Wang, Wei - Shan | Lullin, Justine | Wiemer, Maik | Fromel, Jörg | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Gessner, Thomas - inproceedings - Technological platform for vertical multi-wafer integration of miniature imaging instruments
XIV SPIE MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems / San Fransico, CA, United States (Volume 9375, 2015, Pages pages 93750L (8))
Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Wiemer, Maik | Fromel, Jörg | Wuensh, D. | Wang, Wei - Shan
2014 (9)
- inproceedings - Monolithic integration of a glass membrane on silicon micro-actuator for micro-interferometry
2014 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN2014) / Glasgow, United Kingdom (Volume , Issue 14682765 , 2014, Pages pages 87 - 88)
Lullin, Justine | Bargiel, Sylwester | Courjon, Emilie | Perrin, Stéphane | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Simple setup for optical characterization of microlenses
Proc. SPIE, Interferometry XVII: Advanced Applications. / San Diego, California, United States. (Volume 9204, 2014, Pages pages 92040D)
Perrin, Stéphane | Baranski, Maciej | Froehly, Luc | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe - article - A simple method for quality evaluation of micro-optical components based on 3D IPSF measurement
Optics Express (Volume 22, Issue (11), may 2014, Pages :13202 - 132012)
Baranski, Maciej | Perrin, Stéphane | Passilly, Nicolas | Froehly, Luc | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Optical Design of a Vertically Integrated Array-type Mirau-based OCT system
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 / Brussels, Belgique (Volume 9132, 2014, Pages pages 91320L)
Krauter, Johann | Boettcher, T. | Osten, Wolfgang | Lyda, W. | Passilly, Nicolas | Froehly, Luc | Bargiel, Sylwester | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Perrin, Stéphane | Lullin, Justine | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Metrology of micro-optical components quality using direct measurement of 3D Intensity Point Spread Function
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014 / Bruxelles, Belgique (Volume 9132, 2014, Pages pages 913216 (1-8) )
Perrin, Stéphane | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Froehly, Luc | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Arrays of millimeter-sized glass lenses for miniature inspection system
SPIE Photonics Europe 2014, Micro-optics Conference. Published in SPIE Proceedings Vol. 9130 : Micro-Optics 2014 / Brussels, Belgium (Volume 9130, 2014, Pages pages 91300U)
Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Perrin, Stéphane | Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Gorecki, Christophe - misc - Arrays of millimeter-sized glass lenses for miniature inspection systems
(apr 2014)
Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Perrin, Stéphane | Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Gorecki, Christophe - article - Wafer-level fabrication of micro Cube-typed beam-splitters by saw-dicing of glass substrates
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (Volume 26, Issue (1), jan 2014, Pages :100 - 103)
Baranski, Maciej | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Herth, Etienne | Gorecki, Christophe | Chenping, Jia | Frömel, Jörg | Wiemer, Maik - inproceedings - Multi-wafer Bonding, Stacking and Interconnecting of Integrated 3-D MEMS Micro Scanners
(Publisher : Fraunhofer, Volume 9, Issue 1, 2014, Pages pages 128 - 133)
Wiemer, Maik | Wuensh, D. | Fromel, Jörg | Gessner, Thomas | Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe
2013 (2)
- inproceedings - Wafer-level fabricated micro beamsplitter based on 45-degree saw dicing of glass substrate
17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems / Barcelona, Spain (2013, Pages pages 534 - 537)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Herth, Etienne | Gorecki, Christophe | Jia, C. | Fromel, Jörg | Wiemer, Maik - inproceedings - 3D micro-optical lens scanner made by multi-wafer bonding technology
/ San Francisco, California, USA (Volume 8616, 2013, Pages pages 861605 (10))
Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Wiemer, Maik | Jia, C. | Fromel, Jörg
2012 (7)
- inproceedings - Vertical integration technologies for optical transmissive 3-D microscanner based on glass microlenses
26th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers, EUROSENSOR 2012 / Krakow, Poland (Volume 47, 2012, Pages pages 1133 - 1136)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Jia, C. | Baranski, Maciej | Frömel, Jörg | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Wiemer, Maik - article - Vertical Integration Technologies for Optical Transmissive 3-D Microscanner based on Glass Microlenses
Procedia Engineering (Volume 47, sep 2012, Pages :1133 – 1136)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Jia, Minping | Baranski, Maciej | Frömel, Jörg | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Wiemer, Maik - inproceedings - Micromachined array-type Mirau interferometer for MEMS metrology
SPIE 8494, Interferometry XVI: Applications / San Diego, CA, United States (Volume 8494, 2012, Pages pages 849403)
Gorecki, Christophe | Bargiel, Sylwester | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Passilly, Nicolas | Kujawińska, Malgorzata | Zeitner, U.D. - article - Microsystèmes et microcomposants pour l’instrumentation optique sur puce
Photoniques (Volume 60, aug 2012, Pages :33 - 37)
Passilly, Nicolas | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Bonding and contacting of vertically integrated 3-D microscanners
