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Nadège Courjal

Publications de Nadège Courjal

2024 (7)

  • misc - Expert Crédit Import Recherche, Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche
    (dec 2024)
    Courjal, Nadège
  • article - Broadband and widely tunable second harmonic generation in suspended thin-film LiNbO3 rib waveguides
    APL Photonics (Volume 9, Issue (10), oct 2024, Pages :9)
    Zinaoui, Aiman | Grosjean, Lucas | De Sousa Lopes Moreira, Arthur | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Queste, Samuel | Robert, Laurent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Chauvet, Mathieu | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Mid-IR (L-band) electro-optic photonics for nulling interferometry
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2024) / yokohama, Japan (2024, Pages pages 10)
    Bonduelle, Myriam | Martin, Guillermo | Garreau, Germain | Defrere, Denis | Courjal, Nadège | Salut, Roland | Robert, Laurent
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Towards a mid-infrared SWIFTS: L-band integrated high resolution spectrometer
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2024) / yokohama, Japan (Volume 13100, 2024, Pages pages 6)
    Bonduelle, Myriam | Martin, Guillermo | Baccar, Salma | MESTRE, Noémie | Morand, Alain | Heras, Victor Arroyo | Vázquez de Aldana, Javier Rodríguez | Romero Vázquez, Carolina | Courjal, Nadège | Salut, Roland | Robert, Laurent
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of fundamental buildings blocks needed for high spectral range integrated optics spectrometry: active phase modulation to increase sampling efficiency in Fourier transform spectrometers
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2024) / yokohama, Japan (Volume 13100, 2024, Pages pages 1)
    Martin, Guillermo | Baccar, Salma | MESTRE, Noémie | Bonduelle, Myriam | Salut, Roland | Courjal, Nadège | Morand, Alain
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - SWIFTS Multiplex : Une approche pour augmenter la bande spectrale d’un lambdamètre en optique guidée dans le proche IR
    Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2024) / Rouen, France (2024, Pages pages 3)
    MESTRE, Noémie | Baccar, Salma | Bonduelle, Myriam | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo | Morand, Alain
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Advanced Microscale Patterning of Strong Second-Order Optical Nonlinearity in Sodo-Niobate Amorphous Thin Films through Imprinting Thermo-Electrical Poling Process
    SPIE Photonics Europe (2024) / Strasbourg, France (Issue PC13004, 2024, Pages pages 1)
    KARAM, Lara | Adamietz, frédéric | Boonsit, Sirawit | Mourgelas, Vasileios | Nedeljkovic, Milos | Courjal, Nadège | Ganapathy Senthil, Murugan | Dussauze, marc
    pdf | doi | bibtex

2023 (2)

2022 (10)

  • article - In-situ phase control of a low-loss membrane-based lithium-niobate polarisation-state modulator
    Optics Continuum (Volume 1, Issue (12), dec 2022, Pages :2513-2520)
    Mwangi, Morris | Behague, Florent | Coste, Antoine | Safioui, Jassem | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Byiringiro, Jean Bosco | Lutz, Philippe | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège
  • article - Low driving voltage lithium niobate metasurface electro-optical modulator operating in free space
    Optics Express (Volume 30, Issue (26), dec 2022, Pages :48103-48111)
    Hoblos, Ayman | Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi
  • article - Optical link as an alternative for MRI receive coils: toward a passive approach
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (Volume 69, nov 2022, Pages :1-7)
    Nobre, Paul | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Sablong, R. | Courjal, Nadège | Behague, Florent | Coste, Antoine | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Duvillaret, L. | Beuf, O.
  • inproceedings - Lithium niobate electrophotonic devices
    13th Meeting on Nanoscience Advances (MNA 2022) / Ile de Porquerolles, France (2022)
    Courjal, Nadège | Hoblos, Ayman | Grosjean, Lucas | Coste, Antoine | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Development of mid-IR waveguides to implement high resolution spectrometers in integrated optics
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022) / yokohama, Japan (Volume 12188, Issue , 2022, Pages pages 121885R )
    Bonduelle, Myriam | Martin, Guillermo | Morand, Alain | Vázquez de Aldana, Javier Rodríguez | Romero Vázquez, Carolina | Courjal, Nadège | Coste, Antoine
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Hybrid electro-optic visible multi-telescope beam combiner for next generation FIRST/SUBARU instruments
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2022) / yokohama, Japan (Volume 12188, Issue 121885Y, 2022, Pages pages 1798-1804)
    Martin, Guillermo | Foin, M. | Phatak, S. | Beldjoudi, M. | Billat, A. | Cassagnettes, C. | Coste, Antoine | Courjal, Nadège | Lallement, M. | Barjot, K. | Cvetojevic, N. | Vievard, S. | Huby, E. | Lacour, S. | Deo, V. | Guyon, O.
  • inproceedings - MR signal conditioning for an electro-optical conversion with a polarization state modulator
    International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2022) / London, England, United Kingdom (2022, Pages pages 1-6)
    Nobre, Paul | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Sablong, R. | Courjal, Nadège | Behague, Florent | Coste, Antoine | Godet, Adrien | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Duvillaret, L. | Beuf, O.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Artificial Neuron Integrated with Lithium Niobate
    SPIE Photonics Europe (2022) / Strasbourg, France (2022)
    Grosjean, Lucas | Hoblos, Ayman | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Artificial Neuron Integrated with Lithium Niobate
    SPIE Photonics Europe (2022) / Strasbourg, France (2022)
    Grosjean, Lucas | Hoblos, Ayman | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • misc - Membre du comité Prix Fabry de Gramont
    ( 2022)
    Courjal, Nadège

