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Best paper award on BIOSEC 2024
Raniya Ketfi, Zeina Al Masry, and Noureddine Zerhouni have been awarded the Best Paper Prize at the 17th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies
BIOSTEC is a conference that brings together researchers and practitioners from various fields, including engineering, biology, healthcare professionals, and computer science. It focuses on both theoretical advances and applications of information systems, artificial intelligence, signal processing, electronics, and other engineering tools in knowledge areas related to biology and medicine.
Their research explores the potential of non-radiative and non-invasive thermography through smart wearable devices for early breast cancer detection. In their paper titled "Breast Cancer Detection Using Smart Wearable Devices with Thermal Sensors" the authors analyze and synthesize information from six relevant works, carefully selected from 286 papers. The paper delves into the design of wearable devices, data collection methods, and classification techniques, providing a comprehensive guide to the advantages and challenges associated with implementing smart devices for breast cancer detection. This work highlights the promising future and significant benefits these devices offer to enhance early detection, potentially revolutionizing breast cancer prevention.
This recognition underscores the expertise, and significant contributions of our teams in the field of medical devices. The paper innovatively explores smart wearable devices equipped with thermal sensors for early breast cancer detection, representing a significant stride towards accessible and non-invasive healthcare solutions.
Contact : Zeina Al Masri
European Time and Frequency Seminar (EFTS)
The European Frequency an Time Seminar (EFTS) will be held from Monday, August 16 to friday, August 30 2013.
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Two ERC Grants for FEMTO-ST Institute in 2011
Prof John DUDLEY & Dr Yanne CHEMBO from the Optics Depmarment of FEMTO-ST Institute (UMR 6174 CNRS-Université de Franche-Comté) have both received a financial Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) to support the top level scientific excellence of their research projects
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Michel planat makes the Insights News of the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Michel Planat's Insights news article "Quantum computing with Riemann hypothesis" is now available on the journal's website and can be viewed at This news article is based on the recent paper published by the Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.
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Summer school in Microrobotics and Self-assembly for hybrid MEMS
The general context of the summer school concerns the micromanipulation and assembly of such complex microsystems. From the state-of-the-art, integration technologies for heterogeneous microsystems are based on Microrobotics or Self-assembly approaches.
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4M conference 2010
Co-organized by FEMTO-ST, 4 M conference will take place in Oyonnax (France) from November 17th to 19th.
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d-MEMS 2010 – Besançon June 28-29th
FEMTO-ST and LIFC organize the 1 st workshop on design, control & software implementation for distributed MEMS
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Vehicular Power Propulsion Conference - Lille 2010
FEMTO-ST co-organize The 2010 IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC) in Lille
For more informations :
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Conference 'Seizing the Opportunity in Nano-Photonics'
A conference concerning Photonics will take place in FEMTO-ST on Friday 3rd of April at 2pm.
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Best Poster Award: Younes Makoudi@Elecmol08
Younes Makoudi, PhD@FEMTO-ST, won the best poster award during the Elecmol08 international conference in Grenoble on December 12 ( The aim of his work is the adsorption of functional molecules on surfaces which plays a vital role in the emerging field of nanoelectronics.
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The Nanosciences group selected by Omicron for their Result of the Month
Omicron, a private company that manufactures surface tunneling microscopes (STM), has selected a paper of the Nanosciences group that recently appeared in Physical Review Letters as its Result of the Month for October 2008.
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