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Ning Liu
Publications de Ning Liu
2024 (2)
- inproceedings - Energy-based modeling and robust position control of a dielectric elastomer cardiac assist device
2024 IFAC/IEEE CSS Workshop on Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations CPDE and XI Workshop Control of Distributed Parameter Systems (2024) / Besançon, France (Volume 58, Issue 6, 2024, Pages pages 25 - 30)
Hammoud, Amal | Liu, Ning | Le Gorrec, Yann | Civet, Yoan | Perriard, Yves - article - Reduced order in domain control of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems via energy shaping
Automatica (Volume 161, jan 2024, Pages :1 - 14)
Liu, Ning | Wu, Yongxin | Le Gorrec, Yann | Lefevre, Laurent | Ramirez Estay, Héctor
2022 (4)
- incollection - Advances in Distributed Parameter Systems
Energy shaping control of 1D Distributed Parameter Systems (Editor : , Issue 14, apr 2022, Pages 3 - 26)
Le Gorrec, Yann | Ramirez Estay, Héctor | Wu, Yongxin | Liu, Ning | Macchelli, Alessandro - incollection - Advances in Distributed Parameter Systems
Energy Shaping Control of 1D Distributed Parameter Systems (Editor : , Volume 14, apr 2022, Pages 3 - 26)
Le Gorrec, Yann | Ramirez Estay, Héctor | Wu, Yongxin | Liu, Ning | Macchelli, Alessandro - article - Control-oriented modeling and analysis of tubular dielectric elastomer actuators dedicated to cardiac assist devices
IEEE Robotics and automation letters (Volume 7, Issue (2), feb 2022, Pages :4361 - 4367)
Liu, Ning | Martinez, Thomas | Walter, Armando | Civet, Yoan | Perriard, Yves - article - Energy-Based Modeling and Hamiltonian LQG Control of a Flexible Beam Actuated by IPMC Actuators
IEEE Access (Volume 10, jan 2022, Pages :12153 - 12163)
Zhou, Weijun | Liu, Ning | Wu, Yongxin | Ramirez Estay, Héctor | Le Gorrec, Yann
2021 (2)
- inproceedings - In-domain finite dimensional control of distributed parameter port-Hamiltonian systems via energy shaping
2021 SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (SIAMMS 2021) / Las Vegas, United States (2021, Pages pages 70 - 77)
Liu, Ning | Wu, Yongxin | Le Gorrec, Yann | Lefevre, Laurent | Ramirez Estay, Héctor - article - Energy-Based Modeling of Ionic Polymer–Metal Composite Actuators Dedicated to the Control of Flexible Structures
IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (Volume 26, Issue (6), jan 2021, Pages :3139 - 3150)
Liu, Ning | Wu, Yongxin | Le Gorrec, Yann
2020 (2)
- phdthesis - Port-Hamiltonian modeling and distributed control of flexible structures: application to bio-medical endoscopes with electro-active polymer actuators
(dec 2020)
Liu, Ning - article - Structure-preserving discretization and control of a two-dimensional vibro-acoustic tube
Journal of mathematical control and information (Volume 19, nov 2020, Pages :394- 404)
Liu, Ning | Wu, Yongxin | Le Gorrec, Yann | Ramirez Estay, Héctor | Lefèvre, Laurent
2019 (1)
- inproceedings - Constrained Port Hamiltonian Formulation of Multiscale Distributed Parameter IPMC Systems
8th Symposium on Mechatronic Systems (IFAC 2019) / Viennes, Austria (Volume 52, Issue 15, 2019, Pages pages 495 - 500)
Liu, Ning | Wu, Yongxin | Le Gorrec, Yann