2021 (15)

  • inproceedings - Lithium niobate polarization-state-modulator for electromagnetic sensing
    2021 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2021) / Besançon, France (2021)
    Khouri, Martin | Behague, Florent | Coste, Antoine | Godet, Adrien | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Nobre, Paul | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Duvillaret, L. | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Dynamic Photo-Robotic Nanopositioning for Hybrid Photonic Circuits Based-on Self-Sensing tuning Fork
    21th International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT2021 2021) / Besançon, France (2021, Pages pages 1 - 2)
    Mwangi, Morris | Boudaoud, Mokrane | Byiringiro, Jean Bosco | Lutz, Philippe | Courjal, Nadège | Clevy, Cédric
    pdf | bibtex
  • misc - Co-chair : Conférence internationale ISOT 2021
    (nov 2021)
    Courjal, Nadège
  • misc - Membre du comité "Project Evaluation Team" dans le réseau européen Photonhub et responsable de la plateforme MOEMs and hybrid photonic systems
    (oct 2021)
    Courjal, Nadège
  • article - Cost-efficient and high precision method for the assembly of LN-based photonic crystal slabs on the fiber tip for the implementation of E-field sensors
    Optical Materials Express (Volume 11, Issue (7), jul 2021, Pages :2318-2325)
    Robert, Bruno | Calero Vila, Venancio | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Behague, Florent | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Near IR stationary wave Fourier transform lambda meter in lithium niobate: multiplexing and improving optical sampling using spatially shifted nanogroove antenna
    Applied Optics (Volume 60, Issue (19), jul 2021, Pages :D83-D92)
    Bonduelle, Myriam | Heras, Irene | Morand, Alain | Ulliac, Gwenn | Salut, Roland | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo
  • inproceedings - Plateforme électro-optique à faible biréfringence : développement et caractérisation par tomographie optique de cohérence
    Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
    Behague, Florent | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Coste, Antoine | Godet, Adrien | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Capteur de faible champs électrique à base des modes à symétrie protégée
    Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
    Hoblos, Ayman | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Techniques génériques de microfabrications de structures photoniques
    Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
    Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Bassignot, Florent | Safioui, Jassem | Salut, Roland | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Fabrication et usinage des guides en verre de tellurite pour l'optique non-linéaire intégrée
    Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
    Godet, Adrien | Evrard, M. | Desevedavy, F. | Strutynski, C. | Smektala, F. | Beugnot, Jean-Charles | Mosset, Alexis | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - In-situ characterization of electro-optic micro-components
    Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique (2021) / Dijon, France (2021)
    Mwangi, Morris | Salut, Roland | Behague, Florent | Coste, Antoine | Godet, Adrien | Byiringiro, Jean Bosco | Lutz, Philippe | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège
  • misc - Membre du comité d'organisation : Congrès général Optique de la Société Française d'Optique, organisation des sessions industrielles et CDOP
    (jul 2021)
    Courjal, Nadège
  • misc - Membre du comité scientifique du Club Diagnostic Optique et Photonique - SFO (depuis 2018)
    (jul 2021)
    Courjal, Nadège
  • article - Minimally invasive optical sensors for microwave-electric-field exposure measurements
    Journal of Optical Microsystems (Volume 1, Issue (2), apr 2021, Pages :020902-17)
    Behague, Florent | Calero Vila, Venancio | Coste, Antoine | Godet, Adrien | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Duvillaret, L. | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • misc - Membre du technical committee team et Responsable de plateforme européenne TP4 « Micro-Opto-Electro Mechanical Systems (MOEMS) integration » pour le réseau européens ActPhast 4.0 et 4.R (depuis 2019)
    ( 2021)
    Courjal, Nadège

2020 (6)

2019 (8)

  • inproceedings - Excitation of Symmetry-Protected Modes in Photonic Crystals (PhC) for electric field (E-Field) detection applications
    SFNano, C'Nano joint meeting 2019 (2019) / Dijon, France (2019)
    Hoblos, Ayman | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • misc - Co-chair : Conférence internationale EOS Topical Meeting on Integrated Optics
    (nov 2019)
    Courjal, Nadège
  • article - Microsystèmes intégrés en niobate de lithium
    Photoniques (Volume , Issue (98), sep 2019, Pages :34 - 38)
    Courjal, Nadège | Behague, Florent | Pêcheur, Vincent | Chauvet, Mathieu | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Hauden, Jérôme
  • inproceedings - Microcircuits photoniques électro-optiques hybrides 3D
    2019 Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2019) / Paris-Saclay, France (2019, Pages pages 146)
    Courjal, Nadège
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - An ultra wideband-high spatial resolution-compact electric field sensor based on Lab-on-Fiber technology
    Scientific Reports (Volume 9, may 2019, Pages :8058)
    Calero Vila, Venancio | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Baida, Fadi | Caspar, Alexis | Behague, Florent | Courjal, Nadège | Galtier, L. | Gillette, L. | Duvillaret, L. | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Excitation de modes protégés par la symétrie dans des cristaux photoniques pour des applications en détection de champ électrique
    2019 Rencontre thématique du GDR Ondes 2451 : Ondes et Topologie (2019) / Besançon, France (2019)
    Hoblos, Ayman | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • article - Improving the vertical radiation pattern issued from multiple nano-grooves scattering centers acting as antenna for future integrated optics Fourier transform spectrometers in the near IR
    Optics Letters (Volume 44, Issue (3), feb 2019, Pages : 542-545)
    Morand, Alain | Heras, I. | Ulliac, Gwenn | le Coarer, Etienne P. | Benech, Pierre | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo
  • misc - Membre du Comité ANR CES24 Micro-Nanotechnologie pour l’Information et la Communication (2017-2019)
    ( 2019)
    Courjal, Nadège

