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Best Poster Award: Younes Makoudi@Elecmol08

Room temperature stable molecules adsorbed on semi-conductors

Younes Makoudi, PhD@FEMTO-ST, won the best poster award during the Elecmol08 international conference in Grenoble on December 12 ( The aim of his work is the adsorption of functional molecules on surfaces which plays a vital role in the emerging field of nanoelectronics.

2D-molecular star on Si(111) 7x7

2D-molecular star on Si(111) 7x7

2D-molecular star on Si(111) 7x7
Image 6x7nm2

Younes investigated the adsorption of pi-conjugated zwitterionic molecules on a Si(111)-7x7 surface. The preservation of the electronic skeleton of the molecules is explained by the role of their negative charge acting as a shield versus the dangling bond of the surface.


[1] Y. Makoudi, M. Arab, F. Palmino, E. Duverger, C. Ramseyer, F. Picaud, F. Chérioux, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 9287-9290.

[2] Y. Makoudi, M. El Garah, F. Palmino, E. Duverger, F. Chérioux, Surf. Sci., 2008, 602, 2719-2723.

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