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Florent Bassignot
Publications de Florent Bassignot
2024 (2)
- article - Efficient photorefractive effect triggered by pyroelectricity in magnesium doped LiNbO3 films
Optics Letters (Volume 49, Issue (8), dec 2024, Pages :89 - 92)
Perin, Anton | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu - inproceedings - Study of ppLN crystals for sum frequency generation of CW laser demonstrating 20 nm tunability in the visible range from 616 to 636 nm, through temperature tuning
EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference (2024) / VILNIUS, Lithuania (Volume 307, 2024, Pages pages 2)
RU, Ruizhe | Santarelli, Giorgio | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | hilico, adele
2022 (2)
- article - Demonstrating quantum properties of triple photons generated by χ3 processes
The European Physical Journal D (Volume -, oct 2022, Pages :21)
Bencheikh, Kamel | F. B. CENNI, Marina | OUDOT, Enky | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | compte prades, joel | Vernay, Augustin | BERTRAND, Julien | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bussières, Félix | Zbinden, Hugo | Levenson, Ariel | Boulanger, Benoit - inproceedings - Cristaux non linéaires pour la génération de triplets de photons: du milieu massif au guide d'onde
JNCO-formation Cristaux, Micro-nano-structures et Dispositifs pour l’Optique (JNCO-formation 2022) / NICE, France (2022, Pages pages 2)
Bencheikh, Kamel | OUDOT, Enky | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | Vernay, Augustin | BERTRAND, Julien | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bussières, Félix | Zbinden, Hugo | Levenson, Ariel | Boulanger, Benoit
2021 (11)
- inproceedings - Step-index LiNbO3 waveguides for frequency conversion
2021 The First International Symposium on Lithium Niobate Optoelectronics (ISLNO 2021) / Shanghai, China (2021)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Pêcheur, Vincent | Porte, Henri | Hauden, Jérôme | Bassignot, Florent - inproceedings - Third-Harmonic Generation at 1594 nm in a KTP Ridge Optical Waveguide
Advanced Solid State Physics (2021) / Toronto, Canada (2021, Pages pages 1-2)
Vernay, Augustin | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | Jegouso, David | Debray, Jérôme | Pairis, Sébastien | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Boulanger, Benoit - inproceedings - Ridge optical waveguide curved in a KTiOPO4 single crystal for triple photon generation: preliminary characterization by birefringence phase-matched third-harmonic generation
European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2021) / Dijon, France (2021, Pages pages 1)
Vernay, Augustin | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bencheikh, Kamel | Levenson, Ariel | Bussières, Félix | Zbinden, Hugo | Boulanger, Benoit - article - Highly Coupled and Low Frequency Vibrational Energy Harvester Using Lithium Niobate on Silicon
Applied Physics Letters (Volume 119, jul 2021, Pages :013904 (12))
Clementi, Giacomo | Ouhabaz, Merieme | Margueron, Samuel | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Belharet, Djaffar | Dulmet, Bernard | Bartasyte, Ausrine - article - Birefringence phase-matched direct third-harmonic generation in a ridge optical waveguide based on a KTiOPO4 single crystal
Optics Express (Volume 29, Issue (14), jul 2021, Pages :22266-22274)
Vernay, Augustin | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | Jegouso, David | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Boulanger, Benoit - inproceedings - Plateforme électro-optique à faible biréfringence : développement et caractérisation par tomographie optique de cohérence
Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
Behague, Florent | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Coste, Antoine | Godet, Adrien | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège - inproceedings - Techniques génériques de microfabrications de structures photoniques
Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Bassignot, Florent | Safioui, Jassem | Salut, Roland | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège - inproceedings - Guides ridges multimodes en LiNbO3 non dopé pour la génération de second harmonique haute puissance
Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Pêcheur, Vincent | Porte, Henri | Hauden, Jérôme | Bassignot, Florent | Deroh, Moïse - inproceedings - High Performance Lithium Niobate Energy Harvesters
Online 10èmes Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage de l'Energie (JNRSE 2021) / Grenoble, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
Clementi, Giacomo | Ouhabaz, Merieme | Margueron, Samuel | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Belharet, Djaffar | Dulmet, Bernard | Bartasyte, Ausrine - article - Watt-level SHG in undoped high step-index PPLN ridge waveguides
OSA Continuum (Volume 4, Issue (5), apr 2021, Pages :1404 - 1414)
Pêcheur, Vincent | Porte, Henri | Hauden, Jérôme | Bassignot, Florent | Deroh, Moïse | Chauvet, Mathieu - article - Influence of the input-stage architecture on the in-laboratory test of a mid-infrared interferometer: application to the ALOHA up-conversion interferometer in the L band
