The institute FEMTO's events You are hereHomeMohamad EL SAYAH : "Random Generation for the Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms" PhD DefenseMohamad EL SAYAH : "Random Generation for the Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms"Wednesday 20 November 2019 - 2h00 PMAmp Passed events Catégorie - Any -Assemblée généraleColloqueColloquiumColloquyConférenceCongrèsDefense research habilitationEcole d'automneEcole d'étéEcole de printempsEvènement grand publicEventExpositionFormationForumGDRInaugurationIntern seminarInternational summer schoolJournée d'etudeJournée RencontreJournée scientifiqueJournée Scientifique et TechniqueJournées d'EtéJournées techniquesPhD DefenseRetour sur ...SalonSéminaireSéminaire annuelSéminaire InterneSeminarSoutenance HDRSoutenance ThèseSpring SchoolSummer schoolSur invitationSymposiumTechnical daysTrainingWorkshop Appliquer PhD Defense / 15 November 2023 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amphi Jules HaagChibundo NWAFOR : "Contribution to the Miniaturization of Continuum Robots by Using Glass"Read more PhD Defense / 09 November 2023 / IUT Nord Franche-Comté MontbéliardJad BASSIL : " Distributed clustering and self-reconfiguration for programmable material based on modular robots"Read more Defense research habilitation / 24 October 2023 / IUT NFC - BelfortAli Khadum IDREES : "Energy-efficient Machine Learning Approaches For IoT Data Transmission and Healthcare Monitoring Applications"Read more PhD Defense / 18 October 2023 / Salle E107 - UTBM 13 rue Mieg - BelfortRomain TABUSSE : "Acceleration and characterization of aging for the study of electric vehicle batteries in their first life"Read more PhD Defense / 09 October 2023 / ENS de LyonRedouane ELGHAZI : "Theoretical bounds for scheduling problems and their application to asymptotic analysis and energy consumption minimization"Read more PhD Defense / 26 September 2023 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ GagnepainHussein ALBAZZAL : A posteriori error analysis for some problems related to fuel cell simulations"Read more PhD Defense / 18 September 2023 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ GagnepainQuentin GARDAVAUD : "Contribution to the study of the influence of pressure parameters on elastomers subjected to rapid hydrogen decompression"Read more Seminar / 12 July 2023 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amphi Jules HaagSeminar Sébastien Garcia : "Intracavity Rydberg superatom for optical quantum engineering"Read more PhD Defense / 11 July 2023 / OnlineLianchao WANG : "Mechanical Properties of 3D Auxetic Metamaterials"Read more Workshop / 10 July 2023 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amphi Jules HaagMini-workshop on the dynamical modelling of conversations Read more Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … suivant › dernier » ...