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International Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing

After Tokyo in 1977 and then successively Bochum, Ann Arbor, Paris, Prague, Yokohama, Seattle, Sorrento, Edinburgh, Kyoto, Notre Dame, et Göttingen, the International Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing is coming back to France! It will take place in Nice from 1st to 4th July, 2008.

FLUVISU12: for this event, the national community in the "FLUVISU" speciality has decided to organize its national congress FLUVISU12 jointly with ISFV13.

Symposium Chair: Jean Pierre .PRENEL

Symposium Co Chairs: Yannick BAILLY and Jean Claude CHAMPOUSSIN

Secretary: Mrs Isabelle CHRISTEN


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    Abdelkrim Khelif was awarded one of the 2007 bronze medals of the CNRS. According to the official wording, "The bronze medal acknowledges the first years of research of a talented young scientist. This award is an incentive from the CNRS to pursue well engaged and already productive researches."

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