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Volume 501, Issue (1), feb 2021, Pages :531 - 540)
Magri, Julie | Lehmann, Lucien | Grossard, Ludovic | Delage, Laurent | Reynaud, François | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Krawczyk, Rodolphe | Le Duigou, Jean-Michel
2020 (1)
- inproceedings - Triple photons
50th Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2020) / Snowbird, United States (2020, Pages pages )
Vernay, Augustin | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bencheikh, Kamel | Levenson, Ariel | Bussières, Félix | Zbinden, Hugo | Boulanger, Benoit
2019 (4)
- article - Single photon MIR upconversion detector at room temperature with a PPLN ridge waveguide
Optics Express (Volume 27, Issue (17), jul 2019, Pages :19233 - 19241)
Lehmann, Lucien | Grossard, Ludovic | Delage, Laurent | Reynaud, François | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent - article - Quantum holography with biphotons of high Schmidt number
Physical Review A (Volume 99, Issue (3), mar 2019, Pages :033854 (7))
Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Bassignot, Florent | Lantz, Eric - inproceedings - Second harmonic generation in periodically poled LiNbO3 ridge waveguides at high CW power
2019 FRench-Israel Symposium on Non-Linear & Quantum Optics (FRISNO 2019) / Aussois, France (2019)
Pêcheur, Vincent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent - article - Towards a mid-infrared L band up-conversion interferometer: first on-sky sensitivity test on a single arm
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (Volume 485, Issue (3), jan 2019, Pages :3595 - 3599)
Lehmann, Lucien | Grossard, Ludovic | Delage, Laurent | Reynaud, François | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Martinache, Frantz | Morand, Frédéric
2018 (8)
- incollection - Emerging Waveguide Technology
Lithium Niobate Optical Waveguides and Microwaveguides (Editor : IntechOpen, Volume 8, nov 2018, Pages 153 - 174)
Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Caspar, Alexis | Ulliac, Gwenn | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Suarez, Miguel Angel - inproceedings - A flux grown KTP crystal ridge optical waveguide for birefringence phase-matched second-harmonic generation
Advanced Solid State Lasers (ASSL 2018) / Boston, Massachusetts , United States (Issue paper ATh4A.6, 2018, Pages pages ATh4A.6)
Vernay, Augustin | Boutou, Véronique | Félix, Corinne | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Lupinski, Dominique | Boulanger, Benoit - inproceedings - Low-loss BSO photonic waveguides
The Optical Society - OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio / LS 2018) / Washington DC, United States (Issue 3014254 , 2018, Pages pages 1-2)
Behague, Florent | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Caspar, Alexis | Calero Vila, Venancio | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège - inproceedings - Quantum coincidence holography
Quantum Technology International Conference ( 2018) / Paris, France (2018, Pages pages )
Lantz, Eric | Mosset, Alexis | Bassignot, Florent | Devaux, Fabrice - inproceedings - A new technique for producing low-loss BSO waveguides
Nanophotonic Materials XV, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2018, San Diego / San Diego, CA, United States (Issue 10720-35, 2018, Pages pages )
Behague, Florent | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Calero Vila, Venancio | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège - inproceedings - Génération de second harmonique dans un guide d’onde de KTiOPO4 taillé en arête
JNCO Optique ( 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018)
Boutou, Véronique | Vernay, Augustin | Félix, Corinne | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Lupinski, Dominique | Boulanger, Benoit - inproceedings - Holographie quantique avec des biphotons intriqués de grande dimensionalité spatiale
JNCO Optique ( 2018) / Toulouse, France (2018, Pages pages 2)
Devaux, Fabrice | Mosset, Alexis | Bassignot, Florent | Lantz, Eric - article - Phase-matched second-harmonic generation in a flux grown KTP crystal ridge optical waveguide
Optics Letters (Volume 43, Issue (15), 2018, Pages :3770-3773)
Boutou, Véronique | Vernay, Augustin | Félix, Corinne | Bassignot, Florent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Lupinski, Dominique | Boulanger, Benoit
2017 (5)
- inproceedings - Triple Photon Generation in Nonlinear Optical Materials
JNCO-formation Cristaux, Micro-nano-structures et Dispositifs pour l’Optique (JNCO-formation 2017) / Paris, France (2017)
Boutou, Véronique | Vernay, Augustin | Félix, Corinne | Segonds, P | Boulanger, Benoit | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bencheikh, Kamel | Levenson, Ariel - inproceedings - Guides optiques accordables électriquement
37ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017) / Limoges, France (2017)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Thoa, Pierrick | Bassignot, Florent - inproceedings - Periodically Poled LiNbO3 transducer on (YXl)/128° cut for RF applications