IWLPC - 9th Annual International Wafer-Level Packaging Conference and Tabletop Exhibition / San Jose, CA (2012)
Wiemer, Maik | Fromel, Jörg | Jia, C. | Bargiel, Sylwester | Baranski, Maciej | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - A hierarchic bonding procedure for the assembly of micro confocal microscope
/ Tokyo, Japan (2012, Pages pages 187 - 189)
Jia, C. | Fromel, Jörg | Gessner, Thomas | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Baranski, Maciej | Gorecki, Christophe - unpublished - Vertical integration technologies for optical transmissive 3-D microscanner based on glass microlenses ( 2012)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Jia, C. | Baranski, Maciej | Fromel, Jörg | Passilly, Nicolas | Gorecki, Christophe | Wiemer, Maik
2011 (5)
- article - Micromachined array-type Mirau interferometer for parallel inspection of MEMS
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Volume 21, Issue (6), jun 2011, Pages :065005 (10))
Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Passilly, Nicolas | Dannberg, P. | Stumpf, M. | Zeitner, U.D. | Rousselot, Christophe | Gastinger, Kay | Gorecki, Christophe - inproceedings - Micromachined array-type Mirau interferometer for MEMS metrology
/ Beijing, China (2011, Pages pages 546 - 549)
Gorecki, Christophe | Bargiel, Sylwester | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Passilly, Nicolas | Rousselot, Christophe | Zeitner, U.D. | Gastinger, Kay - inproceedings - Technology platform for hybrid integration of MOEMS on reconfigurable silicon micro-optical table
Proc. of Eurosensor XXIV Conference / Linz, Austria (Publisher : Elsevier, Volume 5, 2011, Pages pages 428 - 431)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Clevy, Cédric | Gorecki, Christophe | Lutz, Philippe | Mascaro, Jean-Philippe - inproceedings - Electrostatically driven optical Z-axis scanner with thermally bonded glass microlens
/ Linz, Austria (Publisher : Elsevier, Volume 5, 2011, Pages pages 762 - 765)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Verdot, Thierry | Laszczyk, Karolina Urszula | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | El Fissi, Lamia - inproceedings - Modular and Reconfigurable 3D Micro-Optical Benches : Concept, Validation and Characterization
International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, MSEC'11. / Corvallis, Oregon, United States (Volume sur CD ROM, 2011, Pages pages 1-7)
Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Clevy, Cédric | Bargiel, Sylwester | Mascaro, Jean-Philippe | Lutz, Philippe | Gorecki, Christophe
2010 (9)
- article - A two directional electrostatic comb-drive X–Y micro-stage for MOEMS applications
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical (Volume 163, Issue (1), sep 2010, Pages :255 - 265)
Laszczyk, Karolina Urszula | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Krezel, Jerzy | Dziuban, Piotr | Kujawińska, Malgorzata | Callet, Damien | Frank, Sven - inproceedings - Technology platform for hybrid integration of MOEMS on reconfigurable silicon micro-optical table
Eurosensor XXIV Conference / Linz, Autriche (Publisher : Elsevier, Volume 5, 2010, Pages pages 428-431)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Mascaro, Jean-Philippe | Clevy, Cédric | Gorecki, Christophe | Lutz, Philippe - inproceedings - Electrostatically driven optical Z-axis scanner with thermally bonded glass microlens
Eurosensor XXIV Conference / Linz, Austria (Publisher : Elsevier, Volume 5, 2010, Pages pages 762 – 765)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Verdot, Thierry | Laszczyk, Karolina Urszula | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | El Fissi, Lamia - unpublished - Electrostatically driven optical Z-axis scanner with thermally bonded glass microlens (sep 2010)
Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Laszczyk, Karolina Urszula | Verdot, Thierry | Albero Silvestre, Jorge | El Fissi, Lamia - article - Towards micro-assembly of hybrid MOEMS components on reconfigurable silicon free-space micro-optical bench
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (Volume 20, Issue (4), apr 2010, Pages :045012 (12pages))
Bargiel, Sylwester | Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Clevy, Cédric | Gorecki, Christophe | Lutz, Philippe - inproceedings - Integrated glass lenses fabrication for parallel interferometric inspection systems of MEMS and MOEMS
Micro-Optics 2010 / Brussels, Belgium (Publisher : SPIE, Volume 7716, 2010, Pages pages 771621)
Albero Silvestre, Jorge | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Gastinger, Kay - inproceedings - Simulation and in-plane movement characterization of 2D MEMS platform
Optical Micro- and Nanometrology III / Brussels, Belgium (Publisher : SPIE, Volume 7718, 2010, Pages pages 77180H)
Krezel, Jerzy | Laszczyk, Karolina Urszula | Bargiel, Sylwester | Gorecki, Christophe | Kujawińska, Malgorzata | Parriaux, Olivier | Tonchev, Svetlen - inproceedings - Next-generation test equipment for micro-production
Optical Micro- and Nanometrology III (Publisher : SPIE, Volume 7718, 2010, Pages pages 77180F)
Gastinger, Kay | Johnsen, Lars | Kujawińska, Malgorzata | Jozwik, Michal | Zeitner, U.D. | Dannberg, P. | Bargiel, Sylwester | Schaeffel, Christoph | Beer, Stephan | Moosburger, Rudolf | Lambelet, Patick - inproceedings - Assembly of 3D reconfigurable hybrid MOEMS through microrobotic approach.
Frontiers of Assembly and Manufacturing - Selected papers from ISAM 2009 / Seoul, Korea (Publisher : Springer, 2010, Pages pages 99 - 112)
Rabenorosoa, Kanty | Bargiel, Sylwester | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Gorecki, Christophe