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Best poster award for work on nanoparticle synthesis using microreactor at Indian Conference

The poster entitled “Gold nanoparticle synthesis at room temperature using microreactor” won the first prize of best poster at the International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology which took place in Gurgaon, India from December 17th to 21st 2007 (Authors: Akanksha Singh², Chantal Khan Malek*, and S. K. Kulkarni²). This poster results from the French-Indian collaboration initiated between FEMTO-ST (*) and the University of Pune (²) and funded under the IFCPAR programme (Project: 3408-1).

Abstract: Chemical synthesis in microreactor is a novel way of conducting chemistry and offers potential advantages in term of continuous flow, lower amount of solvents, faster reactions, minimal waste and better control over reaction as well as possibility of parallelization. The synthesis of gold nanoparticles, a well known reaction in batch format, was performed successfully in aqueous solution at room temperature in a PDMS microreactor. The reaction time in microreactor format was much faster (on the order of 5 min) than the reaction time in a macroscopic reactor (from 30 min to 1 hour). Studies as a function of temperature and reducing agent concentration were conducted.

  • Focus on the european MiMédi project

    On Tuesday 11 June 2019, the teams of the FEMTO-ST Institute and the EFS Bourgogne-Franche-Comté will present, in the presence of representatives of the regional district, an important European research project on regional smart specialisation.  Bringing together 10 industrial and academic partne

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  • Closure of the S3-4AlpClusters project

    The final conference of the S3-4AlpClusters project was held in Venice on the 13th and 14th of March, in attendance of all the partners (including FEMTO-ST), observers, policy makers and members of the European Commission.

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  • The W. G. Cady Prize awarded to Serge GALLIOU at the IEEE IFCS 2019

    This award recognizes Serge Galliou's exceptional and pioneering contributions in the development of cryogenic acoustic resonators with extremely high quality factors (very low mechanical losses) for sensor, oscillator or fundamental physics applications.

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  • Two CNRS bronze medals for FEMTO-ST

    Aude Bolopion (biomedical micro-nano robotics) and Nadia Steiner (fuel cell diagnostics) are awarded with the CNRS 2019 bronze medal for their promising research.

    Each year, the CNRS bronze medals welcome some 40 young scientists whose career start is extremely promising

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  • Best student paper award for Rémi Meyer

    Remi Meyer got the best student presentation award at SPIE-Photonics West conference for his work on ultra-high aspect ratio Bessel beams. Shaping the beam of ultrafast lasers has become now an essential tool for ultra-high intensity laser-matter interaction.

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  • Visit of the CNRS President to FEMTO-ST

    Antoine Petit, CEO of the CNRS, was welcomed on February 11th at FEMTO-ST.


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  • Photo John Dudley

    John Dudley awarded by the international Society of Optics and Photonics (SPIE)

    He obtains  the "SPIE Harold E. Edgerton" Award 2019 for pioneering applications based on ultra-short light pulses in optical fibers.

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  • Award "innovation in optomechatronic research"

    Several members of different scientific departments of FEMTO-ST were rewarded for their joint paper "Photonic microsystem made by dynamic microassembly" at the ISOT conference "19th International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technology" which took place from November 5 to 8 in Cancun

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  • Entrepreneurs-PhD Award : Second place for Vladimir Gauthier at the national level

    Awarded for his « CellSelect project » he proposes a robot capable of improving the precision and speed of cell sorting in the field of innovative therapies.

    His work is the result of research carried out of Biomedical Microrobotics Team of FEMTO-ST Institute.

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  • Jean-Antoine Seon : awarded with the 2nd national PHD prize in robotics

    Jean Antoine was distinguished on November 22th at the CNRS headquarters for his pioneer international work on a micro robotic dextral hand.

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