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Djaffar Belharet

Publications de Djaffar Belharet

2024 (1)

2023 (2)

2022 (1)

2021 (5)

  • inproceedings - Stabilized Pt Interdigitated Electrodes for High- Temperature SAW Sensors
    IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS 2021) / Xi'an, China (2021, Pages pages 4)
    De Sousa Lopes Moreira, Arthur | Bartasyte, Ausrine | Belharet, Djaffar | Soumann, Valérie | Margueron, Samuel | Broenner, Andreas
    pdf | doi | bibtex
  • article - Highly Coupled and Low Frequency Vibrational Energy Harvester Using Lithium Niobate on Silicon
    Applied Physics Letters (Volume 119, jul 2021, Pages :013904 (12))
    Clementi, Giacomo | Ouhabaz, Merieme | Margueron, Samuel | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Belharet, Djaffar | Dulmet, Bernard | Bartasyte, Ausrine
  • inproceedings - Etude des propriétés du graphene transféré sur LiNbO3
    2021 Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée (JNOG 2021) / Dijon, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Costanza, Mario | Margueron, Samuel | Belharet, Djaffar | Robert, Laurent | De Sousa Lopes Moreira, Arthur | Bartasyte, Ausrine
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  • inproceedings - High Performance Lithium Niobate Energy Harvesters
    Online 10èmes Journées Nationales sur la Récupération et le Stockage de l'Energie (JNRSE 2021) / Grenoble, France (2021, Pages pages 2)
    Clementi, Giacomo | Ouhabaz, Merieme | Margueron, Samuel | Suarez, Miguel Angel | Bassignot, Florent | Gauthier-Manuel, Ludovic | Belharet, Djaffar | Dulmet, Bernard | Bartasyte, Ausrine
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  • article - Screening of spherical moulds manufactured isotropically in plasma etching conditions
    Contributions to Plasma Physics (Volume 61, Issue (7), apr 2021, Pages :e202100023 (8))
    Herth, Etienne | Belharet, Djaffar | Edmond, Samson | Bouville, David | Robert, Laurent | Lardet-Vieudrin, Franck

2019 (3)

  • inproceedings - New method of monitoring the intrinsic strain during electrochemical deposition process using rosette gauge
    45th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering (MNE 2019) / Rhodes, Greece (2019)
    Belharet, Djaffar | Gabrion, Xavier | Courtot, Anthony | Robert, Laurent | Queste, Samuel | Ulliac, Gwenn
  • article - Bloch surface waves at the telecommunication wavelength with lithium niobate as the top layer for integrated optics
    Applied Optics (Volume 58, Issue (7), mar 2019, Pages :1757 - 1762)
    Kovalevich, Tatiana | Belharet, Djaffar | Robert, Laurent | Ulliac, Gwenn | Kim, Myun-Sik | Herzig, Hans Peter | Grosjean, Thierry | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • article - Fast ultra-deep silicon cavities: Toward isotropically etched spherical silicon molds using an ICP-DRIE
    Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B (Volume 37, Issue (2), feb 2019, Pages :021206 (10))
    Herth, Etienne | Baranski, Maciej | Belharet, Djaffar | Edmond, Samson | Bouville, David | Calvet, Laurie E. | Gorecki, Christophe

2018 (3)

  • inproceedings - Instrumented NanoTweezer based on Opto-Mechatronic approach
    2018 The International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology (2018) / Cancun, Mexico (Issue OW_3.1, 2018, Pages pages )
    Martinez Mozo, Cezar | Clevy, Cédric | Bettahar, Houari | Belharet, Djaffar | Courjal, Nadège | Lutz, Philippe
  • inproceedings - Deep reactive Ion Etching of Nb2O5/SiO2 multilayer structures for multispectral imaging devices
    44th International conference on Micro and Nanoengineering (MNE 2018) / Copenhagen, Denmark (2018)
    Belharet, Djaffar | Lumeau, Julien | Robert, Laurent | Moreau, Antonin | Raschetti, Marina
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Development and Characterization of Thinned PZT Bulk Technology Based Actuators Devoted to a 6-DOF Micropositioning Platform
    Microelectronic Engineering (Volume 97, may 2018, Pages :53 - 60)
    Benouhiba, Amine | Belharet, Djaffar | Bienaime, Alex | Chalvet, Vincent | Rakotondrabe, Micky | Clevy, Cédric

2017 (3)

  • inproceedings - Towards complex structured multilayer optical elements
    2017 Journees Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en Micronanofabrication (JNTE 2017) / Orléans, France (2017)
    Moreau, Antonin | Belharet, Djaffar | Robert, Laurent | Lumeau, Julien
    pdf | bibtex
  • article - Experimental evidence of Bloch surface waves on photonic crystals with thin-film LiNbO3 as a top layer
    Photonics Research (Volume 5, Issue (6), oct 2017, Pages :649-653)
    Kovalevich, Tatiana | Belharet, Djaffar | Robert, Laurent | Kim, Myun-Sik | Herzig, Hans Peter | Grosjean, Thierry | Bernal-Artajona, Maria-Pilar
  • inproceedings - Direct Process flow fabrication for piezoelectric actuators based on thinned PZT technology
    43th international conference on micro and nanoengineering (MNE 2017) / Braga, Portugal (2017)
    Belharet, Djaffar | Benouhiba, Amine | Rakotondrabe, Micky | Clevy, Cédric

2016 (1)

  • inproceedings - Biodevice Optimization based on Piezoresistive Sensor Dedicated to Monitoring the Culture of Fibroblast Collagen Lattices
    Symposium on Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP 2016) / Budapest, Hungary (2016, Pages pages 4)
    Yusifli, Elmar | Gharbi, Tijani | Yahiaoui, Reda | Herth, Etienne | Belharet, Djaffar | Addouche, Mahmoud
    doi | bibtex

2015 (2)

  • inproceedings - Bio-device of cultured fibroblast collagen lattices
    2015 Journees Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en Micronanofabrication (JNTE 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Yusifli, Elmar | Herth, Etienne | Yahiaoui, Reda | Belharet, Djaffar | Gharbi, Tijani
  • inproceedings - Deep reactive ion etching process for PZT actuators
    2015 Journees Nationales sur les Technologies Emergentes en Micronanofabrication (JNTE 2015) / Lyon, France (2015)
    Belharet, Djaffar | Chalvet, Vincent | Clevy, Cédric | Rakotondrabe, Micky | Robert, Laurent
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