2017 International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency and Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF 2017) / Besançon, France (2017, Pages pages 214 - 217)
Matic, Alexandre | Bassignot, Florent | Baron, Thomas - inproceedings - Comment l’utilisation de PPLN peut révolutionner l’astronomie moyen infrarouge
37ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2017) / Limoges, France (2017)
Lehmann, Lucien | Szemendera, L. | Grossard, Ludovic | Delage, Laurent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Reynaud, François - article - Voltage-induced waveguides in lithium niobate films on silicon substrates
Optics Letters (Volume 42, Issue (6), mar 2017, Pages :1019-2022)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Thoa, P. | Bassignot, Florent
2016 (4)
- inproceedings - Photo-robotic positioning of quaterwaveplates for integrated optics
European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2016) / Porto, Portugal (Issue T3S04-3, 2016)
Courjal, Nadège | Bettahar, Houari | Caspar, Alexis | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Bassignot, Florent | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar - article - High efficiency frequency doubling in fully diced LiNbO3 ridge waveguides on silicon
Journal of Optics (Volume 18, Issue (8), jul 2016, Pages :085503)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Devaux, Fabrice | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Pêcheur, Vincent | Maillotte, Hervé | Dahman, I. - inproceedings - New Radio-Frequency resonators based on Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate thin film and ridge structures
IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (IFCS 2016) / New Orleans, United States (2016, Pages pages 1 - 4)
Bassignot, Florent | Haye, Grégory | Henrot, Fabien | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Maillotte, Hervé | Ballandras, Sylvain | Courjon, Emilie | Lesage, Jean-Marc - inproceedings - Periodically poled LiNbO3 ridge waveguides on silicon for second harmonic generation
2016 SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE 2016) / Strasbourg, France (Volume 9891, 2016, Pages pages 98910S ())
Chauvet, Mathieu | Henrot, Fabien | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Devaux, Fabrice | Maillotte, Hervé | Bassignot, Florent | Dahmani, Brahim
2015 (9)
- inproceedings - RACE 3 project for micro-photonic applications : Hybrid wafers and ridge waveguides technologies
2015 Micro-Nano-Photonics (MNP 2015) / Besançon, France (2015)
Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Chauvet, Mathieu | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Baron, Thomas | Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - Estimation of temperature dependence of C44 elastic constant in LiTaO3 single crystals
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2015) / Taipei, Taiwan, Province Of China (2015, Pages pages 4)
Gonzalez, Minerva | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Dulmet, Bernard | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Herth, Etienne | Margueron, Samuel | Ballandras, Sylvain | Kajiyama, C. | Bleyl, Ingo | Brice, J.M. - inproceedings - Autofocalisation Rapide Contrôlée par Effet Pyroélectrique dans un Film de LiNbO3
35èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Rennes, France (2015)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Devaux, Fabrice | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Maillotte, Hervé | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - Fast light self-trapping in isolated LiNbO3 slab waveguide by pyroelectric effect
IEEE Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference ( 2015) / Munich, Germany (2015, Pages pages 1-2)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Devaux, Fabrice | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic - inproceedings - Micromachined lithium niobate ridges waveguides for electro-acoustic and electro-optic applications
2015 International Symposium on Integrated (ISAF 2015) / Singapour, Singapore (2015, Pages pages 2)
Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - Hybrid wafers based on a “Silicon/PPLN thin film” stack for optical and Radio-Frequency applications
2015 IEEE International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric, International Symposium on Integrated Functionalities and Piezoelectric Force Microscopy Worshop (ISAF/ISIF/PFM 2015) / Singapour, Malaysia (2015, Pages pages 52 - 55)
Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Chauvet, Mathieu | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Maillotte, Hervé | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - HBAR: High-Q, Low TCF resonators and low phase noise, low-g oscillators
16th EPFL CMi Annual Meeting ( 2015) / Lausanne, Switzerland (2015)