2018 (17)

  • misc - Award "innovation in optomechatronic research" ISOT 2018
    (nov 2018)
    Courjal, Nadège | Caspar, Alexis | Eustache, Clément | Behague, Florent | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Calero Vila, Venancio | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Photonic microsystem made by dynamic micro-assembly
    2018 The International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (2018) / Cancun, Mexico (Issue 3.3., 2018, Pages pages )
    Courjal, Nadège | Caspar, Alexis | Eustache, Clément | Behague, Florent | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Calero Vila, Venancio | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
    pdf | bibtex
  • incollection - Emerging Waveguide Technology
    Lithium Niobate Optical Waveguides and Microwaveguides (Editor : IntechOpen, Volume 8, nov 2018, Pages 153 - 174)
    Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Caspar, Alexis | Ulliac, Gwenn | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Suarez, Miguel Angel
  • inproceedings - Instrumented NanoTweezer based on Opto-Mechatronic approach
    2018 The International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (2018) / Cancun, Mexico (Issue OW_3.1, 2018, Pages pages )
    Martinez Mozo, Cezar | Clevy, Cédric | Bettahar, Houari | Belharet, Djaffar | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe
  • article - All Integrated Lithium Niobate Standing Wave Fourier Transform Electro-Optic Spectrometer
    Journal of Lightwave Technology (Volume 36, Issue (30), oct 2018, Pages :4900 - 4907)
    Loridat, Jean | Heidmann, Samuel | Thomas, F. | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Morand, Alain | Martin, Guillermo
  • inproceedings - Photonic LiNbO3 microsystem made by dynamic assembly
    Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE ( 2018) / Neuchatel, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages )
    Caspar, Alexis | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Salut, Roland | Behague, Florent | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Low-loss BSO photonic waveguides
    The Optical Society - OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (Fio / LS 2018) / Washington DC, United States (Issue 3014254 , 2018, Pages pages 1-2)
    Behague, Florent | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Caspar, Alexis | Calero Vila, Venancio | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Electric field sensor based on a tunable Fano-resonance with a high quality factor in lithium niobate photonic crystal
    15th international conference of Near-field Optics and Nanophotonics (NFO-15 2018) / UTT, Troyes, France (2018)
    Hoblos, Ayman | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Novel Strategy for High Precision Automated Robotic Positioning based on Fabry-Perot Interferometry Principle
    14th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (2018) / Munich, Germany (2018, Pages pages 1-7)
    Bettahar, Houari | Clevy, Cédric | Behague, Florent | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Towards highly reliable, precise and reproducible fabrication of photonic crystal slabs on lithium niobate
    Journal of Lightwave Technology (Volume 37, Issue (3), aug 2018, Pages :698 - 703)
    Calero Vila, Venancio | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Robert, Laurent | Caspar, Alexis | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - A new technique for producing low-loss BSO waveguides
    Nanophotonic Materials XV, SPIE Optics + Photonics 2018, San Diego / San Diego, CA, United States (Issue 10720-35, 2018, Pages pages )
    Behague, Florent | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Calero Vila, Venancio | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Dynamic micro-assembly of LiNbO3 microresonators with low-loss suspended waveguides
    The Optical Society - OSA Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics ( 2018) / Zurich, Switzerland (2018, Pages pages ITh2J.4 (2))
    Caspar, Alexis | Eustache, Clément | Behague, Florent | Calero Vila, Venancio | Salut, Roland | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Lutz, Philippe | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - A three-telescope active integrated optics interferometric combiner in the L-band for application to high precision interferometry
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2018) / yokohama, Japan (Volume 10701, Issue , 2018, Pages pages 1070119)
    Martin, Guillermo | Heras, I. | Heidmann, Samuel | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Morand, Alain | Benech, Pierre | le Coarer, Etienne P. | Berger, J.P.
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - First results on an electro-optic visible multi-telescope beam combiner for next generation FIRST/SUBARU intruments
    SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation (2018) / yokohama, Japan (Volume 10701, 2018, Pages pages 107012V)
    Martin, Guillermo | Gardillou, F. | Cassagnettes, C. | Barbier, D. | Guyot, Clément | Hauden, Jérôme | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Cvetojevic, N. | Huby, E. | Lacour, S.
  • inproceedings - LiNbO3 integrated microdisk resonator fabricated by optical grade dicing and dynamic robotic positioning
    SPIE Photonics Europe (SPIE 2018) / Strasbourg, France (Issue 106583-15, 2018, Pages pages 1)
    Caspar, Alexis | Behague, Florent | Calero Vila, Venancio | Robert, Bruno | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Lehmann, Olivier | Salut, Roland | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - E-field fiber-tip sensor by exploiting the electro-optic tenability of lithium niobate photonic crystals
    SPIE Photonics West ( 2018) / San Francisco, United States (2018)
    Robert, Bruno | Calero Vila, Venancio | Salut, Roland | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Galtier, L. | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège | Fizaine, Etienne | Faure, Tristan | Behague, Florent | Caspar, Alexis | Duvillaret, L. | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - High-Aspect-Ratio LiNbO3 ridge waveguide with vertical buffer layer and enhanced electro-optical efficiency
    Journal of Lightwave Technology (Volume 36, Issue (13), jan 2018, Pages :2702-2707)
    Caspar, Alexis | Roussey, Matthieu | Hayrinen, Markus | Laukkanen, L. | Pérignon, A. | Behague, Florent | Calero Vila, Venancio | Ulliac, Gwenn | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Kuittinen, M. | Courjal, Nadège

