The institute FEMTO's events You are hereHomeZhiguang HUA : "Lifespan Prediction of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System" PhD DefenseZhiguang HUA : "Lifespan Prediction of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell System"Wednesday 8 December 2021 - 2.00 P.MFC-LAB - 13 rue Thierry Mieg - 90010 Belfort Passed events Catégorie - Any -Assemblée généraleColloqueColloquiumColloquyConférenceCongrèsDefense research habilitationEcole d'automneEcole d'étéEcole de printempsEvènement grand publicEventExpositionFormationForumGDRInaugurationIntern seminarInternational summer schoolJournée d'etudeJournée RencontreJournée scientifiqueJournée Scientifique et TechniqueJournée Scientifique et TechnologiqueJournées d'EtéJournées Scientifiques et TechnologiquesJournées techniquesPhD DefenseRetour sur ...SalonSéminaireSéminaire annuelSéminaire InterneSeminarSoutenance HDRSoutenance ThèseSpring SchoolSummer schoolSur invitationSymposiumTechnical daysTrainingWorkshop Appliquer PhD Defense / 24 November 2023 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amphi Jules HaagClément CARLÉ :Microwave atomic clock with improved microcell technology and pulsed interrogation regimeRead more PhD Defense / 15 November 2023 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amphi Jules HaagChibundo NWAFOR : "Contribution to the Miniaturization of Continuum Robots by Using Glass"Read more PhD Defense / 09 November 2023 / IUT Nord Franche-Comté MontbéliardJad BASSIL : " Distributed clustering and self-reconfiguration for programmable material based on modular robots"Read more Defense research habilitation / 24 October 2023 / IUT NFC - BelfortAli Khadum IDREES : "Energy-efficient Machine Learning Approaches For IoT Data Transmission and Healthcare Monitoring Applications"Read more PhD Defense / 18 October 2023 / Salle E107 - UTBM 13 rue Mieg - BelfortRomain TABUSSE : "Acceleration and characterization of aging for the study of electric vehicle batteries in their first life"Read more PhD Defense / 09 October 2023 / ENS de LyonRedouane ELGHAZI : "Theoretical bounds for scheduling problems and their application to asymptotic analysis and energy consumption minimization"Read more PhD Defense / 26 September 2023 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ GagnepainHussein ALBAZZAL : A posteriori error analysis for some problems related to fuel cell simulations"Read more PhD Defense / 18 September 2023 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDING - Amphi JJ GagnepainQuentin GARDAVAUD : "Contribution to the study of the influence of pressure parameters on elastomers subjected to rapid hydrogen decompression"Read more Seminar / 12 July 2023 / SUPMICROTECH-ENSMM_26 rue de l'Epitaphe_Amphi Jules HaagSeminar Sébastien Garcia : "Intracavity Rydberg superatom for optical quantum engineering"Read more PhD Defense / 11 July 2023 / OnlineLianchao WANG : "Mechanical Properties of 3D Auxetic Metamaterials"Read more Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … suivant › dernier » ...