The institute FEMTO's events You are hereHomeENERGY - Alexandro GARCES-RUIZ :"Stability Analysis for Continuous Control-Set Model Predictive Control for AC and DC Converters" SeminarENERGY - Alexandro GARCES-RUIZ :"Stability Analysis for Continuous Control-Set Model Predictive Control for AC and DC Converters"Friday 14 June - 2.00 P.M.UTBM - Belfort Passed events Catégorie - Any -Assemblée généraleColloqueColloquiumColloquyConférenceCongrèsDefense research habilitationEcole d'automneEcole d'étéEcole de printempsEvènement grand publicEventExpositionFormationForumGDRInaugurationIntern seminarInternational summer schoolJournée d'etudeJournée RencontreJournée scientifiqueJournée Scientifique et TechniqueJournées d'EtéJournées techniquesPhD DefenseRetour sur ...SalonSéminaireSéminaire annuelSéminaire InterneSeminarSoutenance HDRSoutenance ThèseSpring SchoolSummer schoolSur invitationSymposiumTechnical daysTrainingWorkshop Appliquer PhD Defense / 12 December 2018 / IUT Belfort-MontbéliardSerge Moulin " Providing data analysis to solve specific problems in bioinformatics"Read more PhD Defense / 11 December 2018 / ENSMM_26 rue de l'EpitapheEtienne VAILLANT "Contribution to the measurement of the sound of MEMS resonators"Read more PhD Defense / 07 December 2018 / ENSMM_26 rue de l'EpitapheJérémy BON "Volume acoustic wave resonators trapped at very low temperatures:..."Read more PhD Defense / 06 December 2018 / UFR ST - Salles des ActesKarla BRESCHI "Optimization of communication in heterogeneous wireless sensor networks" Read more PhD Defense / 04 December 2018 / IUT BelfortAnthony TANNOURI "Using Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks for 3D..."Read more PhD Defense / 03 December 2018 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGMarianne SAGNARD « Design and development of surface elacstic wave components...Read more PhD Defense / 03 December 2018 / IUT Belfort - Amphi Bâtiment AChristian SALIM : "Data Reduction based energy-efficient approaches for secure..."Read more PhD Defense / 30 November 2018 / Tampere University of Technology ( Finland)Caroline AMIOT : "Novel Supercontinuum Sensing and Imaging Techniques in the Infrared"Read more PhD Defense / 30 November 2018 / UFR ST - Salles des ActesLucas LEAO "Optimization of communication in multi-sink wireless sensor networks"Read more PhD Defense / 30 November 2018 / IUT BelfortCarol HABIB : Energy-efficient Data Collection and Fusion in Wireless Body Sensor Networks……Read more Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 suivant › dernier » ...