2017 (8)

  • inproceedings - Integrated Optical-Based Position and Force Estimation for the Active Control of Micro and Nano-Robotic Tasks
    2017 International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (ISOT 2021) / Tainan, Taiwan, Province Of China (2017, Pages pages 2)
    Bettahar, Houari | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Mechanical production of thin electro-optical membranes
    43th international conference on micro and nanoengineering (MNE 2017) / Braga, Portugal (Issue OC113, 2017)
    Courjal, Nadège | Behague, Florent | Caspar, Alexis | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Perignon, Anthony | Calero Vila, Venancio | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - High-aspect-ratio Electro-Optical ridge waveguide made by precise dicing and Atomic Layer deposition
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue CE23, 2017)
    Caspar, Alexis | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Calero Vila, Venancio | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Roussey, Matthieu | Hayrinen, Markus | Laukkanen, L. | Honkanen, S. | Kuittinen, M.
  • inproceedings - Optical-Coherence-Tomography characterization of free standing electro-optical micro and nanostructures
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue CE26, 2017)
    Behague, Florent | Caspar, Alexis | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Calero Vila, Venancio | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Electro-optical enhanced Photonic Crystal Fiber tip sensor based on LiNbO3 for E-Field detection
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-IQEC 2017) / Munich, Germany (Issue CK93, 2017)
    Calero Vila, Venancio | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Salut, Roland | Caspar, Alexis | Behague, Florent | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Characterization and control of the electro-optic phase dispersion in lithium niobate modulators for wide spectral band interferometry applications in the mid-infrared
    Applied Optics (Volume 56, Issue (14), may 2017, Pages :4153-4157)
    Heidmann, Samuel | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo
  • article - Photo-Robotic Positioning for Integrated Optics
    IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 2, Issue (1), jan 2017, Pages :217-222)
    Bettahar, Houari | Caspar, Alexis | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe
  • misc - Expert à l’Observatoire des Micro et Nanotechnologies, Matériaux pour l’optique (2011-2017)
    ( 2017)
    Courjal, Nadège

2016 (9)

  • inproceedings - Lithium Niobate micro-nano patterning for Integrated Optics, Photonics and Acoustics
    2nd French-Japanese Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnolgy, satellite event of 29th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference / Kyoto, Japan (2016)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Henrot, Fabien | Caspar, Alexis | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Simple production of membrane-based LiNbO 3 micro-modulators with integrated tapers
    Optics Letters (Volume 41, Issue (21), nov 2016, Pages :5110-5113)
    Courjal, Nadège | Caspar, Alexis | Calero Vila, Venancio | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Guyot, Clément | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Free-standing LiNbO3 micro and nanosystems fabricated by precise dicing
    European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2016) / Porto, Portugal (Issue T1S02-1 , 2016)
    Caspar, Alexis | Calero Vila, Venancio | Ulliac, Gwenn | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Photo-robotic positioning of quaterwaveplates for integrated optics
    European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM 2016) / Porto, Portugal (Issue T3S04-3, 2016)
    Courjal, Nadège | Bettahar, Houari | Caspar, Alexis | Clevy, Cédric | Lutz, Philippe | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Bassignot, Florent | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
    pdf | bibtex
  • misc - Mention spéciale du jury "Micron & Nano d’Or" MICRONORA 2016
    (sep 2016)
    Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Ulliac, Gwenn | Caspar, Alexis | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Behague, Florent | Guyot, Clément | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Henriot, F. | Rauch, Jean-Yves
  • inproceedings - Ridge électro-optique LiNbO3 réalisé par scie circulaire de précision
    36ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2016) / Bordeaux, France (Volume Poster 109, 2016, Pages pages 286-288)
    Caspar, Alexis | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Häyrinen, M. | Roussey, Matthieu | Calero Vila, Venancio | Qiu, Wentao | Kuittinen, M. | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Achromatic modulators and hybrid beam combiners for astrophotonics
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2016) / San Jose, United States (Issue JF2N.3, 2016)
    Martin, Guillermo | Loridat, Jean | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Lacour, Sylvestre
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Usinage du matériau niobate de lithium et Applications en optique intégrée
    15èmes Journées Nano, Micro et Optoélectronique (JNMO 2016) / Les Issambres, France (2016)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Henrot, Fabien | Safioui, Jassem | Caspar, Alexis | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Fano resonance-based highly sensitive, compact temperature sensor on thin film lithium niobate
    Optics Letters (Volume 41, Issue (6), mar 2016, Pages :1106-1109)
    Qiu, Wentao | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Calero Vila, Venancio | Salut, Roland | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar

2015 (17)

