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Aude Bolopion

Publications de Aude Bolopion

2024 (5)

2023 (5)

2022 (6)

2021 (6)

  • article - Laser Actuated Microgripper Using Optimized Chevron-Shaped Actuator
    Micromachines (Volume 12, Issue (12), nov 2021, Pages :1487)
    Ahmad, Belal | Chambon, Hugo | Tissier, Pierre | Bolopion, Aude
  • inproceedings - Laser Actuated Microgripper for Micro-manipulation Applications
    2021 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2021) / Besançon, France (2021)
    Ahmad, Belal | Chambon, Hugo | Tissier, Pierre | Gauthier, Michaël | Laurent, Guillaume | Bolopion, Aude
  • article - Effect of insoluble surfactants on a thermocapillary flow
    Physics of Fluids (Volume 33, Issue (7), jul 2021, Pages :72106)
    Pinan Basualdo, Franco Nicolas | Terrazas, Ronald | Scheid, Benoit | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël | Lambert, Pierre
  • article - Enhancing Swimming and Pumping Performance of Helical Swimmers at Low Reynolds Numbers
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 6, Issue (4), jul 2021, Pages :6860 - 6867)
    Quispe, Johan | Bolopion, Aude | Renaud, Pierre | Regnier, Stéphane
  • article - Mobile Microrobots for In Vitro Biomedical Applications: A Survey
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics (Volume 1, jun 2021, Pages :1 - 18)
    Ahmad, Belal | Gauthier, Michaël | Laurent, Guillaume | Bolopion, Aude
  • article - A microrobotic platform actuated by thermocapillary flows for manipulation at the air-water interface
    Science Robotics (Volume 6, Issue (52), mar 2021, Pages :1 - 7)
    Pinan Basualdo, Franco Nicolas | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël | Lambert, Pierre

2020 (4)

  • incollection - Encyclopedia of Robotics
    Micro-Nano-manipulation (nov 2020, Pages 1 - 9)
    Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Positional dependence of particles and cells in microfluidic electrical impedance flow cytometry: origin, challenges and opportunities
    Lab on a Chip (Volume 20, sep 2020, Pages :3665 - 3689)
    Daguerre, Hugo | Solsona, Miguel | Cottet, J. | Gauthier, Michaël | Renaud, Philippe | Bolopion, Aude
  • phdthesis - Microrobotique par actionnement sans contact
    (jul 2020)
    Bolopion, Aude
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - A Manipulability Criterion for Magnetic Actuation of Miniature Swimmers With Flexible Flagellum
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 5, Issue (3), jun 2020, Pages :4891 - 4898)
    Begey, Jeremy | Etievant, Maxime | Quispe, Johan | Bolopion, Aude | Vedrines, Marc | Abadie, Joël | Regnier, Stéphane | Andreff, Nicolas | Renaud, Pierre

2019 (4)

  • article - Electrorotation of arbitrarily shaped micro-objects: modeling and experiments
    IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Volume 1, dec 2019, Pages :10)
    Michalek, Thomas | Bolopion, Aude | Zdenek, Hurak | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Control-oriented model of dielectrophoresis and electrorotation for arbitrarily shaped objects
    Physical Review E (Volume 99, Issue (5), may 2019, Pages :1 - 10)
    Michalek, Thomas | Bolopion, Aude | Zdenek, Hurak | Gauthier, Michaël
  • inproceedings - An Improved Control-Oriented Modeling of the Magnetic Field
    2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2019) / Montréal, Canada (2019, Pages pages 6178 - 6184)
    Etievant, Maxime | Bolopion, Aude | Regnier, Stéphane | Andreff, Nicolas
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Thermocapillary micromanipulation: force characterization and Cheerios interactions
    Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics (Volume 15, Issue (1), apr 2019, Pages :13 - 22)
    Terrazas, Ronald | De Maeijer, Adrien | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël | Kinnaert, Michel | Lambert, Pierre

2018 (5)