Baron, Thomas | Lebrasseur, Eric | Bassignot, Florent | Hermelin, Damien | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Masson, Jérémy | Chretien, Nicolas | Soumann, Valérie | Martin, Gilles | Combe, Guillaume | Clairet, Alexandre | Dulmet, Bernard | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Laroche, Thierry | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - RACE3 project : Electro-optic, piezoelectric, ferroelectric single-crystal thin films
3nd Strategic Board Meeting of Laboratory of Excellence ACTION (2016) / Besançon, France (2015)
Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Maillotte, Hervé - article - Fast-beam self-trapping in LiNbO 3 films by pyroelectric effect
Optics Letters (Volume 40, Issue (7), apr 2015, Pages :1258 - 1261)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Devaux, Fabrice | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Maillotte, Hervé | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain
2014 (6)
- inproceedings - Low-G Sensitivity of HBAR Oscillator
Proc. of the 2014 EFTF (2014)
Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Bassignot, Florent | Chretien, Nicolas | Reinhardt, Alexandre | Lassagne, Pierre Patrick | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Rabus, David | Chommeloux, Luc | Ballandras, Sylvain - misc - Electro-acoustic transducer with periodic ferroelectric polarization produced on a micromachined vertical structure
(oct 2014)
Ballandras, Sylvain | Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie - inproceedings - Single-crystal thin films on 3 and 4-inch wafers by bonding and thinning techniques
RENATECH Newsletter (2014, Pages pages 2)
Bassignot, Florent | Maillotte, Hervé - inproceedings - Micromachined periodically poled LiNbO3 waveguides on Si substrate for second harmonic generation
6th EPS-QEOD Europhoton conference / Neuchâtel, Switzerland (Issue ThP-T2-P-01, 2014)
Chauvet, Mathieu | Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - Ridge-shaped periodically poled transducer for wide band R-F filter
EFTF 2014 / Neuchatel, Suisse (2014)
Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - High-Q and low TCF HBAR based on LiTaO3 substrate
IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium (2014, Pages pages 504 - 507)
Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Chretien, Nicolas | Petrini, Valérie | Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Rabus, David | Chommeloux, Luc | Ballandras, Sylvain
2013 (4)
- inproceedings - Study of high aspect ratio lithium niobate waveguides fabricated by optical grade dicing for Acoustics and Photonics
Third International Conference on Small Science / Las Vegas, USA (2013)
Ulliac, Gwenn | Guyot, Clément | Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Courjal, Nadège | Ballandras, Sylvain - article - Acoustic resonator based on periodically poled lithium niobate ridge
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 60, Issue (8), aug 2013, Pages :1556 - 1563)
Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjon, Emilie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Baron, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - New microfabrication method to invert micrometric ferroelectric domains on lithium niobate wafers for RF applications
International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectric / Workshop on the Piezoresponse Force Microscopy (ISAF/PFM) - IEEE / Prague, Czech Republic (2013, Pages pages 283 - 286)
Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie | Henrot, Fabien | Baron, Thomas | Ballandras, Sylvain - article - Wideband Lithium Niobate FBAR Filters
International Journal of Microwave Science and Technology (Volume 2013, jan 2013, Pages :ID 459767)
Baron, Thomas | Lebrasseur, Eric | Bassignot, Florent | Wang, Haixia | Ballandras, Sylvain | Catherinot, Lise | Chatras, Matthieu | Estagerie, Laetitia | Monfraix, Philippe
2012 (4)
- inproceedings - Ferroelectric-domain based acoustic resonators built on PPT structures
Second International Conference on Small Science / Orlando, USA (2012)
Ulliac, Gwenn | Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Ballandras, Sylvain - article - Acoustic wave filter based on periodically poled lithium niobate
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (Volume 59, Issue (9), sep 2012, Pages :1942 - 1949)
Courjon, Emilie | Bassignot, Florent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - New acoustic resonator based on a ridge built in a periodically poled ferroelectric material for RF applications
Applications of Ferroelectrics held jointly with 2012 European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics and 2012 International Symp Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials (ISAF/ECAPD/PFM), 2012 Intl Symp / Aveiro (2012, Pages pages 10.1109/ISAF.2012.6297855)
Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjon, Emilie | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Ballandras, Sylvain - article - Acoustic resonator based on periodically poled transducers: Concept and analysis
Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 111, Issue (6), mar 2012, Pages :064106)
Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Petit, R.