  • inproceedings - RACE 3 project for micro-photonic applications : Hybrid wafers and ridge waveguides technologies
    2015 Micro-Nano-Photonics (MNP 2015) / Besançon, France (2015)
    Bassignot, Florent | Henrot, Fabien | Chauvet, Mathieu | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Baron, Thomas | Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Ballandras, Sylvain
  • article - Microrobotic Station for Nano-Optical Component Assembly
    MATEC Web of Conferences (Volume 32, oct 2015, Pages :06002 (3))
    Komati, Bilal | Clevy, Cédric | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Lutz, Philippe
  • inproceedings - Guide d’onde electro-optique à haut facteur de forme sur LiNbO3 réalisée par scie circulaire de précision et atomic layer deposition
    Assemblée Générale du Groupement De Recherche ONDES (GDR Ondes 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Caspar, Alexis | Qiu, Wentao | Calero Vila, Venancio | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Roussey, Matthieu | Häyrinen, M. | Laukkanen, L. | Honkanen, S. | Kuittinen, M.
  • inproceedings - High aspect ratio electro-optic LiNbO3 ridge waveguides made by precise dicing and atomic layer deposition
    2015 Atelier du Collegium international SMYLE ( 2015) / Besancon, France (2015)
    Caspar, Alexis | Qiu, Wentao | Calero Vila, Venancio | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Ulliac, Gwenn | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Roussey, Matthieu | Häyrinen, M. | Laukkanen, L. | Honkanen, S. | Kuittinen, M.
  • misc - Méthode de fabrication d'un guide d'onde optique à structure ridge à faibles pertes de couplage entre le guide d'onde optique à structure ridge et une fibre optique, et guide d'onde optique à structure ridge fabriqué par cette méthode
    Brevet français n° FR 3017216 A1, aug. 2015, brevet international n° n° WO2015/114060 A1 (aug 2015)
    Courjal, Nadège | Gerthoffer, Arnaud | Henrot, Fabien | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Guyot, Clément | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine
  • inproceedings - Etude pédagogique de modulateurs électro-optiques pour l'infrarouge moyen
    35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015)
    Caspar, Alexis | Castadena Angulo, John | Loridat, Jean | Meyer, Rémi | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo | Ulliac, Gwenn
  • inproceedings - Nanostructuration de réseaux électro-optiques LiNbO3 suspendus
    35ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2015) / Rennes, France (2015)
    Caspar, Alexis | Henrot, Fabien | Ulliac, Gwenn | Calero, C. | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Qiu, Wentao | Devaux, Fabrice | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Towards the fabrication of 3D-LiNbO3 nanostructures
    Summer Energy materials and nanotechnology meeting (EMN 2015) / Cancun, Mexico (2015)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Low-loss LiNbO3 tapered-ridge waveguides made by optical-grade dicing
    Optics Express (Volume 23, Issue (11), jun 2015, Pages :13983 - 13990)
    Courjal, Nadège | Devaux, Fabrice | Gerthoffer, Arnaud | Guyot, Clément | Henrot, Fabien | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - On-fibre thin film lithium niobate high Q slow Bloch mode cavity
    Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC) / Munich, Germany (2015)
    Qiu, Wentao | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Xie, Zhihua | Grosjean, Thierry | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Salut, Roland | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - All integrated Lithium Niobate Standing Wave Fourier Transform Spectrometer to improve sampling resolution
    IEEE Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and European Quantum Electronics Conference ( 2015) / Munich, Germany (Issue CK-7.5 TUE, 2015, Pages pages CK-7-5)
    Thomas, Fabrice | Heidmann, Samuel | de Mengin, Mikhael | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Morand, Alain | Benech, Pierre | le Coarer, Etienne P. | Martin, Guillermo
  • inproceedings - Micromachined lithium niobate ridges waveguides for electro-acoustic and electro-optic applications
    2015 International Symposium on Integrated (ISAF 2015) / Singapour, Singapore (2015, Pages pages 2)
    Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ballandras, Sylvain
  • inproceedings - Low loss membrane-based electro-optic photonic waveguides
    2015 Energy materials and nanotechnology (EMN 2015) / Beijing, China (2015)
    Courjal, Nadège | Guyot, Clément | Henrot, Fabien | Ulliac, Gwenn | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Ultra-compact waveguide devices in thin film lithium niobate
    SPIE Photonics West ( 2015) / San Fransisco, United States (Issue 9371-12, 2015)
    Ndao, Abdoulaye | Qiu, Wentao | Xu, Xin | Guyot, Clément | Salut, Roland | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - High-resolution Te and TM near infrared compact spectrometer based on waveguide grating structures
    SPIE Photonics West ( 2015) / San Fransisco, United States (Issue 95160C, 2015)
    Martin, Guillermo | Thomas, Fabrice | Heidmann, Samuel | de Mengin, Mikhael | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Morand, Alain | Benech, Pierre | Kern, Pierre | le Coarer, Etienne P.
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Analysis of ultra-compact waveguide modes in thin film lithium niobate
    Applied Physics B-Lasers and Optics (Volume 118, Issue (2), jan 2015, Pages :261 - 267)
    Qiu, Wentao | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Guyot, Clément | Hameed, Nyha Majeed | Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé | Baida, Fadi
  • misc - Membre (nommé) titulaire du Conseil National des Universités (CNU) section 63 (2011-2015)
    ( 2015)
    Courjal, Nadège

2014 (14)