  • inproceedings - Comparison of dynamic models for non-contact micromanipulation based on dielectrophoretic actuation.
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018) / Madrid, Spain (2018, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Gauthier, Vladimir | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Capillary Dipoles: Towards Thermocapillary Micromanipulation of Multiple Particles Floating at the Free Surface
    International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2018) / Nagoya, Japan (2018, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Terrazas, Ronald | De Maeijer, Adrien | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël | Kinnaert, Michel | Lambert, Pierre
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Closed-loop particle motion control using laser-induced thermocapillary convective flows at the fluid/gas interface at micrometric scale
    IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Volume 23, Issue (4), jun 2018, Pages :1543 - 1554)
    Terrazas, Ronald | Bolopion, Aude | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Lambert, Pierre | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Thermocapillary Convective Flows Generated by Laser Points or Patterns: Comparison for the Non-Contact Micromanipulation of Particles at the Interface
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 3, Issue (4), jun 2018, Pages :3255 - 3262)
    Piron, Dimitri | Terrazas, Ronald | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Impedance-based real-time position sensor for lab-on-a-chip devices
    Lab on a Chip (Volume 18, feb 2018, Pages :818 - 831)
    Brazey, Benoit | Cottet, J. | Bolopion, Aude | Van Lintel, H. | Renaud, Philippe | Gauthier, Michaël

2017 (7)

  • article - Fast, repeatable and precise magnetic actuation in ambient environments at the micrometer scale
    Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics (Volume 13, Issue (1 - 4), oct 2017, Pages :55 - 66)
    Bolopion, Aude | Bouchebout, Soukeyna | Regnier, Stéphane
  • inproceedings - 1D manipulation of a micrometer size particle actuated via thermocapillary convective flows
    IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2017) / Vancouveur, Canada (2017, Pages pages 1 - 6)
    Terrazas, Ronald | Bolopion, Aude | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Lambert, Pierre | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Analytical Formulation of the Electric Field Induced by Electrode Arrays: Towards Automated Dielectrophoretic Cell Sorting
    Micromachines (Volume 8, Issue (253), aug 2017, Pages :1 - 16)
    Gauthier, Vladimir | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Closed loop control of a magnetic particle at the air/liquid interface
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Volume 14, Issue (3), jul 2017, Pages :1387 - 1399)
    Dkhil, Mohamed | Kharboutly, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Régnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Laser-induced thermocapillary convective flows: A new approach for non-contact actuation at microscale at the fluid/gas interface
    IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Volume 22, Issue (2), apr 2017, Pages :693 - 704)
    Terrazas, Ronald | Bolopion, Aude | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Lambert, Pierre | Gauthier, Michaël
  • article - Optimizing the speed of single infrared-laser-induced thermocapillary flows micromanipulation by using design of experiments
    Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics (Volume 12, Issue (1 - 4), jan 2017, Pages :65 - 72)
    Muñoz, Elvin | Quispe, Johan | Lambert, Pierre | Bolopion, Aude | Terrazas, Ronald | Régnier, Stéphane | Vela, Emir
  • article - Analysis of the influence of inertia for non-contact micromanipulation
    Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics (Volume 13, jan 2017, Pages :1 - 12)
    Dkhil, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Regnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël

2016 (1)

  • inproceedings - Modeling and 1D Control of a non Contact Magnetic Actuation Platform at the Air/Liquid Interface for Micrometer Scale Applications
    MARSS 2016 International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales (MARSS 2016) / Paris, France (2016, Pages pages 1 - 6 )
    Dkhil, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Régnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2014 (4)

  • inproceedings - Modeling and experiments of high speed magnetic micromanipulation at the air/liquid interface
    IEEE RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014) / Chicago, IL, United States (2014, Pages pages 4649 - 4655)
    Dkhil, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Régnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Optimization of the size of a magnetic microrobot for high throughput handling of micro-objects.
    IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM'14) / Besançon - France (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 372 - 377)
    Dkhil, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Régnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Position control of a ferromagnetic micro-particle in a dry environment.
    13th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2014) / Besançon, France (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 1-6)
    Bouchebout, Soukeyna | Bolopion, Aude | Gauthier, Michaël | Régnier, Stéphane
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Stability and Transparency Analysis of a Teleoperation Chain For Microscale Interaction.
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA'14) / Hong Kong (CHINE) (Publisher : IEEE, 2014, Pages pages 5946-5951)
    Ousaid, A. Mohand | Bolopion, Aude | Haliyo, Sinan | Régnier, Stéphane | Hayward, V.
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2013 (3)