2011 (7)
- misc - Process for fabricating supported thin films
(nov 2011)
Baron, Thomas | Bassignot, Florent - inproceedings - Silicon/Periodically Poled Transducer/Silicon resonant devices for the stabilization of RF oscillators
Conference IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) / Orlando, FL (2011, Pages pages 818 - 821)
Bassignot, Florent | Lebrasseur, Eric | Ulliac, Gwenn | Martin, Gilles | Courjon, Emilie | Francois, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lesage, Jean-Marc - inproceedings - Acoustic Wave Filter Based on Periodically Poled Lithium Niobate
Proc. of the IEEE International Joint meeting with the Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics and the Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy & Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials / Vancouver, Canada. (2011, Pages pages 1 - 4)
Courjon, Emilie | Bassignot, Florent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - New acoustic resonator based on periodically poled transducer in lithium niobate or tantalate
International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF/PFM) and 2011 Internatonal Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy and Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials / Vancouver, Canada (2011, Pages pages 1-4)
Bassignot, Florent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjon, Emilie | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lesage, Jean-Marc - inproceedings - A new acoustic resonator concept based on acoustic waveguides using Silicon/Periodically Poled Transducer/Silicon structures for RF applications
5th Joint Conference of the 65th IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium/25th European Frequency and Time Forum / San Francisco, CA, United States (2011, Pages pages 363 - 368)
Bassignot, Florent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Lesage, Jean-Marc | Garcia, Julien | Courjon, Emilie | Francois, Bruno | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - Periodically Poled Transducers on Silicon/Lithium Niobate or Tantalate/Silicon composite substrates for the fabrication of RF devices
Journées Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en micro-nanofabrication 2011 (JNTE 2011) / Evian, France. (2011)
Lebrasseur, Eric | Bassignot, Florent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjon, Emilie | Laroche, Thierry | Garcia, Julien | Daniau, William | Baron, Thomas | Alzuaga, Sébastien | Martin, Gilles | Ballandras, Sylvain - inproceedings - Laterally coupled narrow-band high overtone bulk wave filters using thinned single crystal lithium niobate layers
Frequency Control and the European Frequency and Time Forum (FCS), 2011 Joint Conference of the IEEE International (2011)
Gachon, Dorian | Baron, Thomas | Martin, Gilles | Lebrasseur, Eric | Courjon, Emilie | Bassignot, Florent | Ballandras, Sylvain
2010 (2)
- inproceedings - Fabrication and characterization of acoustic waveguides using Silicon/PPT/Silicon structures and analysis of diffraction effects for various modelings
Frequency Control Symposium (FCS), 2010 IEEE International / Newport Beach, CA (2010, Pages pages 137 - 141)
Bassignot, Florent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Laroche, Thierry | Garcia, Julien | Courjon, Emilie | Ballandras, Sylvain | Lesage, Jean-Marc - inproceedings - Ferroelectric-domain based acoustic waveguides built on Silicon/PPT/Silicon structures
Villa Conference on Complex Oxide Heterostructures / Santorin. (2010)
Ulliac, Gwenn | Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie | Ballandras, Sylvain
2009 (1)
- inproceedings - An acoustic waveguide using doubly-bonded silicon/thinned PPT/silicon structures for RF applications
Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 2009 IEEE International / Rome, Italie (2009, Pages pages 923 - 926)
Bassignot, Florent | Courjon, Emilie | Ulliac, Gwenn | Laroche, Thierry | Garcia, Julien | Queste, Samuel | Romand, Jean-Pierre | Ballandras, Sylvain | Petit, R.