  • article - Strong reduction of propagation losses in LiNbO3 ridge waveguides
    Optical Materials (Volume 38, dec 2014, Pages :37 - 41)
    Gerthoffer, Arnaud | Guyot, Clément | Qiu, Wentao | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • misc - Method for manufacturing a photonic waveguide and photonic waveguide manufactured by said method
    WO2016097658 A1, US Patent 10,534,132, 2020 (dec 2014)
    Courjal, Nadège | Henrot, Fabien | Guyot, Clément | Fizaine, Etienne
  • article - First Results in Near and Mid IR Lithium Niobate-Based Integrated Optics Interferometer Based on SWIFTS-Lippmann Concept
    Journal of Lightwave Technology (Volume 32, Issue (22), nov 2014, Pages :4338 - 4344 )
    Thomas, F. | Heidmann, Samuel | de Mengin, Mikhael | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Morand, Alain | Benech, Pierre | le Coarer, Etienne P. | Martin, Guillermo
  • article - Unbiased Electro-Optic Waveguide as a Sensitive Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Sensor
    IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (Volume 26, Issue (12), jun 2014, Pages :1266 - 1269)
    Aydé, R. | Gaborit, Gwenaël | Dahdah, Jean | Duvillaret, L. | Courjal, Nadège | Guyot, Clément | Sablong, R. | Perrier, A.L. | Beuf, O.
  • inproceedings - Low-loss LiNbO3 integrated photonic crystals
    / Nice, France. (Issue We4AI1, 2014)
    Courjal, Nadège | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Ulliac, Gwenn | Qiu, Wentao | Baida, Fadi | Henrot, Fabien
  • inproceedings - Lithium Niobate active beam combiners: results of on-chip fringe locking, fringe scanning and high contrast integrated optics interferometry and spectrometry
    Proc. SPIE 9146, Optical and Infrared Interferometry IV / Montréal, Quebec, Canada (Issue 91462I , 2014)
    Martin, Guillermo | Heidmann, Samuel | Thomas, Fabrice | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Morand, Alain | Benech, Pierre | le Coarer, Etienne P.
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Towards the fabrication of 3D LiNbO3 Photonic Crystals
    Laser and Focused Ion Beam technologies for photonics workshop, Co-located with ECIO-MOC / Nice, France (2014)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Ultra small cavity in slot Bragg grating structure and its electro-optic application
    The 11th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal and Structures, PECS XI / Shangai, Chine (2014, Pages pages Poster)
    Qiu, Wentao | Ndao, Abdoulaye | Hameed, Nyha Majeed | Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - First high aspect ratio nanorod photonic crystal on lithium niobate
    16th Photonics North Conference - NONLINEAR.28.05.7 / Montréal, Canada (2014, Pages pages 192)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Qiu, Wentao | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Nanostructure’s fabrication and applications in nano-optics
    Workshop of Nanotechnology / Lebanese University, Lebanon (2014)
    Atie, Elie | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Ndao, Abdoulaye | El Eter, Ali | Grosjean, Thierry | Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Salut, Roland | Chollet, Franck | Baida, Fadi | Tannous, T.
  • article - Electro-optic fringe locking and photometric tuning using a two-stage Mach–Zehnder lithium niobate waveguide for high-contrast mid-infrared interferometry
    Optical Engineering (Volume 53, Issue (3), mar 2014, Pages :034101)
    Martin, Guillermo | Heidmann, Samuel | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Jocou, Laurent | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Integrated LiNbO3 photonic crystals
    Published in SPIE Proceedings : Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XVIII - Photonics West Opto. / San Francisco, California, United States. (Volume 8988, Issue 35, 2014, Pages pages 898810 )
    Courjal, Nadège | Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Gerthoffer, Arnaud | Henrot, Fabien | Qiu, Wentao | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
    doi | bibtex
  • article - Optical characterization of ultra-short Bragg grating on lithium niobate ridge waveguide
    Optics Letters (Volume 39, Issue (2), jan 2014, Pages :371 - 374)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Dahdah, Jean | Qiu, Wentao | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège
  • incollection - Photonic bandgap properties of lithium niobate
    Ferroelectric Crystals for Photonic Applications (Publisher : Springer, Editor : Ferraro, Pietro and Grilli, Simonetta and De Natale, Paolo , Volume 91, Edition : 2nd edition, Series Springer Series in Materials Science, Chapter Part III, jan 2014, Pages 313 - 335)
    Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Dahdah, Jean | Guyot, Clément | Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Ulliac, Gwenn

2013 (7)

  • inproceedings - Study of high aspect ratio lithium niobate waveguides fabricated by optical grade dicing for Acoustics and Photonics
    Third International Conference on Small Science / Las Vegas, USA (2013)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Guyot, Clément | Henrot, Fabien | Bassignot, Florent | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Courjal, Nadège | Ballandras, Sylvain
  • inproceedings - Fabrication and characterization of ultra-short lithium niobate photonic crystals with giant aspect ratios
    6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics MediNano-6 / Lyon, France (Issue p13, 2013)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Dahdah, Jean | Qiu, Wentao | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Fabrication et caractérisation de cristaux photoniques ultra-courts et à hauts facteurs de formes sur niobate de lithium
    Assemblée Générale "Interférences d'Ondes". / Dijon, France. (2013, Pages pages 24-25)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Dahdah, Jean | Qiu, Wentao | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège
  • article - Integrated temperature sensor based on an enhanced pyroelectric photonic crystal
    Optics Express (Volume 21, Issue (14), jul 2013, Pages :16311 - 16318)
    Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Ulliac, Gwenn | Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Collet, Manuel | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Characterization of extremely short LiNbO3 Bragg gratings
    Conférence Paper : Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics / Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA (Issue JT3A, 2013, Pages pages 13)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Gerthoffer, Arnaud | Dahdah, Jean | Sadani, Benattou | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Salut, Roland | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation optique de réseaux de Bragg LinBo3 ultra-courts
    Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Paris, France. (2013, Pages pages A63)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Gerthoffer, Arnaud | Dahdah, Jean | Henrot, Fabien | Sadani, Benattou | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - LiNbO3 micro and nanostructures with giant aspect ratios
    Journée Nationale des Technologies Emergentes. / Evian les Bains, France (Issue Tu2-3, 2013, Pages pages p45)
    Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Henrot, Fabien | Salut, Roland | Sadani, Benattou | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Dahdah, Jean | Duvillaret, L. | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège

2012 (13)