  • inproceedings - Simulation and Experiments on Magnetic MicroForces for Magnetic MicroRobots Applications.
    The Third International Conference on Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale, 3M-NANO 2013. (2013, Pages pages 1-6)
    Wang, Lefeng | Dkhil, Mohamed | Bolopion, Aude | Rougeot, Patrick | Régnier, Stéphane | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - A Review of Haptic Feedback Teleoperation Systems for Micromanipulation and Microassembly
    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (Volume 10, Issue (3), jul 2013, Pages :496 - 502)
    Bolopion, Aude | Régnier, Stéphane
  • incollection - Haptic feedback in teleoperation in Micro-and Nano-Worlds.
    Reviews of Human Factors and Ergonomics. (Publisher : SAGE, Editor : David B. Kaber, Volume 9, Issue 1, Edition : SAGE, Chapter 2, 2013, Pages 57-93)
    Bolopion, Aude | Millet, Guillaume | Pacoret, Cécile | Régnier, Stéphane
    pdf | bibtex

2012 (8)

  • article - Asynchronous Event-based visual shape tracking for stable haptic feedback in Microrobotics
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics (Volume 28, Issue (5), oct 2012, Pages :1081 - 1089)
    Ni, Zhenjiang | Bolopion, Aude | Agnus, Joel | Benosman, Ryad | Régnier, Stéphane
  • article - Asynchronous event-based visual shape tracking for stable haptic feedback in microrobotics
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics (Volume 28, Issue (1), oct 2012, Pages :1081 - 1089)
    Ni, Zhenjiang | Bolopion, Aude | Agnus, Joel | Benosman, Ryad | Régnier, Stéphane
  • inproceedings - haptic teleoperation for 3D microassembly of spherical objects
    (Volume 17, Issue 1, 2012, Pages pages 116 - 127)
    Bolopion, Aude | Xie, H. | Haliyo, Sinan | Régnier, Stéphane
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - An overview of multiple DoF magnetic actuated micro-robots.
    Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics (Volume 7, Issue (4), Nov 2012, Pages :97-113)
    Bouchebout, Soukeyna | Bolopion, Aude | Abrahamians, Jean-Ochin | Régnier, Stéphane
  • article - Vision-based haptic feedback for remote micromanipulation in-SEM environment.
    International Journal of Optomechatronics (Volume 6, Issue (3), 2012, Pages :236-252)
    Bolopion, Aude | Dahmen, Christian | Stolle, Christian | Haliyo, Sinan | Régnier, Stéphane | Fatikow, Sergej
  • inproceedings - Stable haptic feedback based on a Dynamic Vision Sensor for Microrobotics
    Intelligent Robots and Systems / Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal (Volume sur CD ROM, 2012, Pages pages 3203-3208)
    Bolopion, Aude | Ni, Zhenjiang | Agnus, Joel | Benosman, Ryad | Régnier, Stéphane
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Design and first experiments on MagPieR, the magnetic microrobot.
    Symposium on OptoMechatronic Technologies. / Paris, France (2012, Pages pages 1-2)
    Bouchebout, Soukeyna | Bolopion, Aude | Kharboutly, Mohamed | Ivan, Ioan Alexandru | Agnus, Joel | Régnier, Stéphane
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - 2D robotic control of a planar dielectrophoresis-based system.
    Manipulation, Manufacturing and Measurement on the Nanoscale. / Xi'an, Chine (Volume sur CD ROM, 2012, Pages pages 6 pages)
    Kharboutly, Mohamed | Melis, Alexandre | Bolopion, Aude | Chaillet, Nicolas | Gauthier, Michaël
    pdf | bibtex