The institute
FEMTO's events

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PhD Defense

Laurent LUCIEN : Contribution to a global modeling of collaboration in multi-agent systems…

November 9th 2018 at 10h
UFR Sciences et Techniques

Passed events

  • Seminar / 02 April 2024 / Salle de réunion DMA

    CANCELLED //DMA - Nicolas AUFFRAY : "Harmonic Decomposition of Tensors: Application to the Mechanics of Architectured Materials

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  • PhD Defense / 29 March 2024 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ Gagnepain

    Marc PRUDHOMME : "Acoustofluidic sensor with functionalized bubbles for the detection of bioanalytes"

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  • Seminar / 27 March 2024 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ Gagnepain

    MN2S : Alexandre HAMADEH - Spin excitations for microwave generation and information processing

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  • PhD Defense / 26 March 2024 / Amphithéâtre B - UFR STGI Montbéliard

    Wissam ALJURDI : "Towards New Generation Recommendation Systems thanks to Data Quality Generic"

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  • Seminar / 22 March 2024 / Plateforme Hyrogène Energie_Belfort

    ENERGIE Belfort : Attila Peter HUSAR & Christina MIKKELSEN - Joint seminar

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  • Seminar / 20 March 2024 / UTBM - Belfort

    ENERGIE Belfort : Leidy Y. GARCIA : "Global green hydrogen production: a perspective from economic viability"

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  • Defense research habilitation / 20 March 2024 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amhi Emilie du Chatelet

    Abdendi MOHAND OUSAID:"Contribution to the topological optimization of micro-mechatronic and micro-robotic systems"

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  • Seminar / 19 March 2024 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ Gagnepain

    MN2S - Yannick SEIS : "Ground state cooling of an ultracoherent electromechanical system"

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  • Seminar / 15 March 2024 / Salle F050 - Plateforme Hydrogène Energie- Bât F - Belfort

    ENERGIE Belfort : Daifei ZHANG "Next-Generation Power Conversion for a Sustainable and Net-Zero Society: From Topology Research to System Integration"

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  • Seminar / 14 March 2024 / Online

    DMA - Arnaud Lazarus : " Exploiting periodicity in the dynamic stability of systems with time-varying Properties"

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