  • article - Lithium niobate photonic crystal wire cavity: Realization of a compact electro-optically tunable filter
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 101, Issue (15), oct 2012, Pages :151117-1 - 151117-4)
    Lu, Huihui | Baida, Fadi | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Collet, Manuel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - 6-micron interaction length electro-optic modulation based on lithium niobate photonic crystal cavity
    Optics Express (Volume 20, Issue (19), sep 2012, Pages :20884 - 20893)
    Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Guyot, Clément | Merolla, Jean-Marc | Collet, Manuel | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Fabrication of Bragg gratings on LiNbO3 optical waveguides
    Microelectronic Engineering (Volume 97, sep 2012, Pages :185 - 188)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Lecestre, Aurélie | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Dahdah, Jean | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - LiNbO3 Bragg gratings with giant aspect ratios
    Proceedings of European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2012. / Aberdeen, United Kingdom (Issue TOM3, 2012, Pages pages _6019_015)
    Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi
  • article - Double polarization active Y junctions in the L band, based on Ti:LiNbO3 lithium niobate waveguides: polarization and contrast performances
    Optics Letters (Volume 37, Issue (16), aug 2012, Pages :3318 - 3320)
    Heidmann, Samuel | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo
  • inproceedings - Double polarization active Y-junctions in the mid-IR, based on Ti:diffused lithium niobate waveguides: first results on photonic crystal structures
    Proceeding SPIE of Optical and Infrared Interferometry III Conference / Amsterdam, Netherlands (2012, Pages pages 84453B )
    Heidmann, Samuel | Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo
    doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Analyse interférométrique et tomographique de micro pointes optiques en polymère fabriquées à l'extrémité d'une fibre optique
    32èmes Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Lyon, France (2012)
    Parat, Vincent | Kujawińska, Malgorzata | Dudek, Michal | Courjal, Nadège | Dahmani, Brahim
  • inproceedings - Easy to implement techniques for the fabrication of ultra-smooth LiNbO3 photonic crystals
    PECS-X : 10th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures. / Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA (Issue 124, 2012)
    Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Lu, Huihui | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Sadani, Benattou | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Photonic crystal engineering in free standing waveguide lithium niobate for integrated tunable optical devices
    PECS-X : 10th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures / Santa Fe, New Mexico. (Issue 0073, 2012)
    Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Ulliac, Gwenn | Baida, Fadi | Courjal, Nadège | Guyot, Clément | Collet, Manuel | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - High aspect ratio LiNbO3 photonic crystal : Toward 3D LiNbO3 micro and nano structures
    ECIO 2012 : 16th European Conference on Integrated Optics and technical exhibition / Sitges, Barcelona, Spain (Issue TP24, 2012)
    Courjal, Nadège | Guyot, Clément | Ulliac, Gwenn | Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Fabrication of 3D LiNbO3 photonic crystals
    FIB for Photonics Workshop / Sitges, Barcelone, Spain (2012)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Guyot, Clément | Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Cristaux photoniques LiNbO3 à fort taux d'extinction
    GDR Ondes - Journées thématiques GT2. / Dijon, France. (2012, Pages pages 6)
    Guyot, Clément | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Baida, Fadi
  • article - Enhanced electro-optical lithium niobate photonic crystal wire waveguide on a smart-cut thin film
    Optics Express (Volume 20, Issue (3), jan 2012, Pages :2974 - 2981)
    Lu, Huihui | Sadani, Benattou | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Smith, N. | Stenger, V. | Collet, Manuel | Baida, Fadi | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar

2011 (10)

  • article - Optimization of LiNbO3 photonic crystals: toward 3D LiNbO3 micro-components
    Optics Express (Volume 19, Issue (23), nov 2011, Pages :23008 - 23016)
    Courjal, Nadège | Dahdah, Jean | Ulliac, Gwenn | Sevillano, Pierre | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Cristaux photoniques LiNbO3 sur ridges : vers les microcomposants accordables 3D
    Journée de la Photonique 1ère édition, Universités de Bourgogne/Franche-Comté. / Dijon, France. (2011)
    Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Dahdah, Jean | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Guyot, Clément | Lu, Huihui | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Sadani, Benattou | Baida, Fadi
  • article - Near-field observations of light confinement in a two dimensional lithium niobate photonic crystal cavity
    Journal of Applied Physics (Volume 110, Issue (7), oct 2011, Pages :074318)
    Dahdah, Jean | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Fabrication of Bragg Gratings on LiNbO3 optical waveguides
    Proceedings of 37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE) 2011 - P-PHOT-014. / Berlin, Germany (Volume 97, 2011, Pages pages 185 - 188)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Lecestre, Aurélie | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Sevillano, Pierre | Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - High aspect ratio lithium niobate ridge waveguides fabricated by optical grade dicing
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (Volume 44, Issue (30), aug 2011, Pages :305101)
    Courjal, Nadège | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Ulliac, Gwenn | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Sadani, Benattou | Lu, Huihui | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Ultra-smooth LiNbO3 micro and nano structures for photonic applications
    Microelectronic Engineering (Volume 88, Issue (8), aug 2011, Pages :2417 - 2419)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Queste, Samuel | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Cristaux photoniques LiNbO3 sur ridges à très hauts facteur de forme
    Horizons de l’Optique 11 / Marseille, France (2011, Pages pages 33 - 35)
    Courjal, Nadège | Dahdah, Jean | Sevillano, Pierre | Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Tunable photonic crystals devices in lithium niobate
    Proceedings of International Conference on Micro/Nano Optical Engineering (ICOME 2011) / Changchun, China. (Issue TN256, 2011)
    Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar | Amet, Julien | Barakat, Elsie | Dahdah, Jean | Lu, Huihui | Roussey, Matthieu | Sadani, Benattou | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Active Y-junctions in the mid-IR based on lithium niobate Ti-diffused waveguides: Application to nulling interferometry
    Proceedings IEEE of conference on Lasers & Electro-Optics Europe & 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO-EUROPE/EQEC) / Munich, Germany (2011, Pages pages JSIII2_5 )
    Heidmann, Samuel | Courjal, Nadège | Martin, Guillermo
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Photonic filtering of microwave signals in the frequency range of 0.01-20 GHz using a Fabry-Perot filter
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (Volume 274, Issue (1), feb 2011, Pages :012014)
    Aguayo Rodriguez, Gustavo | Zaldivar-Huerta, I.E. | Garcia-Juarez, A. | Rodriguez-Asomoza, J. | Larger, Laurent | Courjal, Nadège

