The institute FEMTO's events You are hereHomeMichel Salomon :"On the use of neural networks to solve problems" Defense research habilitationMichel Salomon :"On the use of neural networks to solve problems"October, 26 2018IUT Belfort Passed events Catégorie - Any -Assemblée généraleColloqueColloquiumColloquyConférenceCongrèsDefense research habilitationEcole d'automneEcole d'étéEcole de printempsEvènement grand publicEventExpositionFormationForumGDRInaugurationIntern seminarInternational summer schoolJournée d'etudeJournée RencontreJournée scientifiqueJournée Scientifique et TechniqueJournées d'EtéJournées techniquesPhD DefenseRetour sur ...SalonSéminaireSéminaire annuelSéminaire InterneSeminarSoutenance HDRSoutenance ThèseSpring SchoolSummer schoolSur invitationSymposiumTechnical daysTrainingWorkshop Appliquer PhD Defense / 31 January 2019 / Département des Sciences et Energies Louis NéelCédric DECROCQ : "Aerodynamic study for capability enhancement of artillery ammunition fitted with fins Read more PhD Defense / 19 December 2018 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGAdrien GODET:"Brillouin Spectroscopy of Micro and Optical Silicon Nanowires" Read more PhD Defense / 19 December 2018 / UFR ST - Salles des ActesNicolas DIOT : "Modeling platform based on the multi-agent paradigm for the video game world..."Read more PhD Defense / 18 December 2018 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGVladimir GAUTHIER : "Design and modeling for the control of trajectories in microlfuidic chips : application to cell sorting by dielectrophoresis"Read more PhD Defense / 18 December 2018 / UFR ST - Salles des ActesRejab HAJLAOUI : "Heuristic resolution of routing problem in ad hoc vehicle networksRead more PhD Defense / 18 December 2018 / ENSMM_26 rue de l'EpitapheEmine ZAOUALI : "« Kinetic Energy Harvesters for TPMS Applications..."Read more PhD Defense / 17 December 2018 / Amphi RT2 Département Réseaux et Télécom MontbéliardDermas MOFFO : "Positioning for smart MEMS systems"Read more PhD Defense / 14 December 2018 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGKevin JABOVISTE : "« Experimental characterization and modeling of damping devices for the reduction of mechanical vibration..."Read more PhD Defense / 13 December 2018 / ENSMM_26 rue de l'EpitapheMounir HAMMOUCHE : "Robust and optimal control via interval techniques for microsystem contro"Read more PhD Defense / 12 December 2018 / FEMTO-ST - TEMIS BUILDINGGrégoire COGET "Cs Coherent Population Trapping Atomic Clock with Ramsey Auto-Balanced Polling Protocol""Read more Pages« premier ‹ précédent … 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 suivant › dernier » ...