The institute FEMTO's events You are hereHomeENERGIE Belfort : Leidy Y. GARCIA : "Global green hydrogen production: a perspective from economic viability" SeminarENERGIE Belfort : Leidy Y. GARCIA : "Global green hydrogen production: a perspective from economic viability"Wednesday 20 March - 10.00 A.M.UTBM - Belfort Passed events Catégorie - Any -Assemblée généraleColloqueColloquiumColloquyConférenceCongrèsDefense research habilitationEcole d'automneEcole d'étéEcole de printempsEvènement grand publicEventExpositionFormationForumGDRInaugurationIntern seminarInternational summer schoolJournée d'etudeJournée RencontreJournée scientifiqueJournée Scientifique et TechniqueJournées d'EtéJournées techniquesPhD DefenseRetour sur ...SalonSéminaireSéminaire annuelSéminaire InterneSeminarSoutenance HDRSoutenance ThèseSpring SchoolSummer schoolSur invitationSymposiumTechnical daysTrainingWorkshop Appliquer PhD Defense / 13 July 2020 / Salle Transfert 1Hasnaa MELIANI : "Functionalisation of turning tools by surface microstructuring"Read more PhD Defense / 10 July 2020 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGAsma CHARGUI : "Investigation of the elastic and thermal properties of nanostructured films"Read more PhD Defense / 08 July 2020 / IUT BelfortGaby BOU TAYEH : " Towards Smart Firefighting Using the Internet of Things and Machine Learning"Read more PhD Defense / 15 June 2020 / Salle Transfert 1Amine Benouhiba : "Origami-based active structures for tunable Helmholtz resonators and soft robotics"Read more PhD Defense / 12 March 2020 to 24 March 2020 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGClaude Humbert : "Coupling of a FPGA digital filter with a QCM resonator for mass detection using mode localization"Read more PhD Defense / 12 March 2020 to 24 March 2020 / ENSMM_26 rue de l'EpitapheMohamed Cheikh BARICK : "Identification of the viscoelastic-viscoplastic properties of materials by instrumented nanoindentation"Read more Technical days / 11 March 2020 to 12 March 2020 / FC-LAB - 13 rue Thierry Mieg - 90010 Belfort Electrotechnical days of the EEA clubRead more PhD Defense / 17 February 2020 to 22 February 2020 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGAnthony ALMIRALL : "Thin Film Integration in Silicon Technologies for High Frequency RF and Ultra Wideband RF Filtering Applications LiNbO3"Read more PhD Defense / 14 January 2020 to 27 January 2020 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGRémi MEYER : "Contrôle du dépôt d'énergie par laser femtoseconde dans les diélectriques par faisceaux de Bessel"Read more PhD Defense / 20 December 2019 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGFrançois SCHOTT "Contribution to robust and fiabilist optimization Application to the design of acoustic radio-frequency filters"Read more Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 … suivant › dernier » ...