2010 (18)

  • inproceedings - Filtrage et accordabilite des signaux microondes dans la gamme de fréquences 0,01-20 ghz par des techniques électro-optiques
    29ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010) / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 102-104)
    Aguayo Rodriguez, Gustavo | Zaldivar Huerta, Ignacio Enrique | Larger, Laurent | Courjal, Nadège | Rodriguez-Asomoza, J. | Garcia-Juarez, A.
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Étude et réalisation des cavités photoniques sur niobate de lithium
    Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010). / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 201 - 203)
    Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège | Ulliac, Gwenn | Baida, Fadi
    pdf | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Nanostructuration of lithium niobate substrates for sensing applications
    Proceedings of European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2010 / Paris, France. (Issue 3, 2010, Pages pages 3464)
    Courjal, Nadège | Dahdah, Jean | Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Caractérisation de modulateurs d'intensité électro-optiques
    Rencontres pédagogiques, Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010). / Besançon, France (2010)
    Courjal, Nadège | Chauvet, Mathieu | Hernandez, B. | Lacourt, Pierre-Ambroise
  • inproceedings - Nouvelles techniques de micro et nano fabrication sur niobate de lithium pour des applications photoniques
    29ème Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010) / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 61-63)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Queste, Samuel | Courjal, Nadège
  • inproceedings - Conception, fabrication de micro-composants optiques intégrés en Master
    Rencontres pédagogiques, Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG) / Besançon, France (2010)
    Courjal, Nadège | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Chollet, Franck
  • inproceedings - Etude des fibres pour le biomédical
    Rencontres Pédagogiques, Journées Nationales d’Optique Guidée (JNOG 2010). / Besançon, France (2010, Pages pages 1)
    Courjal, Nadège | Mousalli, H. | Boyer, Philippe | Butterlin-Fillon, Nadia
  • inproceedings - Ultra-smooth LiNbO3 micro and nano structures for photonic applications
    Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Engineering (MNE) 2010 / Gênes, Italie. (Volume 88, Issue 8, 2010, Pages pages 2417 - 2419)
    Ulliac, Gwenn | Edouard Guichardaz, Blandine | Rauch, Jean-Yves | Queste, Samuel | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Courjal, Nadège
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Experimental and numerical study of lithium niobate photonic crystal cavities - Application for gas sensing
    Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-IX) 2010 / Grenade, Espagne (2010, Pages pages 114)
    Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - An acousto-optical LiNbO3 photonic crystal
    Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-IX) 2010. / Grenade, Espagne. (2010, Pages pages 294)
    Courjal, Nadège | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Ulliac, Gwenn | Gaiffe, Olivier | Dahdah, Jean | Baida, Fadi | Laude, Vincent
  • inproceedings - Microwave photonic filter tuning by varying the optical link length
    Proceedings of the 53rd IEEE International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) 2010 / Seattle, Washington, United States (2010, Pages pages 457 - 460)
    Aguayo Rodriguez, Gustavo | Zaldivar-Huerta, I.E. | Garcia-Juarez, A. | Rodriguez-Asomoza, J. | Larger, Laurent | Courjal, Nadège
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • inproceedings - Lithium niobate photonic crystal cavity for chemical detection
    Proceedings of the 4th Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Material and Application (ICOOPMA). / Budapest, Hungary (Issue A0026, 2010, Pages pages 62)
    Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Advanced devices based on Lithium Niobate photonic / phononic crystals
    Workshop on nanotechnology for electronics and photonics / Limoges, France (2010)
    Courjal, Nadège | Maillotte, Hervé
  • inproceedings - Lithium niobate photonic crystal cavity for chemical detection
    GDR Ondes GT2, Micro,nano-structures et dispositifs de l’optique aux micro-onde. / Lille, France (2010, Pages pages 9)
    Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Micro-Modulateurs acousto-optiques sur niobate de lithium
    GDR Ondes GT2, Micro,nano-structures et dispositifs de l’optique aux micro-ondes. / Lille, France (2010)
    Courjal, Nadège | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Ulliac, Gwenn | Gaiffe, Olivier | Laude, Vincent
  • article - Acousto-optically tunable lithium niobate photonic crystal
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 96, Issue (13), mar 2010, Pages :131103)
    Courjal, Nadège | Benchabane-Gaiffe, Sarah | Dahdah, Jean | Ulliac, Gwenn | Gruson, Yannick | Laude, Vincent
  • article - Analysis of a photonic crystal cavity based on absorbent layer for sensing applications
    Journal of the Optical Society of America B (JOSA B) (Volume 27, Issue (2), feb 2010, Pages :305 - 310)
    Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi
  • inproceedings - Cavités photoniques en niobate de lithium : Etude théorique et expérimentale en transmission et en réflexion
    GDR ondes-GT2, Groupe thématique " Micro, nano-structures et dispositifs de l'optique aux micro-ondes". / Lille, France (2010)
    Dahdah, Jean | Courjal, Nadège | Baida, Fadi