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d-MEMS 2010 – Besançon June 28-29th
The objective of dMEMS is to bring together researchers and engineers in the fields of microsystems, computer science, networking, control to present, to discuss and to facilitate the exchange of knowledge at the highest scientific and technical level. Inter-disciplinarity experiences that connect these different fields will be greatly appreciated. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:
- Design, implementation and technologies
- Control and distributed algorithms
- Network of distributed sensors and actuators
- Models, simulation, checking, test and validation
- Industrial applications and case studies
Further information :
Room temperature stable molecules adsorbed on semi-conductors
The « nanosciences » group has demonstrated for the first time that conjugated organic molecules can be observed on semi-conducting substrates at room temperature, whether they are isolated or self-organized.
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Best poster award for work on nanoparticle synthesis using microreactor at Indian Conference
The poster entitled “Gold nanoparticle synthesis at room temperature using microreactor” won the first prize of best poster at the International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology which took place in Gurgaon, India from December 17th to 21st 2007.
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Fu-Li Hsiao receives a Best Student Paper Award at IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2007
Fu-Li Hsiao, a PhD candidate shared with the National Central university of Taipei, Taiwan, has received one of the Best Student Paper Awards at IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 2007, held in New York from October 17-31, 2007. The title of his contribution was "Experimental Study of Complete Band Gaps and Waveguiding inside Phononic Crystal Slabs".
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International Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing
The International Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing is coming back to France! It will take place in Nice from 1st to 4th July, 2008.
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Oliver Wright speaking on "Tracking surface phonons on phononic crystals", September 13, 2007
Tracking surface phonons on phononic crystals
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Abdelkrim Khelif is the recipient of a CNRS 2007 bronze medal
Abdelkrim Khelif was awarded one of the 2007 bronze medals of the CNRS. According to the official wording, "The bronze medal acknowledges the first years of research of a talented young scientist. This award is an incentive from the CNRS to pursue well engaged and already productive researches."
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Best Poster Award at ElecMOl’06
A joint report of collaborative work with researchers of the Laboratoire de Physique Moléculaire was awarded a Best Poster Award during the ElecMOl’06 meeting (December 2006, Minatec, Grenoble, FRANCE). The topic of the communication was about "self-assembly & supramolecular architecture".
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